Chapter 1516
The profession of pirates has a long history, but it is the British who really carry forward the profession of pirates.

In 1558, the Virgin Queen Elizabeth I ascended the throne. At that time, the Spanish Armada was in its heyday. England had just completed its merger with Wales and had not yet begun to expand overseas.

At that time, Spain was the hegemon of the world. The empire on which the sun never sets has a large number of colonies all over the world. The Spanish fleet continuously transported the gold, silver, jewelry, spices and other resources looted from the colonies back to the mainland, which made Spain a great success. During the Golden Age, this aroused intense jealousy in Britain.

However, the British national strength at that time was weak and unable to fight against the powerful Armada.

So Elizabeth I issued a "private plunder license" to the pirate captains to rob Spanish treasure ships in an organized manner, and auctioned the looted materials. The auction proceeds were divided among the pirate captains, crew, and the British royal family.

In Europe at that time, if a pirate was caught, he would be hanged, and a pirate with a "private plunder license" could claim that he was "robbing by order" and enjoy the treatment of a prisoner of war. ", while obtaining huge benefits, it also cultivated a Royal Navy that can compete with the Spanish Armada.

In 1588, the famous British navigator Francis Drake participated in the British-Spanish sea battle that defeated the Spanish Armada as the second-in-command.

At that time, one British navigator was counted as one, and all of them were pirates.

So the Royal Navy should be called "Royal Corsairs".

The turning point occurred at the Paris Conference in 1856, when the Paris Declaration was issued on April 4 of the same year, abolishing the rights of privateers in the form of an appendix. At that time, all major European countries were signatories to the Paris Declaration, only the United States did not sign it.

There is nothing new under the sun. Britain defeated Spain with the "Private License" and achieved the empire on which the sun never sets.

Compared with the world in 1856, the world in 1558 had a huge economic leap, but there was no difference in essence.

Britain's colonies all over the world have continuously sent gold, silver, jewelry and spices back to the British mainland.

The United States, as a rising star, salivated over Britain's gains from the colonies.

Then the Great White Fleet of the United States has no strength to compete with the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom——

The United States is the "rebellious son" of the United Kingdom, so the Americans learned from the United Kingdom, which is exactly the same as how the United Kingdom robbed Spain in the first place.

It was not until 1907, when the great powers decided at the Hague Peace Conference that armed merchant ships must be managed as warships, that the privateering license really came to an end in history.

Why 1907 years?
Because the United States already had enough strength to compete with Britain in 1907, and if the United States did not stop, then American merchant ships would replace British merchant ships and become the targets of private plunder by "navigators", so the Americans gave up.

At the moment in 1923, although the official "private license" has disappeared, piracy as an ancient industry has not disappeared.

Especially in South Asia, with the gradual prosperity of trade between southern Africa and Asia, pirates in South Asia are emerging in an endless stream. In October this year, the merchant ship "Boer" of the Cape Town Ocean Trading Company was attacked by pirates in the waters near the Philippines. In the end, the Cape Town Ocean Trading Company spent 2 rand to redeem the "Boer".

Of course, when the "Boer" was redeemed, all the cargo on board had disappeared.

The "Boer" returned to southern Africa from Japan. The ship was filled with raw silk, folding fans, porcelain, tea and other commodities with Asian characteristics purchased by the Cape Town Ocean Trading Company. Pirates alone could not digest such a large amount of goods. Yes, so where did the goods go?

Just look at which country's flag is flying over Manila.

Oh, "The Star-Spangled Banner Never Falls."

"So, our target is the Americans?" Huang Tingyao, the general manager of the East India Company, came to the Lion City in person and had a face-to-face exchange with Tang Li, the captain of the "St. George" heavy cruiser.

This East India is not the East India of the United Kingdom, nor the East India of the Netherlands, but a local enterprise in the East India, which was established with the support of the umbrella company.

The Huang family is very powerful in the East India. Huang Tingyao, while serving as the general manager of the East India Company, also served as the governor of Jinzhou (Sumatra).

"No, no, no, our target is pirates, not the Americans. The Americans are our allies—" Tang Li just turned 30 this year. He has participated in world wars and is one of the most outstanding admirals of his age in southern Africa. .

"Can allies do this kind of thing?" Huang Tingyao didn't know enough about the true face of imperialism.

Tang Li pouted in a very Western style, the word "ally" was also played badly by white people.

Of course, this may be the understanding and definition of the relationship of "friends" by white people.

"Okay, what do I need to do?" Huang Tingyao had a complicated expression. It is really difficult for Chinese to survive in the white-dominated international system.

The main reason is that the moral standards are completely different. The traditional Chinese culture advocates "repaying virtue with kindness and repaying grievances with grievances".

The white people are Hongguoguo who repay kindness with profit and repay grievance with profit. One moment they beat their brains to death, but the next moment they can shake hands and fight side by side for profit.

You say they are ungrateful for profit, they say it is the law of the jungle.

But when the situation reversed, they began to value love and righteousness. The humanitarian responsibility of a major country, the international division of labor in green environmental protection, and the mountains and rivers in different places, the moon and the sky, are so touching.

In fact, it is all interests in the bones, and if you are serious, you will lose.

"You must be ready to send ground troops to cooperate with our actions at any time." Tang Li was not prepared enough. The only destroyers "Strong" and "Endeavour" arrived in Lion City with the "St. George". No Marines accompanied.

"Our warships can also participate in the operation—" Huang Tingyao didn't want to miss this opportunity. The East India Navy is weak. There are only a few cruisers and destroyers in the surface ships. Most of them are offshore patrol gunboats. The flagship is the light cruiser "Coconut City" .

Speaking of dealing with pirates, using heavy cruisers is definitely a waste. High-speed and high-maneuvering destroyers are the main force. The Indian Ocean Fleet dispatched the "St. George" heavy cruiser, which is actually a show of force.

Don’t look at the BIG 7. In South Asia, the heavy cruiser is already a top battleship. The flagship of the British Eastern Fleet is also a heavy cruiser, and it was built before the World War. How many.

"Yes, your warships can join the formation joint exercise." Tang Li readily agreed. Although the East India Fleet is weak, the Southern African Ministry of National Defense still attaches great importance to it.

In addition to surface ships, the East India Fleet also has a powerful submarine force equipped with the same ghost submarines as the Southern African Navy, and the number reaches 15.

East India is also the only country equipped with ghost submarines besides the Southern African Navy.

As for who the Ghost Submarine in East India is trying to deal with, you can tell by looking north. Anyway, it will definitely not be the British Eastern Fleet.

When the "St. George" arrived in the Lion City, it was already December 12, and tomorrow is the New Year. As a British colony, the Lion City had to hold a series of celebrations, and of course a dinner was essential.

"Tang, you are welcome. I hope you feel like you are at home in Lion City." Rear Admiral Mars Cooper, commander of the Eastern Fleet, extended a warm welcome to Tang Li's arrival.

Although the Lion City is a British colony, most of the residents are Chinese.

After the expulsion of the Dutch colonists, East India has almost become a standard Chinese country. The Chinese in the East India Fleet really felt like going home after they came to the Lion City.

"Thank you very much, General Cooper, I have already felt the enthusiasm of the Lion City." Tang Li's rank is also a major general, on the same level as Mars Cooper.

"Please allow me to introduce to you, this is Sir Lauren Felix, the Governor of the Lion City—this is Mr. Frank Gray, the Commissioner of the Lion City—" Mars Cooper introduced the local Lion City to Tang Li. principal officials.

It's a pity that although most of the residents in the Lion City are Chinese, the local officials in the Lion City are almost all British.

The dinner was both a welcome to the East India Fleet and a celebration of faith.

There were quite a lot of Chinese attending the dinner, but most of them were leaders in the business world. A few officials were from East India, and there were not any local officials in Lion City.

This is the norm in the colonies.

In the situation in southern Africa, if there is no Marquis of Nyasaland, Rock, even if all the southern Africans are Chinese, there are not many Chinese who are qualified to serve as officials.

So when Tang Li was smiling, he was secretly scolding MMP in his heart.

In this world, the white people must not be the masters of the country, otherwise the Chinese will never have a bright future.

Before Tang Li finished recognizing the local officials in Lion City, an anxious official rushed in and whispered something in Mars Cooper's ear.

"Gentlemen, we are in trouble again. A Rhodesian ocean-going trade ship sent a distress signal in Palawan Island. Do these pirates have to go to work in the New Year--" Mars Cooper's dedication to the pirates Heartfelt respect, this Nima is too active.

"Joe, order the fleet to prepare for departure, there is work to be done!" Tang Li was murderous.

Why didn't the Southern African Navy immediately start fighting pirates when the merchant ship "Boer" was hijacked by pirates in October?
Of course, there are many reasons. Deploying the fleet also requires costs. Without sufficient benefits, the Southern African Navy will not be easily dispatched.

Of course, there is another reason that cannot be said. The "Boer" is a merchant ship of the Cape Town Ocean Trading Company, and Cape Town——

Now the ships of the Rhodesia Ocean Trading Company were attacked, and Tang Li acted immediately. The Rhodesia Ocean Trading Company and the Southern African Navy—

That's brotherhood.

(End of this chapter)

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