Chapter 1534
Stoudemire probably didn't expect that, as Rock's opponent, Stoudemire would one day help Rock put out the fire.

This does not mean that Stoudemire is afraid of Rock, but a testimony of the friendship between Rock and Stoudemire. Rock would do the same for Stoudemire.

With the joint efforts of Rock and Stoudemire, as the general election approached, the general election did not have much impact on southern Africa. Probably Stoudemire and Yang Smother knew that Rock's advantage could not be shaken, and they even There was not much publicity, and there were hardly any promotional posters in major cities. The media in southern Africa did not pay much attention to the process of the general election, and their eyes were all focused on Ramsay McDonald, who was in a state of distress.

Yes, Ramsay MacDonald is really on fire right now.

George V did not give Ramsay Macdonald many opportunities, and after supporting Ramsay Macdonald to stop the expansion of the Lion City Naval Base, George V's support for Ramsay Macdonald decreased sharply.

Ramsay MacDonald first encountered setbacks in negotiations with the Soviet Union. Neither King George V nor the British House of Lords and Houses of Commons supported continuing loans to Russia. This dealt a huge blow to Ramsay MacDonald's reputation.

In June, Ramsay MacDonald held a meeting in London, and reached a new consensus with the Allies of World War I on the issues of Germany's post-war reparations and France's occupation of the Ruhr area. Germany also sent representatives to attend the meeting, and finally the participating countries signed a "London Understanding" and signed a separate trade treaty with Germany.

Ramsay Macdonald regards the signing of the "London Understanding" as his first major victory during his tenure. The only fruit of the career of the second prime minister.

Yes, not even victory.

In July, Ramsay MacDonald went to Geneva to speak at the League of Nations, advocating European disarmament, which was praised by public opinion.

But in the UK, Ramsay MacDonald's speech on disarmament became the fuse of the military's anger.

If it is said that the expansion of the Lion City Naval Base was stopped before, it was a helpless choice made by the financial pressure of the British government.

Now Ramsay Macdonald's speech on disarmament really aroused the wrath of the British War Office.

Disarmament, right?
Of course, the British government has maintained huge military expenditures so far, which has stretched the British government.

However, Britain's huge overseas interests require a strong military force to maintain.

When other countries do not disarm, if Britain takes the lead in disarming, what will happen if war breaks out?
What's more, while Ramsey McDonald was advocating disarmament, he was still fighting for more benefits for the unemployed, and revised the "Insurance Act", and passed the so-called "Whitley Housing Act", which provided a minimum of 50 Income working families build municipal housing.

Therefore, the War Department had reason to believe that Ramsey MacDonald was buying votes with saved military expenditures, which aroused strong anger from the military.

The purpose of the military is simple. No matter what Ramsay MacDonald does, military spending should not be affected.

As for whether the interests of low-income working families should be protected?
This has nothing to do with the military, it is the responsibility of the British government.

The British naval base in the Lion City was built for the Eastern Fleet.

During the Washington Naval Conference, Britain terminated its alliance with Japan, and its interests in Southeast Asia were greatly affected.

The importance of the Strait of Malacca does not need to be emphasized. After the dissolution of the covenant with Japan, the United Kingdom needs a powerful Eastern Fleet to guarantee the interests of the United Kingdom in Southeast Asia. This is the background of the United Kingdom’s expansion of its naval base in Lion City.

Ramsay Macdonald's decision to stop the expansion of the naval base had a huge impact on the Eastern Fleet. Most officers and soldiers of the Eastern Fleet believed that they had been abandoned by the British government, and the naval base being expanded was also in a state of suspension.

"In order to build the naval base, the War Department has paid tens of millions of pounds. Now that the construction is stopped, the initial investment will be wasted. This is really a pity—" Neil Benson stood at the window of Major General Mars Cooper's office , Looking at the Changi Naval Base in the distance and sighing.

The current Changi Naval Base is not the future Changi Naval Base. The future Changi Naval Base has not yet been filled in. It will not be able to dock large fleets including aircraft carriers until it is expanded in 1994.

The current Changi Naval Base can only dock destroyers or cruisers with a displacement of no more than [-] tons. The Ministry of the Navy hopes to expand the Changi Naval Base to be able to dock large warships such as battleships, but unfortunately it was stopped by the British government.

For the Lion City Naval Base, the British government is also spending a lot of money. The Ministry of War estimates that the total investment will exceed [-] million, and the Lion City will be built into the "Gibraltar of the East".

It is a pity that there is a huge investment in the naval base, but there is no naval fleet that is worthy of it. The Eastern Fleet is weak. Only when needed, the British will send a fleet from the mainland or the Mediterranean to the Lion City.

That also means that the Lion City Naval Base will be vacant most of the time.

It is only the British War Department that habitually spends such a large amount of money.

It's no wonder that Ramsay MacDonald wanted to stop and replace him with Roque, who would not agree to this plan.

Mars Cooper did not speak, and his face was ugly and scary. The Eastern Fleet was in panic because of the suspension of the construction of the naval base, and Mars Cooper, the commander-in-chief of the fleet, was also under great pressure.

"This can't be blamed on London. After the Second Boer War, the British Empire began to gradually abandon overseas military bases, and the Lion City is not bad." Neil Benson fanned the flames. One paragraph, and now we are entering the second phase, establishing an escort system, regularly cleaning up pirates, and ensuring the safety of the Malacca waterway.

"What do you want to say? Give up, even if the initial investment is all wasted, the Eastern Fleet will not sell the Changi Naval Base to your Rhodesian company." Mars Cooper finally couldn't bear it, Rhodesian company is like a vampire , not missing any opportunity for expansion.

After Ramsey MacDonald stopped the construction of the naval base, Neil Benson took the initiative to find Mars Cooper, hoping to acquire the naval base whose expansion project had been nearly half completed.

The most difficult part of expanding the naval base is land reclamation. This part has actually been basically completed now, and the next step is to enter the dock construction part.

It is a pity that the cabinet stopped the construction of the base at this time, and all the previous investments were all wasted. Neil Benson hoped that Rhodesia Company would take over and add a relay port for ships from southern Africa to and from the Strait of Malacca.

"General Cooper, if the Rhodesia Company continues to complete the base construction, then the Eastern Fleet can also use the base—" Neil Benson was not discouraged, the half-built mess was still there, and it would not generate any benefits. Might as well give it to the Rhodesian company for waste utilization——

waste utilization?

General Mars Cooper would never have liked that word.

"Don't even think about it, what the Eastern Fleet needs is a complete naval base." Mars Cooper squeezed out words one by one through his teeth.

Mars Cooper can’t be blamed for being angry, it’s true that the Rhodesia company doesn’t have much integrity, the War Department has already invested 1500 million pounds for the Changi Naval Base, and the Rhodesia company is only willing to pay 150 million pounds.

150 million!
Even if the strategic value of the Changi Naval Base is not considered, in the Strait of Malacca, where every inch of land is expensive, there is more than that little land that has been reclaimed from the sea.

"Well, if you change your mind, call me anytime—" Neil Benson was not in a hurry, he could understand Mars Cooper's anger, but unfortunately, many things could not be resolved with only anger.

Mars Cooper's anger is not only aimed at Rhodesia, but more partly at the British government.

To be more specific, it was about Ramsay McDonald himself.

"Bastard!" Looking at the closed door, Mars Cooper was full of resentment, wanting to scold someone but didn't know who to scold.

Later, the Governor of the Lion City, Sir Lauren Felix, came to Major General Mars Cooper.

"What does the War Department say? Is it possible to continue building the Changi Naval Base?" Both Sir Lauren Felix and Major General Mars Cooper hoped that London would change its mind. A military base in the Strait of Malacca, even without a fleet Docking can also bring an unparalleled sense of security to the Lion City.

"It's unlikely. Our Prime Minister has not only stopped the construction of the naval base, but also wants to disarm on a large scale. He probably thinks that the British Empire will never face the threat of war." Mars Cooper was at a loss, If it's three to five million yuan, the Eastern Fleet and Lion City can only make it together by tightening their belts. The total investment of hundreds of millions is indeed not something that the Eastern Fleet and Lion City can handle.

Of course, the "1924 million" claimed by the British government is probably problematic. Now it is [-], and the pound is still very valuable.

"What should we do? There is still part of the cost of the preliminary works that have not been paid. The builder is waiting for me in my office. I dare not go back to the office—" Sir Lauren Felix had a big head like a bucket. Even the builders of the local government did not dare to force Sir Lauren Felix, the governor of the Lion City, to pay back the money, but the builders who are qualified to undertake the expansion of the naval base project have backgrounds behind them, and Sir Lauren Felix does not Dare to offend easily.

Anyone who has done construction projects knows that the cost of construction projects is not paid at one time, but in stages. This is not only to ease the financial pressure, but also to ensure the quality of the project.

Now the problem is coming. London has stopped the expansion project of the Changi Naval Base, so naturally it will not continue to allocate funds, but there is still a part of the construction cost of the Naval Base that has not been paid.

Those builders with deep backgrounds don't care whether the Eastern Fleet and Lion City have money.

(End of this chapter)

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