Chapter 1548 Elimination
Probably Lisa Khan also knew that this request was groundless, so he asked Wahid Mahdi to come to Gaud in the name of the Persian Congress.

Khuzestan has a total area of ​​6.5 square kilometers. Over the years, the estimated amount of oil in Khuzestan's underground reserves has been increasing, from 11 million barrels at the beginning to [-] billion barrels now.

This number is not the final figure. Persia's oil reserves occupy the second place in the world, and Khuzestan's oil reserves account for about 70.00% of the entire Persia[-].

In order to protect the price of crude oil and avoid arousing the jealousy of the Persians, Adan Company has not developed Khuzestan's oil and gas resources in recent years, but has only carried out relevant exploration.

It's a pity that there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Lisa Khan couldn't find a breakthrough on Adan's side, so he and Anglo American Petroleum conducted exploration around Khuzestan, and they still found a lot of oil and gas resources.

More and more oil fields have been discovered in the surrounding areas of Khuzestan, so is there no oil in Khuzestan, which is located in the center?
This is probably the fundamental reason why Lisa Khan turned his face.

"Gao, your attitude is wrong. Justice will eventually defeat evil, and Khuzestan will eventually return to Persia—" Wahid Mehdi did not expect Gaud to turn his face and deny anyone.

"Wait—" Gothe stopped the guard who was trying to drag Wahid Mehdi away, and slowly got up from behind the desk.

"Wahid, we used to be friends. From the standpoint of friends, I have to tell you a fact. Maybe Khuzestan used to belong to Persia, but after the Adan company paid 150 million rand, Khuzestan is already a The property of Adan Company—" Gao De had a serious expression, his eyes were cold and cruel.

"We can give you back 150 million—" Wahid Mahdi had a good calculation, but it was a pity that the calculation was not like this.

"Shut up! No one wants your 150 million. In your Persian hands, Khuzestan is only worth 150 million, but to our Adan Company, Khuzestan is priceless! No one can take Khuzestan away. Let's go, unless you are ready to go to war with us—" Gothe snarled and wanted to redeem it at the original price?How can there be such a good thing.

"—But I have to remind you, if the Persian Empire dares to provoke a war, then it must be prepared to lose more land!" Gothe's momentum completely suppressed Wahid Mehdi, Wahid Mehdi Mehdi murmured, unable to utter a word.

"Also go back and tell Lisa Khan, what happened at the Rhodesia Hotel, we Port Elizabeth and Lord Rhodesia need an explanation from Lisa Khan, no one can run amok in Port Elizabeth, don't wait for things to get irreparable It’s only when you get to the bottom that you regret it.” Gothe beat and beat, even if Ahmedshah Kazaar’s death had nothing to do with Lisa Khan, Gothe was ready to rely on Lisa Khan.

Even if Ahmed Shah Qajar abdicates, he still enjoys the treatment of the king. This is the default rule throughout Europe.

Don't think that the royal family will be wiped out when the royal family resigns. Germany, which triggered the First World War, even established a government in exile in the Netherlands.

The Ottoman royal family, who was forced to abdicate during the World War, formed a government-in-exile in Port Elizabeth. The Umbrella Company provided protection to the Ottoman royal family. More than a dozen separatist forces on the Asia Minor peninsula asked the umbrella company to hand over the Ottoman royal family every year. Unfortunately, it was just lip service. It's just talking on the Internet, and no one dared to come to ask for someone.

The same is true for Ahmed Shah Qajar. Even if Ahmed Shah Qajar abdicates, no matter which country he goes to, he will enjoy royal treatment. This is a rule that all European countries have silently observed.

Don't ask why, the question is that all the royal families in Europe are watching and helping each other.

"The death of His Majesty Ahmad Shah Qajar has nothing to do with us—" Wahid Mahdi hastily denied.

"Whether it matters or not is up to you. Now, go back and tell Lisa Khan. If you don't give a reasonable explanation, you are ready to meet the anger of Port Elizabeth!" Gothe showed his sharpness at this time, and that's right. , the muscles have to be exposed to be scary.

After learning that the Persians were asking for Khuzestan, Rock silently transferred the battleship "East India" and the aircraft carrier "Cape" that had returned to Port Edward to the Persian Gulf.

Also arriving at the same time was a brigade of Marines.

Off the coast of Georgetown (Muscat), the destroyer "Glory" of the Indian Ocean Fleet is cruising. Although Georgetown is not the territory of southern Africa, Georgetown is Martin's fief.

Yes, after the World War, the British government wholesaled a lot of titles in order to win over southern Africa. It was at that time that Martin was named Baron of Muscat by George V.

"The weather is fine, the sea is calm, and it's another beautiful day." Smith, the first mate of the Glory, walked into the bridge with twice the coffee, and handed one of the cups to Captain Du Guo.

"Keep vigilant and keep an eye on every cargo ship sailing into the Persian Gulf. Detailed and thorough inspections must be carried out, no matter which country's flag it flies." Du Guo took the coffee and put it on the podium at hand, "Glorious "The destroyer has a full load displacement of 2650 tons. It is not good enough for the British, American and Japanese navies, but it is enough for the Persian Gulf.

In the Persian Gulf, the Southern African Navy has an absolute advantage.

Strictly speaking, the Persian Empire did not have a navy at all. After the end of the World War, the Persian Empire, under the pressure of the Royal Navy, purchased two heavy cruisers that were about to be eliminated by the Royal Navy, and finally got rid of the dirty name of "offshore navy".

Although there are heavy cruisers, it is a pity that the Persian Navy lacks naval officers to control heavy cruisers. The two cruisers can only be parked in the port and cannot be dispatched, which has become the laughing stock of navies all over the world.

Of the two heavy cruisers of the Persian Navy, one is in a state of maintenance all year round, and the other has a breakdown in the Suez Canal, and then towed to Alexandria for repairs. It has not yet arrived in Persia. The Persians paid a full £250 million.

If you want to do business, you still have to be the Royal Navy. There is nothing wrong with their business!
"What the hell did the Persians lose their minds? How dare they beg for Khuzestan? Do you want us to go to Hahbahar and teach the Persians a lesson!" Smith was in a panic. One of the most important ports along the Persian Gulf coast, less than 300 kilometers from Georgetown.

The "Glory" is now sailing to Hahbahar, preparing to inspect the ships entering Hahbahar. The Umbrella Company has received information from Brad's office. In the past few days, there will be a ship full of munitions The cargo ship arrived at Hahr Bahar.

You may not believe it, but this cargo ship departed from Portsmouth, England. The munitions on board are said to include Lee Enfield rifles and Maxim, and the owner is Shell Oil Company.

It is also understandable that both Royal Shell and Anglo American Petroleum hate Adan Company. Adan Company, which controls Port Elizabeth, occupies two-thirds of the European oil market. Royal Shell and Anglo American Petroleum want to share a share It's a pity that Adan Company disagrees.

With the development of science and technology, the importance of oil is getting higher and higher. Ten years ago, cars were the playthings of princes and nobles, but now they have entered the homes of ordinary people.

Coupled with the popularity of tanks and armored vehicles, and the rapid development of aircraft in the civilian field, oil has become the blood of industrial development. There are now more than [-] oil companies in the entire Persian Gulf.

"What do you want to do?" Du Guo took a sip of coffee and couldn't help frowning.

There is really too much sugar.

"We want to teach the Persians a lesson, so we should bombard Hahbahar and completely annihilate the Persian navy!" Smith's attitude was radical, and he was the standard British way of thinking.

The thinking of the British is that what cannot be obtained at the negotiating table must be obtained with naval guns and muskets.

"Calm down, Smith, we're not robbers—" Du Guo actually thought too, but unfortunately he couldn't.

Nominally, Hahbahar is Persian territory. In fact, after partitioning Persia with the Russians, Hahbahar is the sphere of influence of the United Kingdom.

If Hahbahar is to be bombarded, the first ones to jump out are probably not the Persians, but the British.

The two were chatting, and the second officer suddenly shouted a warning: "A merchant ship flying the British flag was spotted ahead, looking at the direction, it was sailing to Harbahar—"

Du Guo and Smith immediately became excited, rushed to the podium and picked up the binoculars to look around.

It was indeed a merchant ship flying the British flag, and the containers were neatly stacked on the deck. It seemed that the tonnage must exceed [-] tons.

"Go up and stop it!" Du Guo laughed loudly, this is the credit for delivering it to the door, a whole ship of ammunition must be worth a lot of money.

Following Du Guo's order, the destroyer "Glory" drew a beautiful arc on the sea, rushed to the side of the merchant ship with full power, and asked the merchant ship to be inspected.

"Glory, we are the Merchant Ship of the Shell Oil Company, and we are under the protection of the Royal Navy. Please leave immediately, you are about to sail on our route—" the Rich Man family ran away with horsepower, but at a speed of 15 knots, they faced Useless against the Glorious, which tops out at 35 knots.

"Military, stop the ship immediately for inspection, otherwise we will take compulsory measures—" Du Guo was not joking, while shouting, the high-level dual-purpose machine gun on the side of the "Glory" lowered its muzzle and pointed at the "Military" There was a burst of fire on the channel ahead.

dong dong dong-

The deep roar of the high-level dual-purpose machine gun was breathtaking, and the "Rich Man" immediately anchored and stopped the ship, and lowered the gangway, and a team of armed sailors boarded the "Rich Man" for inspection.

The information obtained by the Umbrella Company was correct. The "Rich Man" was loaded with 8000 Lee Enfield rifles and 200 Maxim heavy machine guns.

This is already an obsolete model in Southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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