Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1603 Never Lost on the Eastern Front, Never Winning on the Western Front

Chapter 1603 Never Lost on the Eastern Front, Never Winning on the Western Front

Little Felix is ​​not useless, he values ​​the tourism resources of Batam Island, and plans to imitate Saint Rocco, develop the tourism resources of Batam Island, and build Batam Island into the largest entertainment center in Southeast Asia.

It is a pity that little Felix overlooked the fact that St. Rocco, which is located on the English Channel, is the most developed economic center in Europe. It has a foundation for developing the entertainment industry and can attract enough tourists. That's why the development of St. Rocco has been rapid.

In Southeast Asia, hunger and poverty have not yet been eradicated, and the plantation owners in British Malaya and East India may not contribute too much profit to Batam.

And whether little Felix has the strength to build Batam into the San Rocco of Southeast Asia is still a question mark. Building a city is not as simple as little Felix imagined.

In 1824, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands signed a treaty dividing the Johor Sultanate into two parts: the north of the Lion City (including the Lion City) belonged to the United Kingdom, and the Riau Islands belonged to the Netherlands.

After the East Indies became independent, the Liau Islands became part of the East Indies. The Indian Ocean Fleet initially planned to purchase Batam to build a naval base, but ultimately failed due to the obstruction of the Straits Settlements.

As a result, no one thought that although the Indian Ocean Fleet did not get Batam, it got the Changi Naval Base, so little Felix had a chance to get Batam.

Little Felix has a good vision. The scenery of Batam Island is really good. It is an excellent place for diving and water sports. The terrain on the island is complex, with a large area of ​​virgin forest. Twists and turns, natural harbors and sandy beaches can be seen everywhere.

After the attack on the employees of Felix Company, the Straits Settlement Government immediately intervened in the investigation, and the actions of Felix Company on Batam Island surfaced.

When Felix Jr. bought Batam Island, there were more than 8000 residents on Batam Island, who lived on fishing and traditional agriculture.

Because of the remote location of Batam Island, there are no large-scale plantations on the island, which brings great convenience to Felix Company. The aborigines on the island are now being relocated by Felix Company by force, and the compensation they receive is negligible. , At least nearly a hundred people died in this process due to various accidents, and Felix Company should bear most of the responsibility.

If it weren't for the investigation of the Straits Settlement Government, no one would have thought that in 1925, under the nose of the Straits Settlement Government, such a cruel and inhuman thing would have happened.

Things fermented rapidly and gradually escaped the control of the Straits Settlement Government.

After all, Batam is still the territory of East India. When the Straits Colonial Government investigated Batam, Coconut City also noticed the tragedy in Batam and formed an investigation team to intervene. Violations have also been exposed.

It is unbelievable that little Felix bought Batam Island with an area of ​​15000 square kilometers for only about 415 pounds. On average, one square kilometer is about 36 pounds more.

You must know that 1 square kilometer is 247 acres. To be more specific, an acre is only 0.145 pounds. Even if it is accurate to three decimal places, this figure seems too insignificant.

As the investigation deepened, several officials from the Yecheng City government came into the investigation team's sight. They admitted that they had accepted bribes from Felix Jr., which is why Felix Jr. could buy Batam Island at such a low price.

When the matter developed to this point, even if Lauren Felix came forward, he could not completely suppress the situation.

The East India government announced that Felix Jr.'s ownership of Batam Island was invalidated because Felix Jr. used illegal means to purchase Batam Island, and Batam Island was taken back again.

As early as when the East India government intervened in the investigation, Little Felix quietly shut down the Felix company, and was directly sent back to the British mainland by Lauren Felix.

For some reason, the East India government did not hold young Felix accountable.

Then it was finally the turn of the umbrella company to make a move. It took almost no effort to buy more than a dozen islands, including Batam and Bintan, with a total area of ​​nearly 56000 square kilometers at a price of 1600 pounds.

It seems that the Umbrella Company is not much better than Little Felix, but if one island is sold twice, the East India Government will not lose money.

The loss is the aborigines on the island, but at this time no one cares about the interests of the aborigines. Compared with little Felix, the umbrella company is still very generous, allowing the aborigines on the island to continue to live on the island, and It was decided to build roads on the island and set up an umbrella company's logistics center throughout Southeast Asia.

Batam has not only scenery, but also oil and bauxite. The island is rich in rubber and casuarinas. In another time and space, large-scale oil refineries, oil ports and export processing zones were built in the 70s. The economy is still strong. potential.

Petroleum and bauxite are not necessary for southern Africa, but it is still necessary to occupy some strategic strongholds of great strategic importance in advance, and Rock does not know
Rock didn't have time to pay attention to the expansion of the umbrella company. On June 6, after nearly two months of wrangling, sixteen countries finally signed the "Abolition of War Convention." The Convention was not held by Britain and France, but by Southern Africa and the United States.

What is even more striking is that the Federal Government of Southern Africa and the United States signed a series of contracts on economic and cultural cooperation. While reducing tariffs to promote trade exchanges, they also increased cultural exchanges. At the same time, the Federal Government of Southern Africa finally agreed with the United States He decided to jointly undertake the "Dawes Plan" to aid Germany with the United States.

Germany is now on the brink of collapse.

In 1921, one dollar was worth 64 marks.

By 1923, one dollar was worth 4200 billion marks.

Last year, the Weimar government of Germany officially issued trillions of marks.

During this period, Germany was full of strange things. A French paper mill tried to make paper with a smaller denomination mark as raw material, but it was able to make a profit. This news became the most fun joke for the French this year.

Of course the Germans were sad.

But the Germans don't have time to grieve either. They're busy working and worrying about their children's supper in the evening.

No, Germans have no jobs. In 1925, the unemployed population in Germany reached an unprecedented 700 million.

It needs to be emphasized that the total population of Germany is only 6400 million, which has not yet returned to the level of 1914.

In this situation, the United States and southern Africa contributed a lot. After the end of the world war, the United States and southern Africa increased their immigration to Europe. In the seven years from the end of the world war to the present, not only Germany, but all of Europe participated in the war. Neither country's population has increased, despite the baby boom in Europe after the end of the world wars.

The extra population is in southern Africa and the United States.

With currency devaluation, soaring prices, and high unemployment, it is understandable why Germans are so dissatisfied with the Weimar government, and it also paves the way for Mustache to come to power.

After the implementation of the "Dawwes Plan", the United States became the main force in supporting Germany, but Wall Street tycoons were not stupid. Since supporting Germany is beneficial to both the United States and southern Africa, southern Africa cannot stay out of the matter, and everyone must bear the risk together.

Aid or investment in Germany is definitely risky, and the risk is still very high. If you think about the British who were tricked by the Russians, you will know how big the risk is.

"What's the use of giving Germany more loans? Let them print higher denominations? The Weimar government has no ability to drag Germany out of the quagmire. Hindenburg is old--" Roark knew what the Americans wanted to do, I am also happy to cooperate. Of course, it would be even better if Roque didn't need to pay for it.

"So we are looking for a suitable investor. At first we thought Hindenburg was a good target, but it turns out that Hindenburg is not good. Now there are several candidates, and Ludendorff looks very good." Coolidge also has his own Plan, don't want to be led by the nose by Wall Street tycoons.

After the end of the World War, Ludendorff disappeared for a while. After the signing of the "Versailles Treaty", he returned to Germany and joined the so-called "National Club".

Ludendorff still does not think that Germany has lost the world war. In 1920, he published "My Remembrance of the 1914-1918 War" and "The General Staff and Its Problems", blatantly declaring: the undefeated on the battlefield The German army was "stabbed in the back" by left-wing politicians, so it lost the world war.

This logic is amazing. According to the principle of "ask if there is any, then ask if it is", the German army is not undefeated on the battlefield, so Ludendorff's conclusion does not hold.

Ludendorff took part in the Kapp riots in March 1920 and later in the "Beer Hall Riot" in Munich, at the ensuing trial Ludendorff made inflammatory speeches attacking the Weimar Republic and finally Hinden Fort granted Ludendorff an amnesty, and Ludendorff was acquitted.

Now Ludendorff is one of the leaders of the German People's Party, and he is also a candidate for the German presidential election this year, but Ludendorff has little chance of winning. The Germans don't like Hindenburg, and they don't like Ludendorff even more. At least the world war is over. At that time, Hindenburg had the courage to take responsibility and stayed in Germany to bear the consequences of defeat.

But Ludendorff fled Germany and became a shameful deserter, which made most Germans hate Ludendorff.

"Ludendorff is not the right candidate either. If he becomes president, it will bring greater disaster to Germany." Rock doesn't know whether Ludendorff can bring Germany out of the quagmire, but Rock knows that Ludendorff Germany's support rate is only about one percent.

That's really all. The [-]% of the votes probably came from veterans who fought on the Eastern Front during the World War.

At least Ludendorff was right about one point. On the Eastern Front, the German army had never lost a battle.

(End of this chapter)

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