Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1604 Helping the Germans Repair the Highway

Chapter 1604 Helping the Germans Repair the Highway

Germany in 1925 did not need the glory of a great power or world hegemony, but only jobs and bread.

The Weimar Republic received economic aid from the United States and the United Kingdom, but the Weimar Republic did not use it properly. The situation in Germany did not fundamentally ease, but worsened.

Rock had expected all of this. The aid to Germany was limited to food and daily necessities. Don't even think about loans. The Southern African Federal Government itself is not enough.

Although the Federal Government of Southern Africa has money, Roque also wants to save money.

If there are no accidents, the Great Depression will be in less than five years. Rock is deeply impressed by the economic crisis that has spread all over the world and seriously affected the foreign world structure.

Southern Africa is actively participating in the globalized economic system, and its ties with other countries are getting closer and closer. Therefore, Southern Africa will inevitably be affected by the Great Depression. At that time, Southern Africa will also have to save itself, and it will not be able to give Germany more more aid.

This time Roque was forced to agree to participate in the "Dawes Plan", which is part of the expansion of economic and trade cooperation between southern Africa and the United States. Roque promised to invest at least [-] million rand in Germany every year in the next five years, and increase Aid to Germany.

Of course, this assistance is also conditional. Rock will not be foolish enough to give the money directly to the Weimar government. There is no difference between that meat bun beating a dog. Rock will also find a suitable agent in Germany, but Ludendorff, who was chosen by Coolidge, Unlike the mustaches chosen by Wall Street tycoons, Rock chose Gustav Krupp.

Gustav Krupp is a Dutchman who married Beta Krupp in 1906 and entered the Krupp family.

During the First World War, Gustav Krupp inherited the Krupp company and became the chairman of the Krupp company.

Gustav Krupp's wife, Beta Krupp, was the "Big Beta" that Germany used to break through the Liege Fortress.

Before Gustav Krupp joined the Krupp family, there was a honeymoon period between South African companies and the Krupp company, officially relying on Krupp's artillery, coupled with the French "Miss Seventy-Five" Only then did the Nyasaland military industry have a series of brilliant achievements in artillery.

After the outbreak of World War II, the cooperation between Nyasaland Military Industry and Krupp was interrupted.

After the end of the World War, the Vickers Company, which manufactured shells in the UK, paid Krupp’s fuze patent fees based on the number of German casualties during the World War, which led to Krupp’s embarrassing situation in Germany. , then Krupp is dying.

If you don't accept it, Krupp can't survive the economic crisis that broke out after the war.

Gustav Krupp was of great assistance in obtaining the Germania shipyard in Southern Africa, as well as Carl Chase.

Rock reciprocated, helping Gustav Krupp secretly build a submarine dock in the Netherlands, and once again joined forces with Krupp to transform the artillery. Just last month, Nyasaland decided to provide Krupp with Provide a 5000 million rand loan for the construction of a large-scale tractor factory in the North Rhine.

There is no need to emphasize what the tractor is for. What needs to be emphasized is that once the war breaks out, the tractor factory can be converted to produce tanks in a very short period of time.

During the last world war, German troops suffered a lot in front of tanks in southern Africa, and Krupp also suffered a lot.

Knowing Gustav Krupp's purpose, Rock still decided to provide help to Gustav Krupp.

Just as Coolidge said, the restoration of Germany's strength will also benefit southern Africa.

Now Gustav Krupp is in Washington, and staying at the Rhodesia Hotel.

"The funds provided by Southern Africa will be used for infrastructure construction in Germany. Roads and railways are the key points. Southern Africa plans to help Germany build at least 1000 kilometers of roads every year. The standard can refer to the highways in Southern Africa." Rock also has his own evil. Fun, go the way of the mustache, let the mustache have no way to go.

After World War II, the mustache was so notorious. From the Great Depression to World War II, the mustache was indeed an angel of the Germans.

The Weimar government was completely fooled by the British and Americans. It pursued a free trade policy economically, and the government did not intervene too much in the operation of the economy, resulting in no improvement in the German economy.

In order to get help from Britain and the United States, Mustache apparently obeyed the British and Americans, and secretly emphasized the state's intervention in the economy. The loan obtained by the Weimar government was used to print larger denomination marks, and Mustache invested in national projects. With the method of "relief with work", Germany was gradually brought out of the abyss.

Just after the end of the last world war, southern Africa also used the method of investing in national projects, which enabled southern Africa to avoid the impact of the economic crisis to the greatest extent. Instead of weakening, its national strength continued to rise, continuing the good development momentum of the past 20 years.

Now Rock also wants to use this method to see if he can pull Germany out of the quagmire.

If successful, then Gustav Krupp would take Mustache's place as Germany's savior, and that would be fun.

"1000 kilometers?" Coolidge expressed doubts about Rock's decision.

When it comes to the level of public transportation, if southern Africa considers itself second, there is probably no second country in the world that dares to claim the first.

In 1900, the total mileage of roads in southern Africa was less than 1000 kilometers. By 1924, the total mileage of roads in southern Africa exceeded 25 kilometers, a 250-fold increase.

Southern Africa had zero highway miles in 1900.

In 1924, the total mileage of highways in southern Africa exceeded [-] kilometers, and all states were connected by highways, which greatly facilitated the integration and communication between states.

Compared with ordinary roads, highways have higher standards, greater difficulty, and a longer payment cycle, so Coolidge expressed doubts about Rock's decision.

Don't forget that Roque was a stingy cock in investing in Germany before, but now that Roque suddenly made such a generous move, the motive is indeed suspicious.

"Is there any problem?" Rockillo was angry that Southern Africa did not participate in the "Dawes Plan", and the Americans beeped.

Southern Africa took the initiative to participate in the "Dawwes Project", and you Coolidge still want to beep, what do you want to do?
"No, Marshal Hindenburg would be very happy if he heard the news." Coolidge wished for it, and Rock's generosity would greatly reduce the pressure on the United States.

It is also a bitter tear to say, in order to poach the corner of the United Kingdom, the United States has done its best.

Now that southern Africa is willing to help, Americans can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Back at Sakura Lake at night, Gustav Krupp was waiting for Rock.

Rock will leave Washington and return to Southern Africa tomorrow, and will not leave again in a short time. Gustav Krupp hopes to get more support from Southern Africa, whether it is economically or militarily.

Regardless of the strict restrictions on Germany's military capabilities in the "Contract on the contrary", in the second year after the end of the World War, Gustav Krupp launched a plan to rearm Germany, the Dutch submarine yard, and Swedish arms companies are all part of this plan.

The "Versailles Treaty" stipulates that Germany is not allowed to establish arsenals.

However, the "Contract of Versailles" did not restrict German capital from establishing arsenals in other countries, which gave Gustav Krupp a certain amount of space for activities. Capital has no borders.

"Krupp can open all weapons patents to the Nyasaland military industry. We can jointly establish a new company to focus on weapons research and sales. Restricted by the "Versailles Treaty", Germany cannot own military enterprises, but There are still a large number of military talents in Germany. Now they lose their jobs and are forced to leave their hometowns. Some even become fishermen, grow vegetables, and work as porters on the dock. This is a huge waste of talents—” Gustav K. Rupp was heartbroken. Although southern African companies focused on discovering talents in Germany, after all, there were still some people who could not leave their homeland. These people were also the last guarantee for Germany to restore its strength.

This has to show that even though it suffered huge damage from the world war, German industry still has potential.

Before the World War, Germany's economy has surpassed that of the United Kingdom, second only to the United States.

The developed German industry has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents for Germany, experienced engineers and skilled workers. They are the main immigration targets of southern African enterprises and American enterprises after the war.

Needless to say, experienced engineers, those skilled technical workers are the greatest wealth of a mature enterprise, such as the legendary "eighth-level workers".

There are many "eighth-level workers" from Germany in southern Africa. Most of the time, human labor is not as good as machines, but when machines don't work, you can invite those legendary "eighth-level workers" to try. There are surprises.

"The consequences of militarism have been verified in the last world war. Don't you accept the lesson? In another world war, Germany may completely cease to exist like the Ottoman Empire. Can you accept this result? "Rock doesn't want to see Gustav Krupp focus on the military industry. The largest arms company in the world is Nyasaland Military Industry. To cultivate a Krupp is to cultivate a strong opponent for Nyasaland Military Industry. .

Taking a step back, Krupp has risen again. If World War II breaks out as scheduled, southern Africa will face more serious casualties. This is also what Rock does not want to see.

So Rock hopes that Krupp will be smarter and focus on producing food or daily necessities that ordinary Germans need, isn't it?Why fight and kill.

"My lord, the current Germany is unfair to the Germans—" Gustav Krupp was a bit stubborn, and even he said this, and the thoughts of ordinary Germans can be imagined.

Rock is very helpless, the world has never been fair.

(End of this chapter)

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