Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1586 Non-War Convention

Chapter 1586 Non-War Convention
The United States advertises fairness and justice in name, but it is actually family politics. The so-called four major families are: the Adams family, the Roosevelt family, the Kennedy family and the Bush family.

MacArthur was born in a famous family. His father, MacArthur Sr., was a famous general during the Spanish-American War. He served as the governor of the Philippines.

Rock is very clear about the situation in the United States, and he also has a good understanding of MacArthur's background. This is not a characteristic of the United States, and it is the same all over the world.

The next day, Rock and Calvin Coolidge arrived in Washington on the same train, officially starting their visit to the United States.

On the train, Rock chatted with Calvin Coolidge about the implementation of the Dawes Plan.

"We need a relatively strong Germany to balance the European continent. My attitude is consistent with that of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin. A weak Germany is not conducive to world peace. Southern Africa and the United States have extensive common ground on European issues. interests, the tragedy of the World War cannot be repeated again, and our world cannot afford the damage of the Second World War.” Calvin Coolidge’s ideal is good, but unfortunately he is a bit blindly optimistic.

"Of course, we don't want to see a world war break out again, but the conflict has not been completely resolved, and the hatred still exists. After Germany rises again, the shadow of war will once again cover the world." Roque is not only worried about Britain, Germany, France and Germany The contradiction between China and Russia, as well as the contradiction between Russia and Europe.

After the failure of the joint intervention, the Russians are scrambling to save their lives. Even if the Allies and the Entente are not formed, war will break out between Russia and Europe.

"Yes, there is only one way to solve the problem, and that is to open the door and share interests. The fundamental purpose of Germany's instigation of the world war is to find a broader market for German products. In this regard, the interests of the United States and southern Africa are also the same. , we all have strong industrial production capacity and need a vast and prosperous market, which requires us to break the existing pattern and usher in a new world of freedom, equality and justice—” Calvin Coolidge tried his best to sell, he said By the way, Southern Africa also hopes to have a broader market, but Rock does not want to open up the Commonwealth.

In 1899, the U.S. government formally proposed open doors and equal trade opportunities.

On the surface, the "open door" proposed by the United States was aimed at the Qing Dynasty. In fact, the United States paid more attention to equal trade opportunities. The purpose was the same as that of Germany, and it was also to break the colonial system established by Britain and France.

The reckless Germans chose the way of war, and the Americans were smarter. Wilhelm II became the agent of the United States unknowingly. Unfortunately, the United States did not seize the opportunity and instead helped southern Africa.

The United States was betting on both sides in the world war, and did not join the war until Germany was completely defeated, picking fruit like a fruit.

At that time, Europe had not been completely crippled, and had the confidence to reject the United States, so the American conspiracy did not succeed.

"Of course, the opening of the door is also what we want in southern Africa, but before that, we still have some problems that have not been resolved, and we need more time to find a more suitable way." Southern Africa is now a vested interest, and it is impossible to agree with the United States The door is open.

The largest single market in the world is in Asia, but the largest economy is the Commonwealth of Nations. Although American products can also enter the Commonwealth market, they have to pay more tariffs. The competitiveness of American products is not as good as that of southern Africa. Shipping and tariffs, costs are high, and Wall Street tycoons can't keep up.

Rock's attitude is very clear. Americans think beautifully, and Southern Africa is not stupid. Opening the door is okay. The United States and Southern Africa can join forces to urge European countries to open up their domestic markets. The Commonwealth is fine, that is the private land of Southern Africa , Americans can not touch.

"We have opened up Latin America, and you should also open up Africa—" Calvin Coolidge was dissatisfied that Rock's oil and salt did not enter.

"Africa has always been open and welcomes the entry of American capital at any time - of course, I only represent my personal opinion." The colonies of Britain and France have joined forces, which is basically a situation where water can't be poured into it.

As for Latin America, it is not open to the United States. Southern African capitals are waving cash checks to enter Latin America, and no country will refuse.

For Latin America, Southern African companies only buy resources and do not dump goods.

This is also to not overly irritate the Americans. Americans have always regarded the Americas as their own land. In fact, only Mexico is the most influenced by the United States. South America is also the traditional sphere of influence of Europe. Americans have little advantage in South America.

Rock and Calvin Coolidge did not reach any consensus on the train, and the differences were too great to be settled in a few sentences.

When Rock and Calvin Coolidge left for Washington, Yang Smother, who had come to the United States ahead of schedule, had already had early contact with the US Secretary of State Frank Kellogg.

Rock and Calvin Coolidge were from a high position and would not talk about the specific details of cooperation between southern Africa and the United States. These matters were discussed by Yang Smother and Frank Kellogg.

When he was in England, in recognition of his contribution to the concept of the "Commonwealth of Nations", George V awarded Yang Smolts the Order of the Garter.

When meeting with Frank Kellogg, Yang Smother made another surprise move. He proposed to Frank Kellogg the idea of ​​the "Affirmative Action Pact".

When he was in France, out of concern for European peace, Yang Smotz mentioned the "Abolition Pact" with French Foreign Minister Briand, which resonated strongly with Briand.

After the Paris Peace Conference, the Versailles system based on the "Contract of Versailles" was formed.

After the Washington Naval Conference, the era of naval holidays came, and the Washington system within the "Four Powers Treaty" and the "Nine Powers Pact" was formed.

These systems are all tinkering with the old pattern and cannot bring real peace to the world.

The core of the "Abolition of War Convention" proposed by Yang Smozi is: the contracting countries condemn the use of war to resolve international disputes, and abandon the use of war as a tool for implementing national policies in their mutual relations; all disputes or conflicts between the contracting parties, Regardless of the nature and cause, it can only be resolved by peaceful means; if any signatory country seeks benefits by means of war, it shall not enjoy the benefits of the Convention.

In human terms, everyone agrees not to fight, and if there are problems, they can sit down and resolve them peacefully through negotiations. Whoever dares to strike first will not deal with him.

Proposing the "Peace Pact" at this time is in the arms of the French. The French have just been disgraced on the issue of Madagascar. With the "Ambivalence Pact", France can at least gain a good reputation as a "peace-loving".

It can also be seen from this point that Rock's vision of people is correct, and Yang Smother is indeed the best candidate for foreign minister.

"Okay, but the United States must guarantee the interests of the United States in the Americas—" Frank Kellogg partly agreed with Yang Smother's suggestion.

The interests of the United States in the Americas are actually the Monroe Doctrine published by James Monroe in 1823.

The core of the Monroe Doctrine is to emphasize the interests of the United States in the Americas, that is, European powers should not colonize the Americas, or get involved in the sovereignty-related affairs of the United States, Mexico and other American countries.

The United States remained neutral on disputes between European countries, or wars between countries and their American colonies.

However, if the war takes place in the Americas, the United States will regard it as an act of hostility.

"Of course, we in southern Africa also need to ensure the happiness and integrity of certain areas." Yang Smozi also pointed to tit for tat.

The United States has American interests to protect, and southern Africa also has its own private land.

The private land here is the Southern African Union. The United States regards the Americas as its own back garden, so the Southern African Union is also the core interest of southern Africa, and has special and major interests in the peace and security of southern Africa. Therefore, it is important to defend these regions. Being attacked must be considered a measure of self-defense.

France, too, has its own claim to retain the right to support French allies should they come under attack.

To put it bluntly, France will not take the initiative to initiate a war, but when France's allies are invaded, France must participate in the war.

"Yes!" Frank Kellogg and Young Smudge hit it off.

Frank Kellogg is a well-known American lawyer who has served as a district attorney, president of the American Bar Association, a federal senator, ambassador to the UK, and a judge of the Permanent Court of the League of Nations.

Although the United States did not join the League of Nations, it did join the permanent tribunal under the League of Nations, which fully proves the United States' ambitions for international affairs and its dissatisfaction with the League of Nations being controlled by Britain and France.

During this period, the United States was still a bit scrupulous about international affairs, and did not dare to be too presumptuous.

It will be hard to say in a few years, and the ambitions of the Americans will always expand to the point of being unstoppable.

An agreement was reached on the issue of the Non-War Pact, and the negotiations gradually deepened. At this time, Frank Kellogg raised an unexpected question, asking the federal government of Southern Africa to disclose information about South American resources and share it with the US government.

Immediately after the end of the World War, some companies in southern Africa began to explore the resources of South America, and at the same time purchased a large number of assets, even if they were temporarily unable to develop them, at least they would not allow others to develop them.

At this time, some companies in the United States discovered that their development in South America has lagged behind southern Africa, such as the Iron Four Corners——

American companies don't even know how much iron ore reserves Iron Sijiao has, which makes Americans unacceptable.

I'm afraid it's even more unacceptable to know.

ps: Happy New Year, brothers——

(End of this chapter)

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