Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1546 True Legend 1 Life

Chapter 1546 True Legendary Life

Gaud was busy arranging the report after sending Ahmad Shah Kazaar away. This matter is beyond the scope of Gaud’s responsibility and requires Rock’s initial and final decision.

"At this point, I still can't let go of the king's airs, really—" Lu Shao sneered, and could only say that poor people must have something to hate.

Feng Ban went in without knowing it. Ahmad Shah Kazaar's performance just now seemed to Feng Ban to be pretty good, at least not too domineering.

Port Elizabeth has a special status, because it is the private property of Adan Company and does not belong to any country, so there are quite a few subjugated kings living in Port Elizabeth. Feng Ban also knows several members of the European royal family who live in Port Elizabeth. People are fairly low-key, and even if they are already in exile, they still have to put on a royal posture everywhere, which is disgusting.

"I originally arranged for him to live in the safe house of the umbrella company, but unfortunately he didn't like the environment of the safe house, and the environment of the safe house was too simple, so he went to Rhodesia Hotel to stay in the presidential suite for 1500 rand a night—" Lu Shao It is also speechless, the presidential suite of the Rhodesia Hotel is also graded, 1500 rand, which is roughly equivalent to the annual income of ten middle-class families.

But with Ahmad Shah Kazaar, it is just one night's room rate.

"The king—it's understandable—" Feng Ban laughed dumbly. The Qajar dynasty ruled Persia for more than 100 years. Regardless of the strength of the Persian country, the wealth accumulated by the royal family is unfathomable.

Before Lu Shao had time to speak, Gothe's expression changed drastically.

"Didn't you tell him that it might be dangerous to live in a Rhodesian hotel?" Gaud worried about the safety of Ahmad Shah Kazaar.

If you push others by yourself, if Gao De overthrew the Qajar Dynasty, he would also eradicate all members of the Qajar Dynasty royal family.

Although the security of the Rhodesia Hotel is not bad, it is a commercial hotel after all, and the security is far from that of the umbrella company.

"I told you—they told us not to worry, our majesty the king, but he brought a guard with him—" Lu Shao probably had the door shut before, but now he sneered again and again.

Gao De's face changed several times, but he still didn't say anything after all, life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, so let him go.

Of course, Gothe didn't do nothing, and he took the initiative to inform the Rhodesia Hotel to remind the Rhodesia Hotel to be more vigilant.

At night, the bustling Port Elizabeth is almost a city that never sleeps. With the port as the center, the bright lights extend for tens of miles. This is rare even in London, not to mention the Persian Gulf.

Not long ago, the new British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin set up a committee to assess the power supply problem in the UK in order to prove that the Conservative Party is also working hard for the welfare of the British people.

You may not believe it, but in 1924, there were no more than 70 people in the UK with access to electricity, and now the population of the UK is almost 4500 million.

This result stunned the UK up and down, which means that only about 0.15% of British people have access to electricity.

In contrast, according to the data released last year in Southern Africa, the number of households with access to electricity in 1923 accounted for about 45% of the total in Southern Africa.

So after Stanley Baldwin came to power, the first goal was to try to get at least 1929 million British people to use electricity around 900, when Stanley Baldwin's term ended.

Even so, 900 million people accounted for only 20% of the total population.

For Stanley Baldwin, this is already a very serious task.

The Rhodesia Hotel in Port Elizabeth is located in the most prosperous location in the center of the port area. The main building just completed the year before last has 45 floors and an astonishing 185 meters in height. Together with the 20-meter-high lighthouse, it is the most prominent landmark in Port Elizabeth. .

The presidential suite where Ahmad Shah Kajar stayed is located on the 14th floor of the hotel. The number 14 is very auspicious for many Westerners, because the number 13 is very unlucky in the West, so 14 also means the same Bad luck passed by.

In the west, Friday and the number 13 both represent bad luck, two unlucky individuals combined is a super unlucky day, Rhodesia Hotel is the same, there is not even a 13th floor, there is no room 13 on each floor , which is replaced by 12.5.
Yes, you read that right, it is the 12.5th floor.

Although Ahmed Shah Qajar has abdicated, the king still has the style he should have. When he came to Port Elizabeth, Ahmed Shah Qajar's entourage was close to 200 people, including more than one company of security personnel.

It's no wonder Ahmad Shah Qajar is confident.

However, a large number of people is not necessarily a good thing. It is impossible for so many people to live in the presidential suite. Even if they live in a business suite, it is not a small expense. Ahmed Shah Kazar himself has only more than 14 security personnel.

"Sir, are you sure you don't need our security personnel?" Huggins, the hotel's security supervisor, is a veteran who participated in the World Wars and also served in the umbrella company. He is energetic and experienced.

"Of course, we are capable of taking care of His Majesty's safety—" Saman, Ahmad Shah Kajar's head of guard, raised his head slightly. He was obviously not tall, but he seemed to want to look at people with his nostrils.

"Well, I wish you a pleasant night." Huggins didn't take it seriously. The Rhodesia Hotel doesn't know how many princes and nobles it receives every year. Huggins sees people like Saman a lot.

"Wait, is this the only elevator that can reach the 14th floor?" Saman was quite responsible.

"Yes, the stairwell is next to the elevator, and this is the only elevator that can reach the 14th floor." Huggins kept smiling. He spent 1500 rand a night and didn't need special security services. The money was easy and happy.

The presidential suite covers a large area, and there is only one set on each floor. It uses a special elevator and is used separately from ordinary rooms.

"That's great, thank you very much—" Saman thanked politely, which seemed very polite, but it gave Huggins the feeling: you can kneel down——

Huggins is not angry, the service industry should have the attitude of the service industry, no one has trouble with money.

In the elevator, Huggins was calm, but his assistant Emerson was irritable.

"Damn the Persians, who are clearly a lost dog and are still so arrogant, deserve to be overthrown." Emerson was furious when he thought of Saman's attitude just now.

To put it bluntly, Saman is only Ahmad Shah Kajar's chief guard, not to mention that Ahmad Shah Kajar is now the king of subjugation, even if Ahmad Shah Kajar is still the Persian Empire The King, Saman also has little qualifications for arrogance in Port Elizabeth.

To put it bluntly, even Ahmed Shah Kazaar himself can't run amok in Port Elizabeth, let alone a chief guard.

"Calm down Emerson, the king of Hades is very troublesome to see the kid, look at that guy, you should know why they perished—" Huggins is not angry, and he can't be angry, the abdicated king is still Rhodesia Hotel At any time, it would be unwise to run afoul of a major client's entourage, unless Huggins didn't want to do the job.

Of course, Huggins is not a masochist, so he doesn't want to look at Saman's face, so he just doesn't want to go up to find anger.

Anyway, Saman also rejected Huggins' kindness just now, even if something happened, Huggins can fully explain it.

"Hmph, they'd better not bother us today, or—" Emerson hadn't been smoothed out by society.

"Otherwise what?" Huggins said seriously.

"Otherwise, I'll let Andre go up to serve the guests—" Emerson wasn't stupid, of course he was a dead fellow Daoist, and he could still punch him.

this is life.

Emerson was right, this night, the guards of Ahmad Shah Kazaar really played a little crazy.

During the meal preparation in the evening, Ahmad Shah Kazaar's guards ordered a lot of wine, which already made Huggins feel abnormal.

Later, Saman called Hudgens to ask if the hotel had any special services.

On the pearl, the Rhodesia Hotel Port Elizabeth receives tens of thousands of guests every year, and there are really not many guests who make such a request.

Those who are able to stay in the Rhodesia Hotel have a bit of status, in other words, they need to show some face. If you really want to go to the bar downstairs, as long as you are willing to spend money and get by, the hotel doesn't care.

There are not many hotels in Rhodesia, and the hotel does not provide such services.

So Huggins was neither soft nor hard to push back, and very tactfully persuaded Saman to be a person.

At three o'clock in the morning, Ahmad Shah Kajar's bodyguard made another move and clashed with the guests living on the 12.5th floor.

As mentioned above, the elevator in the presidential suite is dedicated, and the people who live in the presidential suite on the 12.5th floor must be rich or expensive.

Huggins had to send someone to the 12.5th floor to maintain order, and reminded Saman not to harass guests on other floors, otherwise the hotel would take coercive measures.

Don't get me wrong, it's not to drive people out, but to call the police.

Don’t think that calling the police is useless, it’s useful, Saman doesn’t need to show his face, Ahmad Shah Kazaar himself still needs face, if it really makes trouble to the extent of calling the police, then Ahmad Shah Kazaar I will become another laughing stock of the royal family.

Tossing until early in the morning, just when Huggins thought he was about to be relieved, something happened to the presidential suite on the 14th floor.

Ahmad Shah Qajar is dead, in the bathtub of the presidential suite, and appears to have drowned in the shower.

Drowned in the shower?
This method of death is a bit weird, comparable to hanging on a radiator.

Of course, it is not impossible. Hitting yourself in the chest with a rifle, even eight shots can be suicide, and drowning in a bathtub is also normal.

What Gothe was most worried about happened.

(End of this chapter)

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