Chapter 1666

While there are no Africans in Southern Africa, the Commonwealth does.

Not only the UK, but Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and even Scotland and Wales have African mobilizations in the list that has been submitted.

Yes, although Scotland and Wales are part of the United Kingdom, they sent separate teams to participate in the Commonwealth Games. A total of 11 countries participated in the first Commonwealth Games. By the 21st century, this number will become 59.
In the 21st century, there are more than 190 countries in the world.

"I'm also curious. I was in Pretoria during this period and found that most of the workers who built the stadiums were Africans. Africans have made great contributions to the rise of Southern Africa, but why don't you give them credit? What kind of treatment?" Winston's "shit stirrer" attribute broke out again, and he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't bring some private goods.

Not necessarily, this is the same as Rock's silence on Africans, which is actually hypocrisy.

"Yes, those workers are paid, and they don't work for free." Rock avoided the important point and didn't answer Winston's question directly.

"You know what I'm talking about—" Winston complained.

"Come on, little guy, this is a matter for our southern African federal government, and it's not your turn to take care of it." Kitchener was rude, and Winston was speechless when he said a word.

Winston, who was born in 1874, is now in his early 50s. Because he led Britain to win the World War, Winston is still very respected in Britain.

But in front of Kitchener, Winston's qualifications are just a cloud.

In the current British Empire, George V is not qualified to call Winston "little guy", but Kitchener does.

When Kitchener led the British Expeditionary Force to conquer the Boers, Winston was just a fledgling army reporter.

As for the relationship between the Federal Government of Southern Africa and the British government, Kitchener is still the Governor of the Federal Government of Southern Africa and is fully qualified to represent the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

"Winston, things will always change—" On this issue, Rock didn't want to say too much. The British think they are smart, and they often reap the consequences of themselves.

The British are all clever. They seem to be proficient at playing Continental Equilibrium, but in fact there are many hidden dangers.

Just like the United Kingdom and the United States are now supporting Germany, it seems to be to contain France, but in fact there is no need to contain it, and France has no chance to return to the glory of the First Empire. On the contrary, the Germans are worried about the failure of the World War , still have a grudge against the UK, which cannot be changed by loans and aid.

"Locke, are you going to pick some Africans to join the southern African delegation too?" Winston didn't care, or didn't care.

Rock smiled and shook his head: "No—"

Later, Johnston, president of the British Federation of Coal Mines, visited Roque and chatted with him about the ongoing coal workers' strike in the country.

Rock also doesn’t know why there are so many non-governmental organizations in the UK. The Coal Mine Federation is an alliance of mine owners, the Miners’ Union is the Coal Workers’ Union, and the Trade Union Congress is a national workers’ organization. This situation exists widely in all walks of life. The British government The role of the union has been greatly weakened, and its influence on workers is far less than that of trade unions.

"Although the general strike has ended, the strike of coal miners continues. Now all the local coal mines are dead. The mine owners do not agree with the demands of the workers. The workers do not return to work. Many workers lose their jobs. They live in extreme poverty. There is no food for—” Johnston sells badly as soon as he comes up, this can’t be blamed on others, and the Coal Mine Union is also responsible.

Rock didn't speak, just looked at Johnston with a smile, and watched Johnston's performance quietly.

Johnston couldn't get a response from Rock, so he had to take the initiative to get to the point.

"The problem now is that the workers disagree with the mine owner's request to lower wages and extend working hours, but the mine owner wants to guarantee profits. The conflict is so acute that it cannot be reconciled-Neville reminded me that the federal government of southern Africa may have a solution, so I'll come—" Johnston remembered Southern Africa only after being instructed by Neville.

"What do I need to do? If you need coal, the price is negotiable." Rock didn't know why, but he felt happy seeing the British Empire in distress.

Southern Africa is rich in resources, not only gold and diamonds, but also coal reserves. The Cape alone has more than 300 billion tons of reserves.

Abundant reserves are the basis. The key is that the cost of coal mining in southern Africa is very low, which has a lot to do with the large number of African-American workers used in southern African coal mines.

In recent years, mines in southern Africa have vigorously promoted mechanized operations and updated equipment. The number of workers needed in the mines has gradually decreased, and profits have continued to increase. This is also the confidence of the British government to ignore the strikes of British coal miners.

The coal mines in the UK are closed, and they can still be imported from the Dominion, which will not affect the industrial production in the UK.

That is, after the strike of coal miners in the UK, the total amount of coal imported by the UK from southern Africa has been increasing.

From this point of view, Roque hopes that British coal miners will be more rigid, and it is best never to return to work.

"No, no, no, it's not about buying coal. That's the government's business, and it has nothing to do with our Coal Mine Federation—" Johnston doesn't buy coal, and coal mine owners buy coal, so it's no joke.

"We have noticed that the mines in southern Africa use a large number of African-American workers and have achieved good results, so we also hope to hire African-American workers to restore the production of local coal mines as soon as possible." Johnston wants to buy people, the new era slave trade.

"John, there are no Africans in southern Africa—" Rock didn't respond. A few years ago, a British company wanted to hire workers from southern Africa, but unfortunately it failed.

It is an obvious fact that if UK-based businesses hire workers from southern Africa, it is the UK-based workers who are most affected.

The import of African-American workers will definitely create competition for native British workers. At that time, African-American workers are willing to do jobs that native workers are unwilling to do, and African-American workers are willing to accept conditions that native workers are unwilling to accept. There will be a large number of unemployment, so the biggest resistance to the introduction of African workers is not from the British government or British business owners, but from the Labor Party and British workers.

"My lord, without your permission, none of the Southern African Federation countries would dare to send workers to Britain." Johnston was also helpless. The labor force of the Southern African Union is also one of the resources. Without the permission of the Southern African Federal Government, the Union The member states really dare not do business with the British Empire.

"You can go to a human resources company—" Rock pushed Johnston to Christian.

Johnston's eyes widened and he looked at Rock helplessly.

Who doesn't know that Christian is Rock's servant?

Rock disagreed, and Christian would also not do business with the Coal Mine Union.

"Lock——" Winston really couldn't see it. On this issue, Winston stood at the Coal Mine Union.

Winston has always hated strikes. During the World War, workers' strikes broke out in London, but Winston sent military police to forcefully suppress them.

"Winston, it's not that I don't help. You know, if southern Africa sends African-American workers to the UK, then southern Africa will be hated by the Labor Party and British workers—" Rock is also helpless, and the Conservative Party is gradually declining. At the moment, Rock does not dare to offend the Labor Party.

"Then you would rather be hated by the mine owner?" Winston disagreed with Rock's reason.

For southern Africa, maintaining the status quo is the best option.

As for whether the British society is torn apart, this rock has nothing to do with southern Africa. Let’s see how lively it is to sell coal now. After winter comes, the sales of coal will further increase.

"The coal workers' strike is not the responsibility of the Southern African Federal Government. Why do mine owners hate me?" Roque also did not agree with Winston's accusation, and put it in a politically correct way: This is the internal affairs of the British government, and the Southern African Federal Government The government has no right to interfere.

Johnston and Winston didn't get what they wanted from Rock, and then they went out of the Palace of Justice to find Kitchener on the opposite side.

I don't know how Johnston and Winston moved Kitchener, and Kitchener brought Johnston and Winston to find Rock the next day.

Along with Christian.

Rock looked at Christian with questioning eyes, meaning: Why are you here.

Christian was about to cry, and Kitchener called him, would he dare to come?

There is no way for Rock, Kitchener.

For Christian, Kitchener is too capable, a phone call can make Christian's life worse than death.

Companion is like a tiger.

"Well, what is it for this time?" Rock asked knowingly.

Kitchener immediately looked at Rock with dissatisfied eyes.

Why don't you have an AC number in mind?
"Christian, how many African-American workers do you have now?" Winston pretended to be aggressive and challenged Christian directly.

Christian just wanted to speak with a bitter face.

Rock suddenly coughed.

Christian immediately shut up, with a face that would rather die than surrender.

Kitchener, Winston, and Johnston all looked at Rock with dissatisfaction.

"Not in good health?" Kitchin smiled.

"Last night, I caught a cold when I slept, and I got a little wind. I had a cold, a fever, a headache, and dizziness—" Rock rubbed his forehead. There is no way to prove such a headache. It is a century-old problem that cannot be solved even in the 21st century. The current medical level thinks Don't even think about it.

"Hehe—" Winston sneered, if he doesn't get sick in the morning, he doesn't get sick in the evening, it's really time to get sick.

"Boy, answer the question just now—" Kitchener couldn't control Rock, and showed his power to Christian.

Oh, Xiongwei.

"Marshal, there are too many companies under my name, and too many workers. I really don't know how many there are—" Christian glanced at Rock, and immediately gained confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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