Chapter 1654
In fact, it doesn't matter much. Unlike the Chinese who are superstitious about auspicious numbers such as "6" and "8", white people are superstitious about lucky numbers.

For example, Ade, after he had a full understanding of Han culture, he became fascinated by the number "3".

Philip's lucky number is "4" as he has four children.

So it was easy to divide, Box [-] to Kitchener, Box [-] to Alder, Box [-] to Philip.

No need to ask about the second box, it must be kept by Rock himself. It doesn't matter whether he has time to watch the game or not. This thing is just like a title, a symbol of status and status.

The City Garden Stadium looks like a garland, which complements the Crown Stadium and will become a landmark building in Pretoria after completion.

Like the Crown Stadium, two huge parking lots are reserved next to the City Garden Stadium. With the development of the city in the future, the parking lot can also be remodeled. The commercial development around the stadium has also been preliminarily planned. Both the square and the commercial street are under construction, and the Pretoria city government is also taking pains to enrich the cultural and entertainment life of Pretoria people.

People in Pretoria have a high salary, and they have to find a way to spend the money they make. On weekends, they drag their families to watch football games. It is estimated that it will become a part of the life of Pretoria people in the future.

This has been proven in Los Angeles.

In terms of commercial development of sports events, the gap between Pretoria and Los Angeles is similar to that between Amsterdam and Pretoria.

The football league alone in Los Angeles created an output value of more than 1500 million rand last year.

In addition to football, Los Angeles people are also keen on sports such as basketball, rowing, archery, shooting, horse racing, and racing. Next year, Nyasaland will hold a state-level basketball league. Other professional events are also in preparation. In a few years, Nyasaland's professional sports will be in full bloom.

After the inspection, the organizing committee is basically satisfied with the preparations for Pretoria.

At the dinner held in the evening, De Weiser, the chairman of the Dutch Olympic Committee who came to Pretoria on behalf of the Netherlands, also came to the banquet.

Yes, the former Minister of Culture who resigned angrily because the parliament did not support the Olympic Games in Amsterdam.

"Lord Nyasaran, good evening—" When he saw Roque, the anger in Devise's eyes could not be concealed.

"Chairman De Viser, hello, welcome to Pretoria." Rock expressed his welcome. All the guests came, and the Dutch were indeed quite sad.

The Ninth Olympic Games in another time and space was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

It was also the only Olympic Games held in Amsterdam.

"I went to the Crown Stadium today. Pretoria's preparations are indeed enviable, but this cannot be the reason for Amsterdam's failure. Amsterdam is also capable of hosting a qualified Olympic Games." De Viser complained, Before coming to Southern Africa, De Viser still wanted to compete with all his strength, but now he has vented a lot of anger.

"Of course, Amsterdam is a city with a long history. I also believe that Amsterdam is capable of hosting the Olympic Games." s things.

In fact, Amsterdam is not so unbearable. When the Netherlands was known as the "sea coachman", Amsterdam was the most important port and financial center in the world.

It is a pity that with the departure of the "sea coachman", Amsterdam has gradually declined.

Amsterdam is now the largest in Europe——

Can't write, if you write, you will die, anyway, it's the thing that makes a man's blood boil——

It's not football. Dutch football is so big that even Luxembourg can't play it.

Luxembourg has a land area of ​​2586 square kilometers.

"The economic strength of Southern Africa is really enviable. With the help of so many big companies, I believe that Pretoria will not only lose money, but also make money." Recognize the money.

"Companies are willing to sponsor the Commonwealth Games because of the influence of the Commonwealth Games and believe that they can obtain due benefits, so they are willing. This is not because of the order of the federal government. If there are factors of the federal government, it is also because of the The federal government has provided companies with better opportunities and better services." Rock is not angry, he stole the Olympics from others, and it is understandable to complain twice.

It can't be regarded as robbery. The main responsibility must be on the Olympic Organizing Committee, and Pretoria has little responsibility.

De Viser also knew this fact. Rock didn't accept the move, and De Visser couldn't force it, so he extended the topic to the profit of the sports meeting.

"Profits can definitely be profitable. The federal government of Southern Africa is not allowed to use public funds to host large-scale sports events, and all the expenses needed for the Commonwealth Games can only be raised by itself—" Rock will not do business at a loss, otherwise this year Pretoria Leah used public funds to host the Commonwealth Games, and Los Angeles will use public funds to host the Olympics next year, which would be a mess.

Governments at all levels of the Southern African Federation are very strict about the management of public funds. The expenditure of public funds falls within the scope of the fiscal budget. In principle, every expenditure of the federal government at all levels requires dual approval by the Federal Parliament and the Ministry of Finance.

In actual implementation, there must be a discrepancy between the budget and the actual expenditure. If the budget is insufficient, additional funds will need to be allocated. The process is extremely cumbersome.

Pretoria's plan to host the Commonwealth Games was not within the budget determined at the end of last year. Although Rock had the power to approve emergency funding, he was unwilling to set a precedent. That's why Rock wanted to sell sponsorship.

"In addition to sponsorship fees, you can also use other ways to make money, such as broadcast rights, ticket sales, souvenir sales, etc. Costs can also be reduced as much as possible, such as using more volunteers. Although they don't need salaries, they should be honored. Rewards on the Internet—” What Rock hates the most is donations, which is also one of the most important ways for the Olympic Games to raise funds.

If the donation is to win the World War, Rock not only does not object, but also fully supports it. After all, the World War is closely related to the interests of the country, and no one can stay out of it.

If it is for the success of the Olympic Games, then it is unnecessary. The Parisians raised 100 million francs for the Paris Olympic Games, and the Dutch raised 150 million Dutch Guilders for the Amsterdam Olympic Games. The sum is not as much as a company in southern Africa spent on sponsorship. .

The Federal Government of Southern Africa has always been robbing the rich and giving to the poor in this regard, keeping the wool of large enterprises, and using the name of charity or patriotism to grab the last copper coin in the pockets of the poor. This kind of thing cannot be done by the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

"Will the introduction of too many commercial factors affect the Olympic spirit?" DeViser has been convinced, but his ideas have not yet changed.

"Hahahaha——" Rock looked up to the sky and laughed. Even Coubertin, the founder of the Olympic Games, wanted to introduce commercial factors and turn the Olympic Games into a profitable commercial event. What else should De Viser worry about?
This is the standard brainwashing. If you are sold, you have to count the money.

"What is the spirit of the Olympics? It's mutual understanding, fair competition, and a comprehensive manifestation of national strength—" Rock didn't give De Viser time to think, friendship and unity are fine, they all participate in the war on behalf of national honor, and friendship comes first. second?

Just don't compare who is taller, who is faster, who is stronger, who can eat, can you?

This kind of competition is not without, Big Eater.

"The introduction of commercial factors is for fair competition. In order to obtain the sponsorship status of the Commonwealth Games, big companies have shown their talents and put all their energy on providing better products and services for the Commonwealth Games. Isn't this fair competition? With more funds, Pretoria can provide athletes with better venues and better services, which is also fair competition." Open the warm veil of the Olympic spirit.

"Yes, that's indeed the case—" Devise Moose suddenly realized that it was obviously beneficial to everyone, and there was no reason not to do it.

After comforting De Viser, there were still people waiting in line to see Rock.

This time it was FIFA President Jules Remy.

FIFA was founded in 1904, when Heath Homann, secretary of the Dutch Football Association, sent a letter to the English Football Association, hoping that the English Football Association would take the lead in establishing an international football organization.

The Football Association of England believed that the establishment of FIFA was an unrealistic fantasy, so Heath Holman's request was rejected.

That year, the football associations of France and seven other countries formally established FIFA in the back building of the French Sports Association Union residence at 229 Rue Honorée in Paris.

To the embarrassment of the British, the following year, the English Football Association wanted to join FIFA.

FIFA readily agreed, but as the birthplace of modern football, Britain lost its dominance over FIFA.

Jules Remy is a Frenchman who became the president of FIFA five years ago. The Remy Cup used in the first World Cup was named after Jules Remy.

Jules Remy's purpose in coming to Southern Africa is simple, hoping that Southern Africa can also join FIFA.

After the United Kingdom joined FIFA, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland have joined FIFA one after another.

But Jules Remy found the wrong person. He should have gone to the president of the Southern African Football Association Maran Andres instead of Roque.

"The membership of FIFA is increasing, from the initial seven countries to the current 21, we are preparing for the first World Cup, if Southern Africa agrees to join FIFA, FIFA will consider the first The World Cup will be held in Pretoria." Remy also took a fancy to Pretoria's infrastructure, the World Cup is the first major FIFA event, and Remy hopes to have a good start.

(End of this chapter)

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