Chapter 1589
At noon, William Lloyd stayed at Luoying Lake for dinner. The restaurant is located on the shore of the beautiful Luoying Lake. The huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows are full of cherry blossoms. These cherry blossom trees were presented to Washington by the Japanese government in 1912. There are a total of 3020 trees. Rock When he came to the United States this time, he brought 1925 bignonia trees to the U.S. government, symbolizing the friendship between southern Africa and the United States.

These Bignonia trees were nominally given to the U.S. government, but they were actually planted around Luoying Lake. A considerable part of them will be planted in the peninsula area where Rock Manor is located. In time, they will become a beautiful scenery by Luoying Lake.

While Roque and William Lloyd were dining, Nyasaland University had been notified by Roque and immediately contacted the Newfoundland Autonomous Government to discuss cooperation matters.

The news came back to St. John's, Newfoundland, and the whole city went into a frenzy.

With the help of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, Newfoundland was finally saved, and every Newfoundlander rejoiced.

St. John's Chinatown, the only restaurant business is deserted.

Don’t listen to what William Lloyd said. In fact, the social status of the Chinese outside of southern Africa was not high during this period, especially in North America. The United States just abolished the “Chinese Exclusion Act” a few years ago. The status of the Chinese in Newfoundland has only been improved in the past few years. Before that, the status was not much higher than that of the Africans.

St. John's Chinatown is not like the model community that William Lloyd said. There are dozens of sparse families with a total population of less than 30. The area is not large, and the environment is not good. Newfoundland cannot be blamed for this. The self-government, the entire Newfoundland has less than [-] people, a district of St. John's Bilo is not much bigger, and the urban construction is far apart. The tallest Rhodesia Hotel is only six floors.

With such a small scale, it is understandable that there is only a restaurant the size of a fly restaurant.

This is a slightly dilapidated two-story wooden building. The kitchen is in the backyard. There are a few tables in the hall of less than 50 square meters. The owner, John Huang, and his family make a living from it.

John Huang is a descendant of the second generation of immigrants born in Newfoundland. His grandfather was a Chinese laborer who came to the United States when the Pacific Railway was being built in the United States. His father participated in the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway and later settled in Newfoundland.

The Chinese in St. John's Chinatown basically have this background.

"Old John, give me a glass of rum." At ten o'clock in the morning, the first guest finally came to the restaurant.

"Thomas, you already owe five pounds and six shillings, and you can't continue to pay on credit—" John Huang looked bitter. Thomas is an Irishman who is addicted to alcohol. He often wanders around Chinatown. He never drinks or eats. The kind that gives money.

Although the status of the Irish in the UK is not high, the status of the Irish who dare to make trouble is still relatively high compared with the Chinese who keep their own laws.

Thomas is actually a hooligan. He is not only addicted to alcohol, but also gambles. He beats his wife when he is drunk. Last year, his wife finally couldn't bear to leave Thomas and disappeared. Thomas became a rotten person that everyone hates.

"When I have money, I will give it to you—" Thomas glared at John Huang with fierce eyes, and it seemed that Thomas was the creditor.

Before Huang Yuehan could speak, the eldest son of the waiter, Little John, couldn't take it anymore: "Go away, bastard, we won't sell you any more glass of wine!"

"Hahahaha, brat, you dare to scold me, you're finished with old John, now I not only want a glass of rum, but I also want you to pay me two pounds as compensation for your son scolding me!" Thomas laughed loudly. , took out a dagger and stabbed it fiercely in front of John Huang.

"Don't think we'll be afraid of you—" Little John was still bloody, and picked up an empty wine bottle.

"Don't be like this—" Huang Yuehan's wife grabbed the little John, preventing him from rushing over: "Give him a glass of wine and let him go—"

"There are still two pounds, otherwise I will go on a killing spree today—" Thomas was triumphant. In his eyes, John Huang's family were lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Who wants to kill?" A voice that made John Huang even more afraid was Sheriff Vincent.

"John, give me a glass of rum, it's really lively here today—" Sheriff Vincent rarely appeared in Chinatown, and he had never been so pleasant to John Huang.

"Alright sheriff, take your time—" John Huang was respectful, and then looked at the shilling that Vincent handed over, a little dazed.

As God can attest, Vincent had never paid before.

"Take it, old John, if anyone dares to make trouble on your territory in the future, you can go to me directly, and I will teach him a lesson—" Vincent handed the money to John Huang, and then said with cold eyes look at thomas.

Having trouble finding the police?


In St. John's, having trouble finding the police will only lead to more trouble, especially for the Chinese.

"Mr. Sheriff, hello, I haven't done anything recently—" Thomas was still very afraid of Vincent, and wanted to slip away, but his eyes were on the dagger in front of John Huang.

Oh, I guess I want to leave but can't bear the dagger.

"Thomas, don't let me see you again in Chinatown, or I'll put you in a dark room and find a dozen Inuit to wait on you, you bastard, I heard you owe old John A lot of money, send the money to Old John before sunset tomorrow, otherwise you will know the consequences." Vincent said nothing to Thomas, a bad guy.

"Mr. Sheriff, I have no money—" Thomas cried with a sad face, not seeing the arrogance just now.

"Then get out of St. John's, get out of Newfoundland, anyway, let me see you again, you just watch out for your ass—" Vincent looked disgusted, Newfoundland is not far from the United States, such a rotten person is still Let's go to America.

"Okay Sheriff, I'll get out right away—" Thomas couldn't care less about his dagger, and ran away with his head in his arms.

Looking back, Vincent looked at Huang Yuehan again, and immediately smiled again.

This smile made John Huang a little creepy.

"Sheriff, we have always been law-abiding and have never caused trouble—" John Huang thought about it carefully, it seems that this month's management fee has already been paid——

In Newfoundland, like the UK, death and taxes are the only inevitable things in life, and it is the businessman's duty to pay taxes according to the regulations.

Of course, protecting the citizens is also the duty of the police, but the St. John's police have almost never fulfilled this point before. In John Huang's impression, Vincent would only come to Chinatown when collecting taxes.

"I know, I know, you Chinese have always been law-abiding and you are the best citizens of St. John's - protecting the citizens is also the duty of our St. John's police. In the future, there will be police officers patrolling Chinatown every day. The environment here is also true. It needs to be improved, the stinky ditch in front of the door needs to be filled—” Vincent was not very satisfied with the environment of Chinatown, it was better in winter now, if it was summer, the smell would be unbearable.

"Really? That's amazing!" John Huang couldn't believe it, which was a huge surprise for the residents of Chinatown.

"Of course it's true. Sheriff Vincent never lies—you know, old John, you Chinese are going to be lucky. Just now, Southern Africa decided to take action to save Newfoundland. Soon the mayor and members of the council will Give more attention to Chinatown, if I were you, I would spend money to buy all the vacant land near Chinatown, believe me, the value will definitely appreciate in the future—” Vincent did not lower his voice, the news has already spread to most of the people A St. John, that is, the honest Chinese don't know anything about it.

"Southern Africa—Marquis of Nyasaland?" John Huang was familiar with Roque even though he had no information.

"That's right, it is the Marquis of Nyasaland who is so rich that he found a way to improve our plight in Newfoundland, and he is also willing to invest in Newfoundland. God bless, finally someone is willing to lend a helping hand to Newfoundland. You won’t believe me when I tell you, we policemen haven’t been paid for six months, and if no one helps, I’m going to resign and become a pirate—” Vincent expressed his gratitude to Rock, and Compared with the skin color, the colorful pound is more realistic.

"God bless, that's really great!" Only then did John Huang understand why Vincent would pay.

The so-called no salary for six months may indeed be true, but Vincent and the other policemen will not live on their salaries. They have a lot of gray income. Twice as high.

This situation should also be effectively improved in the future. John Huang does not expect the Chinese to be superior to others, as long as the St. John's municipal government treats the Chinese fairly.

In the next few days, as Vincent said, the mayor of St. John and many members of the parliament came to Chinatown one after another, and the Chinese in Chinatown finally felt the people-friendly side of St. John's government.

With the municipal government's finances on the verge of collapse, the St. John's municipal government decided to spend a sum of money to improve the environment of Chinatown.

The stinking ditch was filled immediately, the only road was repaired, all the potholes were filled, and landscape trees were planted on both sides of the road.

Although the roads are not paved with asphalt and the landscape trees look fragile, the changes brought about by this have surprised the residents of Chinatown.

This is actually not enough. The St. John’s municipal government even considered installing street lights for Chinatown, but unfortunately, due to insufficient funds, this decision was not implemented in the end.

John Huang's only regret was that Thomas did not send any money, as if he had left Newfoundland as Vincent said, and no one had seen Thomas again anyway.

This is not bad, although the loss of five pounds and six shillings makes John Huang feel very distressed, but it is also a good thing for John Huang's family and the residents of Chinatown to get rid of a bad guy like Thomas.

As long as you work hard, life will be better without the entanglement of rotten people like Thomas.

(End of this chapter)

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