Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1533 Novice Prime Minister

Chapter 1533 Novice Prime Minister
Stoudemire still has more than two years to serve in Cape State. If he wants to enter the cabinet to hold a ministerial position, he must resign as governor of Cape State.

Stoudemire doesn't have much nostalgia for the position of governor of Cape State. His affection for Cape State is far less than that of Rhodesia. Rhodesia is the foundation of Stoudemire.

Although in Rhodesia now, due to the influx of new immigrants, the number of Chinese has surpassed that of whites, Stoudemire still has a huge reputation in Rhodesia, which has a lot to do with Rhodesia's long-standing loose policies.

Just as Nyasaland is the fiefdom of Rock, the entire Rhodesia is the fiefdom of Stoudemire. The area of ​​Rhodesia is probably the future Zambia plus Zimbabwe. Although when Nyasaland was divided, Stoudemire let The land given to Rock is a bit too much, but Rhodesia has been compensated in West Africa and East Africa. Its area is larger than that of Zambia and Zimbabwe in another time and space combined, and it is the largest state in Southern Africa.

In this time and space, the total area of ​​Rhodesia reached 129 million square kilometers.

If you have no concept of 129 million square kilometers, then as a reference, the area of ​​mainland France is only 54 square kilometers.

So a Rhodesia is roughly the size of two and a half Frances.

Regrettably, France, which has a land area of ​​only 54 square kilometers, is home to about 4000 million people.

Rhodesia, with a territory of 129 million square kilometers, has a population of less than 500 million.

Don't be too small, this is already very good compared to when the federal government was first established. In 05 and 06, Rhodesia's population was less than [-].

Of course, the 200 counts only whites. If Africans are added, the population will soar to more than [-] million.

Among the population of 500 million, the number of Chinese exceeds 270 million, second only to Nyasaland in all states in southern Africa, but in recent years there have been signs of being surpassed by Victoria. Most of the Chinese immigrants who have come to southern Africa in recent years have been arranged to Victoria. Especially around Lake Victoria.

Although the southern African media did not publicize the news that Roque will run for the Liberal Party, the news is well known in Nyasaland and Rhodesia.

Needless to say, Nyasaland, Roque doesn't even need propaganda, and doesn't need any campaign slogans, campaign platforms and the like. As long as Roque's name appears on the ballot, the congressmen representing Nyasaland will use their feet and brains vote.

The members of Rhodesia were a little helpless. Of course they would vote for Stoudemire, but it was obvious that Stoudemire had almost no chance of winning against Rock, which made people very desperate.

"No way, Lord Nyasaland's advantage is too great, we may be able to win Rhodesia and Cape, and most of the congressmen in other states will vote for Lord Nyasaland—" Aiden Owen is still Stoudemire's ultimate right-hand man. After Stoudemire, the founder of the Liberal Party, left the Liberal Party and returned to the Progressive Party, Aiden Owen also returned to the Progressive Party with Stoudemire.

"Don't be discouraged, at least the members of the Orange State will not vote for Lord Nyasaland—" Danny Temple, another member of Rhodesia, is more optimistic. Fight it.

Aiden Owen laughed dumbfounded, almost forgetting that there was another candidate, Yang Smother.

Compared with Stoudemire, Yang Smozi is really sad.

Stoudemire could win the votes of Cape State and Rhodesia State at any rate, and Yang Smother estimated that he would not even be able to keep Orange State.

Don't forget that the largest enterprise in Orange State is the Bechuanaland Agricultural Development Company, and the owners of this company are Stoudemire and Rock.

"If Lord Nyasaland becomes the prime minister, will southern Africa become a completely Chinese country?" Mark Foster, a member of the Liberal Party who is also from Rhodesia, has the same concern as Stoudemire.

"Probably not, Lord Nyasaland wouldn't do that—"

"It's hard to say, don't say you don't know, our Marquis is the most solid and thorough one in southern Africa—"

"There is nothing wrong with having more Chinese. Compared with some white people, I prefer Chinese who are easy to get along with—"

"Be confident and take some off!"

When it comes to this topic, members of parliament immediately became enthusiastic, but this is a private topic, not suitable for discussion in public.

"Well, gentlemen, the general election is still five months away. We still have a chance. We must not lose faith." Aiden Owen will fight hard, although he knows that the hope is slim.

In fact, losing to Rock, Aiden Owen is also acceptable, and Aiden Owen and Rock have known each other for more than 20 years, and there can be several 20 years in a lifetime.

20 years is enough time for Aiden to have a comprehensive understanding of Roque. Although Aiden is not willing to admit it, in fact Aiden is very clear that Roque is more suitable to be the Prime Minister of Southern Africa than Stoudemire.

In a country like southern Africa, being the prime minister is not as simple as leashing a dog behind the desk. Every policy will have a huge impact on southern Africa, neighboring countries and regions in southern Africa, and even the whole world.

Stoudemire must have made progress in the coming years. He also performed well in his tenure as the governor of Cape, but in the whole of southern Africa, Aiden is still more worried about Stoudemire.

If you look at the United Kingdom now, you will know how difficult it is to be the prime minister.

Just the day before yesterday, the British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald, who had just been in office for two months, stopped the expansion of the naval base in the Lion City despite the firm opposition of the Admiralty.

The British Empire has ruled the world for hundreds of years, relying on the powerful Royal Navy. Ramsay Macdonald's decision was firmly opposed by John Jellicoe, the Secretary of War who was born in the navy. John Jellicoe even The construction of the Lion City Naval Base was stopped, and the lawsuit was brought before King George V.

George V also never expected that Ramsay Macdonald's first stab after taking office was to slash at the Royal Navy.

However, George V still had to give a certain degree of support to the prime minister he had personally selected, so Ramsay Macdonald's first cut was fortunately passed smoothly.

Although the expansion of the naval base in Lion City was stopped, Ramsay McDonald was also opposed by the military.

Ramsey Macdonald didn't just cut the Navy, he notified Congress in May that he wanted to negotiate with the Russians for debt and trade.

Speaking of debt, it's a hangover from the world wars.

During the World War, the Russian Empire loaned a total of 7.5 million pounds to the British Empire. After the Russian Empire fell, the Russians directly borrowed this money.

Every penny is extremely valuable in what is now the British Empire, with negotiations worth £7.5m, Ramsay Macdonald has high hopes for the Russians.

This is also normal, Russia is now ruled by the Bolsheviks, and Ramsay MacDonald is the Prime Minister of the Labor Party. He probably thinks that the Russians should give him some face as the Prime Minister of the Labor Party, which is why he is so whimsical.

In Ramsay MacDonald's vision, if the debt and trade problems were resolved, even if partially, there would be a third negotiation, which would be continued lending to the Russians.

If the first two negotiations were whimsical, the third was downright stupid.

How stupid this must be to want to give the Russians another loan after being robbed of 7.5 million pounds.

Then this proposal was unceremoniously rejected by the British House of Commons.

Ramsay McDonald is finally feeling what Stanley Baldwin felt two months ago.

Although Aiden didn't know what Roque would do after becoming prime minister, what Aiden could be sure of was that Roque was definitely not as stupid as someone.

During the World War, it was because of Roque's persistence that Russians did not get even a penny of loans from southern Africa. Roque also reminded Winston, who was the British Prime Minister at the time. Unfortunately, although Winston trusted Roque, he did not There is room for choice.

At that time, if the Russians were not given enough support, the Eastern Front would completely collapse.

Once the Eastern Front collapses, the Germans can devote more power to the Western Front, and it is estimated that the British and French allied forces will not be able to hold on.

So even if he knew that the Russians were a big pit, Winston would still jump down with his eyes closed.

Thinking of this, Aiden Owen suddenly felt relieved. It would be good if Roque was the prime minister. Even if Roque made mistakes during his administration, it would have nothing to do with Stoudemire.

The current international situation is too complicated for Stoudemire.

At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open, Stoudemire walked into the conference room, and the members of the council stood up to greet him.

Stoudemire didn't give in, he went directly to the main seat and sat down. Although his expression was tired, his body language was relatively relaxed.

"Okay gentlemen, I'm here to tell you that you don't have to vote for me to keep my decency. Locke is indeed more suitable than me to be the Prime Minister of Southern Africa. If I were a member of Congress, I would vote for me too. Vote for Locke." Stoudemire still had the grace to admit defeat openly.

Admitting failure before it even started?
Just as Aiden was about to speak, Stoudemire raised his hand to stop him.

"It doesn't matter. If Locke is the prime minister, it is no different from me being the prime minister. If Locke is the prime minister, it will not affect the progress of Rhodesia and Cape, and it will develop better. I know what you are all worried about. , I have already discussed this issue with Locke. After Locke became prime minister, southern Africa will still be the powerful southern Africa." Miracle.

"In any case, the general election cannot be allowed to affect the development of Rhodesia. I have also discussed this issue with Locke before. Locke has a clear attitude. He does not want the four-year or five-year general election to have a huge impact on society. It’s true that Locke is Chinese, but first of all he is a southern African, the Marquess of Nyasaland of the British Empire.” When Stoudemire said this, he didn’t know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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