Chapter 1547
The death of the king, who had just been overthrown by Parliament, in the bathtub of the Rhodesian Hotel looked like a conspiracy.

After the Port Elizabeth police learned of the situation, they immediately notified the Rhodesia Hotel, hoping that all hotels would be closed to cooperate with the investigation.

This request was naturally rejected by the Rhodesia Hotel. The Rhodesia Hotel has nearly a thousand rooms. Most of the guests staying in the Rhodesia Hotel are dignitaries. The murder of the hotel has already affected the reputation of the Rhodesia Hotel. If the hotel is closed, it will cause even greater losses.

Regardless of Rhodesia Hotel's considerate service when dealing with major customers, Rhodesia Hotel is still very confident when facing the Port Elizabeth police. This matter doesn't even need Stoudemire to come forward, and Huggins can handle it.

"Last night, the guards of His Majesty Ahmad Shah Kazare refused the security service of our hotel. They reveled until dawn and harassed the guests on other floors. As a result, they found Ahmad Shah Kazaar in the morning His Majesty died in the bathtub of the bathroom all night, and no one cared about whether His Majesty the King slept well—” Huggins tried his best to cooperate with the police within the scope of his authority.

"Have Ahmed Shah Kazaar's guards been under control?" After receiving the report, police chief Chen Zheng rushed to the scene immediately.

"Yes, His Majesty Ahmad Shah Kajar's entourage at the hotel has all been controlled, but there are still some entourages living in other places—" Huggins had a lot of tossing this night, and his eyes were covered with circles. is black.

"Are there any witnesses, the king at night—there should be a concubine who is sleeping—" Chen Zheng didn't let go of any clues. Ordinary Persians can marry four wives, let alone the king.

"I don't know—" Huggins looked calm. Rhodesia Hotel received eight hundred princes and nobles a year, and there were all kinds of people.

Celebrity gossip is something everyone is curious about, but not Hudgens.

Working at the Rhodesia Hotel, Huggins knew too much gossip, and he was used to it for a long time. What is it to marry four wives, and there are quite a few beautiful men with him, and the proportion is still high.

Probably these princes and nobles are tired of all kinds of beauties, so they like to try some new things——

While talking, Chen Zheng and Huggins came to the 14th floor where Ahmad Shah Kazaar lived.

Probably because the game was too crazy last night, as soon as the elevator door opened, Chen Zheng smelled a pungent smell of alcohol, and more than 20 security personnel of Ahmad Shah Kazaar were all in mourning at this time. Less than yesterday's arrogance and arrogance.

That's right, they are a group of young people who live with Ahmed Shah Kajar. When Ahmad Shah Kajar was alive, they could still rely on Financial resources, live a life without worrying about food and clothing.

Now that Ahmad Shah Qajar has died unexpectedly, the next thing they have to do is look for a job.

However, given their casual attitude towards work, no one would dare to hire them.

"How much alcohol did they drink—" Chen Zheng was very surprised. Strictly speaking, Persians are not allowed to drink alcohol, but this rule is limited to public places. In private, Persians are no less fond of alcohol than British people.

"Twelve bottles of wine, six bottles of brandy, six bottles of champagne, four full barrels of beer—" Huggins worried, these drinks were billed separately, but now Ahmad Shah Kazaar is dead , Huggins was very worried about whom to ask for money.

Chen Zheng shook his head speechlessly, these wealthy servants are really indulgent enough, they deserve Ahmad Shah Kazaar to step down.

This rot has a lot to do with Ahmad Shah Kajar's lax command. The personal guards behaved so poorly, and other troops of the Qajar Dynasty can be imagined.

Huggins glanced at the staggering guards, and suddenly found that the head of the guard, Saman, didn't seem to be among them.

"Where's their chief of guard?" Huggins asked Emerson.

Emerson was dumbfounded. If Huggins didn't ask, Emerson wouldn't have noticed.

"Who?" Chen Zheng was sensitive.

"Ahmed Shah Kazaar's chief bodyguard, seems to be called Samo—" Huggins really didn't mean it.

"Saman—" Emerson corrected in a low voice, Sam is so cute, don't hate it.

"Yes, it's Saman. Where's your chief guard?" Huggins kicked a hangover guard.

The guard raised his head in confusion, glanced at Huggins, and then fell into a coma again.

lying trough-

This Nima also drank too much.

"Close the hotel, search everyone, and find Saman." Huggins reacted quickly, regardless of whether Ahmed Shah Kazaar's death had anything to do with his chief guard, Saman's disappearance at this time is definitely a Irregular.

Closing the hotel at this time will not affect the reputation of the Rhodesia Hotel. On the contrary, regardless of whether Ahmad Shah Kazaar's death has anything to do with Saman, the blame can be thrown on Saman.

The chief guard murdered the abdicated king!
The editor of this news paper must have liked it very much.

"Notify the airport, the wharf, and the station to assist in the investigation, search every car leaving Elizabeth, and send someone to investigate Ahmed Shah Kazaar's entourage to see if there is anything found—" Chen Zheng also reacted quickly , Ahmad Shah Kajar died in Port Elizabeth, which also had an impact on the reputation of Port Elizabeth.

With the cooperation of multiple departments, more and more news came together soon.

After Saman discovered the death of Ahmad Shah Kazal in the morning, he immediately left the Rhodesia Hotel with a backpack. At the same time, he also left the hotel with Ahmad Shah Kazal's concubine.

This melon seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

While Chen Zheng was investigating the scene, the police officers checking the check-in records at the front desk of the hotel also made a discovery.

Last night, the guest living on the 12.5th floor was actually a rich businessman from the Persian Empire, and the rich businessman's entourage had some conflicts with Ahmed Shah Kazaar's guards last night.

Just this morning, the wealthy businessman from the Persian Empire had checked out of the Rhodesian Hotel.

It was Lisa Khan who overthrew the Qajar Dynasty and established the current Pahlavi Dynasty.

This information will be reported to Gothe immediately.

"Could it be that Lisa Khan sent someone to kill Ahmad Shah Kazaar?" After Lu Shao knew this information, his first reaction was to kill Lisa Khan.

"It's possible, it's hard to say—" Gao De also worked as a policeman, before the truth was investigated——

Ah bah, there is basically no possibility of a clear investigation of this kind of case.

If you want to investigate clearly, you need the cooperation of Lisa Khan himself.

Lisa Khan is now the king of a country, so there is no need to think about this kind of thing.

"Lisa Khan is too much, it's not good to kill Ahmad Shah Kazal anywhere, we have to do it in Port Elizabeth, we have to go back for revenge—" Lu Shao preconceived, Ahmed Shah Kazal Death, for Lu Shao, meant that a lucrative order was cancelled, and he was really angry.

Just last night, Lu Shao was still thinking about where the umbrella company should mobilize mercenaries to complete Ahmed Shah Kazaar's order if Rock agreed to help Ahmad Shah Kazaar.

Now everything is in vain. This is an order of 100 million rand a month, and more importantly, the land on the northern shore of the Persian Gulf. If the umbrella company can complete the order, the Persian Gulf will become the inner lake of the umbrella company.

"Not yet, calm down—" Gothe couldn't swallow his breath, but this kind of thing is not like two children fighting, one must be fully prepared and have a suitable reason before attacking the Persians.

At noon, the police investigation was still ongoing, and Wahid Mehdi, a special representative of the Persian Empire Council, came to visit Gaud.

"Gao, on behalf of the Council of the Persian Empire, I'm here to renegotiate with you the issue of Khuzestan." Wahid Mehdi and Gaud are old acquaintances, and the Umbrella Company and Lisa Khan also had a honeymoon period.

However, with Lisa Khan overthrowing the Qajar Dynasty, the honeymoon period between Umbrella Corporation and Lisa Khan is over.

This is also normal, and the benefits are eternal.

"Khuzestan is the private property of Adan Company, and there is nothing to discuss about it." Gao De directly refused to discuss this issue.

After the Babu rebellion in Khuzestan, all the Persian troops at that time were withdrawn, and Khuzestan was actually abandoned.

At that time, in order to form a new army, Lisa Khan bought a large amount of ordnance from the Umbrella Company at the expense of Khuzestan, as well as the Persians in the Mesopotamia.

When the World War just ended, when the relationship between Umbrella Corporation and Lisa Khan was still in the honeymoon period, Lisa Khan signed an agreement with Adan Company in the name of Ahmad Shah Kazaar, agreeing to Khuzestan was sold to Adan Company for 150 million pounds. Adan Company only paid 50 pounds, and the other 100 million pounds was repaid in the form of debt.

So far, Khuzestan has become the private property of Adan Company, which is beyond dispute.

"No, no, Gao, the agreement was signed between His Majesty the King and Adan Company, which is seriously inconsistent with the value of Khuzestan. This is not a fair deal at all, but a betrayal of the interests of the Persian Empire by His Majesty the former King—— "Wahid Mahdi speaks righteously, and his ability to reverse black and white is also amazing.

"Wait, the agreement with Adan Company was signed by Lisa Khan himself." Gothe still underestimated the shamelessness of the Persians.

"It was the great Lisa Khan who had to sign the agreement on the order of Ahmad Shah Qajar, so the great Lisa Khan overthrew Ahmad Shah Qajar's Rule, build a new Iranian empire—” Wahid Mahdi gushed.

Gothe didn't want to listen to Wahid Mehdi's nonsense, so he smiled, and then said coldly: "See off—"

(End of this chapter)

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