Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1584 Invention King

Chapter 1584 Invention King
In his previous life, Rock heard too many legends about Nikola Tesla. What I want to explain here is that Nikola Tesla did not discover alternating current, and even the AC motor was not Nikola Tesla. Invented, Nikola Tesla contributed to the popularization of alternating current just as Watt improved the steam engine.

In 1898, at an electrical exposition at Madison Square Garden, Nikola Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat to the public.

It sounds amazing. The radio remote control technology became widely popular after the middle of the 20th century. Nikola Tesla made it a reality in 1898.

Regarding radio remote control technology, Nikola Tesla initially wanted to sell it to the U.S. Department of War, thinking that the U.S. Department of War would be interested in this technology.

It's a pity that the U.S. Department of War in 1898 was obsessed with building the Great White Fleet and had no interest in Nikola Tesla's technology at all, so this technology was forgotten like many of Nikola Tesla's inventions.

Also forgotten is Nikola Tesla's invention of the fanless turbine, which is said—just said, it is said that when Nikola Tesla was experimenting with his invention of the fanless turbine in 1909, he discovered that The combustion efficiency of the fanless turbine can reach 60%.

For this data, Rock is also deeply skeptical. It is necessary to know that the combustion efficiency of the most advanced engine in the 21st century can barely exceed 40%.

Let’s not talk about whether this “supposedly” is true. If it is true, it will not be a good thing for Rock, because the higher the combustion efficiency, the smaller the world’s demand for oil. Profits will be affected.

Roque came to Nikola Tesla not to obtain Nikola Tesla's technology, nor to verify the combustion efficiency of fanless turbines, nor to worship, but just to find Nikola Tesla Pull chat.

Compared with those inventions of Nikola Tesla, Rock is still more interested in the legendary prophecy of Nikola Tesla.

For example, the two world wars, the sinking of the Titanic, and the train accident in Manhattan, New York, etc.

How to say these prophecies, some are indeed true, and some are false rumors.

For example, the two world wars, if this is also a prophecy, then Foch is also a prophet, because when the "Versailles Treaty" was signed, Foch said that the "Versailles Treaty" will not bring peace, it is just a 20-year armistice agreement .

Another example is the Titanic. When the White Star Company built the Titanic, some people questioned the unreasonable design of the Titanic. But at that time, Britain and Germany were in a crazy period of arms race, and Britain needed the "unsinkable" Titanic To maintain the glory of the British Empire, the crew recruited only four days before departure will not even use the folding lifeboats, because everyone thinks that there is no chance of using these lifeboats.

As for the train accident in Manhattan, New York, this is really unexplainable, but there are many unexplainable things in the world, just like people never look in the mirror in their dreams. Is it because of the wonderful chemical reaction that will occur after the collision of two illusory worlds?

"The mention of wireless telegraphy will eventually become smaller and smaller, so small that it can be carried around, and people can use wireless telegraphy to communicate conveniently, that's for sure—" Nikola Tesla is still very sharp in thinking. During this period, he continued to publish papers on his "death ray" weapon.

It's a pity that no one believed a bankrupt businessman. The American media during this period was very unfriendly to Nikola Tesla. According to some media, Nikola Tesla and Robert Goddard were both It is "moon man".

The difference is that no one wants to invest in Robert Goddard's rocket, and Nikola Tesla got Morgan's investment at one point, but it's a pity that Nikola Tesla screwed up his Wardenclyffe Tower , no second American rich man is willing to give Nikola Tesla $15.

"We have installed radios in cars now. In the future, radios will definitely be reduced to the point where you can carry them with you." Rock has no doubts about this. The popularity of mobile phones in the future sounds like a myth in 1925. .

Nikola Tesla himself was an excellent engineer, and it is normal for him to have such judgment.

"It's such a pity that the United States Patent Office revoked my radio patent, or the radio in southern Africa would have to pay me patent fees." Nikola Tesla was very happy, he even gave up the patent for alternating current , would not care about radio patents.

As for why the U.S. Patent Office revoked Nikola Tesla’s radio patent, there is an unknown business operation behind it. Just look at who is the largest communications company in the United States.

"That's impossible. The radio patent in southern Africa belongs to Popov." Rock was also joking. Popov and Nikola Tesla invented radio transmission devices almost at the same time. It's a pity that in Russia at that time, Popov The invention of the radio was as underappreciated as the four-engine bomber.

What I want to explain here is that patent application is a very complicated job. For the same patent, whoever applies for it first will not get it. After Marconi applied for a radio patent in the UK, he then went to the United States to apply. It is found that Nikola Tesla has applied for patents related to radio, and it is more practical and advanced than Marconi's patents.

As we all know, the US Patent Office revoked Nikola Tesla's patent for some reason, and the Marconi Telegraph Company became the biggest winner.

The same is true in southern Africa. Marconi Telegraph Company was still in a lawsuit with Nyasaland Telegraph Company, accusing Nyasaland Telegraph Company of infringing the patents of Marconi Telegraph Company, and required Nyasaland Telegraph Company to send Marconi Telegraph The company pays royalties.

Is southern Africa a part of the United Kingdom? Marconi Telegraph Company indeed owns the British radio patent. From this point of view, Marconi Telegraph Company does have the right to require Nyasaland Telecom to pay the patent fee.

However, Nyasaland Telecom is Rock's industry, and Henry also has shares, so the southern African judicial department has not held a trial on the grounds that the Marconi Telegraph Company has a patent dispute, and it has been delayed until now.

Now this lawsuit no longer exists, because the Marconi Telegraph Company's patent on radio has expired.

This is the operation of capital, and patents are also time-sensitive. The radio patent of the Marconi Telegraph Company has a time limit of only 15 years, and it almost lost its protective effect ten years ago.

"How did you make those inventions?" Rock is very curious about Nikola Tesla. It is said that Nikola Tesla's inventions are like a dream, and some things always appear in his mind. Fantastic sparks, and then Nikola Tesla brought those sparks to life.

"It's simple—when you realize something isn't working, you try to improve it—" Nikola Tesla explained in general terms, but Rock understood.

The world of geniuses is incomprehensible to normal people.

Just like Roque, who often took single-digit math tests in school, couldn't understand those people who could get [-] points in math.

Rock's single-digit test is all multiple-choice questions.

People take the test of [-] because the full score of the test paper is [-]. If the full score is [-], they can also take the test of [-].

"Your remote control submarine, has the patent been sold now?" Rock really didn't want to covet Nikola Tesla's patent, but wanted to try his best to help Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla was a qualified engineer, but not a qualified businessman.

Look at Edison, his business is booming, and his laboratory work is not delayed. He is known as the "King of Invention".

Nikola Tesla could only live in a hotel. In fact, he didn’t owe much money, and selling some patents was enough to repay the debt.

It's a pity that no one bought it. Don't think it's so easy for Rock to visit Nikola Tesla. Adrian Jackson must have a warrant signed by Hoover if he wants to see Nikola Tesla, let alone others.

You can't even meet Nikola Tesla, how can you buy his patents?
"No, the Ministry of War thinks this invention is worthless." Nikola Tesla finally showed a wry smile on the face of ordinary people. He had a thousand invention patents in his life, but he lived in a hotel and guarded Baoshan. It cannot be realized, and only Nikola Tesla himself knows the bitterness in his heart.

This is probably the so-called "beyond half a step is a genius, and one step beyond is a lunatic". If you surpass someone by one kilometer, you are simply an alien.

"Well, if you want, sell me this invention." Rock smiled. The value of remote-controlled submarines lies first in remote control. La Tesla's remote control technology can definitely produce the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

"Yes, how much can you pay?" Nikola Tesla has now deeply felt the power of capital, and Nikola Tesla does not resist such an exchange.

For Roque and southern Africa, Nikola Tesla still has a good impression. After all, Nikola Tesla had carried out technical cooperation with southern African companies many years ago, and southern Africa is still using Nikola Tesla. La Tesla's hydropower technology.

"How much do you owe? I'll help you pay it back." Rock was generous, talking about how much money hurts feelings.

"You don't even ask me how much I owe?" Nikola Tesla was surprised. The rich man he learned was not like Rock.

For example, Edison who promised Nikola Tesla $15, and later said it was an "American joke", or invested $[-] in Nikola Tesla, and then withdrew the investment and asked Nikola Tesla Morgan, who was compensated by La Tesla, is the true face of a capitalist.

(End of this chapter)

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