Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1525 Form a good relationship

Chapter 1525 Form a good relationship
The current Hermann Göring is not as unbearable as the historical evaluation.

Hermann Göring participated in the First World War and became a famous "Ace Pilot" during the World War. He had a record of shooting down 22 planes and won Germany's highest military medal - the "Grand Iron Cross". .

Later in the war, Hermann Göring also served as the last commander of the 1st Fighter Wing, once led by the "Red Baron" Manfred von Richthofen.

Therefore, Hermann Göring is not Hermann Meyer, but a real German hero.

After the war, Goering joined the German Workers' Party, was one of the earliest members of the German Workers' Party, and participated in the "Beer Hall Riot" that broke out the year before last.

During this period, Goering was shot and wounded. Since then, he has been relying on injections to relieve pain, leading to a lifelong addiction to anesthetics, and his body shape has changed from strong to obese.

At least when he came to southern Africa, Goering was still in good shape.

"The Germans hope to get our help, talents, capital, civilian industry, etc. - Hermann Göring himself is an excellent pilot. Prohibition, the top leaders of the Workers' Party have realized that it is irrational to use violence to overthrow the German government, and Hermann Göring hopes that we can provide assistance to the Workers' Party, or invest in, and borrow money—" Ada has already discussed with Hermann Goering Lin had made preliminary contacts. After the implementation of the "Dawwes Plan", southern Africa provided some assistance to Germany, but the assistance was not large, and it was far behind the United States and the United Kingdom.

Southern Africa only provided funds to start the "Dawes Plan", and the Federal Government of Southern Africa did not participate in the German government's aid plan.

The implementation of the "Dawwes Plan" was not smooth. The Germans did not pay the compensation in time, and the French returned to the Ruhr area.

Later, under the mediation of the United Kingdom and the United States, France withdrew from the Ruhr area again, and Germany also began to actually start the compensation process. However, the compensation paid by Germany was seriously insufficient compared with the compensation that should be paid.

"The Americans and the British are very willing to help the Germans. If the Germans lack funds, why don't they go to London and Washington?" Rock didn't want to get too entangled with Germany. The British supported Germany to check and balance France, and the Americans were more insidious. Helping the Germans is to push Europe into the abyss.

All this is really not a conspiracy, but Hong Guoguo's conspiracy.

Britain knows what the United States wants, Germany knows what the United Kingdom wants, the French are equally astute, but nothing can be done, and both Britain and the United States have good reasons.

A lot of times, history is really written by the victors, so Americans were described as "isolationist" and "free trade" away from Europe in the process during World War I and World War II.

In fact, the Americans have never left. They deliberately want to ascend to the throne of global hegemony. For this reason, they will not hesitate to push the whole world into the abyss of war. In Europe, the Americans gave the Germans the funds to re-emerge. In Asia, the Americans Sell ​​everything Japan wants, mainly steel and oil that Japan desperately needs, two war monsters that are growing stronger with the help of the United States.

"London wants Germany to recover its strength as soon as possible, but it can't recover too quickly, lest France can't catch up with the speed of Germany's recovery-cooperating with the United States is to seek skin from tigers. When you think of the crimes committed by the United States in Germany, the Germans will Do you not hold grudges?" Ada sneered, Europe is a mess, every country thinks they are chess players, but they are actually chess pieces.

"If we meet the demands of the Germans, then what can we get?" Philip was quite tempted by Hermann Göring's proposal. His body did not recover, so he couldn't wait to be discharged from the hospital and returned to the Palace of Justice. Interim Prime Minister for less than a month.

It was through this incident that Rock truly realized Philip's desire for power.

"Lord, Hermann Göring does not represent the German government, but the group of people with the greatest ambitions in Germany." Rock reminded Philip that Mustache is still in prison.

After the "beer hall riot", Mustache was imprisoned by the German government.

However, this experience is not a disgrace to Mustache. No matter how bad history evaluates Mustache, Mustache's performance during this period is still acceptable, otherwise Mustache would not have won the trust of the Germans.

Even in prison, Mustache did not stop working hard.

The mustache guy is still very attractive, he lives in a spacious single cell in the prison, and does not need to wear prisoners, the warden licenses the lights in mustache's cell to be on after midnight, and mustache is even in prison later After printing newspapers, even the prison guards were persuaded by Mustache and became followers of Mustache.

Mustache has a high degree of freedom in prison. He can read newspapers, receive visitors, and maintain correspondence with many people.

It is said that on the day Mustache was released from prison, many people, including the warden, cried.

Mustache didn't cry, he later recalled: I won them over to our cause.

"The Workers' Party at least represents the demands of ordinary Germans." Philip has a good understanding of the situation in Germany. Although the Weimar government won the "Dawes Plan", it is far from enough for the Germans.

Rock and Ada looked at each other, and there was worry in their eyes.

Regarding Germany, Roque and Ada have talked many times. Roque has a firm attitude towards Germany, neither approaching nor alienating, and keeping a distance.

There are some things that Rock can't tell Ada.

In the "Dawwes Project", Rock's attitude was actually somewhat reserved.

To put it bluntly, Roque is not that loyal to the British Empire. The United States supports Germany in the hope of dragging the whole of Europe into the abyss, and Roque is actually happy to see it succeed.

America wants to be a world hegemon.

Southern Africa doesn't want to--

It's just that Britain is the suzerain country of southern Africa after all, and many people in southern Africa still have feelings for Britain, so Rock just sat by and watched Britain's suicide.

The British Empire did not fall, and southern Africa did not have a bright future.

Ending the Council of Ministers, Roque and Ida left the Palace of Justice in the same car.

"Really don't give any aid to the Germans?" Ada and Roque are absolutely consistent, but they still have their own ideas.

"Why do you ask that?" Rock was sensitive, and when Ada asked this, she was actually inclined.

"Germany has investment value." Ada's answer was crisp.

Rock didn't want to talk.

Of course Germany has value, otherwise it would not have risen again in just 20 years and turned Europe upside down.

In fact, even for long-term considerations, southern Africa should maintain good relations with Germany.

After the World War, many high-level German talents emigrated to southern Africa, which had a lot to do with southern Africa's assistance to Germany after the war.

After World War II, there was still a wave of carnivals to carve up Germany. If Southern Africa wants to gain something, it must take advantage of this time to maximize the favorability of the Germans.

"In this way, we can provide limited assistance to Germany, such as food, or medicine—" Rock still couldn't be too indifferent after all, the British and Americans were pretending to be the Holy Mother, and southern Africa had to express something.

"Hermann Göring wants to produce transport planes in Germany—" Ada provided a new situation, which was a painful experience for the Germans.

Before the World War, Germany deviated completely in aviation and concentrated its energy on airships. As a result, after the outbreak of the World War, Germany seriously lagged behind the Allies in air power.

At this time, we have to admit Germany's industrial strength. Even though the early stage was off track, after the Germans realized it, they quickly made a breakthrough in technology. In the middle and late stages, they can also fight well against the French Air Force on the battlefield. To, the performance is still very good.

"No, London's desire to produce transport aircraft locally has not been realized. If Germany can produce transport aircraft, what do you think of London—" Rock directly refused. Hermann Göring was born in the Air Force, and it is normal to attach importance to the Air Force.

"Hermann Göring wants to see you, can you see me?" Fortunately, the words were spoken in English, but if the words were spoken in Chinese, the little girl would be beaten.

"It's okay to meet—" Rock didn't refuse this time, he had to give the Germans some confidence.

Hermann Göring still attached great importance to the meeting with Rock.

Early the next morning, Hermann Göring came to the Ministry of Defense early to wait. When he saw Roque, although Göring was dressed in civilian clothes, he still gave Roque a military salute.

"Sit down, Herman, you should have retired—" Rock had restrained enthusiasm. After the World War, Germany was only allowed to keep 6 Wehrmacht troops, and the navy could only have six 10160-ton ships equipped with 280mm main guns Non-dreadnought battleships, 6 light cruisers, 12 destroyers and 12 torpedo boats, and must not build and own submarines.

In terms of the air force, the restrictions on Germany are stricter. Germany is not allowed to have an air force at all, and it is not allowed to have offensive weapons such as tanks or heavy artillery. Even the German General Staff was forced to cancel.

"Yes Lord, I left the army after the end of the World War. I came to see you today, and I want to say thank you in person. If it wasn't for the treatment by the military doctors in southern Africa, I might not be alive now—" Herman Goering's attitude towards Rock was very respectful, and he didn't ask for Rock all the time.

At the end of the World War, Germany's medical system had completely collapsed, not only lacking doctors, but also lacking medicines, not even alcohol for disinfection.

At the end of the war, Hermann Göring was seriously wounded, and it was the southern African doctors who saved him. Göring is still grateful to this day.

"You're welcome to Herman, that's what they should do." Rock smiled. This is the benefit of forming good relationships, and it may come in handy at any time.

ps: I came back late today, fortunately I didn’t get lazy——

(End of this chapter)

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