Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1637 Drought Resistance

Chapter 1637 Drought Resistance
It is very cool to be a farmer in southern Africa. The annual tax is not a problem at all compared to the income of the farm. On a farm of nearly a thousand acres, you will not starve if you plant anything. If the farmer works hard, the life will be better. It is perfectly possible to be rich.

Tiger's farm is like this. His farm has about 200 acres, which is about 1200 acres. In addition to cattle and sheep, the farm also has orchards, which can't be eaten all year round. Tiger also planted more than ten acres Grapes, I set up a small winery, and the wine I made is famous nearby.

Compared with Tiger's farm, Marshall's farm is not in good condition. He has not yet paid off the loan to buy the farm. Last year, he bought a tractor through installment payment, and the pressure on repayment is even greater.

If everything goes well, Marshall can pay off the loan within three years, and by then Marshall's farm will be on the right track.

It's a pity that a drought pushed Marshall to a desperate situation. If he failed to repay the loan on time, Rand Bank would take away Marshall's farm, and Marshall would have nothing at that time.

No one knows how long this drought will last. If we store as much grass as possible, we will have more confidence in fighting the drought.

It's not that Marshall doesn't want Tiger's pasture, but he doesn't believe that Tiger will sell the pasture. Everyone knows the virtues of American farmers. They are the ones who would rather pour milk into the river than sell it to the poor at a low price, so Marshall simply could not understand the meaning of "unity".

"Tiger, if you have extra grass, you can sell it to me, and I'll pay you at the current price." Marshall doesn't want it, someone wants it.

"Okay, you can drive to my farm later—" Tiger is really not stingy. In Chinese words, he is a fellow from the village, and he can talk about everything.

"What's the price of cattle now? I need a sum of money to repay the loan—" The bar is a good place for farmers to exchange information, not just a place for drinking and entertainment.

"Angus cattle or Nyasaland cattle? If it is Nyasaland cattle, it is easy to say, but the market for Angus cattle is not very good."

"It's Angus cattle. If it's Nyasaland cattle, why should I worry—"

Marshall was still in the corner of the bar, and the others were chatting happily, but no one paid him any attention.

"Wang, give me another drink." Marshall could only chat with the bar owner.

"Don't drink too much, alcohol can't solve the trouble." The boss kindly reminded, looking at Marshall with pity.

Marshall is not alone in offending today, he has not yet realized the seriousness of this problem.

Marshall would have a hard time in town if he was ostracized by the other ranchers.

"Thank you—" Marshall smiled wryly. He also knew that alcohol could not solve the problem, but he could only use alcohol to relieve his worries.

The next day the mayor came to Marshall's farm with the tax collector and the sheriff, along with the loan officer from the Rand Bank.

Marshall's loan is overdue, and the loan commissioner is here to collect it. If Marshall cannot repay the loan on time, Rand Bank will take compulsory measures next.

"Please give me a little more time, I'm trying to figure out a way, and I will definitely pay back the money as soon as possible—" Marshall begged bitterly, hoping for a period of grace.

"Mr. Marshall, you know the consequences of defaulting on the loan. If you fail to repay the loan on time, the Rand Bank will auction off your farm. It's not that you can't pay back, so why take such a big risk." The loan officer was merciless, Marshall had seen it all too often with loan officers, and the Rand Bank was not a charity.

Marshall is capable of repaying the loan. His farm is worth a lot, and he only needs to sell one or two cows to repay the loan. However, the market for cattle is not good now, and Marshall does not want to lose money.

This is why the federal government established the price guarantee system.

"I know, I know, I'm just trying to wait a while and get the best price I can—" Marshall had serious luck.

"Marshall, what if the price of beef continues to drop after a while?" The mayor was very worried about Marshall. The previous farmer that Marshall took over went bankrupt because of poor management.

Don't think that farmers in southern Africa should live in prosperity because of the good conditions in southern Africa. Every year, there are countless farms that go bankrupt in southern Africa.

This is also understandable. Many new immigrants had no experience in running a farm before they came to southern Africa. If they were given a farm, they would not know how to run it. Even with the guidance of technical experts, the farmer would have to work hard. Row.

It's a pity that there are many people who are lazy, some drink and gamble, and some pray for God's help every day, so many farms go bankrupt every year.

"How is it possible? Isn't the federal government setting up a price guarantee system? So maybe after a while, the price of beef will return to normal levels." Marshall is not stupid, listening to the radio every day is still useful.

"Oh my God, the federal government will set up a price guarantee system. It will be next year at the earliest. Can the bank wait for you until next year?" The tax officer is about to collapse. The price guarantee system cannot be achieved overnight. It's all normal.

"I have a plan. You can find a few farmers who have needs in this area to join forces with the Rand Bank to continue lending, so that you can tide over the difficulties." The loan officer did not let go of any possible business, Marshall's farm It's still good, as long as you can get through the difficulties, paying back the money is not a problem.

Marshall was dumbfounded for a moment, and then realized that he might not be able to find a farmer willing to guarantee him.

Sometimes I really can’t blame the bank for being snobbish. There is no guarantee, the bank really dare not lend the loan, and the loan officer also has to bear the responsibility. What if the money is released and cannot be recovered?
At this time, the guarantee becomes the last line of defense of the bank.

"Mr. Mayor, can you help me?" Marshall pinned his hopes on the mayor.

"Guaranteed the loan? Sorry, I have already guarantied for someone else, so I can't re-guarantee." The mayor's reason was very good, and the Rand Bank would not be able to pass the re-guarantee.

"Mr. Marshall, you must repay the loan within three days. This is the deadline, otherwise the Rand Bank will auction off your farm." If Marshall can't find a guarantor, the loan officer is helpless.

After sending off the loan officer, Marshall started looking for a guarantor.

Not surprisingly, all the farmers in the town were unwilling to guarantee Marshall's farm.

At this time, Marshall had to accept the reality. Even if he lost money, he had to deal with some assets to repay the loan.

What made Marshall even more helpless was that the mayor unfortunately said that the price of beef was lower than a few days ago, and Marshall had to sell three cows to repay the Rand Bank loan.

When Marshall went to sell the cattle, Tiger and several well-connected farmers got a joint guarantee loan from the Rand Bank, which would help them tide over the difficulties more effectively.

When the time came to December, it finally rained in Pretoria, but the rainfall was not heavy. At this time, the rainfall in southern Africa was 70.00% less than that of previous years, and the drought continued to be severe.

Diagonally opposite the Governor's Mansion, the new Palace of Justice was finally completed. Roque officially moved to the new Palace of Justice, and became neighbors with Kitchener.

Kitchener's health was not very good during this period. He was already 75 years old, and London was already considering candidates for a new governor, but Roque strongly disagreed.

No matter who becomes the governor, it doesn't mean much to Southern Africa. It's just a mascot. It's better to let Kitchener stay in Southern Africa.

At least the environment in Pretoria is more suitable for Kitchener's retirement than London.

Rock really couldn't imagine if Kitchener could survive the London winter if he returned to London.

London is still a smoggy city now, and people die every day due to severe smog. This situation did not improve until the British government implemented the "Clean Air Act" in 1956.

In recent years, many British people come to southern Africa for vacation every winter. Compared with the British mainland, December in southern Africa is perfect.

"It's already December, and it hasn't rained yet, damn—" Kitchener cursed, the older the old man was, the more irritable his temper became, and he didn't like anyone.

"Don't worry, the federal governments at all levels have already taken action, and we can get through it." Rock is confident no matter what time it is, even if there is no rain, Southern Africa will not be starving for thousands of miles.

Even if Southern Africa has this kind of confidence, if it is replaced by any other country, if it encounters the situation in Southern Africa, it may have a huge impact.

Look at India, tens of millions of people starve to death at every turn, it is absolutely impossible to put it in southern Africa.

"You should remind Cecil that you can't take advantage of the fire to rob at this time." Ade was dissatisfied with Stoudemire, who is the largest grain purchaser in southern Africa.

Although he has stepped down from the position of prime minister, Adelaide also has his own news channel.

During this period of time, there were a lot of news about grain purchasers taking the opportunity to lower prices. There were many reports in newspapers and magazines in southern Africa, and Ade had also noticed this problem.

"This may not be Cecil's instruction." Rock didn't think that Stoudemire would take advantage of the fire, and most of Stoudemire's subordinates made the decision privately.

Stoudemire is now the same as Rock, it is impossible to do everything in the company under his name.

After the spin-off of the South African company, Stoudemire also hired professional managers to manage the company. Professional managers should be responsible for the operation of the company and cannot require everyone to have a sense of social responsibility. All actions of the company are for the purpose of profit, otherwise even Not even charities.

Charities also deserve honor.

"That's why you have to remind Cecil that Cecil is now the Attorney General of the federal government, and he can't be mercenary." Ade has high demands on Stoudemire. Others' companies can be mercenary, but Stoudemire can't.

"Okay, I will remind him when the time is right." Rock didn't want to raise this question rashly, which would affect the relationship between Rock and Stoudemire.

(End of this chapter)

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