Chapter 1524

Jack Willie came to Lion City again to rescue Tom and Chris who were captured by the Eastern Fleet.

Don't look at Tom and Chris who didn't hesitate to shoot the Filipinos, but when the destroyers of the Eastern Fleet approached the lifeboats, Tom and Chris chose to surrender without hesitation.

Would rather die than surrender?

Don't be ridiculous, Americans have never been so strong. When facing desperation, Americans are best at surrendering. This is an acceptable behavior in the US military.

As for Harrison, that guy was more unlucky. When the plane dived, Harrison was hit by a 20mm large-caliber bullet and died on the spot.

"Last time you said that there is no Captain Franklin in the US military stationed in the Philippines, how do you want to explain this time?" Sir Lauren Felix was as handsome as ever, and he did not see the panic when talking to Mars Cooper.

"Explain what? Oh, General Wood is very grateful for the help of the Eastern Fleet to the soldiers in distress. Without you, they would be in great trouble—" Jack Willie was calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Chi—" Tang Li sneered mercilessly, looking at Jack Willie with mocking eyes.

Jack Willie looked at Tang Li with a warm and friendly smile on his face.

Of course, it can also be understood as shameless.

"What do you mean?" Sir Lauren Felix looked confused. After today, he should have a new understanding of the shamelessness of Americans.

"What I mean is that several of our soldiers encountered danger while carrying out their missions. It was because of the help of the Eastern Fleet that they were able to escape smoothly. This fully proves that the friendship between us is unbreakable, and the stability of South Asia needs us to maintain it together. "Jack Willie has a calm expression, and his ability to talk nonsense is also amazing.

"Ha, how about my guess?" Tang Li laughed and held out his hand to Mars Cooper.

Mars Cooper's face was darker than Jack Willie's tuxedo. He glanced at Jack Willie bitterly, then at Tang Li angrily, reluctantly took out a gold coin and put it on Tang Li's face. power hand.

On such a serious occasion, these two guys are actually gambling?

Both Sir Lauren Felix and Jack Willie were a bit speechless.

Tang Li sneered, and the yellow orange gold coins rolled between Tang Li's nimble fingers. Tang Li was not surprised by this result.

In fact, when Tom and Chris were captured just now, Tang Li meant to shoot them directly and teach the Americans a hard lesson.

Neither Sir Lauren Felix nor Mars Cooper wanted to do that. They wanted to see Americans submit, which would give them great psychological satisfaction.

The problem is that Americans will not easily admit mistakes. Even if the evidence is directly photographed on the faces of Americans, Americans will refuse to admit it.

As long as I don't admit it, all the evidence is false.

Fake news——

Oh, no, it's False evidence——

"The soldiers on duty you mentioned have confessed to the crimes they committed." Sir Lauren Felix has finally lost his grace, and politicians can become rogues when they need to.

"That must mean they have been threatened!" Jack Willie had his own logic.

"Hehe, threat? There are more than 40 Filipino corpses left in the suburbs of Lion City. They use the standard weapons of the US military stationed in the Philippines. They are soldiers trained by you. How do you explain these?" Lauren Felix Jazz is very angry, the evidence is overwhelming and he still refuses to repent, please be a human being.

"They are fighting pirates. We received an urgent message, and it was too late to notify the Lion City officials—"

"Sophistry! Why is it too late?"

"Your Lion City officials have been infiltrated by pirates. If you inform the Lion City officials, the pirates will escape!"

"Bullshit!" Sir Lauren Felix felt like he was about to have a heart attack. Americans would not only play tricks, but also spout blood.

"You are trying to kill people!" Mars Cooper couldn't stand it.

"No, we just got a piece of wrong information—" Jack Willie said convincingly.

"The actions of the U.S. military stationed in the Philippines have caused serious losses to Umbrella Corporation. What are you going to do?" Regardless of whether Tang Li had false information or not, the U.S. troops stationed in the Philippines launched an attack on Umbrella Corporation's safe house, although the result was a loss for the Umbrella Corporation. What's more, the umbrella company has also suffered losses.

"We can make compensation—" Jack Willie sincerely said that if the loss of money is enough, Leonard Wood can still accept it.

"500 million rand!" Tang Li offered.

"Impossible!" Jack Willie almost broke his voice, 500 million rand is too much, and it is not worth 500 million to pay Leonard Wood's Governor's Palace an umbrella.

"Impossible has to be possible, otherwise the southern African navy will detain every American merchant ship we can see, until all the merchant ships worth 500 million yuan are detained!" Tang Li was categorical. Southern Africa is not only good at defense.

Thanks to the British naval bases all over the world, the Southern African Navy can also appear in any corner of the world at any time.

Needless to say, the Southern African Navy and the Atlantic Fleet are not difficult to detain American ships.

"You can't do this. If you really do this, it will lead to a war between our United States of America and southern Africa!" Jack Willy roared loudly. The Southern African Navy is actually notorious. Rock used to raise military expenses , I was a pirate in the waters near Somalia——

Cough cough, wrong hand, Rock was trying to cut off the aid of the rebels, definitely not for money.

"Come on! Do you want us to have a fight first!" Tang Li refused to give an inch, his nose almost hit Jack Willy's face, and just sprayed Jack Willy's face with saliva.

Jack Willie's expression was broken, physically and psychologically he was violently attacked by Tang Li.

While collapsing, Jack Willie looked at Tang Li with suspicion and uncertainty.

Regardless of the BIG 7, the United States has three ships. In a real fight, the United States really doesn't have much confidence in facing southern Africa.

It still benefits from the existence of the Commonwealth of Nations. If a war breaks out between the United States and southern Africa, the entire Commonwealth of Nations will be forced to participate in the war. At that time, the United States will have to face the Royal Navy of the British Empire, which is still in its prestige. The southern African army that proved its strength in the war, plus hundreds of millions of Indian coolies, and the almost unlimited strategic depth of Australia and Canada.

Hit the head!
Maybe the White House is about to get another paint job.

"500 million is too much, and we will never accept it." Jack Willie is a talker, and if he really wants to do it, he will be cowarded immediately.

"It's up to you whether to accept it or not. Don't you want to fight pirates? Coincidentally, our Indian Ocean Fleet and Eastern Fleet are also fighting pirates. You can receive wrong information, and we can also receive wrong information, so if someone Today our bombers bombed Mr. Leonard Wood's Governor's Mansion, so it should be understandable." Tang Li treated him in his own way.

Jack Willie immediately forgot how he was bullied by Tang Li just now, and looked at Tang Li with fierce eyes.

Bombing the Governor's Palace or something must be intimidating, unless Southern Africa really wants to provoke a war with the United States.

However, with so many US military bases in the Philippines and so many US merchant ships in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, it is understandable that they were "accidentally injured".

Don't think that southern Africa can't do this kind of thing.

"Also, please go back and tell Governor Leonard Wood and General MacArthur to figure out who is our friend and who is our enemy, and don't focus on the merchant ships in southern Africa. The whole of South Asia, except for the merchant ships in southern Africa, Are there no merchant ships from other countries?" Tang Li misunderstood the situation, not to mention Jack Willie, Sir Lauren Felix and Mars Cooper's expressions were a little unnatural.

The South Asian shipping lanes, especially the Strait of Malacca, may be the busiest shipping lanes in the world.

Don't forget that Japan's merchant ships traveling between Europe and the mainland also need to pass through Malacca.

There are also merchant ships traveling between Annan and mainland France, as well as Portuguese merchant ships——

Portugal: MMP, I'm messing with someone!
However, Portugal does not need to complain. Compared with these countries, the relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is obviously better.

After all, the Americans and the British are both Anglo-Saxons, the French and the Portuguese, that's obviously a bit far away.

As for Japan—

MMP, after the Washington Naval Conference, the strength of the Japanese navy has expanded rapidly. Now in East Asia, even the United Kingdom and the United States are ignored. They regard the entire East Asia as their own back garden, which is indeed inflated.

"Captain Franklin—" Tang Li continued to add fuel to the fire.

"There was no Captain Franklin—" Jack Willie weakly argued.

"If you dare to say one more word, Rhodesia will release all the evidence!" Tang Li didn't spare any room for it. MacArthur thought that Franklin's death would be unsubstantiated, and that underestimated the capabilities of the southern African intelligence agencies.

Now the southern African intelligence department has all the information about Captain Franklin, even the name of Franklin's dog. Some things are just not made public, and the relationship between southern Africa and the United States has not yet reached the point where it will be completely torn apart.

It's true that it didn't arrive, otherwise the South Asian side was so tense, and the Southern African Federal Government didn't even make a statement.

Rock was indeed in no mood to pay attention to what was happening in South Asia. At the end of February, a delegation from Germany arrived in southern Africa secretly. The head of the delegation was Hermann Göring, a senior veteran of the German Workers' Party.

Yes, it is the Hermann Göring who claimed that "the enemy's plane cannot reach the sky over the Ruhr. If there is one plane, then I will change my surname to Meyer".

ps: Come, come, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 are being played——

(End of this chapter)

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