Chapter 1638
In order to allow the farmers in southern Africa to survive the drought, the federal government can benefit the people, formulate policies that benefit the farmers, and even send money directly to the farmers, but Roque cannot force Stoudemire to become a saint.

As a businessman, Stoudemire should pursue profit, but it should be moderate. Some money can be earned, and some money cannot be earned. Professional managers need not have this awareness. As the Minister of Justice of the federal government, Stoudemire should have.

The next day, Rock invited Stoudemire to lunch at Rock's Palace of Justice.

"It's too far away from here, it takes half an hour to drive, it's a waste of time—" Xiaosi is very casual, he and Rock are now in-laws, and the two families are as good as one family.

Roque also moved the Palace of Justice from the city center to the Governor's Mansion for the sake of keeping quiet.

This is a somewhat selfish decision, and it is not a good thing for the staff of the Palace of Justice. Most of them live in the city center, and now they spend a lot more time commuting every day.

Fortunately, the salary of the staff of the Palace of Justice is still very generous, and the penetration rate of private cars is very high. Even young people who have just started working for a long time can use installment payments. They are all high-quality customers of the bank.

"When did you learn to save time?" Rock was curious. Stoudemire didn't work so hard before.

In his previous life, Roque read a news report. A man who seemed to be the crown prince or something was very proud to say that he worked very hard, spending more than four hours a day, and he could be called the hardest working person in the world.

Don't be angry, for ordinary people, 996 live in the company every day, but also worry about being eliminated by society.

But for a crown prince, if he works more than four hours a day, it is indeed hard work.

As far as Rock knows, Stoudemire only spends about four hours at work every day, which is a model worker for a super rich second generation like Stoudemire.

"What else should I do? Even if it's fishing, you have to stay eight hours a day, otherwise the Ministry of Supervision will come to your door. As the Minister of Justice, I will never break the law." Stoudemire was half joking, and the Minister of Justice took the lead in fishing. This is not a good sign.

Rock is not angry, as long as there is no problem with the Ministry of Justice, Stoudemire can do whatever he wants.

"How is your business?" Rock hesitated and didn't know how to speak.

"Why do you ask this?" Stoudemire was curious. Rock had never cared about Stoudemire's business before.

As long as the business reaches Stoudemire's level, as long as he doesn't risk his life, the company will continue to develop according to the inertia. The near-monopoly environment is enough to guarantee the company's profits, and there is no need for Rock to worry about it.

"Have you read the newspaper recently?" Rock reminded vaguely.

The newspapers in southern Africa are very sharp, and they dare to speak the truth when it comes to criticizing the current situation. Roque has always hoped that the news media can play a real supervisory role. With Roque as the backing, the editors of "The Times" are indeed daring Said, otherwise there would be no news about Rhodesia during this period of time.

"Oh oh oh, I see, I will remind Frank later—" Stoudemire was very smart, and immediately understood Rock's intentions.

Frank is the manager of the Rhodesia company, the most important right-hand man under Stoudemire, and his status is similar to that of Anton to Rock.

"Money is something that can't be earned, and you can almost get it—" Rock didn't force it. Stoudemire's personal moral cultivation will determine the ultimate height of Stoudemire's career. He is as strong as old Cecil Rhodes, another After the death of time and space, he still ended up in a mess, and Rock didn't want to see Stoudemire repeat the same mistakes as old Cecil Rhodes.

"I don't know the specific situation, you have to give me some time." Stoudemire didn't lie. It is impossible to know everything about the dozens of companies under his name.

This is the same as Rock. Rock's knowledge of the properties under his name may not be as good as Zack.

Rock also knew about Stoudemire's situation. Stoudemire himself was not bad, and he would not make such a fortune for the country.

When southern Africa suffered from drought, other countries actually had a hard time.

Also in December, there were frequent torrential rains in many places in India, severe floods and countless property losses.

Severe snowstorms occurred in the Great Lakes industrial area of ​​the United States. Road traffic was cut off, factories were forced to shut down, and hundreds of people were frozen to death.

What plagues London is still smog. Unlike other cities known as "foggy cities", London's smog is more caused by industrial pollution. Every winter, hundreds of people suffer from respiratory diseases and die. government's attention.

At this time, the competition is the management ability of the country. The United Kingdom and the United States are not bad.

India is a complete tragedy. While enduring the flood, it is also squeezed by Britain. The poor can't even fill their stomachs, and they are struggling desperately on the death line.

In contrast, southern Africa was the least affected by the disaster. Although farmers suffered heavy losses, starvation would certainly not happen. Food prices were not greatly affected, and the market was basically stable.

Also in December, under the witness of southern Africa and the United States, representatives of seven countries including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland signed the "Locarno Convention" in Locarno, Switzerland.

The "Locarno Convention" is the general name of eight documents. It was an attempt by the European Allied Powers and emerging countries in Central and Eastern Europe during the First World War to confirm the post-war territorial boundaries and strive to restore normal relations with Germany.

These eight documents are the "Treaty of Mutual Guarantee" signed by Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Taoyue stipulates that Germany, France, and Belgium mutually guarantee that Derby and the border between Germany and France will not be violated, and abide by the "Versailles Peace Treaty" on According to the demilitarization of the Rhineland, Britain and Italy acted as guarantors and undertook the obligation to assist the invaded country.

In addition, Germany signed the Arbitration Treaty with Belgium, France, Poland, and Czechoslovakia respectively. The treaty stipulates that Germany, Belgium, France, Poland, and Czechoslovakia shall resolve their disputes by peaceful means, and each group of contracting parties shall establish a permanent mediation The committee deals with issues between the parties.

Finally, France, Poland, and Czechoslovakia each signed the Treaty of Safeguards, stipulating that each party must support the other in the event of an unprovoked attack.

The signing of the "Locarno Convention" is of great significance to the peace and stability of post-war Europe. The meeting marked the reconciliation between France and Germany, and the enemies became friends again. The "Locarno Spirit", that is, the spirit of goodwill and reconciliation, replaced the past It seems that the resentment and pain caused by World War I are over, and an era of peace and reconciliation is coming.

Don't be too optimistic, it just seems like it. History has proven countless times that a contract cannot bring real peace, and the Locarno Convention is the same.

Of course, the positive significance of the "Locarno Convention" is still there. At least after the signing of the "Locarno Convention", the United States and southern Africa both increased their investment in Germany, and Roque finally fulfilled his promise to Krupp. Loaded cargo ships continue to sail from southern Africa to Germany.

In a peaceful atmosphere, the time came to 1926. On the first day of the year, Abramovich brought a Russian named Vladimir to Rock, and brought Rock an invention of Vladimir— -television.

Strictly speaking, TV was not invented by Vladimir, not even the first invention. As early as last year, Baird of the United Kingdom publicly demonstrated the TV set he invented. Baird is also known as the father of TV. .

"Baird's invention is a combination of an old biscuit box and a scanning disc. It has no technical content. Vladimir is a real genius. He obtained the patent for the photoelectric camera tube the year before last, and last year In terms of effect, the TV invented by Veratimir is clearer and more advanced than the TV invented by Baird. Baird’s TV can only play pictures, and Viladimir’s Latimir's TV can play moving pictures-" Abramovich admired Vladimir.

Rock was too surprised. He had pinned his hope of inventing television on Nikola Tesla before, and he didn't even know Vladimir at all.

Vladimir was born in Russia in 1889, came to Nyasaland in 1919, worked at Nyasaland University, and obtained Southern African citizenship last year.

"Is there any image now?" Rock had complicated emotions. He was finally able to watch TV again. It really felt like a lifetime away.

"Yes—" Vladimir turned on the television set he had invented.

This TV is actually a huge box, and the screen is pitifully small compared to the box. After Vladimir turned on the TV, a picture of a puppy running on the lawn appeared on the screen. As expected, the picture is black and white, and there is no sound.

This is also normal. Any new things are very simple when they first appear, and need to be continuously improved before they become what Rock remembers.

"We are studying the simultaneous transmission of sound and images. Give us some more time, and the TV technology will be more perfect-" Abramovich has confidence in Vladimir, but still underestimated the development speed of TV technology.

In two years, the British Broadcasting Corporation will begin long-term continuous broadcasting, and within five years will begin live broadcasts, and mankind is about to enter a new era.

"Very good. Nyasaland University should give Vladimir enough support. If it needs help from the federal government, the federal government can also support it." Rock knows what kind of changes TV will have on human life. People live by breastfeeding, which is one of the means by which the ruling class avoids class conflicts.

In another time and space, in 1996, the word "****" first appeared in the book "Globalization Trap" co-authored by "Der Spiegel" journalists Peter Martin and Harat Schumann.

Here "**" refers to products that allow addictive entertainment and sensory stimulation (such as: the Internet, television, and games) to fill people's lives with these things, divert their attention and dissatisfaction, and make them Immersed in "happiness" unconsciously loses the ability to think about real problems.

(End of this chapter)

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