Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1588 Disliked Newfoundland

Chapter 1588 Disliked Newfoundland

As the prime minister of a country, he was actually humiliated in such a face-to-face manner. If this happened to Roque, maybe it would be a scene where Roque wrote a check to buy the hotel on the spot, and then asked the manager to leave.

William King was still very self-cultivated. When this incident got serious, William King's face was not good-looking, and the Canadian government also lost face, so William King didn't say anything, and went directly to the Rhodesia Hotel.

This is the tragedy of a weak country. William King didn't even dare to walk away directly. Canada's security also needs the protection of the "Amphibious War Pact", so William King had to compromise.

Washington, D.C., said it was big and small, and this was quickly known by Rock, and it was replaced by Briand, and Rock was happy to see the joke, but William King couldn't. The Harrington Hotel not only humiliated William King Jin, together with humiliating the Commonwealth, this is unacceptable to Rock.

"Buy the Harrington Hotel, ask the hotel manager to leave, and teach him manners by the way." Rock didn't take the hotel manager to heart at all, and the hotel manager deserves it for humiliating people.

"Good lord——" Louis understood, Zach's work was getting heavier and heavier, and Louis had become Rock's new housekeeper.

Of course, this kind of thing does not require Louis to come forward. Louis called the Rhodesia Hotel, and the Rhodesia Hotel will be responsible. For this kind of matter, the Rhodesia Hotel is still very happy to cooperate.

After the end of the World War, the Rhodesia Hotel is expanding at a rate of about one hundred per year. Almost all cities of a certain size in the world have branches of the Rhodesia Hotel, even the "backcountry" of St. John, the capital of Newfoundland. No exception.

This time, Newfoundland was also invited to sign the Non-War Pact. The day after William King arrived in Washington, Newfoundland Prime Minister William Frederick Lloyd also came to Washington.

Like William King, the first thing William Lloyd did when he came to Washington was to visit Rock.

The purpose of William Lloyd's visit to Rock was to hope that southern Africa could help Newfoundland out of its predicament.

"Our fishing grounds have been gradually depleted after hundreds of years of fishing. Because of the single economic form, we cannot attract new immigrants. Young people leave Newfoundland because of more opportunities in the United States and Canada. We have an empty area of ​​40 square kilometers and a population. It’s less than 30, and the help promised by London is only on paper. We hope to join Canada, but we are rejected by Canada—in fact, we have nowhere to go—” William Lloyd was at a loss, but if there is still a glimmer of hope, William Lloyd would not have pleaded so hard.

Sometimes I have to lament the impermanence of fate. In 1869, Canada invited Newfoundland to join Canada. At that time, Newfoundland, which was still rich in fishery resources, rejected Canada's invitation.

In just a few decades, Newfoundland's fishing grounds were gradually drying up. They wanted to join Canada, but were rejected by Canada.

Newfoundland's accession to Canada is conditional, and the condition is that the Canadian government must assume the debts of the self-government of Newfoundland.


In another time and space, Newfoundland's economy became worse during the Great Depression. In 1934, the parliament was dissolved, power was returned to the United Kingdom, and it became a British colony again.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. When World War II broke out in 1939, the financial situation of the United Kingdom continued to deteriorate. Newfoundland, with its economic downturn and high debt, became the "oil bottle" of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom decided to abandon Newfoundland and let Newfoundland choose its own destiny.

In 1948, a total of 15 people participated in the referendum in Newfoundland, and more than half of them finally decided to join Canada.

This time, Canada, which benefited a lot from trade during World War II, did not refuse, and Newfoundland became Canada's tenth province.

Now Canada has not recovered and cannot afford Newfoundland's debts, so it is understandable for Canada to reject Newfoundland.

If you don’t understand, you have to understand. It’s hard for anyone to feel this kind of feeling.

"Doesn't Newfoundland have any resources other than fishing grounds?" Rock was surprised. It seemed that Newfoundland had resources in his memory, including a lot of oil, natural gas and mineral resources.

"Maybe, but we don't have the ability to explore. If companies in southern Africa are willing, they can explore and develop the resources in Newfoundland. We can fully cooperate without charging any fees." William Lloyd offered to make a profit, here The "no charge" means that there is no charge for exploration and mining, and taxes must be paid.

With taxes comes income, and the self-government of Newfoundland can gradually get rid of the current predicament. Of course, there must be companies willing to invest before that.

"That's it—" Rock hesitated. Newfoundland must have resources, but whether it's worth developing is a question.

Rock remembered that the oil in Newfoundland seemed to be all subsea oil fields, which were difficult to develop with current technology.

Rock is not clear about the mineral resources, but even if there are, the difficulty of mining is definitely not small, at least it is definitely not as easy to develop as the open-pit iron mines in the Pilbara region of Australia.

The iron mines in the Pilbara area are all open-pit iron mines, which can be dug directly with an excavator. The cost is pitifully low, and the ore grade is still high, and the reserves are large. Henry also wants to make money, so there is no reason to leave Pilbara. The iron mines in the area were not developed, and went to Newfoundland to mine.

Of course, after talking about a lot of difficulties, Newfoundland still has investment value.

Not to mention anything else, just say that the population of 40 square kilometers is less than 30, which is of great investment value in Rock's eyes. If one hundred and eighty thousand Chinese come here, it will be difficult to say who will have the final say in Newfoundland in a few decades. .

"There are also Chinese in Newfoundland. In Newfoundland, the Chinese are not subject to any discrimination and enjoy the same rights and freedoms as other people. St. John's also has a Chinatown. Because of its excellent environment and good security, it has become a model community in St. John's." William Lloyd's words successfully added points, even for the Chinese in St. John, Rock decided to invest in Newfoundland.

"Okay, I will let relevant companies investigate the investment environment in Newfoundland and explore Newfoundland's mineral resources. Since the fishery resources are drying up, we must properly protect the fishery resources. It is strictly forbidden during the mating and spawning season of cod Fishing, and strict restrictions on fishing, to protect the growth of fry." Roque attaches great importance to sustainable development, and the Southern African Parliament is legislating to protect the natural resources of southern Africa.

Although southern Africa is rich in resources, many of them are non-renewable resources. The development of these resources should be restrained, and we should not compete with future generations for food.

The development of renewable resources must also be restrained. Newfoundland fishing grounds are a good example. If unlimited and crazy development is carried out, even the most abundant renewable resources will be exhausted.

Renewable resources refer to resources that can be regenerated and renewed through natural functions, so as to be reused by human beings, also called renewable resources.

Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and sideline fishing are basically renewable resources, but mineral resources are not. If you look at Yemen after the depletion of oil resources, you will know the consequences of crazy development.

"We are also considering protecting the fishing grounds, but we have nothing but fishing grounds. Fishing is our only source of income." William Lloyd did not know the consequences of crazy fishing, but unfortunately Newfoundland does not have the resources of southern Africa. conditions, are not eligible for resource protection.

The protection of resources in southern Africa is based on the strong strength of southern Africa. Instead of exploiting domestic resources, it can exploit the resources of neighboring countries, and even the resources of Australia and South America to make up for it.

There is nothing in Newfoundland but fishing grounds, and the fishermen cannot make a living without fishing, and it is a dead end.

"There is no conflict between the protection of fisheries and the development of fisheries. If the fishing industry is not developed, the aquaculture industry can be developed. Although this is a little bit harder, it is better than sustainable development. After ten or eight years, the resources of the fishery can also gradually recover." Rock method Many, the natural environment in Newfoundland is still good. The winter here is not too cold, and the summer is not too hot. Affected by the westerly belt and ocean currents, there are many types of climate, roughly belonging to the temperate zone. No Newfoundland fishing grounds will be formed.

"Yes, we can develop the breeding industry—" William Lloyd was very excited. There is no reason why southern Africa has developed so fast in recent years, and Rock's nickname of "God of Wealth" is indeed well-deserved.

However, William Lloyd also had difficulties: "—Unfortunately, we lack breeding technology, and we also lack funds to develop the breeding industry—"

The current situation in Newfoundland is indeed too frustrating for William Lloyd. In order to improve the plight of Newfoundland, William Lloyd is also doing his best.

"It doesn't matter. The Faculty of Agriculture of Nyasaland University is conducting research on breeding. The Newfoundland government can cooperate with the University of Pretoria to study the artificial breeding technology of cod. I can introduce you to Cecil Rhodes Minister Si, his South African company has the funds you need." Rock not only has many methods, but also has resources that William Lloyd can't compare.

In terms of agricultural technology, the Agricultural College of Nyasaland University can proudly say that if the Agricultural College considers itself the second in the world, no other school dares to claim the first in the world, not even the National Agricultural University of the Netherlands, which was established in 1876.

Although the Agricultural College of Nyasaland University was established relatively late, it has great advantages in farming and animal husbandry technology and the improvement of animal husbandry varieties. Gavin works in the research institute of the Agricultural College.

The protection of fishery resources in southern Africa is inseparable from the cooperation of the Agricultural College of Nyasaland University. In this regard, southern Africa is once again at the forefront of the world, and other countries have not yet realized this aspect.

(End of this chapter)

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