Chapter 1503 Dear

There are trade unions in southern Africa too, but they are fundamentally different from those in the United Kingdom and America, as has been shown many times.

On November 11, Ramsay Macdonald delivered a public speech in the House of Commons, calling on the British government to impose due restrictions on southern Africa to protect local British companies from the influence of southern African companies.

"The Second Boer War cost the Empire a whole £2.2 million, mind you gentlemen, that was £1900 million in 2.2, not £1923 million in 2.2 - but what did the British Empire gain from the Boer War? No Speaking of the gold from the Rand Gold Mine, from 1900 to the present, the total value of the gold we got from southern Africa has not reached 2.2 million pounds. We allowed southern Africa to self-govern, gave loans and assistance to the federal government of southern Africa, and finally got But Southern African business leaving no room for competition - Wake up gentlemen, face the threat we are facing, Southern Africa is displacing the British Empire in the Commonwealth, we cannot turn a blind eye -" Ramsay Mack Donner was impassioned, regardless of what he said was not true, his speech was indeed very provocative.

Ramsay MacDonald's speech was not over yet, and the MPs were arguing, smart MPs disagreed, but most MPs echoed.

These MPs who agree are not stupid. Of course, they also know that the status quo of the British Empire is not only due to the competition from southern Africa, but recently, it is politically correct to target southern Africa, and these MPs are also happy to go along with it.

"Ramsay MacDonald, don't be alarmist. Southern Africa is still part of the Commonwealth and has never been a threat to the British Empire." Winston couldn't help but say something fair for Southern Africa, although attacking Southern Africa is now Politically correct, but Winston is "independent thinking", this personality cannot be lost.

"Winston, I know you have a good relationship with Lord Nyasaland, but don't let your personal feelings affect your judgment. You should face up to the threat of southern Africa to the British Empire. If there is no southern Africa, our The British Empire will not be in such a mess now, we now have to spend [-]% of our fiscal revenue to repay the loans in southern Africa every year—" Ramsay MacDonald's words are still very deceptive, and the members of Congress discussed one after another.

"Yes, we are the suzerain country in southern Africa, but now we have to spend [-]% of our annual income to repay the loan, which is too much—"

"We shouldn't be doing this at all. Isn't it right for southern Africa to feed back the British Empire?"

"It is precisely because of the British Empire that Southern Africa is what it is today. Southern Africans should be grateful—"

It has to be said that British politicians not only have a tradition of throwing blame, but also a tradition of rascals.

If you look at it this way, the Russians deserve it for not paying back the money!
The wicked need the wicked to grind.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, calm down—" Winston got angry a little, and slapped the table loudly: "—we are not mean and shameless Russians, and the value of southern Africa to our British Empire is not only It’s just a loan, think about the World War that just passed, without the help of the Southern African Expeditionary Force, we would not be able to easily defeat the Germans—”

"Oh, it turned out that we defeated the Germans easily—"

"Winston, don't forget that we lost 110 million soldiers to defeat the Germans—"

"How could he forget that he was Prime Minister during the World War—"

Not only did Winston's words not calm down the congressmen, but they aroused cynicism from them.

Don't think that Winston will become a British hero because Winston led Britain to win the World War.

Look at Kitchener, who was "dispatched" to southern Africa right after the end of the world war.

Looking at Clemenceau again, after the world war, he couldn't even become a prime minister.

And Xia Fei and Haig, no matter what, these two have no credit or hard work, but now they are both sidelined, and it is lucky that they are not held accountable.

So Europeans are very "forgetful". Don't look at them talking about "gratitude" all day long. In fact, Europeans are the people who don't understand "gratitude" the most in the world. If you want to help Europeans, Then you must remember that "you don't want to repay your kindness", otherwise you will definitely regret it.

"Winston, I haven't forgotten what Southern Africa did during the World Wars, but that doesn't make Southern Africa superior to us. The World Wars are everyone's wars, including Southern Africa. They are not Instead of helping the British Empire, they are saving themselves." Ramsay MacDonald was triumphant, already invincible on this issue.

"Ramsey, I want to remind you that the cloud of war is not far away. In the future, we will still need the help of southern Africa to face more complicated international situations." Winston now firmly believes that the Second World War is not far away. It will explode in the distant future.

"Hahahaha, Winston, it is impossible for war to break out again. At least our generation does not need to face the threat of war." Ramsay McDonald is very optimistic, which also represents the mainstream thinking in Britain.

It has to be said that in many cases, the truth is indeed in the hands of a few people.

When the "Contract of Versailles" was just signed, French Marshal Foch lamented that the so-called German surrender was nothing more than a 20-year armistice agreement.

Roque and Kitchener also insisted that Germany must not be reconciled to failure, and will provoke war again in the future.

Winston also thinks so. When the countries held a meeting in London to start the "Dawwes Plan", Winston once reminded the representatives of various countries to pay attention to this issue.

Unfortunately, apart from Roque and Winston, no one else took the German threat seriously.

Some people may have noticed this problem, but they are reluctant to admit it. People are more willing to believe that peace has arrived, like Ramsay MacDonald.

"If you think like this, then you will regret it in the future—" Winston was heartbroken. He didn't know what happened to Britain now. He wanted to change the British Empire, but he was powerless.

"Whether I will regret the war in the future, I don't know now. What I am sure of is that if I ignore the threat in southern Africa, then I will not be able to face my conscience!" Ramsay MacDonald said righteously, Wen Nor did Ston know what his conscience was.

After a meeting, Winston was exhausted physically and mentally.

You can’t really blame others, Winston has no friends in the House of Commons, the Conservatives don’t like Winston, the Liberals can’t take care of themselves, the Labor Party sees Winston as the spokesperson for the interests of the aristocracy and southern Africa, although this is true, but This was not consistent with what Winston had envisioned.

"Bastards, a bunch of bastards, that bastard will ruin our country, all of us are sinners—" After returning home, Winston was furious.

Clementina looked at Winston helplessly at the side, and counting the time, Clementina should soon go to the United States for a "vacation" with Winston's bodyguards.

This incident can be regarded as the biggest stain in Winston's life.

However, as the greatest Englishman in history, Winston still forgave Clementina very generously, which is also in line with the national conditions of the United Kingdom. As a member of the upper class in the United Kingdom, who hasn't read lace news yet? The news is too embarrassing to meet people.

"Anything that happens in the House of Commons will be reported back to Southern Africa tonight, and I can't imagine what the South Africans will do once Philip and Locke know about Ramsay MacDonald's speech in the House of Commons— "Winston didn't realize that a big green hat was approaching. He has been under too much pressure recently, and it is still a difficult problem whether he can keep his position as a member of the House of Commons.

"My dear, what does that matter to you? Even if the southern Africans are dissatisfied, they only hate Ramsay McDonald." Clementina didn't care about Ramsay McDonald's speech, To put it bluntly, the threat of Ramsay McDonald was not really taken seriously.

This is also normal. In the UK now, regardless of the rise of Ramsay McDonald and the Labor Party he led to fame, in fact, most people mention Ramsay McDonald and still regard Ramsay McDonald as a Joke, no one thinks Ramsay MacDonald is the future Prime Minister of the UK.

Not to mention the British Prime Minister, many people may not believe that the Labor Party will win a big victory in this election.

They only want to believe what they want to believe.

"No, no, dear, you don't know, this time I went to southern Africa, and the southern Africans have already expressed their dissatisfaction with the local government unabashedly. If the Labor Party comes to power, it will only aggravate the local government and the federal government of southern Africa. At that time, none of us will be able to stay out of the conflict, and the current British Empire can no longer afford to lose southern Africa." Winston is still very sensible, and his time in southern Africa was not fruitless .

"Honey, since they don't need you, why do you do this—" Clementina's eyes showed concern for Winston, the one-night couple Bai Dayen, all the betrayals started from the initial tenderness start.

"I don't care about Ramsay MacDonald or Stanley Baldwin. What I care about is the British Empire. I was born and bred in the British Empire—" Winston froze suddenly in the middle of speaking.

Clementina let out a long sigh, silently picked up the teacup and her eyes dimmed. She didn't notice that Winston was leaning on the table, and his body slowly slipped to the ground.


The sound of her body falling heavily on the ground finally woke up the absent-minded Clementina.

"God, dear, what's the matter with you? Come on—" Clementina panicked.

Just the day before the general election, Winston was hospitalized due to illness.

ps: Brother with 28 monthly tickets, how did you do it?
(End of this chapter)

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