Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1535 The British Empire has its own national conditions here

Chapter 1535 The British Empire has its own national conditions here
It is only natural to get money after doing the work.

Will the British Empire, which has dominated the world for hundreds of years, have no money?

Who will believe it!

The builders may be afraid to take aim at the Eastern Fleet and the Lion City, but if the builders and the investors behind them don't get the money, they will take their anger out on Rear Admiral Mars Cooper and Sir Lauren Felix Personally, this is absolutely unbearable for Major General Mars Cooper and Sir Lauren Felix, careers may be over.

"Neil Benson from the Rhodesian company just approached me—" Mars Cooper finally understood what Neil Benson's smile meant when he left.

To sell, or not to sell, was up to Mars Cooper to decide.

"What does he want?" Sir Lauren Felix wondered.

"The Rhodesian company wants to buy the Changi Naval Base and develop it into a commercial port that can be used by the Eastern Fleet." Rear Admiral Mars Cooper has a heavy expression and heart. The Changi Naval Base was originally prepared for the Eastern Fleet. , if it is sold to Rhodesia Company, Rhodesia Company's permission is required to use the Changi Naval Base——

Aggrieved, extremely aggrieved!
But if you don't, how do you get money for those greedy vampires?
At least Major General Mars Cooper really couldn't think of a way.

"No, Changi Naval Base is prepared for the Eastern Fleet and must not be sold to a commercial company." Sir Lauren Felix has a bottom line, even if Rhodesia is a southern African company.

The British Empire has the national conditions of the British Empire. Even if the British government stops expanding the Changi Naval Base, it will not dispose of the Changi Naval Base cheaply to a commercial company.

To put it bluntly, I would rather lose all the initial investment of 1500 million pounds, but also maintain the so-called decency of the British government and the Royal Navy.

As for where to get the money to pay the builders?

That was a question for Major General Marrs Cooper and Sir Lauren Felix.

As for whether this will waste national assets?

Who cares--

Anyway, Ramsay MacDonald was not going to have a son himself.

"Then what should we do? Hand over the Changi Naval Base to the Rhodesia Company to complete the expansion project, at least the Eastern Fleet can get a safer home port." Rear Admiral Mars Cooper has his own plans.

For Rear Admiral Mars Cooper and the Eastern Fleet, after Britain terminated its ally relationship with Japan, the Eastern Fleet will face the threat of the Japanese Combined Fleet.

Overall, the strength of the combined fleet is far from that of the Royal Navy.

However, when it comes to the waters of Southeast Asia, the Eastern Fleet cannot pose a threat to the United Fleet at all. At this time, the Eastern Fleet needs a safer home port that is farther away from the United Fleet, so that once a war breaks out, it can win more for the Eastern Fleet. time.

Although it seems that the danger of war between Britain and Japan is not great, as a soldier, this possibility must be considered.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace!
"If the expansion of the Changi Naval Base is handed over to the Rhodesian Company, after completion, will the Changi Naval Base belong to the Rhodesian Company or to the British Empire?" Sir Lauren Felix sometimes You'd be stupid, you shouldn't be asking this question.

Rhodesia is not a charitable enterprise. Without enough benefits, it will definitely not take over the unfinished project of Changi Naval Base.

Since it is an unfinished project, it must have the consciousness of an unfinished project. After the Rhodesia Company completes the construction of the Changi Naval Base, it would be good to allow the Eastern Fleet to use it.

"How much is Rhodesia asking?" Sir Lauren Felix had to face reality.

"150 million pounds." Major General Mars Cooper smiled bitterly. Compared with the initial investment of 1500 million pounds, 150 million pounds was really a tearful sale.

Of course, the initial investment of 1500 million does not mean that the value will reach 1500 million.

Neither the British government nor the Royal Navy are fuel-efficient lamps. The expansion project of the naval base has gone through many layers of exploitation from the establishment of the project to the start of construction. In name, the British government has indeed invested 1500 million pounds in the expansion of the Changi Naval Base. God only knows how much money is actually spent on the project.

As far as the virtue of the Royal Navy is concerned, half of it, that is, 750 million, will be really implemented.

750 million against 150 million, it looks a lot better right away, and it doesn't seem so miserable.

"Dream!" Sir Lauren Felix clapped the case. In Sir Lauren Felix's view, the price of 150 million was almost an insult to the Changi Naval Base.

Mars Cooper did not speak. Although this price was low, it was already one of the few offers willing to take over the Changi Naval Base.

Although the strategic value of the Changi Naval Base is high, it is for a country with major interests in the region. For a company, a merchant ship will stop at any port just to relay supplies. It is really unnecessary to build a port with tens of millions.

That’s right, despite the fact that the British government said it was [-] million, but for the Rhodesia company, the actual investment in projects like the expansion of the Changi Naval Base is probably tens of millions. The salaries of British workers are lower than those of Africans or The salary of the locals in the Lion City is too high.

Regardless of the African-American workers employed by British construction companies or local workers in the Lion City, their budgets for the British government are all calculated according to the cost of British local workers. This is a big extra profit for nothing. .

The British government must also know about this situation, but it can't go into details. The question is that the British Empire has its own national conditions.

Moreover, the expansion of the Changi Naval Base project is not a one-time overall quotation, but the expenditure is calculated based on the working hours of the workers.

In other words, no matter how much the worker's workload is, he will be paid for every day of work.

This can also explain why a project in southern Africa that can be completed in a few months will take several years if it is replaced by the British Empire.

This is all white money!
Sir Lauren Felix is ​​angry and angry, looking back and facing reality, the Lion City needs security, the Eastern Fleet needs a new base, the builders have to pay, the British government has stopped construction, what do you think It's all a dead end.

The solution is not without, and urging London to continue funding is undoubtedly the easiest and quickest.

So Sir Lauren Felix sent a telegram to the mainland, hoping that London could continue to promote the construction of the Changi Naval Base.

When Ramsay MacDonald just sent this telegram in front of dozens of countries in the League of Nations, calling for "European disarmament", the result can be imagined.

For three days in a row, Sir Lauren Felix sent four telegrams to the mainland, but they all fell into the sea without any response.

The builders here don’t care how entangled Sir Lauren Felix is. Several large-scale builders stay in line at the door of Sir Lauren Felix’s office every day to ask for money. This has become a lion city. A special view in front of the Governor's Palace.

On the fourth day, things finally turned around. Tang Li took the initiative to visit Sir Lauren Felix at the Governor's Mansion.

"Is there any hope of restarting the Changi Naval Base?" Tang Li is also very positive. The Southern African Navy is also part of the Royal Navy of the British Empire. The Changi Naval Base is completed and the Indian Ocean Fleet is also available.

Sir Lauren Felix sat pale behind his desk, bewildered.

"If possible, the Southern African Navy can continue the expansion project of the Changi Naval Base." Tang Li's words surprised Sir Lauren Felix. If the Southern African Navy continues the construction of the Changi Naval Base, then after the base is completed, Still the property of the Royal Navy—

The premise of this conclusion is that the Southern African Navy is part of the Royal Navy.

Since this premise is established, the reverse is also true.

"Of course, if our Southern African Navy completes the expansion of the Changi Naval Base, then after completion, the Changi Naval Base will be the property of our Southern African Navy." Next, Tang Li added Lauren Felix Jazz into the abyss.

Also, the Rhodesian Corporation is not a charity, nor is the Southern African Navy.

"Is it okay to have the right to use it?" Sir Lauren Felix frowned.

"Hehe, even if we don't take over, after the naval base is built, we still have the right to use it." Tang Li expressed his sincerity. Since the Southern African Navy can use the Royal Navy's base, the Royal Navy can also use the Southern African Navy's base. .

However, this result is not a good thing for the Lion City, because Tang Li did not promise to take over the Changi Naval Base while also taking over the debts related to the Changi Naval Base.

Nima's naval base hasn't been built yet, but the debt has already been incurred.

"While taking over the Changi Naval Base, we will also take over the debts related to the Naval Base, but one thing is, if our Southern African Navy takes over the Changi Naval Base, then all previous construction contracts related to the Changi Naval Base must be cancelled. " Tang Li has a bottom line, and the Southern African Navy will definitely not be taken advantage of.

"Hehe, do you think those builders would agree?" Sir Lauren Felix hated those builders deeply. If it weren't for those builders pressing harder and harder, Changi Naval Base would not be on sale.

"Of course they will agree. Apart from our southern African navy, is there anyone else who is willing to take over the Changi Naval Base?" Tang Li said proudly. It is said that the Americans, French, and Japanese are definitely willing to take over, but it is a pity that the British government will not agree.

Owning the Changi Naval Base is equivalent to having control over half of the Strait of Malacca. If Ramsay McDonald dares to sell the Changi Naval Base to other countries outside the Commonwealth, the Royal Navy will probably rebel.

(End of this chapter)

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