Chapter 1541 Firecrackers
When the parliament began to vote, Roque had already returned to Nyasaland. On this special day, Roque chose to be with his family. No matter what the result was, Roque would accept it calmly.

The Eagle Castle was extremely lively that day. Zach got up early in the morning and led the servants to clean the inside and outside of the Eagle Castle.

Phyllis went to the garden in the morning to pick a bouquet of flowers, put them in a vase and placed them in the most prominent place in the living room. The children also got up early, and Gavin and Alvin, who were studying at Nyasaland University, also returned to Eagle Castle on purpose. .

Alvin, who was born in 07, will be 18 years old. At that time, Alvin will also go to his fief like Arthur to assume the responsibilities of a lord.

Gavin, as the first heir to the Marquis of Nyasaland, can stay in Nyasaland forever. He is currently studying for a Ph.D. in biology at Nyasaland University, and his teacher is Abu.

Speaking of Gavin's studies, according to Phyllis's plan, Gavin will study law and economics, so as to be in line with the status of the first heir to the Marquis of Nyasaland.

Gavin has his own ideals. When he first entered Nyasaland University, he did follow Phyllis’s wishes to study a double degree in law and economics. favorite biology.

Rock is still very open-minded in this regard, supporting Gavin in pursuing his own ideals, but of course he also has requirements.

"What's your plan after graduation?" Rock has been in Pretoria all this time, and it's rare to return to Eagle Fort. In the morning, Rock was surprised to find that Gavin's height had almost caught up with Rock.

Unknowingly, the children have grown up, and the time has passed so quickly. It has only been more than 1000 chapters and 24 years have passed.

"I want to stay and work in Professor Kawsol's laboratory. I have already participated in the breeding cattle improvement project. This job is very interesting." Gavin aspires to become an excellent biologist, which has a lot to do with his childhood experience relation.

After Gavin was born, the big guy was his best friend. Rock can still remember how sad Gavin cried when the big guy left.

Around that time, Gavin wanted to be a biologist.

"I think you should go to work with your father. This is the best choice for you." Phyllis has also learned to let go moderately now. Children have their own choices. Parents can make suggestions and cannot make decisions for children.

"I like working in the lab—" Gavin said with a calm expression. He has grown up and wants to have his own life.

Rock and Phyllis looked at each other with a hint of worry in their eyes.

The status of the first heir to the Marquis of Nyasaland puts a lot of pressure on Gavin. His words and deeds will be observed with a magnifying glass, and any slight flaw will be discussed by countless people as after-dinner conversation. Perhaps it was for these reasons that Gavin was willing to hide in the laboratory instead of showing his face with Rock.

Even if he works beside Rock, it will be more beneficial to Gavin's future.

"I have been to Gavin's laboratory, and I think the laboratory is also good. Gavin's work is very meaningful. If there are better breeding cattle, the whole of southern Africa will benefit from it." Alvin said in Nigeria He studied architecture at Saran University, and he has an extraordinary interest in architecture, and his greatest ideal is to become an architectural designer.

"You can't call my brother by his first name. That's the right only for me and your father. You should call me brother." Phyllis has strict requirements, and the seniority and inferiority cannot be messed up.

Alvin didn't speak, he lowered his head to drink soy milk, and rolled his eyes covertly.

Alvin has been more out of character than Gavin since he was a child. Gavin is under tremendous pressure, and Phyllis has been strict with him since he was a child. Relatively speaking, Phyllis is much more relaxed about Alvin.

Fortunately, this did not affect the relationship between the two brothers. Alvin gave Gavin a lot of support in many things, including Dr. Gavin's choice of biology, which was also influenced by Alvin.

"Gavin, relax, no one asked you to do anything—" Rock put down the chopsticks in his hand, and ended the breakfast proactively.

For Gavin, Rock was still quite worried, so after breakfast, Rock and Gavin went for a walk in the garden together, and chatted about the topic between father and son.

"Is there a girl you like in school?" Rock caught Gavin by surprise as soon as he came up.

Gavin is 19 years old this year. Under normal circumstances, he should be engaged at the very least. However, Gavin doesn't have a crush, and Rock and Phyllis don't want to make decisions for Gavin, so this matter is delayed until now.

"No, I don't want to think about it now." Gavin has his own ideas, and it doesn't mean that he must get engaged when he turns 18.

Singleness is still relatively popular in southern Africa. It seems that the higher the achievement, the less important it is for relationships.

For example, Kitchener and Ade, both of whom have never married in their lives, are not alone in southern Africa.

"Well, if you have a girl you like, bring it back and let me meet your mother. You have to be a little confident. You are the first heir to the Marquis of Nyasaland. Our family does not need to be married to other families to be stable. Status—" Rock hoped that Gavin would be more confident, and the world of biologists is not all laboratories.

What's more, even if Gavin becomes a biologist, many obligations cannot be avoided. Born in a family like Rock, while enjoying rights, he is also destined to take on more obligations.

"I will—" Gavin was silent.

Rock wondered if it was the same when Gavin was with his friends.

If this is the case, Roque will be very worried.

"I'm too busy with work, I don't have time to pay you too much attention, I hope you don't mind." Rock was silent for a while, after all, he admitted that he owed the children.

This is also helpless, Rock himself has several jobs, and it is impossible to be around the family all day long. Over the years, Rock has missed the children's graduation ceremony, missed the children's festival performance, missed the parent meeting—too many up.

"I know." Gavin smiled, the expression on his face finally relaxed.

"If I win the election, then you will receive more attention, but I don't want these attentions to bring you pressure, I hope that those attentions will become the driving force for your continuous improvement, which makes me happy What’s more, you guys are doing pretty well, beyond my expectations.” What Roque is most pleased with is that there are no playboys among his children, and Phyllis and Ada have strict requirements on the children.

"It's okay, I'm used to it—" Gavin was already used to this kind of attention, but he was not used to communicating with his father.

"That's good—" Rock suddenly grabbed Gavin's shoulder and patted Gavin hard a few times.

When Rock's hand just touched Gavin, Gavin had obvious resistance, and Rock could feel the tense state of Gavin's body.

Fortunately, Gavin quickly adapted to Rock's sudden enthusiasm, and his father's approval and encouragement finally made Gavin smile.

When Rock and Gavin were walking in the garden, Phyllis was watching the backs of the father and son from the window.

The same white shirt, the same black trousers, the same height, even the gait is very similar, Gavin has been imitating everything from Roark all this time.

However, it is a huge challenge for Gavin to surpass Rock's achievements, even an impossible task.

Roque's legend is still going on, and no one knows in the future, how far Southern Africa can go under Roque's leadership. As a national leader, Roque is still very young and has enough time to realize it slowly Rock's ideal.

"My lord, good morning—" Anton came to report early. Today is a special day for all Chinese in southern Africa.

"Ha, Gavin, you are already this tall. I heard that you are doing very well in Professor Kosol's laboratory. How about it? Are you interested in working for the state government? I will set up a separate laboratory for you , You can study whatever you want.” Anton also watched Gavin grow up, and he also has unlimited expectations for Gavin’s future.

"Thank you, Uncle Anton, but I don't want to change jobs yet." Gavin's attitude towards Anton is more enthusiastic than his attitude towards Rock.

This made Roque feel a little jealous.

"Hahahaha, my lord, you may not know that my niece and Gavin are colleagues in the laboratory. It took me a lot of effort to get Professor Kosol to agree—" Anton was triumphant, perhaps because of this Being old and disrespectful makes Anton more popular with children.

"Heh—" Rock sneered. Abramovich's laboratory has a very high level of secrecy in southern Africa. The staff who can work in Abu's laboratory must not only have outstanding ability, but also undergo strict background checks. How could Rock I do not know.

What's more, Gavin is also working in Abramovich's laboratory, so the agents in Brad's office have already checked the background of the staff in Abramovich's laboratory, and Rock just doesn't want to say it.

"When I first came here, many places were ready to celebrate. Tens of thousands of people gathered in the Cecil Rhodes Square in the city center. The reporter from the Voice of Nyasaland was waiting at the Capitol building. As long as there is news , it will be sent back as quickly as possible—" Anton was very excited, it was the consensus of everyone that Roque won, and now we just wait for the result to be confirmed.

"Just now, the Congress has completed the statistics. Lord Nyasaland officially became the fourth Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Southern Africa. His term of office was from 1925 to 1930. January 1 next year is the traditional Chinese Spring Festival. Matil Lord Da and Nyasaland will complete the handover of prime ministers—" The announcer's sweet voice came from the radio, and the smile on Phyllis's face bloomed like a flower.

"Father, the parliament has just passed a vote, and you are now the prime minister of the federal government—" Alvin cheered and ran to the garden to announce the good news, and there were faint sounds of firecrackers in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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