Chapter 1653
Although the Netherlands did not participate in the World War, its economy was still unavoidably affected by the World War, and it has been in a downturn in recent years. This has also become a reason for the opposition parties in the Netherlands to oppose the bid to host the Olympic Games.

Although Amsterdam wanted to bid for the Olympic Games, it was strongly opposed by the domestic opposition party. The opposition party believed that it was an irresponsible behavior for the Dutch government to spend 100 million Dutch guilders to bid for the Olympic Games regardless of important issues such as health issues and housing construction. .

Later, when parliament voted on whether to give financial support to the Olympic Games, the opposition party rejected it by 48 votes to 36.

This led to the forced resignation of Dutch Culture Minister de Visser.

The criticism of the opposition party aroused public outrage throughout the Netherlands. The press strongly condemned the actions of the opposition party in the parliament. The Dutch Olympic Committee learned about the attitude of the people, so with the support of the press, it sent a request for donations to the people of the whole country.

The Dutch people supported Amsterdam's bid to host the Olympic Games with practical actions. In just two weeks, the organizing committee received 150 million Dutch guilders.

150 million Dutch guilders, equivalent to about 75 U.S. dollars at the current exchange rate.

Converted into rand, it is only a mere 25.

Compared with the sponsorship fee of more than 3000 million rand for the Commonwealth Games, this figure is indeed a bit small.

It is no wonder that Coubertin and Latour, after learning about Pretoria's preparations for the Commonwealth Games, readily awarded the right to host the Ninth Olympic Games to Pretoria.

Obviously, this is unfair to Amsterdam, but it is very beneficial to the promotion of the Olympic Games. Compared with Amsterdam, Pretoria has too many advantages, whether it is venue construction, urban environment, and federal levels The government's support for the Commonwealth Games is beyond the reach of Amsterdam.

"Tell Amsterdam that the Olympic Organizing Committee has decided to award Pretoria the right to host the ninth Olympic Games. If Amsterdam is willing, they can host the tenth Olympic Games." Still overwhelmed by emotion.

"It's not fair to Amsterdam—" Latour hesitated, which went against the spirit of the Olympics.

"Baye, the world has never been fair. It is enough that Pretoria has better conditions than Amsterdam. I believe that Pretoria will be able to host an unprecedented, unparalleled and successful event. The Ninth Olympic Games will become the benchmark of the Olympic Games and set a best example for all countries and cities that want to host the Olympic Games in the future. I have a hunch that not only will Pretoria host the Olympic Games, it will not lose money, maybe it will Make money, in that case, we will never need to worry about the right to host the Olympic Games in the future, the only thing we have to worry about is to find the most suitable one among the many cities that want to host the Olympic Games—” Coubertin continued , For the future of the Olympic Games, Amsterdam can only be aggrieved.

What I want to explain here is that since the first Olympic Games was held in Athens, Greece in 1896, the previous eight Olympic Games have all lost money without exception. This is also an important reason why the Dutch opposition party opposes the Olympic Games.

If this problem cannot be solved, then this kind of thing will continue to happen in the future.

With the development of the economy, the cost of hosting the Olympic Games will also increase. The last time France spent 100 million francs to host the Olympic Games, this time Amsterdam will spend 150 million Dutch guilders. This is the best proof.

Compared with the Olympic Games with limited funds, the upcoming Commonwealth Games in Pretoria is a gold-swallowing monster. Coubertin and Latour actually have no other choice but to hand over the right to host the ninth Olympic Games to Pretoria Toria.

On the premise that there is no reference from other similar events, although the previous Olympic Games had various deficiencies, they are still acceptable.

When Pretoria successfully hosts the Commonwealth Games, the small-scale Olympics in the past will not be suitable. Compared with the Commonwealth Games in Pretoria, the huge investment will discourage cities that want to host the Olympics .

So Coubertin and Latour not only wanted Pretoria to host the Olympic Games successfully, but also had to make the Olympic Games a profitable one, so as to attract more and more cities to join the ranks of hosting the Olympic Games.

In another time and space, it was not until the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984 that the Olympics ended the history of losing money and became a profitable event. Uber Ross, then chairman of the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, was hailed as the god of Olympic management.

"But how do we reply to the Dutch?" Latour is in a dilemma. As the current chairman of the Olympic Organizing Committee, this will undoubtedly have a serious impact on Latour's honor.

It has no effect on Coubertin, he has already retired and does not need to be responsible for it.

"Then invite the Dutch to come to Pretoria and show them what it takes to have a successful Games and believe me, the Dutch will walk away. "Courbertin is cunning and cunning, this is also to increase the confidence of the Dutch.

Don't be afraid to invest. The Olympics can also make money if you do it like Pretoria.

The rainy season didn't last long, and after a week the weather finally cleared up and the construction of the stadium restarted.

Coubertin and Latour have to go to the construction site of the Crown Stadium every day, even if they look at it from a distance through the car glass, it is enough to make Coubertin and Latour feel excited.

On March [-]st, the Organizing Committee of the Commonwealth Games came to inspect the construction site, and Rock accompanied them throughout.

"The Crown Stadium looks like a crown. The overall structure is reinforced concrete. The steel used exceeds 100 tons. After completion, the Crown Stadium can be used for at least [-] years. At that time, in addition to holding sports events, other activities can also be held, such as expos, Concerts, public welfare activities, etc., in short, this money will not be wasted—” Rock is very satisfied with Lei Yiming’s design. After the completion of the Crown Stadium, it will definitely become a landmark building in Pretoria.

"200 million to build a stadium, Buckingham Palace is not so expensive—" Kitchener still feels distressed. The initial budget of the Crown Stadium was only 150 million, which is the same as the budget of all large-scale projects. With continuous additions, it has now accumulated to 200 million. rand.

Compared with the value generated by the Crown Stadium, 200 million is certainly worth it.

"50 tons of steel—when the federal government was first established, the annual steel output was just over [-] tons—" Ade's expression was proud. Ade's contribution to southern Africa's current achievements .

"What was our steel output last year, 3500 million tons?" Philip seemed to be asking, but he was actually boasting.

"3550 million tons——" Rock knew these data better. Steel production is the foundation of industry.

From 50 to 3550 million, this is indeed a huge progress. Without enough steel, there would be no southern Africa.

In the past 1925, the steel output of the United States exceeded 4000 million tons, ranking first in the world.

Southern Africa follows the US, followed by neither France nor the UK, but Germany with 1200 million tonnes.

Unexpectedly, that Germany, which has issued a currency with a face value of 100 trillion marks, actually produced 1200 million tons of steel, ranking third in the world.

This is still under the condition that France and Belgium evacuated the Ruhr industrial zone, otherwise Germany's steel production would be higher.

Of course, France and the United Kingdom are also good, one 740, one 750, literally passable.

Among the major countries in the world, Japan is once again thriving, with a steel output of only 130 million tons, which is not even as good as Russia, which is rejected by the whole world.

This can be seen why the United States doesn't care about Japan anymore. With Japan's steel output, it wants to build the world's third combined fleet, which is not enough to describe it as militarism.

"With the steel plants in Walvis Bay and Australia put into operation, next year our steel output will be even higher, and it will definitely exceed 4000 million tons." Rock is full of confidence. Sooner or later, southern Africa's steel output will become the world's largest, and then The second is Walvis Bay, the third is the steel output after removing Walvis Bay, and the fourth is the concealed steel output of Walvis Bay——

This is worthy of the status of "industrial madman"!

"Then we will surpass the United States?" Ade laughed.

"It must have been surpassed!" Philip said triumphantly.

Kitchener did not speak, with a complicated expression.

There was a time when the British Empire was the world's largest producer of steel.

However, in 1890, the British Empire lost this crown.

Now if the total output of the Commonwealth is calculated, it must also be number one in the world.

So it is very necessary to hold the Commonwealth Games.

In addition to the Crown Stadium, the organizing committee also inspected the City Garden Stadium.

The City Garden Stadium is a stadium built for indoor games, and most of the city's games will be held at the City Garden Stadium.

Like the Crown Stadium, the City Garden Stadium is also expensive. Although the City Garden Stadium has only 15000 seats, because the City Garden Stadium is a fully enclosed stadium, the cost is similar to the Crown Stadium, and it has reached 130 million rand.

To Rock's surprise, the construction of the City Garden Stadium was not affected by the weather too much. The City Garden Stadium was also under construction during the rainy season. Now the progress of the project is normal and it will definitely be completed before the Commonwealth Games.

"The City Garden Stadium is a professional competition venue. During the Commonwealth Games, all basketball and boxing matches will be held at the City Garden Stadium. Marshal, I have reserved a box for you. Box [-] will always be yours—" Rock knew that Kitchener liked to watch boxing matches, and the money from selling boxes every year was not important, the most important thing was to make the old man happy.

Kitchener didn't speak, and his joyful expression fully expressed his mood.

Ade and Philip watched coldly.

"Yes, there are all of them. There are 65 boxes in the City Garden Stadium. You can choose by yourself when the time comes—" Rock's words did not make Adelaide and Philip happy. The meaning of the first box must be the most special.

This can't be helped, who made Kitchener the current governor, and you two are retired prime ministers——

(End of this chapter)

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