Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1636 Bulk Southern Africa

Chapter 1636 Bulk Southern Africa
October in southern Africa is summer and also the beginning of the rainy season. In October of previous years, various places began to enter the rainy season one after another. The precipitation increased sharply, and the river water surged. Most of southern Africa entered the wet season.

This year's situation is a bit unusual. Last year, several states including Windhoek experienced severe drought. Not down.

By November, the area affected by the drought continued to expand, and even Rhodesia and Nyasaland, which have always had good weather and weather, experienced drought, which aroused the great attention of the federal government.

"The waterlines of Lake Niassa and the North Sea have dropped by more than 1.5 meters compared with last year. The water storage capacity of the Crocodile Bay Reservoir has exceeded the warning line, and the power generation is constantly decreasing. If it cannot be replenished in time, it may affect Johannesburg and Belgium. The power supply in Pretoria, about 5500 hectares of farms were affected by the drought, and millions of people had a drinking water crisis—” Owen brought all the bad news. The federal government has allocated 1000 million rand in emergency funds for disaster relief, but with Compared with the severe drought, 1000 million rand is just a drop in the bucket.

"Is there any good news in the weather forecast?" Rock was worried.

Regardless of the severe drought now, if there is no rain for a month or two, it will not have much impact on southern Africa. After all, the farmers in southern Africa are rich and have a strong ability to resist risks. Even if they have no income for a few months, Nor will it go bankrupt.

What Rock is worried about is that there will be a major epidemic after the disaster, not to mention how long the drought will last. If it lasts for a year or two or even longer, it will cause a devastating blow to southern Africa's agriculture.

"No, the weather forecast shows that this time the drought will be very serious. It is estimated that the precipitation in the rainy season this year will decrease by at least 30.00% compared with previous years." Owen is in a heavy mood. The precipitation in southern Africa is very uneven and the precipitation is the least. In the west of the Cape and the south of Dias, the annual precipitation is only about 60 millimeters. If it is reduced by 30.00%, there is no difference between rounding up and not raining at all.

"Ada, prepare another special fund, at least to ensure the supply of drinking water in the affected areas - Martin, order the National Guard to be ready and ready to join the disaster relief - Cecil, the Department of Justice must cheer up, if Anyone who dares to break the law and commit crimes at such a time must be severely punished." Rock took precautions, and under the disaster, anything could happen.

Just because southern Africa has a low crime rate doesn't mean people are peaceful.

On the contrary, under the deliberate guidance of the federal government, southern Africans are full of martial arts, and every household has guns. They can do anything to survive, and some people will inevitably take risks.

Of course, not all are bad things. Disasters will certainly magnify the dark side of people's hearts, but if the federal government responds properly, it will also enhance the cohesion of southern Africa. Rock regards the drought as an all-round test for all levels of the federal government. If he can pass the test smoothly, Rock will have more confidence to survive the coming Great Depression.

"We can use water trucks to deliver drinking water to the disaster-stricken areas——" In the province of Adaneng, the fire trucks of the fire brigade and the sprinkler trucks of the municipal government can both be used. Southern Africa is still rich in water resources, but the branch is not Evenly, all regions must make full use of the conditions, and cannot rely solely on the federal government for assistance.

"We can use this opportunity to continue to build reservoirs, dredge rivers, and provide relief with work—" Owen has learned a lot from Rock, no matter what happens, we have to look at it dialectically, for disasters and blessings depend on them.

"Do you want to prepare a military exercise?" Martin worried that someone might take advantage of it.

"No, order the troops to get ready—" Rock was not worried about this problem.

There are no strong enemies around southern Africa. There are two Congos separated from the French colonies. To the north is the British colony, all of which are from our own people. Surrounded by the sea on three sides, no country dares to challenge the authority of southern Africa.

Even if there is, Rock is not afraid. The potential enemies in southern Africa are thousands of miles away from southern Africa. Even if there is a war, it will be difficult for the flames of war to reach southern Africa.

Well, the potential enemies in southern Africa are clearly the United States and Japan, not to mention the probability of war breaking out. Even if the United States and Japan want to attack southern Africa, the logistics supply line will be stretched to a desperate level.

On the contrary, the chances of the war reaching the United States and Japan are relatively high. After all, the United States is next to Canada, and there is an East India between Japan and southern Africa. If there is a real fight, Japan may not have a chance to break through the Strait of Malacca.

"Notify all states to prepare for disasters, and everyone must take action. Two months without rain is not the end of the world for southern Africa. We have the ability and confidence to pass this test—" Rock said in a heartbeat. Better to say it on the radio.

Rock, of course, would not ignore the role of the radio station.

At the moment when television has not yet appeared, radio is the most effective propaganda tool.

After the meeting, Roque delivered a public speech at the Palace of Justice, which was broadcast live to the country on the radio, calling on all southern Africans to unite and fight the drought with all their strength.

"—Southern Africa is a country with a glorious tradition, we have won the world war together and won the respect of the whole world in solidarity - Now is another test for us in Southern Africa. We are not afraid of any disaster, as long as we unite in Together, no difficulty can frighten us—”

Rock was giving a speech on the radio, the whole bar was silent, and everyone was listening attentively.

"What's the use of giving speeches on the radio, why don't we just send money to each of us, my farm doesn't even grow grass now, God help, if it doesn't rain again, my cows and sheep will die of thirst—" In the corner of the bar, Marshall from the United States complained quietly.

That's right, even though the United States is also a country of immigrants, the United States is actually not a paradise for immigrants. After immigrating to the United States, if many people cannot get the life they want, they will continue to wander.

Especially after the World War, the United States is no longer the first choice for European immigrants, but southern Africa is.

Marshall was one of those who had failed in America to try their luck in southern Africa.

However, Marshall has not been in southern Africa for a long time, and he lacks sufficient understanding of southern Africa. According to the habit in the United States, he always scolds the president no matter what.

It's more than scolding, it annoys the Americans, even the president dares to kill, just ask if you are afraid.

The situation in southern Africa is different from that in the United States. Marshall's words were not echoed by others, but instead attracted a lot of angry eyes.

"What's wrong? What did I say wrong?" Marshall didn't know what went wrong.

"If you are really worried about cattle and sheep, then you should dig a well now instead of complaining here." Someone immediately retorted, and Rock's prestige in southern Africa was not blown out.

"Did you dig the well when you were thirsty? What's your reasoning—" Marshall dismissed it. He was afraid that he would die of thirst before the well was dug.

"We Chinese have an idiom called "plan ahead, do you know what it means?" A strong Chinese man in overalls with a pistol on his waist is full of flesh, and most of the farmers are like this.

Marshall didn't know, and didn't answer. He was sensitively aware that he seemed to have committed public outrage.

"It's not just your own farm that is affected. At this time, we should unite and tide over the difficulties together as the Lord said—" The strong man didn't explain, the key is unity, unity, unity, and important things are said three times.

Southern Africa in the past was actually similar to "Southern Africa in bulk". Cape, Orange, Transvaal, and Rhodesia and Nyasaland in the north each had their own ideas, and they were disjointed. .

Now Roark is trying to change this situation and unite "Bulk Southern Africa".

It's easy to say, but it's hard to do, especially in immigrant countries like southern Africa. The United States still has a history of more than 200 years, but the history of southern Africa is less than 20 years old. Rock doesn't expect to be able to reach the level of unity. Just don't sweep the snow in front of each other.

This is why Roque emphasized "unity" many times in his speech. Brainwashing is subtle. A lie repeated a thousand times will become the truth. If the word "unity" is heard too much, people will also be subconsciously affected.

"Unity? Hehe, we don't have this word in our dictionary. My pasture is short of pasture. Can you give me some of your pasture?" Marshall didn't have this consciousness at all.

This cannot be blamed on Marshall. It is said that in the long history of Europe, there is indeed no word "unity". After all, Europe has never been truly unified. In addition, there is Britain, the shit-stirring stick next to the European continent. Unity is even impossible. .

The same is true for the United States. Although the United States is a unified country, it was still fighting the Civil War a few years ago, and unity is a dream.

"Okay, as long as you are willing to pay the current price, I can sell you my grass." The strong Chinese man is serious, as long as he gives money, he can talk about anything.

"Ha, is this what you mean by unity?" Marshall laughed, as if he had heard some terrible joke.

"Come on, Marshall, it would be great if Tiger could sell you the grass, don't go too far, don't you still want it for free?" The bar owner really can't stand it, Marshall will offend everyone like this, and the bar will lose A steady client.

Tiger's surname is Hu, which is a homonym for tiger. Tiger is not his name, but his nickname.

"Then you don't want to make it sound so good, any unity is a lie, it doesn't exist in reality—" Marshall didn't care, he never expected to get any help from other people, the adult society is very cruel.

But it didn't take long for Marshall to learn what "unity" meant in the Southern African population.

(End of this chapter)

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