Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1667 Hydropower Station

Chapter 1667 Hydropower Station

Christian, who was worth billions, really didn't know how many workers he had.

African-American workers only make up a part of them. Christian’s workers are from India, Ottomans, Southeast Asia, and even South America. Just like Rock doesn’t know how many companies he owns, Christian also I don't know how many workers there are.

"Boy, don't fool me. Don't you know how many workers you have under your command?" Winston couldn't believe it. How could you be wrong about the number of workers under your command? Isn't it funny?

"Minister, during the World War, can you find out how many soldiers there were in the UK?" Christian boldly fought back. He was afraid of Roque and Kitchener, but he was not afraid of the former British Prime Minister who had stepped down.

This is also helpless. After Winston stepped down, he was just a minister without fixed rights.

Kitchener is no longer the Commander-in-Chief of the British Army, but he is still the Governor of Southern Africa.

Roque is even more terrifying. Even if Roque resigned from all public offices, Christian would not dare to assassinate Roque.

Winston was speechless. He really didn't know how many soldiers Britain had during the World War.

Not to mention Winston, Kitchener, as the commander-in-chief of the British army, did not know how many soldiers there were in Britain at that time.

"Ahem, Christian, you can't talk to Your Excellency the Minister with such an attitude—" Rock still couldn't bear to see Winston embarrassed, Christian was going too far.

"Yes my lord, I'm sorry, Your Excellency the Minister—" Christian was sincere, apologizing as he asked.

"Locke, the Coal Mine Federation only needs 2000 workers to change the current situation." Kitchener still had to find Rocke, and as long as Rocke agreed, there would be absolutely no problem with Christian.

"2000?" Rock was surprised. There were 600 million people participating in the peak period of the general strike in the UK. Rock didn't think that 2000 people could solve the problem.

"Yes, in 2000, only 2000 people are needed to bring those coal workers back to work—" Johnston was confident. His purpose was not to replace British coal workers with African-American workers, but to Through the introduction of African-American workers, the local coal workers in the United Kingdom felt the crisis, and then agreed to the requirements of the Coal Mine Federation.

2000 people are really not many, and there are more than 2000 workers in any large coal mine.
The problem is that the workers don't know the plan of the Coal Mine Union. They just want to go on strike to protect their own interests. They don't want to completely fall out with the mine. Otherwise, it is not a strike, but a direct resignation.

For Johnston, he does not dare to do things absolutely, otherwise there will be a large number of unemployed workers in the UK, not to mention the Labor Party, and the Conservative Party government will not let him go.

"In this case—it's not impossible—" Rock immediately had an idea.

As mentioned above, Christian not only has African workers, but also Indian workers.

So Christian can give 2000 Indian workers to the Coal Mine Federation.

Just let British coal workers hate Indians, it really has nothing to do with Southern Africa.

Moreover, the name of a southern African company cannot be used. Anyway, Christian has a lot of shell companies, so it is easy to find a vest.

"No, no, no, Indian workers are not good. They have problems with their working ability and attitude. If Indian workers are introduced, it will not be a sufficient deterrent to local coal workers." Johnston disagrees. If Indian workers are hired Why would he come to southern Africa if he can achieve his goal? Don’t forget that India is still a British colony.

This is also the reason why Europe and the United States have no vigilance against Africans.

Who wouldn't like an African worker who eats less, works more, pays less, and asks for almost no benefits.

"Mr. President, you're embarrassing me like this." Rock spread his hands, neither this nor that, what exactly do you want from me.

"Actually, it's not impossible—" Christian thought about it.

Rock did not stop, believing that Christian would not harm the interests of southern Africa.

Both Winston and Johnston looked at Christian, wondering what advice Christian would have.

"Boy, don't hesitate, just say--" Kitchener was grumpy.

"In my company, some workers are from West Africa—French West Africa—" Christian threw out his trump card.

French West Africa—

Rock is very satisfied.

Winston and Johnston beamed with joy.

Kitchener laughed.

That's right, let the British coal workers hate the French, they are the main force of the daily milk method anyway.

Entering May, except for the Crown Stadium and the City Garden Stadium, most of the stadiums prepared for the Commonwealth Games have been built and are undergoing intensive decoration.

Considering the traffic inconvenience at present, the delegations sent by various countries to participate in the Commonwealth Games have already set off one after another. Australia, which is the closest to southern Africa, has the fastest speed. The delegation arrived in Pretoria on May 5 ahead of schedule.

"John, you are here too early. The athletes' village built for you has not yet been built." Rock was very enthusiastic when he saw John Monash, the head of the Australian delegation. During the World War, John Monash was Rock's underlings.

John Monash served as brigade commander in the Anzacs when Roque was Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.

After the Battle of the Dardanelles, the Anzac Army fought in France at the age of [-]. John Monash commanded well and was promoted to lieutenant general in the second year. He was knighted by George V after the war.

In addition to being an excellent soldier, John Monash was also an excellent civil engineer and bridge designer. Some bridges in Melbourne and Tasmania were designed by him.

John Monash is a man of many talents. After reading the resume above, you must not have guessed that John Monash studied art and law in university.

"Salute to you, Marshal, I believe you will not let me live in a tent—" John Monash was also very excited. During the World War, he fought side by side with Rock, and those days left a deep impression on John Monash impression.

John Monash was a simple man. After the end of the World War, John Monash retired as a general and returned to civilian life. He did not hold any public office. He devoted himself to the economic construction of Victoria, Australia, and the service work for veterans.

"Of course, you're staying at my house today, and we're going to have a drink—" Rock laughed out loud. There's nothing more fun than getting together with old friends.

On this day, Rock finished his work ahead of schedule and really entertained John Monash at home.

Rock took the initiative to barbecue for John Monash on the lawn in the courtyard, and John Monash chatted with Kitchener. There were also several soldiers who also participated in the World War. Everyone had a good time.

"The chicken wings are here, do you still need some Nyasaran steak?" Rock was considerate of service. In fact, most of the meat was grilled by Phyllis, and Rock was just pretending.

Just kidding, who dares to accept the services of the Marquis of Nyasaland, Kitchener doesn't even have that face.

"Locke, come sit down - Phyllis, you also take a break, let's chat together." Kitchener has never been so happy as today, as if returning to the glorious years of the World War.

"When it comes to the Battle of the Dardanelles, it must be the Lord who has the most say." John Monash is also very happy. New Legion Day".

"Anzac Day" was established to commemorate the officers and soldiers of the Anzacs who died in the Garibaldi Peninsula. During the entire Battle of the Dardanelles, a total of 8709 Anzacs were killed and 19441 were injured, an average of 20 Australians. , there is one who bleeds or dies for it.

"No, no, no, I played an extremely small role in the Battle of the Dardanelles. Without the bloody soldiers, there would be no final victory for us." Rock was humble, putting it on other people was just pretending, and putting it on Rock It's chivalry.

"Don't be so humble, Locke, no one can deny your credit." Kitchener made a final decision. The Allies should really thank Rock. In another time and space, the Battle of the Dardanelles ended in failure, which directly led to Winston's resignation as Minister of the Navy. .

Rock sat down beside Kitchener, and Phyllis sat next to Rock, looking at Rock with adoring eyes.

"We have to be careful about the outbreak of another world war now. It has been more than ten years since the outbreak of the last world war. The hatred has not disappeared, and the contradictions still exist. They are more acute than ten years ago--" Rock really didn't mean to destroy the atmosphere. There are some people in the Federation who are blindly optimistic and don't believe that people will repeat the same mistakes, such as Neville.

Rock and Neville often communicated by telegram or correspondence, and Rock once reminded Neville to pay attention to this, but Neville didn't take it seriously.

The same is true for Australia, among other things, if there is another world war, Australia will definitely not go all out like the last world war.

"My lord, we are going to focus on economic construction now. We are going to build a large hydropower station in Victoria. In this regard, we need the help of the federal government of Southern Africa. You have rich experience in large hydropower stations. I hope you can give us some help. "John Monash came to Pretoria not only to lead the team to achieve good results, but also to get support from Southern Africa.

"No problem, as long as we can do it, we will definitely go all out." Rock is not stingy. It is a coincidence that Southern Africa also has this demand.

The two consecutive years of drought have caused some troubles to the electricity supply in southern Africa. Southern Africa is not only vigorously developing thermal power stations, but also building more hydropower stations to meet the increasing demand for electricity from southern African industries.

In this regard, Southern Africa also has huge advantages. Among other things, there is a lot to do with just the Zambezi River.

(End of this chapter)

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