Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1649 1 million people

Chapter 1649 One Hundred Million People
Jules Josselin never expected that it was originally Japan and southern Africa who fought because of reports in American newspapers, but France, which was watching the theater, suffered the most damage.

Of course, Jules Josselin also said that France is the pioneer of democracy. The Declaration of Human Rights grants the French full freedom of speech, which is protected by the French Constitution.

Of course, freedom of speech is not absolute. No. 11 of the Declaration of Human Rights says: the free exchange of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious rights of human beings; therefore, every citizen can speak, write and publish freely, but Liability for the abuse of this freedom shall be assumed in the cases prescribed by law.

See, you can freely express your opinion, but you have to be responsible for the consequences caused by "freedom". Although "taking responsibility" is written after "freedom", it is the prerequisite for obtaining "freedom".

If you dare to make inappropriate remarks, you have to bear the corresponding consequences, even if you hide abroad.

So Jules Josselin held back for a long time before he could only say: "The newspaper that reprinted that report is a personal behavior of the newspaper, and has nothing to do with the country—"

These words are shocking.

Kijuro Motohara: Don't be cowardly, brother, hate him, France is a permanent member of the council, how can it be deprived of a non-permanent member.

Jules Josselin: Japan is also a permanent member of the Security Council, so go ahead——

Sal: Brother, please forgive me, I really didn’t know there was a newspaper in Sydney that reprinted the Washington Post’s report, and let him close it later——

Sir Eric Drummond: Any attack on southern Africa is inappropriate, but my Great Yin Empire has its own national conditions——

Yes, there are newspapers in the UK that have reprinted the Washington Post report.

This is also normal, after all, Britain also has the so-called "freedom of speech".

The so-called freedom of speech in European countries actually means that it is okay to attack other countries, but it is not allowed to attack one's own country.

No complaints.

So this leads to a magical reality. In the United States, you can criticize the President of the United States, but you cannot criticize the United States.

Because the president of the United States does not represent the United States most of the time.

Wall Street tycoons: Hehe, you are right, we never scold the president, if the president is not obedient, we will change the president.

If you can't replace——

Hehe, how could it be? Ballots can’t be done, they can be physically eliminated.

"I believe this has nothing to do with the French government. After all, the Federal Government of Southern Africa has maintained a good relationship with France. I also believe that the relationship between our two countries will always be as good as it is now—" Andy suppressed his desire Yang, when he changed the subject, he said, "—but, France has the obligation to safeguard the honor of the federal government of southern Africa, so on this issue, the French government should take a firm stand."

"My God, do we even have to restrict the freedom of speech?" Kijuro Koshihara pretended to be stupid, and still had freedom of speech. Try cursing the emperor in Japan?
"Don't pretend to be stupid. We all know the premise of freedom of speech. Whatever you say, those newspapers that reproduce the report of the Washington Post and join the ranks of slandering the federal government of southern Africa must all close their doors!" Andy was full of domineering, so-called Freedom is all used to fool people, and what if it is taken seriously.

"The closure is too serious, not to this extent." Jules Josselin tried to resist.

"It doesn't matter, right? Very good, yes, the Federal Government of Southern Africa accepts—" Andy sneered, don't be ashamed.

When it comes to the media industry, Southern Africa is really not proud. One of the people here said that in front of the media industry in Southern Africa, they are all rubbish.

The world's largest newspaper "The Times" has now developed into Times News Group, with more than 20 newspaper offices all over the world, and "The Times" has become one of the must-read newspapers for politicians from all over the world.

It is very simple to fight back in southern Africa. Let alone those small countries with little influence. The United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, and France have one and one, and who has a black history of being invisible? After picking it up, there was nothing to say about the result, and everyone died collectively.

It's not right, national interests are paramount, face is not important, you can scold as you please, I'm your father, so I won't call names here, just sit on the right seat.

"Andy, calm down, can you suspend business for three months for rectification?" Auckland said bluntly, big brother, you want to commit suicide and I applaud, don't drag me along, okay?

"Three months is enough, at least half a year." Saar sang with Oakland, and those newspapers who followed suit deserved it. Reporters and editors have no political sensitivity, and sooner or later they will end up like this.

So don't blame the news media for not being firm most of the time, it's all for the sake of food, not shabby.

This is the same as the French newspapers reported on Napoleon when Napoleon was restored.

When Napoleon was restored, a French newspaper reported on the first day: "A monster from Corsica landed in Port Jouin".

The next day's report was: "The Unexplainable Ogre King Approaches Grass"

And then it was: "The dastardly kleptocrat enters Grenoble."

And then: "Napoleon Bonaparte takes Lyons."

And then: "General Napoleon approaches Fontainebleau."

Finally: "His Majesty the Supreme Emperor has arrived in his faithful Paris today!"

What can I do otherwise? Now I know why the French miss Joan of Arc, because there are too few French people like Joan of Arc, and they are worthy of praise!

"No!" Andy was categorical. Blacking out history is only one of the ways of revenge, not all of it.

Southern Africa's retaliation has never been just a reciprocal retaliation of an eye for an eye. There are one in other countries, and fifteen in Southern Africa.

No missing words, the numbers here are not the time.

Saar pursed his lips and accepted it immediately. He has fulfilled his responsibilities and obligations and tried his best to protect the interests of the Australian media.

But southern Africa is too powerful, and Thrall's ability is limited, so he has to compromise.

Take a look at what others have found for this reason, it is leak-proof.

An Australian newspaper that is about to be closed: Your so-called hard work is the sentence just now, right——

Sal: Or what?Can I still slap Andy hard?
Andy: It's not that you can't, it's that you don't dare.

Can represent action.

Dare represents courage.

"No, the news media of our Empire of Japan have freedom of speech, which is their inviolable right." Kijuro Kijuro confronted Andy, probably because of the courage given by the United States.

Thinking about it at this time, it is not a good thing for Rock not to do business with the Japanese.

If the trade volume between Southern Africa and Japan is as high as that between the United States and Japan, then Southern Africa can threaten Japan with cutting off trade.

Now that the United States controls Japan's economic lifeline, southern Africa really lacks effective sanctions against Japan.

"Mr. Biyuan, think carefully—" Andy sneered, don't think that if industrial raw materials are not dependent on southern Africa, southern Africa has nothing to do with Japan. Don't forget that the Changi Naval Base also controls the Strait of Malacca.

"Yes, I have considered it very clearly, Mr. Andy, and I also remind you that the first to publicly report on the oppression of Africans in southern Africa was the "Washington Post". You should go to the Americans." I'm not stupid, I know that misfortune can lead to trouble.

The meaning of these words is obvious. They are accusing Southern Africa of bullying and fearing the hard. They are also trying to win over other people and jointly shirk their responsibilities.

I admit that you are strong in southern Africa, but you have the ability to sanction the Americans. What kind of ability is it to take our anger out on you!
Use the strongest tone and say the most embarrassing words.

It is a pity that Kijuro Hajihara underestimated the degree of unity of the Commonwealth, and no one echoed Kijuro Hajihara.

Countries that did not follow suit in this matter have a clear conscience, and there is no need to follow Japan to offend southern Africa.

The countries following the trend are already in the wrong, and it is unwise to continue to add fuel to the fire.

"Hehe, do you think the federal government of Southern Africa will be nothing more than that?" Andy sneered, Southern Africa never swallowed his anger.

On the day of the meeting of the League of Nations, the "Times" published an article that covered the living conditions of American Indians on the entire front page.

The first half of the report focuses on the help of the Indians to the Americans when the "Mayflower" arrived in America.

The second half of the report focuses on the three centuries of massacres of Indians in the United States.

During the World War, the Ottomans massacred Armenians, with about 150 million victims.

The massacre of Indians by the United States lasted for three centuries, and the number of victims is conservatively estimated to be more than [-] million.


That was 400 years ago in 1492.

For 400 years, the number of Indians must have increased.

Generation after generation of Indians, based on a 20-year generation, how much will the total amount be?

Even if calculated according to the smallest probability, the number of victims of Indians is far more than 3000 million.

[-] million people!

You must know that the total population of the United States is only [-] million people.

By the end of the nineteenth century, there were fewer than 20 Indians in the United States.

This may be the largest genocide in human history.

After the report was published, the first reaction of many people was: Be confident and remove the possibility.

As mentioned earlier, "The Times" is one of the newspapers that world leaders must read, and its sales volume is much higher than that of "Washington Post". Schulman urgently contacted Yang Smozi to protest against The Times' slander against the United States, and asked The Times to take back and destroy the newspaper of the day as much as possible, and try to eliminate the impact caused by it.

"Slander? Hehe, the Indians are the masters of the Americas. Isn't it true that they are being systematically massacred by the US government?" Yang Smother's answer was exactly the same as Kijuro Hashihara's speech in the League of Nations.

(End of this chapter)

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