Chapter 1540

The general election in southern Africa begins on October [-]th, which coincides with the Double Ninth Festival on the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar. On this day, the Chinese have a tradition of climbing high, which means praying for blessings and gratitude, and paying homage to ancestors, which is of extraordinary significance.

At present in 1924, after last year’s Spring Festival, Southern Africa’s emphasis on traditional Chinese festivals has risen sharply. Although the temperature in the southern hemisphere is completely different from that in the northern hemisphere in terms of climate, the festive atmosphere has not diminished at all.

In the early morning, at the garrison camp on the outskirts of Pretoria, Captain Sun Ga got up early at six in the morning as usual.

Today is the first day of the general election in southern Africa. The 24st Battalion of Infantry in Johannesburg, where Sun Ga is located, is going to the Parliament Building in Pretoria. Sun Ga got up early in the morning and put on the [-]-style military uniform that was just issued , ready to lead the troops to perform duties in Pretoria.

The 24st Battalion of the Infantry in Johannesburg belongs to the Southern African Defense Force Field Force. The 15-style military uniform just issued is a camouflage military uniform developed by the Logistics Department in cooperation with Itno. This clothing has better concealment and camouflage than the previous iron-gray military uniform. It is more convenient for troops to operate in the field. The traditional big-brimmed hat has also been replaced with a smaller and softer beret. The officer's gun is a new Browning pistol with a capacity of [-] rounds.

Compared with the Cavalier revolver that Sun Ka is more accustomed to, the Browning pistol has more ammunition, is more powerful, and is more convenient to replace bullets. Once equipped with troops, it is warmly welcomed by officers and soldiers.

Of course, like the previous regulations, the southern African military does not impose strict restrictions on the self-defense weapons of officers and soldiers. The Browning standard pistol and the knight revolver are both [-]mm caliber, which will not cause too much pressure on logistics.

"Why don't we hold direct elections? The prime minister of southern Africa should be decided by all southern Africans. I don't want those congressmen to represent me and cast my sacred vote." Sun Ga's partner, Captain Parker, didn't trust the congressmen. The local chaos during this period has cast a shadow over the general elections in southern Africa.

The electoral system in southern Africa is different from that in the UK.

The United Kingdom is the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons, and the leader of the party automatically becomes the Prime Minister. In the general election, seats in the House of Commons are actually elected.

In the general election in southern Africa, members of Congress vote on behalf of voters in constituencies. The candidate of the majority party in the parliament may not necessarily become the prime minister of southern Africa. Although Adelaide and Philip were elected on behalf of the Liberal Party in the previous elections, there may still be accidents. .

"What are you worried about? The marshal will definitely be elected as the prime minister of southern Africa. Do you think Lord Rhodesia and Governor Yang Smotz can compete with the marshal?" Sun Ka is full of confidence. This election can be said to be the best in southern Africa. The least suspenseful election so far.

"Of course I'm not worried—no, I'm still worried—not right, I'm just—" Captain Parker spoke incoherently. Rock's election was indeed expected by everyone, but when things came to an end, it was inevitable that he would still be anxious.

"Calm down Parker, no matter who is elected prime minister, we must do our best." When Sun Ka was speaking, he subconsciously touched the gun on his waist.

After a simple breakfast, the [-]st Battalion of Johannesburg Infantry assembled for the Parliament Building.

At the front of the convoy is the latest wheeled armored vehicle. Compared with the previous armored vehicles, the biggest improvement of the new armored vehicle is the use of run-flat tires. Even if a tire blows out, it can travel another 50 kilometers.

As the garrison guarding Pretoria, the 1st Battalion of the Johannesburg Infantry was equipped with the latest B1 rifle, which continued Lee Enfield's ten-round large-capacity magazine and could shoot continuously without interruption. It is a new rifle newly developed by Nyasaran Heavy Industries. The B[-] rifle has high reliability, high shooting accuracy, and is easy to disassemble and clean. It has been proved to be a reliable, durable and effective weapon in many assessments by the Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa. The rifle, as the second standard rifle installed by the southern African army, is gradually being replaced throughout the army.

Sun Ka and Parker were riding in an improved armored command vehicle. The armor of this armored command vehicle has been further strengthened. It uses a "V"-shaped chassis and is specially optimized for explosions. In addition to the southern African military, the League of Nations peacekeeping force It is also equipped with this kind of armored vehicle, and has a good evaluation in actual combat.

As the general election day approached, Pretoria finally had a general election atmosphere. On the way to the parliament building, huge campaign posters of the Progressive Party and the People’s Party appeared on both sides of the road from time to time. On the posters were Stoudemire and Young Smith It's a pity that these two are destined to just run along, they can't compete with Rock at all.

There were already police officers on duty in the square in front of the Parliament Building. When the first Johannesburg Infantry Battalion arrived, there were already many people gathered in the square. Most of them were Rock supporters, and only a few were still supporting Stoudemire And Yang Smozi waved the flag.

"Locke, Locke, only Locke can lead Southern Africa forward—"

"Cecil - Rhodes - the future of Southern Africa, should be decided by Southern Africans -"

"Young Smudge, he's the real Southern African—"

The supporters of the three candidates gathered in the square in front of the Capitol, with slogans one after another. Rock's supporters were huge, and Stoudemire and Yang Smother's supporters were not to be outdone.

"Captain, we must keep our spirits up and prevent any accidents from happening." Jerome, the person in charge of Brad's office in Pretoria, also came to the Parliament building early on duty.

"We are seriously short of manpower, and we must mobilize more manpower—" Fowler, the deputy chief of the Pretoria Police Department, was sweating profusely. Nearly [-] people have gathered in the square. To five hundred, which made Fowler anxious.

Southern Africa has always advocated the spirit of martial arts. Whether this matter is good or bad, it can easily lead to extreme incidents.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of today's election, the Pretoria Police Department has used all its police force. Before entering the square, these people in the square have been strictly checked by the police officers on duty around the square. No one is allowed to carry weapons. Entering the plaza, even so Fowler was still uncertain.

Fowler is to blame for anything that happens today.

"Relax, Mr. Chief, everything is under control." Sun Ka is not worried. It is indeed difficult for these unarmed supporters to break through the cordon of the police and the National Defense Forces.

What's more, there are National Guards on duty at the scene. If someone breaks through the defense line like this, then Sun Ga and Fowler will definitely be investigated.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the Southern African Congress held its first vote. Roque's advantage was indeed unshakable. In the first vote, Roque won by an absolute advantage. 80.00% of the members of Congress voted for Roque gram.

This also means that Roque has been successfully elected as the Prime Minister of Southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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