Chapter 165 Fleeing in despair (seventh update, please subscribe)

In fact, Louis Botha is desperate.

After Kitchener replaced Roberts as the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, he adopted bunker tactics, scorched-earth policies, and concentration camps to deal with the Boer guerrillas.

In the area where the Boer guerrillas were active, the British army erected barbed wire fences, divided the Transvaal and Orange into several appeasement areas, and carried out regional raids.

The appeasement area is divided by barbed wire. The total length of the barbed wire is 6000 kilometers. In the appeasement area, a wooden bunker is set up every 1 to 2 kilometers, and soldiers are stationed there. Anyone who approaches the range of the bunker will be shot.

Throughout the Transvaal and Orange, the expeditionary force set up more than 8000 bunkers.

In these appeasement areas, where Boer farmers were found to be helping the guerrillas, all farms and houses within 10 miles of the surrounding area would be burned down.

In addition, Kitchener also changed the previous leniency policy for prisoners of war, anti-surrender, captured guerrilla members, and adult male citizens who had joined the guerrillas, all were exiled to remote prisoner-of-war camps in India, Ceylon, and Bermuda.

In the Cape Colony and Natal Colony, any British citizen of Dutch descent who responded to the call to "take up arms" and fought against the expeditionary force was sentenced to death once captured.

With such a multi-pronged approach, the guerrillas around Louis Botha quickly dropped from the initial hundreds of people to only dozens of people left.

After reuniting with Quentin Summerfield, Louis Botha felt that the Transvaal was no longer a place to stay for a long time, so Louis Botha decided to enter the Cape and continue guerrilla warfare in the Cape.

Not long after leaving Johannesburg, Louis Botha found a cavalry chasing behind him.

At the beginning, Louis Botha didn't take it seriously, but after entering the Cape, Louis Botha was surprised to find that the cavalry was getting closer and closer, only ten kilometers away from the guerrillas led by Louis Botha about.

Ten kilometers, for the cavalry, is just a charge.

"Quentin, do you know which unit this cavalry belongs to?" Louis Botha put down the binoculars in his hand and asked Quentin Summerfield.

"It's the Johannesburg police." Quentin Summerfield knew that the Johannesburg police had been looking for him.

"Police?!" Louis Botha suddenly had a bad feeling.

Although in the propaganda of the Expeditionary Force Command, Joubert was killed by a former colonial officer, but Louis Botha knew very well that the one who killed Joubert was a team of policemen from Cape Town.

To be honest, the reason why he chose to enter the Cape was that Louis Botha wanted to see how powerful the police in Cape Town really are.

"Yes, I heard that the police in Johannesburg are all Chinese from the Far East. These people are extremely brutal. They almost found me a few times." Quentin Summerfield was still a little proud.

It depends on how you understand it. "Extremely ferocious" can actually be interpreted as strong strength. The reason why "almost was found" is not necessarily escaped by strength, but also good luck.

Luck is also part of strength.

Louis Botha stopped talking nonsense, of course he knew that Joubert was shot dead by a group of Chinese policemen.

"Let's go!" Louis Botha does not have the strength to go head-to-head with a large number of policemen. Although Louis Botha wants to see the strength of these Chinese policemen, the timing is not right now.

"We can set up an ambush here and catch them by surprise." Quentin Summerfield was eager to try.

A mocking smile appeared on Louis Botha's face, and it was not until Quentin Summerfield bowed his head in guilt that Louis Botha got on his horse and said, "Let's go!"

He couldn't go anymore. The speed of the policemen was faster than Louis Botha's imagination. Just as Louis Botha turned over a hill, he heard the thunderous sound of horseshoes behind him.

"Withdraw! Speed ​​up!" Louis Botha slammed his horse and left.

"Fight it, get off the horse, fight them!" Quentin Summerfield wanted to die.

There was no chance at all, and only a dozen people remained with Quentin Summerfield.

The commandos did not forget to adjust their formation when they raided. They leveled Lee Enfield on the horse and started shooting more than a hundred meters away from Quentin Summerfield.

This is the true meaning of volleyball shooting. It does not require a hit rate, but relies on intensive shooting to increase the damage. When hundreds of cavalry shoot together, there will always be a few unlucky ghosts who will be hit.

And Quentin Summerfield's men were particularly unlucky. Half of the dozen or so guerrillas were knocked down by the commando's first volley of guns.

"Counterattack, counterattack!" Quentin Summerfield desperately pulled Henry Martini's bolt. As the best shooter in the guerrillas, Quentin Summerfield didn't hit anyone just now, only hit a horse.

It is right to shoot people first and shoot horses first, but in the face of the overall charge of cavalry, knocking down one or two cavalry will not have any effect on the overall battle situation.

After finally pushing the bullet into the chamber, Quentin Summerfield was shot down just as he raised the gun.

"Kill them all, leave no one behind!" Rock's muzzle was still emitting green smoke, and the others were shooting on horseback. The hit rate depends on Meng, and Rock can still guarantee a certain degree of accuracy. The sun is indeed a good horse, let's run Very smooth, not very bumpy.

Although the battle ended quickly, Quentin Summerfield effectively delayed the commando's pursuit.

Quentin Summerfield and his party were wiped out. Rock looked up, and Louis Botha and his party had disappeared, leaving only the dusty sky in the distance.

"Chasing!" Rock was not reconciled, and changed to Beifeng to continue chasing.

"Director, take a break." Gothe noticed that the brothers were exhausted.

In the pursuit battle between cavalry, it is useless to run fast, and it is more important to run for a long time. Two legs can't keep up with four legs anyway, and Louis Botha's people basically have one man and one horse.

Rock and the others are both riding together.

"Louis Botha also needs to rest, brothers, cheer up, get rid of Louis Botha, and let's have a long vacation together." Rock stood on the stirrups and encouraged the brothers.

"Director, keep chasing!"

"Head, brothers are not tired!"

"Get rid of Louis Botha!"

The brothers are still very strong, even the north wind is howling.

Then keep chasing.

Rock keenly noticed that Louis Botha seemed to be taking a detour, and Rock didn't think much about it, taking a shortcut was the easiest way.

After all, Jiang was still old and hot. An hour later, Rock was surprised to find that although the commandos had caught up with the guerrillas, there was a valley between the commandos and the guerrillas.

The valley is actually not too deep, about 30 meters, but the cliffs on both sides of the valley are very steep. It should be possible to climb over with bare hands, but the north wind will definitely not be able to climb it.

Dozens of guerrillas were on the other side of the valley, about [-] meters away from Rock. They were not in a hurry to run right now, they just sat on their horses and looked at Rock coldly.

Rock remained calm and quietly pushed the bullet into the chamber.

"Louis—Botta—don't be complacent—I will definitely catch you with my own hands!" Rock's voice echoed in the valley.

"I'm waiting for you!" Someone on the other side responded.


Rock raised his hand and shot, and the person who responded fell down.

Boom!Bah bah bah!

The commandos raised their guns and fired, and another five or six guerrillas were knocked down.

More guerrillas were lying on their horses, desperately galloping their horses into the air, escaping from the commando's sight.

Although I knew it was too late to catch up, this scene was still very satisfying. Rock and the commandos laughed heartily, and the exhaustion of the past few days seemed to have disappeared.

Louis Botha is definitely an old fox. In front of Louis Botha, Rock is at best a young fox.

The little fox is plotting against the old fox, and the old fox is also guarding against the little fox. This time, the two are tied, and it is barely a tie.

Sure enough, not too long later, the commandos who climbed to the other side of the valley dragged several corpses back,

Luis Botha was not among them.

Roque has not seen Louis Botha, but Roque has seen a portrait of Louis Botha.

At this moment, the commandos are really tired and hungry. The long-distance raids in the past few days have exhausted all the energy in the commandos. Both men and horses need to rest. The brothers fell asleep soundly.

Rock can only sigh, credit is very important, but you can't trade the lives of your brothers.

I can't chase anymore, I'm going to attack from afar, and I'm going to stick to the general. In the current state of the brothers, if they accidentally fall into an ambush by Louis Botha, even if the commando is well-equipped, it will suffer a big loss.

Fortunately, it was not nothing. Rock led the attack this time, wiped out two guerrillas, and killed Quentin Summerfield who had registered at the Governor's Mansion. With Red Milner, Rock can also explain the past.

Moreover, if Henry's father really becomes the mayor of Johannesburg, then this is the best gift for Henry's father.

If there is no accident, when Rock returns to Johannesburg, Henry's father may have already taken office. In that case, the Johannesburg Police Department killed Quentin Summerfield and wiped out two guerrillas under the leadership of the new mayor. What could be better than a gift like this——

After days of chasing, the brothers were exhausted, so Rock simply rested for one night and returned to Johannesburg the next day.

Unexpectedly, this decision caused trouble again.

Before entering the Transvaal, a troop of cavalry was catching up far behind.

This time it's the real regular army.

Rock secretly cried out that the Johannesburg Police Department does not have the power to enforce the law within the Cape territory. Hard to say.

But how could Roque sit still and wait to die.

The speed of the cavalry was very fast, and Roque and the others rested for a night, and they had already recovered enough energy, and they were not slow to run, so Roque immediately fled.

 Come to the seventh watch first, and continue later——



(End of this chapter)

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