Chapter 1576
Despite repeated urging from London, it was already April 4st when Roque arrived in London.

The reason why London is so urgent is because the Imperial Conference originally scheduled to be held on March 3 has been postponed for a month because of Rock's absence. If Rock doesn't come, let alone Stanley Baldwin, Stanley Bruce and William Gold is about to crumble.

Stanley Bruce is the current prime minister of Australia, and William King is the current prime minister of Canada. The purpose of the Imperial Conference is to clarify the relationship between colonies, protectorates, dominions and Britain.

After the World Wars, Britain's influence over the colonies, protectorates, and dominions continued to decline.

The colonies and the protectorate are easy to talk about, except that India is very honest and has no strength to challenge the United Kingdom.

The Dominion is different. Whether it is southern Africa, Australia, or Canada, they all made outstanding contributions to the British Empire during the World War. Britain also promised to give the Dominion greater autonomy after the World War. The Imperial Conference is mainly to solve this problem. question.

The main purpose of the Imperial Conference was to establish in legal form the formation of the Commonwealth of Nations.

As the most important member of the Commonwealth of Nations, when Rock arrived in London, he was warmly welcomed by the British government. Stanley Baldwin went to the airport to greet him in person, and left the airport in the same car as Rock.

"If you don't come, I will be driven crazy by those people. Earl Lytton asked to hold a meeting in advance. I say fuck you. Without the participation of southern Africa, the imperial meeting cannot achieve real results." Stein Leigh Baldwin's car was also a Lord's car, and he complained half-truths as soon as he got into the car.

Earl Lytton was talking about Victor Bulwer Lytton, the British Governor in Bengal. Now India is in the transition period between two governors, and Lytton is also the Governor of India.

Litton is the one who is most enthusiastic about the Imperial Conference. Rock, Bruce, and Jin don't have much expectations for the Imperial Conference.

Southern Africa and Australia and Canada, whether or not legally recognized, have achieved de facto self-government status.

Only India is unclear about its own position. Although Indians strongly demand the same autonomy as southern Africa, Australia, and Canada, it is impossible for the British government to agree to such a request.

But the Indians don't know it yet, and they pin their hopes on Britain's fulfillment of its promise
Roark does not know whether Britain will fulfill its promise. Anyway, Gandhi, who initiated "non-violent non-cooperation", has been arrested by the British colonial government.

It is said that Gandhi decided to go on a hunger strike in prison. When he heard the news, Winston was ecstatic and asked Rock three times in one day whether Gandhi was dead or not.

"There have been too many things recently. France and Madagascar are on the verge of war. The Indian Ocean Navy and the Americans are constantly at odds. The Americans hope that we can increase investment in Germany————" Baldwin's expectant eyes did not give Baldwin the answer he wanted: "—but how is it possible, the Congress is revising the annual budget, the previous budget was seriously insufficient, the federal government has decided to issue [-] million rand bonds to buy Some public facilities, when I came, my finance minister asked me, when will we start implementing the debt repayment plan?"

An important task of Rock's trip was to ask the British government for debts.

After the World War, Southern Africa and the United Kingdom negotiated on the debt owed by the United Kingdom to Southern Africa during the World War. The final result was that the British government paid [-]% of its annual fiscal revenue to repay the debt.

Only now did Roque know that this debt repayment agreement has become a dead letter. The World War has been over for several years, and the British Empire has not paid a penny.

This morality is not as good as the French, who more or less paid back.

"Locke, you know, the British Empire doesn't have any money now. Damn Ramsay MacDonald, regardless of the financial deterioration, promised to implement some welfare policy. After he stepped down, he left me with this mess. The federal government of Southern Africa can still issue bonds at least, and no one is likely to buy the bonds issued in London now—" Stanley Baldwin seemed to suddenly think of something, and looked at Rock with malicious intent.

"Don't even think about it. I'm just thinking about it. I don't know if I can sell it." Rock denied it. Stanley Baldwin's eyes are like Grandma Wolf's. Southern Africa is no longer Little Red Riding Hood!

"You have money to help the Germans, but you don't have money to help the British government?" Stanley Baldwin looked suspicious.

Göring Meyer's visit to southern Africa was a bit successful. Although he did not receive investment from southern Africa, he did donate a lot of relief funds.

These donations did not go directly to Goering, but purchased various goods from southern Africa and shipped them to Germany, including food and daily necessities.

"It's not relief, it's humanitarian—" Rock resolutely refuses to admit it. Don't look at Britain's return to the continental balance policy. God knows what the situation will be like when Germany recovers in a few years.

"Your son just got married, right—" Stanley Baldwin said surprisingly.

"No, no, don't talk nonsense, I didn't—" Rock denied three times.

"Don't worry about it, it seems that Arthur's title is still a baron, how about it? Do you want to help Arthur a step up?" Stanley Baldwin was simply going too far.

"Hehe, there's no need, a baron is fine." Rock wasn't fooled, and the British Empire was the only title that could be obtained now.

"Think about it, having too many titles is not a burden—" Stanley Baldwin was not in a hurry, the titles still had some value, at least the status was there.

Rock currently only has the title of Marquis of Nyasaland, and the prefix of his name was obviously not long enough when he introduced it, and he lacked momentum.

Some British nobles have more than one title, such as Prince Charles known to Roque. In addition to the title of Prince of Wales dedicated to the Crown Prince, he also has the Duke of Cornwall, Earl of Carrick, Baron Renfrew, the Isles of Scotland, the Great Lord Steward, Earl of Chester and many other titles.

"Let's talk about the Imperial Conference—" Roque didn't respond, and asking for so many titles is useless except to bluff people.

With Roque's current status, he no longer needs these extraneous things.

Speaking of the Imperial Conference, Stanley Baldwin once again had a complicated expression. The Indian problem cannot be entirely blamed on Ramsay MacDonald. Lloyd George and Winston are both responsible.

The issue before Stanley Baldwin is also very difficult. As prime minister, Stanley Baldwin must inherit Ramsay McDonald's decision on India and start negotiations with India on India's status.

But there is nothing to talk about, the British Parliament will not agree. If Stanley Baldwin insists on going his own way, he will probably be ousted by Congress again.

"What do you think?" Stanley Baldwin sought Rock's advice.

"My attitude is the same as that of Winston's. India will still maintain the status quo." Rock's dead fellow Daoist did not die poorly, and sold India in minutes.

"Yeah, let's have a meeting with Bruce and Jin tomorrow to talk about the situation in India." Stanley Baldwin finally had some confidence.

In the evening, Stanley Baldwin arranged a simple welcome dinner for Rock. In addition to Rock, Stanley Baldwin also invited the Chamberlain brothers and Winston.

"Is that person dead?" Winston still cared about Gandhi, hated Gandhi so much that he didn't even want to mention his name, and only used "that person" instead.

"Not yet—" Neville had a regretful expression, and he obviously didn't like Gandhi either.

"Then find someone to kill him!" Winston was never relentless in this regard, and hated Gandhi deeply.

"No, no, he can't die now, at least he can't die in prison—" Stanley Baldwin was taken aback. If Gandhi died in prison, whether it was the colonial government or not, the blame would be Stan Leigh Baldwin's.

"Then fuck him up. I heard that he sleeps with his grand-niece and grand-niece and daughter-in-law every day, and he doesn't wear clothes, so he has the face to call it abstinence—" Rock doesn't like Gandhi either, because In addition, it is because of the [-] million stalk.

At that time, the total Chinese population was only [-] million.

"Hehe, Locke, this is useless to that guy, and even if it is true, most Indians would not think there is anything wrong with it." Winston sneered, scoffing at the moral bottom line of Indians.

Both Stanley Baldwin and Chamberlain nodded in agreement with Winston's evaluation.

It was only at this time that Rock realized that in fact, the British are even worse than the Indians in this respect, especially the royal family, and even the entire European royal family. It is normal for close relatives to marry, otherwise it is not There will be so many hemophiliacs.

"That's easy—" Rock didn't think there was nothing Gandhi could do to deal with him. The best way to deal with such a person was to find a place like Robben Island and imprison him until he died.

Or create an accident, even if the accident does not look like an accident, but as long as the British government is not embarrassed, it will be others who are embarrassed.

"How to say?" Stanley Baldwin was enthusiastic.

"There is no real governor in India right now—" Rock told the truth.

"That's right!" Winston reacted quickly. Earl Lytton was only the acting governor, not the real governor of India. His position on this issue could not be firm.

"Winston, you go to find Earl Lytton tomorrow—no, no, no, I'll go in person." Stanley Baldwin was in a good mood. India, let alone a dominion, would not even be a protectorate. If Britain lost India, that would be true. Becoming alone.

ps: Regarding typos, the input method I use has a very good and wonderful function called intelligent association. Sometimes you can type the word you want by typing only two letters, but it only associates but does not memorize it. Depressed, and sometimes changing——

(End of this chapter)

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