Chapter 1578

There is nothing new under the sun, Indians are not involved, Rock and Stanley Baldwin decided the fate of India.

Now Stanley Baldwin hadn't convinced Earl Lytton that Rock and Stanley Bruce and William King had decided the fate of the Commonwealth.

The Imperial Conference was officially held on April [-]th. The first day was to discuss matters related to India. Earl Lytton made a symbolic effort, and then he lay down and did whatever he wanted. India is still a colony of the British Empire. There is nothing wrong with that. Change.

There was also an episode that afternoon. Several Indians got the news of the Imperial Conference from nowhere, and protested at the entrance of Downing Street with banners, hoping that the British government would honor its promise and grant India the status of a dominion.

Stanley Baldwin was not polite, and immediately ordered people to arrest all protesting Indians after learning the news, leaving no room for it.

Rock, Stanley Bruce and William King looked at each other, what about democracy and freedom?
It is estimated that Indians are also struggling with this issue.

That's good enough, at least Stanley Baldwin didn't send someone to set up a machine gun.

During the World War II, London workers could not bear the harsh working conditions and long working hours and angrily went on strike. The then British Prime Minister Winston brazenly sent troops to set up machine guns to brutally suppress the striking workers.

At the Imperial Conference on April [-]th, on behalf of Southern Africa, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, Rock proposed that the Dominions of the British Empire, like the British Empire, are free and equal countries within the Commonwealth of Nations, and they form the Commonwealth of Nations together with the United Kingdom , the King of England is jointly regarded as the head of state; the parliaments of each dominion are equal to the imperial parliament, and any law of the British parliament is not applicable to the dominion without the recognition of the dominion; the dominion can modify and abolish any bill passed by the imperial parliament in the past, and the dominion promulgates Any law does not need to be approved by the British Parliament; the domestic and foreign affairs of each dominion are independent.

Oh, forgot, not just Southern Africa and Australia, Canada, New Zealand, but also Ireland, which has just become a Dominion.

In 1916, the "Easter Rising" broke out in Dublin against British colonial rule.

In 1919, the majority of Irish MPs elected in the 1918 general election refused to serve in the British House of Commons, they formed the Irish Parliament themselves and issued a unilateral Declaration of Independence in January 1919 under the name of a separate "Irish Republic".

After that, the Anglo-Irish War broke out between Britain and Ireland, and the "Anglo-Irish Treaty" was reached in 1921.

The "Anglo-Irish Treaty" stipulates that Ireland is divided into two parts, and the 26 counties in the south are established as a free state, which is still part of the Commonwealth of Nations; the 6 counties in the north are assigned to the United Kingdom and are directly under the British government.

When Rock was in London, those who assassinated Rock belonged to Northern Ireland.

For Rock's proposal, Stanley Baldwin agreed in principle. After all, the British Empire is now in name only, and its influence on overseas dominions is dwindling. Instead of insisting, Stanley Baldwin might as well follow the trend and agree to Rock's request.

The problem is Irish Prime Minister Eamon de Valera.

Eamon de Valera not only hoped that Ireland could completely separate from the Commonwealth, but also hoped that the United Kingdom would give up the six northern counties of Ireland and return the six northern counties to Ireland, so as to promote the unification of Ireland.

Eamon de Valera was born in 1882. He joined the Irish Volunteer Army in 1913 and participated in the Irish Self-Government Movement. He was arrested for participating in the Easter Rising in 1916, but was released in 1917 because he was an American citizen.

In 1919, Eamon de Valera escaped from Lincoln Prison after being arrested for the second time. He went to the United States in disguise to raise $600 million for Irish independence. In 1924, he formed the Irish Republican Party.

Leaving aside what Eamon de Valera is like, he raised $600 million is interesting, Americans seem to be keen on this kind of thing, they can't even pay WW[-] veterans their own pensions Out, but generous to the Irish.

"Mr. Valera, it is impossible for London to accept your request. We made it very clear in the Anglo-Irish Treaty that the 26 counties in the south form a free state, and the six counties in the north are directly under the jurisdiction of London. You cannot overthrow all of this now." Stanley Baldwin also has no choice. In fact, it is not impossible to let Ireland become completely independent, but the British Empire cannot afford to lose this person.

Shame is a trivial matter, in case Ireland becomes independent, how will this make Southern Africa, Australia, and Canada think?What does India think?
The chain reaction triggered by this is very terrifying. Roark does not want Southern Africa to completely separate from the Commonwealth, and Stanley Baldwin does not want Southern Africa to secede from the Commonwealth.

"The "British-Irish Treaty" was not approved by the current Irish Parliament. Griffith and Collins who signed the "British-Irish Treaty" died of illness, and the other was assassinated by you. Now the "British-Irish Treaty" has lost its validity—— ’ Valera tore up the Anglo-Irish Treaty completely, and Stanley Baldwin was furious.

"Who was assassinated by us?" Stanley Baldwin was very angry. Collins was indeed assassinated, but it was really not the British government.

After the signing of the "British-Irish Treaty", the United Kingdom has actually given up most of its rights to Ireland. At this time, it is meaningless to assassinate Collins.

On the contrary, assassination is the method the Irish are best at using. The Irish not only assassinate British dignitaries, but also use this method to exclude dissidents.

It's a pity that Britain has no evidence to prove that Collins was killed by the Irish themselves. This is a muddled account.

"Collins—or Griffith too—" Valera said decisively. Griffith died of illness in name, but God knows.

There is no way to say this. After the end of the Anglo-Irish War, Sinn Féin fell into a split, and Ireland fell into a three-year civil war. Griffith and Collins, who served as the chairman of the Free State Administrative Council and Prime Minister respectively, died soon after.

It is meaningless to talk about this matter now. After Sinn Féin split, Valera founded the Republican Party. According to the logic of who benefits and who is responsible, Valera is actually the most suspect.

"Wait, Eamon—" Stanley Bruce tried to speak.

"Bruce, this is a problem between us and London, and it has nothing to do with you Australia." Valera blocked the conversation directly, not giving Stanley Bruce a chance to speak.

The day's meeting broke up badly, and in the evening Rock, Bruce, and William King had dinner again, this time with Winston.

"Are Collins and Griffith really—" Rock also doubted the integrity of the British government, and it was normal to fish in troubled waters.

"What are you talking about Locke, this kind of thing has nothing to do with us." Winston borrowed wine to relieve his sorrow, drinking one cup after another non-stop.

"What should we do? If Ireland doesn't agree, then we won't be able to reach an agreement." Bruce was very depressed. Valera overturned what had been negotiated. Maybe even the Commonwealth of Nations would be dismantled.

"Are the six northern counties that important?" Rock was also very helpless. Most people in the six northern counties agreed to stay in the Commonwealth, and only a small number of people were willing to join the Free State. Valera is now talking about these few people and ignoring interests of the majority.

According to Rock's thinking, if the British government behaved a little tougher, the Irish Free State would not be relentless.

But the British government no longer wants to get entangled in this issue. When Balfour was the Minister of Irish Affairs, he also carried out bloody suppression of the Irish. Unfortunately, the Irish were unyielding, and the British government was also disheartened.

"What else? If Rhodesia or Nyasaland wants to separate from the Southern African Federal Government, will the Southern African Federal Government agree?" Winston asked a question that Rock could not answer.

Rhodesia or Nyasaland—

Well, let's put it this way, now that Cape is seceding from Southern Africa, neither Rhodesia nor Nyasaland will secede from Southern Africa.

It was impossible for Rock to answer.

"Not to this extent, the six northern counties are not so important to the British Empire-" William King also hoped that London would back down.

"No! Absolutely not! There are millions of Britons living in the six northern counties. London cannot abandon the British in the six northern counties." Winston was determined.

"Then be tougher, don't give the Irish people room to negotiate, at worst there will be another Anglo-Irish war!" William King was full of murderous intent, and he could only fight if he couldn't reach an agreement. Whoever had the bigger fist had the final say.

"London doesn't have the ability to withstand war now—" Winston smiled wryly. If possible, London would not want to see Ireland become independent.

The war against Ireland was different from other wars.

During the Second Boer War, Kitchener used various cruel methods including barbed wire, concentration camps, no man's land, etc., and finally forced the Boers to surrender.

In the 32 counties of Ireland, the British and the Irish are mixed, and they all look similar. It is hard to tell which is the British and which is the Irish. At this time, some methods lose their meaning.

However, the resistance method used by the Irish is different from that of the Boers. There is no large-scale formed army, but a small-scale resistance army. They hide in the community and use harassment tactics against the British army, which makes the British army a headache. Complete eradication.

It's easy to eradicate. If all Irish people are put into concentration camps, the Irish Resistance Army will lose the protection of the community and have nowhere to hide.

But in that case, the prestige of the British government will also be lost. After all, Ireland is also a part of the civilized world, and with the support of the Americans, it cannot treat the Irish in the same way as the Boers.

In fact, it is not impossible, Rock just watched silently.

"Lock, what can you do?" Winston noticed Rock's silence.

"Simple, give full support to the British living in Ireland, and let the British living in Ireland deal with the Irish." Rock was indifferent, and the person who tied the bell had to be untied.

(End of this chapter)

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