1515 Grim Reaper
Don't regard the National Guard in southern Africa as the people's soldiers. The National Guard entered Bloemfontein to maintain order in Bloemfontein and prevent riots. It has nothing to do with disaster relief.

Of course, if natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes occur, the National Guard and even the National Defense Forces will be involved in disaster relief, let alone influenza. This is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Health, and has nothing to do with the Ministry of Defense.

Of the three capitals in Southern Africa, Bloemfontein is the smallest.

Although the scale is small, there are many management agencies. The city with less than 20 people is divided into six districts. The railway station was just relocated from the city center to the suburbs last year. The airport is under construction and is expected to be completed in June and July next winter. .

Don’t think that 20 people are too few. Bloemfontein in another time and space only had 2011 people in 75. Bloemfontein means “the root of flowers” ​​in Boer. In Sesotho, Bloemfontein means Longfontaine means "place where the cheetah lives".

In the 21st century, Bloemfontein is the city with the highest concentration of white South Africans. It is known as the most livable city in South Africa because of its low crime rate and its ability to provide people with a high-quality life.

Bloemfontein in this time and space, because the Orange State as a whole is free from the federal government of southern Africa and develops slowly. Most of the people living in Bloemfontein are Boers, which is different from other states where the number is growing rapidly. The population of Orange State has not increased but decreased in recent years. When the federal government was established, there were still nearly 80 people in Orange State. Now the total population of Orange State is less than 75.

Although the population is small, there are many things to do. The Boers advocate freedom and do not like restraint. The state government decided to impose a curfew in Bloemfontein, which aroused strong dissatisfaction among the citizens of Bloemfontein.

"I want to go out to buy food. I don't have any food at home now. I don't care about it, but what should I do with my three children?" In a residential area near Kings Park, citizens who want to go out to buy food, and the police on duty A language conflict occurred.

"The information about the curfew has been announced at noon. It has been such a long time from noon to now, it is enough for you to prepare everything and go home immediately. If you must go out, then I will arrest you." It is a ban on nighttime activities, and unless there are special circumstances, you must stay at home.

"I've made it very clear that my kids are starving and I'm just going to the corner food store to buy some food, it'll only take 10 minutes at the most -"

"Please, do me a favor—"

"My child is sick and needs to go to the hospital right away—"

There are more than one residents who want to go out, and they all hope that the police on duty will be accommodating.

"Go home and wait, and I'll call you, call an ambulance for your child—" Sickness is definitely a special case, especially in the current era of influenza, and special cases can still be accommodated.

"What about my baby? My baby will get sick if he doesn't eat—"

"It's too much. Don't you have children in your family? Why can't you think about us?"

The residents were noisy, and many of them didn't even wear masks, not even the most basic protection.

"Shut up! Go home right now, or we'll take you all away—" the police officer was dry and losing patience.

"God, what are we going to do—"

"Bastard, it's so inhuman—"

"Officer No. 330519, I will file a complaint against you!"

The policing system in southern Africa is still very complete. People can complain about the irregular law enforcement of the police. Governments at all levels of the federal government have special agencies to deal with complaints, and the response to complaints is also quite timely.

"Whatever you want, and look clearly, my number is 380518." The police officer is not afraid, because complaints caused by strict law enforcement are not within the scope of acceptance.

The middle-aged man who wanted to complain to the police officer was a British citizen who had just immigrated to southern Africa, and he didn't know much about the police system in southern Africa.

He didn't just talk, he dialed the complaint number after returning home.

"Yes, my name is Robert, and I want to complain about the police officer numbered 380518—" Robert was very angry. The British thought highly of themselves in southern Africa, and he thought southern Africa was a colony of the British Empire.

"Okay, Mr. Robert, please describe in detail what happened—" On the other end of the phone was a policewoman with a sweet voice and a gentle attitude, which made Robert feel very useful.

However, after Robert described the whole story, the policewoman's attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees.

"Sorry Robert, the police officer's disposition is correct. During the curfew, unless there are special circumstances, you must stay at home."

"My child has nothing to eat. Isn't this special enough?" Robert really couldn't understand that thousands of people die in London every winter due to smog, and the London city government has not seen any action.

"Sorry Robert, this is not within the scope of special circumstances. Please prepare more food tomorrow and abide by the relevant regulations of the curfew." The policewoman is about to end the call. Their daily work intensity is also very high. Hundreds of calls.

Don't think that just sitting and answering the phone is a very easy task. Complaining about the phone and making a phone call are two different things. It is necessary to appease the complainant's attitude and find out what happened. When answering the phone, you must also record it. Work harder Not small either.

"Wait, don't hang up the phone, what I want to say is that the police officer number 380518 has an extremely bad attitude. He shouldn't have this attitude. I'm a taxpayer—" Robert emphasized the interests of taxpayers, which is really important , unfortunately, did not bring about fundamental changes.

"Sorry, I don't think there is something wrong with the attitude of the police officer No. 380518. He is only performing his mission. If he asks you to leave the house, he is irresponsible to other taxpayers." Take taxpayer status as an issue, what can we say about it, the police in southern Africa are also taxpayers in the final analysis, so what can we say about it.

"You are blatantly partial, what is your police number, I want to sue you—" Robert was very dissatisfied with the policewoman's attitude.

"My number is 381123, and you are welcome to supervise my service—" The prompter next to the policewoman's phone was flashing, showing that there were still calls waiting to be connected, and there was no time to chat with Robert.

This night, similar scenes were frequently staged in Bloemfontein.

After dawn, the National Guard who had just arrived in Bloemfontein in the early morning had already appeared on the streets. Later, more supplies and medical personnel arrived in batches, and the situation in Bloemfontein gradually stabilized.

Roque did not take it lightly, that is, after Philip, Kitchener also developed cold symptoms, but Kitchener was unwilling to go to the hospital on the grounds that the Governor and Prime Minister of Southern Africa could not fall ill at the same time.

"One of the governor and the prime minister must be healthy. If the governor and the prime minister are admitted to the hospital at the same time, what do you think will happen, Locke? It will cause great panic among the people and cause the social order in southern Africa to collapse. You must not want to In this way, Philip doesn't want to." Kitchener is a bit shy about diseases, which is normal, and older people are more resistant to hospitals and diseases.

Although the governor of Kitchener has little actual power, he is still the nominal leader of southern Africa after all, and his status is still very high.

Don't look at Kitchener's cheerfulness in front of Rock like Maitreya Buddha all day long. He is actually a very tough person. During the Second Boer War, it was precisely because of Kitchener's cruel scorched-earth policy that the Boers cornered.

During the World War, Kitchener's status in the British army was almost equal to that of King George V, and he was the spiritual idol of all British troops.

How could such a person be knocked down by a little flu.

"Marshal, going to the hospital is responsible for your health—" Although the Governor's Mansion also has a medical team, Rock still hopes that Kitchener can go to the hospital for treatment.

"Lock, it's okay, just let the Governor stay in the Governor's Mansion for treatment. This old guy is in good health, and it won't be so easy to see God." Ade met with Kitchener every day, but Ade didn't seem to be affected by it. influences.

In fact, Ade's physical condition is not good, and he has been suffering from illnesses all these years.

On the contrary, Kitchina has always been in good health, and has not even had a headache in the past few years since he came to southern Africa.

However, Kitchina's situation is not good. Many people who don't get sick usually have incurable diseases. On the contrary, people who have frequent minor illnesses pay more attention to their own health.

"There is nothing to worry about. Even if I go to see God, I will not be afraid. Compared with my old friends, I am already very lucky--" Kitchener is frank and frank, and his attitude towards life is called a open-minded.

"Don't say that, Marshal, you should live to be a hundred years old, and see how we beat the Germans to the ground!" Rock helped Kitchener set a new life goal, and his current state is very dangerous , if it is written like this in a general novel, basically it will not survive two chapters.

In fact, compared with the Kitchener in another time and space, the Kitchener in this time and space is already very lucky.

In another time and space, Kitchener was sunk by a German submarine when he took a cruiser to Russia during World War II, and Kitchener was killed along with the ship.

"Hahahaha, good Locke, I believe you can do it!" Kitchina laughed loudly, without any hesitation and fear in the face of death.

grim Reaper?

Kitchener has also killed countless people in his life, and he is the real god of death.

Just when southern Africa was fighting the flu attack with all its strength, the heavy cruiser "St. George" of the Indian Ocean Fleet arrived in Lion City. His mission was to join hands with the British Eastern Fleet to fight against pirates in South Asian waters.

ps: Sorry, a friend got married yesterday, Yutou was inhumanely dragged away to eat dog food, and then he was full——

(End of this chapter)

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