Chapter 164 Chasing (Sixth update, please subscribe)

120 commandos, 40 small black detectives, in Johannesburg, Rock is confident that any guerrilla will be wiped out.

In fact, the Boer guerrillas were scattered soldiers. On the frontal battlefield, the Boer allied forces were beaten to the ground by the expeditionary army. The guerrillas had no ability to cause any harm to the regular army.

In 1902, Milner negotiated with representatives of the Boer guerrillas. At that time, the Boers sent representatives from two Boer republics, 32 local militias and 160 five guerrillas.

In fact, it’s all nonsense. When Roberts announced the end of the war, there were only more than 2 Boers who were still resisting. From Roberts’ announcement of the end of the war to the start of negotiations, more than 40 expeditionary forces fought in the Transvaal and Nothing in Orange?

The power of the scorched earth policy is too underestimated!

In most cases, there are only 30 to 8000 Boer guerrillas, and sometimes only three or five people. They dare not fight with the regular army at all, and are chased around by the expeditionary force like mice. There are only more than [-] in total, including many family members of the guerrillas, and a third of the real guerrilla members are not bad.

So 120 commandos plus 60 little black scouts can indeed walk sideways in Johannesburg.

With the support of the Governor's Office, the Johannesburg Police Department is now strong and strong. Rock and the others are all one man and two horses. They also carry police dogs and heavy machine guns in the team. The police dogs are easy to handle. Just put them in the bag next to the saddle. The heavy machine guns are coming soon. Although it is a bit troublesome to assemble in place, it is a big killer for guerrillas with poor equipment.

In Johannesburg in September, spring and summer alternated, and the weather was neither hot nor cold. Rock had already changed into summer clothes, and put on a windbreaker for the night trip.

Since coming to Johannesburg, the sun has rarely had the opportunity to let go of the fun, so he was very excited along the way, and he ran all the way with Rock on his back, and soon he was sweating profusely.

Rock was still distressed, and deliberately controlled the speed to prevent the sun from reaching the extreme speed. Otherwise, the sun might not be able to run to Bloomfield Farm. Thoroughbred horses are fast, but their endurance is not enough. I really can't run any cheaper mixed-breed horses.

Johannesburg is less than 50 kilometers away from Holfontein. Before dawn, Rock and the others finally arrived at a valley less than one kilometer away from Bloomfield Farm.

"Martin, lead your men to detour around the back of Bloomfield Farm; Gothe, you are in charge of the frontal attack; Yaya, lead your men to cruise around, if anyone escapes, you can shoot them directly." Rock said only The only requirement is to wipe out everything, alive or dead.

"Huya——" Martin, Gao De, and Yaya all roared under their breath. The fame is only obtained from the horse. It is really a hero and a husband. The battlefield is the place where manhood can be best displayed.

By the way, the time for the attack is determined, and Roque seizes the time to eat something. Later, Roque will also participate in the operation. Even if he does not participate in the assault, long-distance support can still be done.

At five o'clock, the group left the valley and headed for Bloomfield Farm.

Ten minutes later, Rock commanded the heavy machine gun shooter and set up the machine gun position on a hillside less than 10 meters from Bloomfield Farm.

Gothe has already led the commando to set off. The sky has just dawned. In the farm, there is a faint mist around the farmhouse. At this time, it is still early, and there are no people in the farm. where it lurks.

It should be the sentry who spotted the guerrillas.

At five forty, someone appeared in the farmhouse.

Early guerrillas add fodder to their horses.

Rock looked at his pocket watch with the help of the faint morning light, and nodded to Li De beside him.

dong dong dong-

The heavy machine gun began to roar, and the chain of tracer bullets flew across in the morning light. The wooden farmhouse suddenly saw sawdust splattered, and there was faint smoke and flames raging.

Someone rushed out of the farmhouse, and all of them were torn apart by heavy machine guns without exception.

With the help of the cover of heavy machine guns, some commandos sneaked forward to the farmhouse and began to pour diesel oil on the wooden farmhouse.

Rock doesn't care whether he lives or dies, so it doesn't matter whether he stays alive or not. The guerrillas hide in the house, and the commandos will definitely cause casualties if they attack by force.

Then don't attack by force, just burn the house down. If the guerrillas don't come out, then wait to be burned alive.

It's better to die than to live, and the guerrillas are not stupid. As soon as they smell the diesel, a white underpants stick out from the door of the farmhouse.

Well, that counts as a white flag, too.

With the strong and the weak, the result is so easy.

A guerrilla group with 35 members was forced to surrender almost without firing a single shot. In just a short while, 14 people were killed by heavy machine guns.

This is the result of asymmetrical combat.

The interrogation will take place immediately.

At this time, prisoners of war have no human rights. Martin only needs to give a confession, and he doesn't care about the life or death of prisoners of war. When answering questions, as long as the prisoners of war hesitate a little, Martin will casually cause some irreparable damage to the prisoners of war.

And don't try to pass the test by talking nonsense. The prisoners of war are interrogated separately. If the statements of more than a dozen prisoners are compared with each other, it is clear at a glance who is lying.

The fate of liars is to be executed on the spot.

If it were the British, they might have organized an eight-person firing squad to carry out the shooting. Yaya would not be so troublesome. The Zulus are so stingy. Yaya was not willing to waste bullets. Lifting his head, let him take a last look at the newborn sun, and wiped his neck with a knife.

The prisoners of war are like poisonous snakes whose heads have been chopped off, rolling and struggling on the ground, but because the trachea is cut off, they cannot make any sound, and can only pant violently like a blown bellows, and they usually calm down within a minute.

It is indeed cruel, but the effect is also excellent.

"Director, this is not Quentin Summerfield's guerrillas. Their captain is Ignaz. According to a prisoner of war, they met Quentin Summerfield's team in Krugersdorp three days ago. Guerrillas." Martin was very helpless, last time, Martin and the others just missed in Krugersdorp.

"Take the captives, and we'll go to Krugersdorp." Rock must kill the roots this time, even if he can't catch up with the ship, it doesn't matter. If Henry's father really goes to Johannesburg to take office, then Rock will use Quentin Sa Murfield greets Henry's father.

Under normal circumstances, according to the regulations of the Expeditionary Force Command, these prisoners were to be executed on the spot.

But Rock is not going to do this. Rock still needs these prisoners to cooperate with Quentin Summerfield, and it will not be too late to execute Quentin Summerfield after he is found.

Of course, Rock would definitely not say that to these prisoners of war. The commando was equipped with a Boer interpreter, and the interpreter told these prisoners that they would be released after Quentin Summerfield was found, which made the prisoners a little excited. Alive, no one wants to die, not all guerrillas regard death as home.

An hour later, the commando set off again. This time, Rock changed to a thoroughbred named "North Wind".

Before noon, Rock and his party arrived at the farm that the captives had given.

Not surprisingly, Quentin Summerfield was very cunning, and Roark also missed it.

"Catch everyone nearby, I don't believe that no one knows where Quentin Summerfield has gone!" Rock said fiercely, and at the same time reminded himself that this was a war.

During the war, there is no kindness at all. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself. Rock knows that if this continues, he may become a pervert in a short time.

But Rock can't help it. If you want to calculate it this way, Quentin Summerfield is already a pervert.

Rock's arrest was also justified. According to the regulations of the Expeditionary Force Command, if anyone dared to provide any help to the guerrillas, all people within ten miles of the surrounding area would be thrown into concentration camps.

Rock didn't ask for all the people in the ten miles around to be captured. What Rock wanted was the whereabouts of Quentin Summerfield.

Facts have proved that if you don't treat people as people, it's really easy to get intelligence.

Rock soon knew where Quentin Summerfield was going. Just yesterday morning, Quentin Summerfield had just left Krugersdorp. Commander Louis Botha.

Louis Botha!

Compared with Louis Botha, Quentin Summerfield is a small fish. If Rock can catch Louis Botha, or get the body of Louis Botha, then Rock can almost reserve a baronship , if life is better, the Viscount is not impossible.

Thinking of Louis Botha, Rock's heart was full of fire, so after Yaya finished handling the prisoners, the commando set off again, this time the target had changed from Quentin Summerfield to Louis Botha.


Rock still underestimated the difficulty of chasing Louis Botha, and the chase lasted for three days.

In fact, starting from the second day, Rock and the others had already left the Transvaal and entered the Cape Colony.

Before entering the Cape Colony, Roque also hesitated, but Roque quickly strengthened his confidence. Although Roque and the others have no law enforcement power in the Cape Colony, as long as Louis Botha is caught, all the efforts will be paid. It was worth it, so Rock continued to chase without hesitation.

Although entering the third day, they still did not catch up with Louis Botha, but Rock knew that they were getting closer to Louis Botha.

On the morning of the third day, Gothe found Louis Botha's campsite by virtue of his rich experience as a hunter.

Louis Botha should have just left not long ago, because the ashes in the camp were still warm. After Gothe carefully inspected the campsite, he judged that Louis Botha and the others had just left for at most an hour.

One hour, if it is on the endless prairie, it is already within sight.

(End of this chapter)

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