Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1585 A Toy for Children All Over the World

Chapter 1585 A Toy for Children All Over the World

Speaking of Nikola Tesla, here I have to focus on J.P. Morgan who invested $15 in Nikola Tesla to build Wardenclyffe Tower forever.

In 1901, Nikola Tesla asked for help everywhere, hoping to build a tower on Long Island, New York, for transatlantic radio broadcasting and wireless power transmission experiments.

J.P. Morgan was not interested in wireless power transmission, and invested in Nikola Tesla for the purpose of wireless.

In 1901, Marconi, who was supported by Edison and American steel magnate Carnegie, took the lead in completing the transatlantic radio transmission experiment. J.P. Morgan stopped funding Nikola Tesla and asked Nikola Tesla to Compensation for damages, and Nikola Tesla went bankrupt.

In 1912, the court awarded Nikola Tesla $2.35 in repayment of the debts Wardenclyffe Tower was demolished during the World War.

Rock never expected that Nikola Tesla went bankrupt because of this mere $2.35.

The $2.35 is only part of it. In fact, Nikola Tesla is now in debts of up to millions of dollars. He himself does not know how many of the debts are generated.

Rock was very generous and agreed to help Nikola Tesla pay off all his debts after he got Nikola Tesla's patent on remote-controlled submarines.

It doesn't matter how much, what matters is that Rock got the gratitude of Nikola Tesla, which no amount of money can buy.

"Why do you want to buy this? Didn't the War Department say that this thing is useless?" When he left the New Yorker Hotel, Hoover couldn't understand why Rock spent millions of dollars on such a small thing.

"Can't you? Buy it back and use it as a toy for my daughter!" Luo Ke plausibly said that his youngest daughter Rose is only eight years old this year, so it's normal to sell a toy for her daughter.

Although this toy is a bit expensive.

"You can really do it!" Hoover was speechless, this reason is really tough!
"Hehe, the generals in your war department are just a bunch of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." Rock doesn't want to introduce too much detail. If it's too detailed, I'm afraid the US government will monitor Nikola Tesla more strictly. .

Of course, it can't be understated. Hoover knows Roque very well. Roque doesn't do meaningless things at all. Even if Roque is rich, he won't just pay millions of dollars for such a nonsense reason.

"What value?" Hoover didn't know much about Nikola Tesla himself, although Nikola Tesla served as the vice president of the American Institute of Engineers and was also the founder of the American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

"As I said just now, this is a toy with great potential, but I prepare it not only for my children, but also for all children in the world." Rock smiled, and Nicola Te It is true that Sla was not a successful businessman.

Since submarines can be remotely controlled, can cars be controlled remotely?
Rock still remembers that when he was a child, his biggest dream was to get a remote-controlled excavator, the kind with a shovel flying up and down.

The children in 1925 were similar to Rock when he was a child. If there was a remote-controlled excavator on the market, many children would be willing to replace their Christmas presents with this.

To put it bluntly, even if remote-controlled submarines do not have military value, if they are applied to toys, they can become millionaires casually.

Hoover's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. Roque's words opened a new door for Hoover, but it was a pity that Roque closed the door casually.

"Already such a rich man, earning even a child's money—" Hoover realized at this moment that he had just missed out on millions.

This cannot be blamed on others. Nikola Tesla applied for a patent related to wireless control technology in 1898, and publicly demonstrated the wireless control technology in a lake in Central Park, New York, which achieved great success.

But no one is willing to invest in such an excellent technology. There is a huge safe in room 3327 where Nikola Tesla lives. I don’t know how many people have locked in that safe. It has been applied for but not put into application, and it has not even had time to apply. Technology.

In another time and space, just after Nikola Tesla passed away, the U.S. Alien Property Management Bureau couldn’t wait to remove all of Nikola Tesla’s research materials and personal belongings. It is said that Nikola Tesla He became a U.S. citizen in 1891, and the Alien Property Administration has no jurisdiction over Nikola Tesla's property, but the U.S. government has done so, and it has done it grandly.

The research materials of Nikola Tesla 45 years after his life are still top secret.

In 2018, the US FBI released some information about Nikola Tesla, one of which showed that Nikola Tesla was really not from Earth, but from Venus——

It's too much!
Rock doesn't care whether Nikola Tesla is a Venusian or not, as long as Nikola Tesla can bring benefits to Rock.

Ah no, in such a harmonious and beautiful day today, how can you talk about interests? It should be said that as long as Nikola Tesla can benefit all mankind.

Rock is not an investor, but a data mover in the safe in room 3327 of the New Yorker Hotel.

At the welcome dinner hosted by John Calvin Coolidge for Rock in the evening, Rock proposed to John Calvin Coolidge that he hoped to invite Nikola Tesla to give lectures at the University of Nyasaland, which is also a place in southern Africa and Part of American cultural exchange efforts.

"Of course, no problem—" John Calvin Coolidge agreed happily, not taking Nikola Tesla to heart.

At the moment in 1925, Nikola Tesla has also been bankrupt for 22 years. It is not an exaggeration to describe Nikola Tesla as the dying years.

When Nikola Tesla gave up the patent for alternating current, the whole United States was singing the praises of Nikola Tesla's high spirit, and that was already 30 years ago.

After bankruptcy, Nikola Tesla disappeared from people's sight, and even newspapers and magazines were not interested in Nikola Tesla's deeds.

Coupled with some people's intentional or unintentional suppression, Americans have forgotten about Nikola Tesla, and even Calvin Coolidge didn't know the true value of Nikola Tesla.

"That's great. We can cooperate more closely in education and medical care. Compared with southern Africa, the United States has a long history. Both Harvard and Yale have existed for hundreds of years. The United States has a lot in the field of education. Things are worth learning in southern Africa. The education in southern Africa has also developed rapidly in recent years. There have been a number of excellent institutions of higher learning such as Nyasaland University and Johannesburg Medical School. The year before last, Professor Abu of Nyasaland University led a team to the United States For a three-month academic exchange, we can definitely do better." Rock puts the facts and makes sense, you see, the president of our Nyasaland University can come to the United States for an exchange, and one of your bankrupt businessmen can go to southern Africa It shouldn't be a problem either.

"Yes, Nyasaland University and Johannesburg Medical School are great. After General Pershing came back from Europe, he talked to me about the performance of southern African military doctors during the World War, and praised their work. The federal government of southern Africa is It has achieved such outstanding results in less than 20 years since its establishment, please convey my respect to Lord Halewood and Lord Matilda." Calvin Coolidge still respected Adelaide and Philip, which is normal, British Everything is popular in America, especially in the so-called American high society, which is obsessed with England and the Old World to a morbid degree.

Not long ago, a princess who claimed to be from the Ottoman Empire came to the United States and disappeared mysteriously. Later, the U.S. government investigated and found that at least hundreds of Americans were defrauded by this Ottoman princess, and their property losses amounted to millions. Dollar.

Roque didn't know how the princess of the Ottoman Empire cheated, but there was nothing new under the sun, most likely it was the routine of "I, Qin Shihuang, pay money", or the so-called "seized imperial property", such rumors , There is also a market in the United States.

"Thank you. We in southern Africa share broad common interests with the United States in many aspects. For example, in Southeast Asia, we can cooperate more closely to jointly deal with the challenges of some new forces—" Roque said nothing at all. Concealed, don't ask who the new power here is, it's Japan.

After the Washington Naval Conference, the Japanese Navy obtained a total tonnage of capital ships that surpassed that of the French Navy and the Italian Navy. After the delivery of "Nagato" and "Mutsu" successively, the Japanese Navy entered an unprecedented heyday.

The rapid progress of the navy has stimulated the wild expansion of the ambitions of the Japanese ruling and opposition parties. Now Japan has regarded the entire Pacific Ocean as its own private land. At the moment when the British power is gradually shrinking, the United States is facing a strong challenge from Japan in the Pacific region.

The same is true in Southeast Asia. After Southern Africa obtained the Changi Naval Base, the Indian Ocean Fleet appeared majestically in the Strait of Malacca. Now Southeast Asia is a mess, with mixed forces from various countries, including Britain, the United States, France, Japan, Portugal, and East India. Southern Africa is as lively as the Strait of Malacca.

"Yes my lord, we can indeed cooperate more closely in this regard. I have recalled General Leonard Wood and appointed General MacArthur as the new US Governor of the Philippines. You have had good cooperation during the World Wars. I believe It must be able to better protect the interests of the United States and southern Africa in Southeast Asia." Calvin Coolidge was unexpected, and he seemed to be unaware of the relationship between Rock and MacArthur.

Strictly speaking, Roque and MacArthur did not have much contact with major powers. During the World War, the American Expeditionary Force was not under the jurisdiction of Roque, and they were nodding acquaintances at most.

However, the strength of MacArthur's relationship still surprised Rock. MacArthur was responsible for the friction between the United States and southern Africa in Southeast Asia, so he could not retreat but advance. Rock could only lament that this was very American.

ps: Today's New Year's Eve, the brothers eat, drink and have fun. The brothers will make a fortune in the coming year, have good luck, and single dogs can meet their significant other.

(End of this chapter)

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