Chapter 1648

The federal government of Southern Africa did not realize how much impact the Washington Post's report could have.

On the [-]th, the French "Echo" reprinted this report from the "Washington Post". On the [-]th, more newspapers and magazines joined the hype team. Conduct a survey of Southern Africa to identify the living conditions of Africans in Southern Africa.

"There are no Africans in southern Africa, what are you investigating?" Andy looked confused. What does the living conditions of Africans in southern Africa have to do with the Japanese?

It's not your own father!

"Africans working in southern Africa are being brutally squeezed by the federal government of southern Africa. Isn't that true?" Kijuro Kishihara's face was filled with the pleasure of revenge. Unexpectedly, you have thick eyebrows The eye guy is there today too.

"What do you mean? Southern Africa has given jobs to Africans from neighboring countries in southern Africa so that they can support their families. Those Africans are very satisfied, and the surrounding countries in southern Africa are also very satisfied. If this is squeezed , then this kind of oppression exists widely in all countries in the world." After Andy answered the question, there was a counterattack immediately——

"—You are not African. Japan is not even counted as the neighboring countries in southern Africa. I also have a question to ask you. Where did the money for the construction of Nagato and Mutsu come from for your so-called Great Japanese Empire? Not you The Japanese women sold themselves collectively in exchange for the Japanese government's oppression of the people—" Andy said this, and suddenly bursts of laughter and applause came from the meeting hall of the Executive Yuan.

It doesn't need to be explained, it is certain that Thrall and Oakland are the most active.

Oakland is still reserved, just smiling and applauding, and his performance is not out of line.

Sal was too exaggerated. He probably felt that the sound of the applause was too low. He slapped the table exaggeratedly while stomping his feet, while the other hand was busy whistling.

Andy: Brother Sal, you can take care of yourself. After all, you represent a country, don't act like a hooligan.

Kijuro Coinhara: It’s just like Australia is not the younger brother of southern Africa.

Thrall: Shut up, you fucker, we, the Commonwealth, have our own national conditions here, and it's not up to you, an outsider, to intervene.

"You—you are slandering—it is slander—it is slander—" Amid the lively applause, whistles, stomping, and slapping on the table, Kijuro Kishihara's defense was weak.

"Is it slander you know yourself, Your Excellency the Secretary-General, gentlemen—" Andy was not in a hurry, and Yang Smother must be very relieved to see this scene.

Yang Smozi: God bless, the diplomatic career in southern Africa is finally succeeded, and I can go back to Orange to repair the earth with peace of mind.

Compared with Kijuro Koshihara, Andy still has a lot of say in the League of Nations.

This is also a true manifestation of national strength. After southern Africa, Australia, and Canada joined the League of Nations, the current League of Nations is similar to the large Commonwealth of Nations.

Following Andy's speech, the Thralls who were booing just now finally quieted down.

This is status.

"- we can ask any African working in southern Africa, who in their country earn three rand a year No, the annual income in southern Africa is at least 30 rand. If this is considered squeezing, then you should reflect on your own country. Those women and children working in sweatshops, are they also enduring Sweatshop squeeze?" Andy directly flipped the table, the Americans are too shameless this time, and the Japanese are also shameless.

The fact that Americans have not joined the League of Nations does not mean that they have no influence on the League of Nations. In the League of Nations, Japan is the spokesperson of the United States.

It must be mentioned that most of the raw materials used by Japanese industries are supplied by the United States.

Especially steel, don't listen to the Japanese bragging about how advanced Japan's steel smelting technology is. More than 80.00% of Japan's steel is provided by the United States.

In terms of special metals, Japan is more dependent on the United States, and the proportion of purchases from the United States exceeds 90.00%.

Japan even has to rely on food from the United States to meet Japan's domestic needs. It can be said that without the support of the United States, Japan is simply unable to expand abroad.

So don't look at Japan and the United States in East Asia. It is all for the British Empire. Without the support of the United States, it is impossible for Japan to get the quota of 30 tons of battleships in the Washington Naval Conference.

If Japan does not have capital ship quotas, who will the broken ships of the United States be sold to?
The most disgusting thing about the United States is that its attitude towards Japan is the same as its attitude towards Europe in the early days of the World War. It dares to sell anything under the banner of free trade, and the United States can provide loans if the Japanese government has no money.

East Asia is like a giant popcorn machine, with the US, Japan, and the UK in it.

After the results are opened——

The British Empire is gone.

"Some countries are really shameless. They ignore the humanitarian disasters that are happening at home, but pay special attention to southern Africa thousands of miles away—" Andy fired directly, without talking about international etiquette, which is for the weak to escape reality Excuse.

"—Here I would like to ask the League of Nations to pay attention to the living conditions of Indians in the United States. We all know that before the Mayflower arrived in America, there were about 3000 million to 1620 million Indians living on American soil. It has been only 300 years since the Moonflower arrived in America, and all the Indians have disappeared. I would like to remind you gentlemen, that is [-] million people. Isn’t their fate worthy of the attention of our League of Nations?" Andy was filled with righteous indignation.

Sal stopped smiling now, and his expression was still a little dignified.

Sir Eric Drummond didn't smile either, but his expression was not serious, mostly embarrassment.

"Ahem, Andy, the United States is not a member of the League of Nations, and it is not convenient for us to discuss this issue—" Oakland euphemistically reminded.

Only then did Andy realize that almost everyone was a little embarrassed when he mentioned the Indians.

Then Andy realizes that America didn't exist when the Mayflower arrived.

So the "Mayflower" is basically a British ship, and most of the people on board were British.

In this case, the British Empire also has an unshirkable responsibility for the massacre of Indians in the United States.

Considering that the United States is an immigrant country, there are immigrants from various countries in Europe, so everyone here counts as one, and everyone is responsible.

No wonder Mustache slaughtered millions of Jews and became the public enemy of mankind, and Americans slaughtered [-] million Indians, but they didn't even pay attention.

American: I'm not, I don't have one, don't talk nonsense, there are [-] million people, and we in the United States just exceeded [-] million people last year. If you do the math, before the federal government of Southern Africa was established, there were also people living on the land of Southern Africa What about more than [-] million Africans, where are those Africans now?
West Africa, the Republic of the Congo, the Kingdom of the Congo, Madagascar: it's all here—

But obviously, Oakland underestimated the thickness of Andy's skin.

Everyone is a mature diplomat, how can there be such a thing as face, just close your eyes and hit the United States at this time, don't be shy.

"Although the United States is not a member of the League of Nations, we still have to pay attention to the Indians in the United States. Otherwise, what is the need for our League of Nations? When we are sitting here in a meeting, the crazy Americans are paying fifty dollars a price ,Buy the skulls of the Indians, do they want the skeletons of the skulls of the Indians? Hold the wine? If the Americans don't have wine glasses, we can give them some! The Federal Government of Southern Africa is here to appeal to the US government, please treat those Indians People are better, after all they took in your ancestors and taught your ancestors to survive on the land of America, you can’t treat your benefactors like this!” Andy didn’t hammer the British Empire, he hammered the United States to death.

Sal still didn't speak.

On this issue, Australians are also not qualified to speak. After all, when the British came to Australia, there were also millions of aborigines living in Australia.

Now there are very few aboriginal people left, and there is no need to ask where they have gone, because the genes of the Anglo-Saxons are at work.

The same is true for Canada. Don’t forget that Canada was once a British colony like the United States. The Indians in the United States disappeared. What about Canada?

So on this issue, don't blame Australia and Canada for not helping southern Africa. They really have ghosts in their hearts, and they are afraid of being turned over.

Andy dares to be unscrupulous because there is no black history in southern Africa on this issue, and there is no pain to scratch.

Australia and Canada have dirty buttocks. If they dare to follow southern Africa to attack the United States, they are afraid that they will be picked up by the Americans.

"Andy, calm down, we can't just accuse an irrelevant country, and of course we won't investigate whether Southern Africa is exploiting Africans. This situation does not exist. The Washington Post is bullshit—" Eric Drew Sir Mond smoothed things over, this issue really cannot be dug deep, otherwise the United States will not be punished, and the British Empire may be publicly executed.

After all, I, Daying, also need face.

"Well, my lord, let's not talk about the problems of the Americans. Now let's talk about the newspapers that reprinted the report of the "Washington Post". They must be responsible for it." Andy didn't let any one go.

Jules Josselin, who was still giggling just now, was dumbfounded.

The French newspaper Les Echos was the first to reprint the Washington Post report.

"Yes, those newspapers who wantonly slander Southern Africa in their newspapers must pay the price. Southern Africa is a highly responsible country and one of the non-permanent members of the League of Nations. It cannot be slandered at will!" Salman said blood Resurrection, if you say this, I won't be sleepy.

(End of this chapter)

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