Chapter 1577
Britain's overseas colonies are divided into three levels, the first is the direct colony, the second is the protectorate, and the third is the dominion.

After the World War, the influence of the British Empire continued to decline, and the overseas colonies wanted more and more autonomy. The British government had to follow the development of the times to hold an imperial conference.

Of course, the autonomy here is not completely independent. For example, southern Africa, Australia, and New Zealand are okay. After independence, they will not face threats from neighboring countries. Canada is very poor.

If Canada becomes independent, it will be annexed by the United States in minutes, even with the help of the Southern African Atlantic Fleet.

Southern Africa does not want to be completely independent either. It sounds good to be completely independent, but in that case it will lose the huge market in the Commonwealth. Given the current international situation, if Southern Africa secedes from the Commonwealth, it is tantamount to ceding the Commonwealth market to the United States People, so Rock would not do such a stupid thing.

Rock's ideal Commonwealth should be a free and equal loose association, each dominion should have independent domestic and foreign powers, and the laws promulgated by the dominion do not need the approval of the British Parliament, and the domestic laws of the United Kingdom have no effect on the dominion. The Dominion can regard the King of England as the head of state, and the King of England can also send a Governor to the Dominion, but the Governor is a mascot for each Dominion and has no actual power.

In fact, it is similar to the current situation in southern Africa. The current head of state in southern Africa is still King George V of the United Kingdom, and the governor of Kitchener has no real power. Hopefully this issue will be resolved in the Imperial Council.

The next day, when Stanley Baldwin was looking for Earl Lytton, Rock hosted a banquet for Stanley Bruce and William King in his manor.

Viscount Stanley Bruce, born in 1883, was the eighth Prime Minister of Australia. He participated in the World War and was injured during the battle in France. Therefore, when Stanley Bruce saw Rock again, he was very happy to salute Rock, and called him Gram is "Marshal".

William King is known as Canada's most outstanding prime minister. During the period from 1921 to 1948, William King served as the prime minister of Canada three times, and he was in power for 21 years.

After learning about Rock's vision for the Commonwealth, Bruce and King readily agreed that as the three major dominions of the British Empire, Canada and Australia are very clear that in today's declining British Empire, southern Africa is the most powerful force to maintain the Commonwealth weapons.

Canada needs the help of southern Africa to face the aggressiveness of the United States.

Australia is surrounded by southern Africa, and it also needs the help of southern Africa to guarantee Australia's interests.

"Lord, I hope that Southern Africa can strengthen economic cooperation with Australia. The Western Australia Company has discovered a large amount of high-quality iron ore in the Pilbara. The Australian government hopes to conduct joint development with the Western Australia Company or the Fawalt Steel Group. Australia At the same time, there is also high-quality wool, but unfortunately the processing capacity is very weak, and we also need to increase cooperation in this area—” Bruce has a very low profile, and Australia’s structure is actually a loose federation, and the federal government’s influence on Western Australia is really real Not as good as the West Australian company.

Tang En, the general manager of the Western Australia company, has been successfully elected as the governor of Western Australia. The area of ​​this state is about 252 million square kilometers, accounting for one-third of Australia's total area, which is almost equivalent to the entire Western Europe.

Although Western Australia has a large area, its economic foundation is weak and its population is sparse. In 1925, the total population was less than 50, and the population density was only about five square kilometers per person. The whole world can compare with Western Australia in this respect. It is estimated that Only Siberia in Russia, and Alaska in the United States.

Although the status quo in Western Australia is not very good, it has great potential. The Australian government established a resource committee last year to explore the country's mineral resources. Most of the land in Western Australia is owned by Western Australia companies. The Australian government has no right to Resources in Western Australia were verified, but through different news channels, the news that the Pilbara region is rich in iron ore is still spreading like wildfire.

"Of course, Fawalt Steel Group is building a huge steel city in Nacala. Once the project is completed, it will develop the iron mines in the Pilbara region." Rock readily agreed. Southern African companies make money, and the Australian government also wants to Have a sip of soup, otherwise it would be too dishonest.

The iron ore resources in southern Africa have been developed over the years, and the cost is getting higher and higher.

It's not that the resources are exhausted, but the reserves are still there, but the cost of mining is too high, and it is becoming more and more uneconomical.

The iron ore in the Pilbara area is an open-pit mine. Not only is the mining cost low, but the ore grade is high and the transportation is convenient. If it weren’t for Western Australia’s vast land and sparse population, Henry would like to open the steel plant to Australia, which is the most suitable for Henry. Interests.

However, it is seriously not in the interests of the federal government of Southern Africa to open a steel plant to Western Australia. You must know that a steel plant is a labor-intensive enterprise. A small and large-scale steel plant can have tens of thousands of workers and can provide countless supplies for the local area. There are more jobs, and there are more other jobs derived from it. This opportunity must not be reserved for Australians.

Although there are not many southern Africans working in Henry's steel factory, countless Africans around southern Africa are desperate for jobs in the steel factory. Leaving the factory in southern Africa may pollute the environment, but the profits generated But it keeps coming.

Australia should honestly be a supplier of production materials in southern Africa. As for how much iron ore exports can be taxed, it depends on the game between the Australian government and the Western Australian government.

"Great lord, Australia will be the most loyal ally in southern Africa, and we will be friends forever." Bruce is very happy. It is better to have something than nothing. It is not a day for southern African companies to control production in order to maintain profits. For two days, just ask Royal Shell and Anglo American, it's a love-hate relationship.

Hate is easy to understand. Adan Company firmly controls the oil in the Persian Gulf, allowing Royal Shell and Anglo-American Petroleum to jump up and down, and no ship can enter the Persian Gulf.

What I love is that Adan's control of production actually leaves a way out for Royal Shell and Anglo American. If one day Roque can't think about digging for oil, Royal Shell and Anglo American will go bankrupt in minutes.

In terms of output, the combined oil fields of Royal Shell and Anglo American Petroleum are not even comparable to an oil well in Port Elizabeth.

In terms of cost, the oilfields in Port Elizabeth use a large number of Persians and Ottomans. The low-cost ones are similar to Africans. Moreover, the oilfields in Port Elizabeth are of good quality. Some oil wells do not need to be refined at all. However, Royal Shell and Anglo American's oil well sycophants can't keep up.

The same is true for iron ore, which is controlled by southern African companies, but the Pilbara is not the only iron mine that has not been developed. Brazil's Iron Four Corners also has massive iron ore reserves, but it has not been developed either.

It is very simple to know how many similar cases there are. The British Military Intelligence Service is very experienced now. Just follow the exploration team in southern Africa. Although specific information is difficult to obtain, there is always a general direction.

"Lord, we hope to strengthen military cooperation. Halifax needs more troops. We can bear the cost, but we must ensure the safety of Canada." William King also has demands. The United States has always wanted to annex Canada, and now it is forced Due to the pressure from the United Kingdom and southern Africa, they dare not implement it. If southern Africa absolutely withdraws its troops from Halifax one day, it will be a bolt from the blue for Canada.

Or catastrophe.

This is why William King ignored the busy government affairs in Canada and stayed in London to wait for Rock. William King hoped that Rock could strengthen the garrison in Halifax, and would rather bear the military expenses for this.

Rock was suddenly in a trance. Similar things seemed to have happened in another time and space. It seemed that the United States was about to withdraw from the peninsula, and then the Koreans cried and hoped that the Americans would stay.

But Korea is a colony of the United States, what is Canada in southern Africa?
Of course, William King had this realization, and Rock was very happy.

After William King became Prime Minister of Canada, his first executive order was to effectively guarantee the survival rights and political status of all ethnic groups in Canada.

Although the Canadian government did not specify who "all races" refers to, everyone knows that it refers specifically to Chinese living in Canada.

Canada is also a country of immigrants, and there are many French-Germans. During the World War, French-Canadians even clashed with the Canadian government in order to resist conscription.

As far as the Canadian government has not targeted French Canadians, why are Chinese Canadians who are honest and law-abiding targeted?

"Canada is also an ally of southern Africa. Marshal Bing and I have always maintained a good friendship. For the safety of Canada, southern Africa is obligatory." When he arrived at the scene, officials from the Canadian embassy in southern Africa sent Arthur a congratulatory gift and a personal letter, which is already very good.

Julian Bean was also Rock's subordinate during the World War. When Arthur and Gavin traveled around the world, they visited Julian Bean on their own initiative. Julian Bean was very happy and warmly entertained Arthur and Gavin in his Governor's Mansion. Wen, and sent someone to protect Arthur and Gavin until Arthur and Gavin left Canada.

Rock also sent a telegram to Julian Bean afterwards, expressing his gratitude to Julian Bean. Although the matter was not a big deal, there was still a reciprocity that should be given.

"Thank you very much, Lord. We have decided to lay off most of the army, and only retain the National Guard for maintaining law and order, and focus more on developing the economy." William King also has no choice, Canada's population is now less than 1000 million, although it is a little more than Australia, but it is not much more. Canada is really powerless to develop military and economy at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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