Chapter 1686 Physical work

In the evening of Pretoria, the whole city is bathed in the golden afterglow of the sun.

The sunset in the sky is extremely magnificent, and the red clouds cover the whole sky. When the last ray of sunshine disappears in the sky, the lights of the Crown Stadium gradually turn on. The lights are like dazzling diamonds, and the whole stadium is decorated dazzlingly. Incomparable.

On the parking lot in the distance, some tourists who failed to buy tickets for the opening ceremony and were unwilling to be lonely bought fireworks for their own entertainment. When the huge fireballs bloomed in the night sky, the bright Milky Way was eclipsed.

At the ticket gates of the stadium, many people are still holding cards for buying tickets and waiting.

Someone tried to sneak into the venue with a fake ticket, but was spotted by the dedicated ticket inspector on the spot, and then was taken away by the security personnel with live ammunition.

Spectators who enter the venue must undergo strict inspections. Except for their personal belongings, nothing is allowed to be brought into the stadium. There are shops in the stadium, and you can buy them yourself if you need them. Spectators can even order food during the opening ceremony, and special personnel are responsible for delivery .

At 05:30, Rock and George V arrived at the Crown Stadium and took the elevator directly to the rostrum. At this time, tens of thousands of spectators had entered the stadium. Although the performance had not yet started, the audience had already started to play crowds. It is winter in Pretoria, the night breeze is cool, the audience is full of enthusiasm and singing one after another.

For the Commonwealth Games this time, the major football clubs in southern Africa are the main buyers of tickets. They make full use of their resource advantages and organize members to buy tickets uniformly. After entering the stadium, they all sit together and wear uniform uniforms, so they look neat.

The club regards the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games as the best display stage. Although there is no live TV broadcast, the radio station can live broadcast live. There are many photographers on the scene. If the radio host can mention it in passing, Or if it can appear on the front page of tomorrow's newspaper, then everything is worth it.

When Roque and King George V were seated on the rostrum, the audience was singing the Hawks' team song "You'll Never Walk Alone" in unison. This song is the theme song of the movie "Nyasaland" which was released not long ago. , was selected as the team anthem by the Eagles after rewriting the lyrics by the famous southern African lyricist Lambert.

The Eagles have the best results in the Southern African Football League and have the largest number of fans across Southern Africa.

The influence of "Nyasaland" has gone out of southern Africa, and it is known as the best movie after "Tiger Escape". The song "You Will Never Walk Alone" is not only familiar to southern Africans, but also to audiences from all over the world. It is also very familiar, so although the lyrics are not uniform, it does not affect the audience's enthusiasm for participation.

"The atmosphere is very warm - oh oh oh, I have heard this song too, at the end of the storm, there is a golden sky, and a lark singing sweetly -" George V seemed to have forgotten those troubles, feeling It's not bad, and I can actually sing a few lines along with it.

Rock smiled and applauded. Prince Edward did not appear on the rostrum. He was sent back to London for reflection last night. As for Mrs. Simpson——

No one cares about Mrs. Simpson. In another time and space, the British government banned Mrs. Simpson from entering the UK when Prince Edward expressed his intention to marry Mrs. Simpson.

Unfortunately, that still didn't stop Prince Edward and Mrs. Simpson's affection.

"How's my singing?" George V also asked Rock's first-level opinion——

It's a pity that George V will only seek Rock's advice on such matters.

If the Congress could also ask for the opinion of Southern Africa before deciding to award the Chinese in Southern Africa "honorary whites", it is estimated that the relationship between the British Empire and Southern Africa would not be what it is today.

Don't look at George V and Roque as if nothing happened on the surface.

In fact, both of them knew that when something happened, it happened. The relationship between the British Empire and southern Africa would not return to the past, and it was going further and further apart.

This is also normal. As the strength of southern Africa becomes stronger and its influence in the Commonwealth gradually surpasses that of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom will definitely not allow this to happen.

So if Southern Africa cannot be suppressed, then for the British Empire, driving Southern Africa out of the Commonwealth is also one of the options. At least in that case, Britain can guarantee its status in the Commonwealth.

"Very good, Your Majesty, you can sing opera now—" Rock laughed loudly. Nobles are versatile, especially in terms of leisure and entertainment.

"I had this idea when I was young. I joined the drama club when I was in middle school. Unfortunately, I found out later that being a king is my only choice—" George V is also the old Versailles, so who do you choose so helplessly? want to.

At this time, the stands were [-]% full, and the sound of the live DJ resounded throughout the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us pay tribute to His Majesty the Great King. I wish His Majesty good health and the prosperity of the British Empire. God bless my king—" The DJ on the spot was good at adjusting the atmosphere, and tens of thousands of spectators shouted in unison with the DJ's voice , the atmosphere is bursting.

George V stood up with a smile and waved to the surroundings. At this time, there is no need to worry about safety issues. Thick bulletproof glass is installed around the rostrum.

Don't think about the rifle. In such a tight security environment, no one can bring a rifle into the stadium.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us pay tribute to the great Marquis of Nyasaland. We also sincerely wish the Marquis of Nyasaland good health and southern Africa—" DJ was greeted by huge cheers before he finished speaking The sound is drowned out.

This time the cheers were obviously louder and lasted longer.

When Roque got up to greet the audience, George V was also smiling and applauding, but if you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that His Majesty's eyes are beating slightly.

The applause lasted as long as 5 minutes.

The on-site DJ did not intend to continue to introduce other Commonwealth leaders. There are too many officials on the scene. If we introduce them one by one, the cultural performance may be delayed for a long time.

Five minutes later, the lights of the stadium gradually dimmed, and the theatrical performance was about to begin.

There were sporadic boos at the scene, and some audience members felt that they couldn't get enough of it. If the cultural performances were not interrupted, they could applaud until dawn.

After all the lights were turned off, the stadium was completely dark for a moment. At this time, the searchlights around the stadium suddenly turned on, and several beams of light shone on the stage in the center of the stadium. Elizabeth Schumann in a long white dress looked like an angel. When the music started, Elizabeth Schumann leads the singing of "God Save the King".

The audience stood up and sang along with Elizabeth Schuman. The opening ceremony had just begun and reached its first climax.

After singing the song, King George V looked excited. Singing the national anthem will be a routine practice in the future. It was still very novel in 1926. It is obvious that George V is very satisfied.

"This idea is great, Locke, there should be more programs like this, we need such performances now—" George V sang the national anthem too hard just now, and his voice was a little hoarse.

"There are more to come. There are a total of ten programs." Rock was indifferent, engaging in formalism. No one in this world is better at it than Rock.

George V laughed out loud. The idea of ​​the Commonwealth Games is really good, and it is better than George V expected.

The next program was still colorful, with fireworks in the middle. When 108 fireworks bloomed in the night sky, everyone's eyes were attracted, even Roque and George V were no exception.

The fireworks prepared by the organizing committee for the opening ceremony are worth a total of 11 pounds, which is almost enough to build a small stadium.

After the theatrical performance, there was an entrance ceremony, and the first one to enter was the British delegation.

The standard bearer of the British delegation was actually Winston.

This guy really likes to be in the limelight. He is wearing a tuxedo, an exaggerated tuxedo coat, a black top hat on his head, and an iconic cigar in his mouth. He is waving the British flag in his hand as he walks. smug.

Rock covered his face.

No matter what, you are also a descendant of the Duke of Marlborough's family. Can you not be so high-profile as a former British Prime Minister.

George V also covered his forehead and was ashamed to see others. What the hell, you have lost the face of the nobles.

The audience didn't care. Winston was still quite popular in southern Africa. After all, he was the British Prime Minister who led the British Empire to victory in the World War. He was also a good friend of Roque, so he wanted to give some applause out of politeness.

So the scene erupted in decibels of applause, second only to the tribute to Roque since the opening.

The Winston people went crazy, the flag waved harder, the iconic victory gestures appeared frequently, and they didn't forget to wave their hands when they passed the rostrum.

Rock and George V had dull expressions, and they clapped weakly to the rhythm of the music.

The southern African team was the last to enter the stadium. When the southern African national flag appeared on the stadium, the cheers of the audience reached an unprecedented peak.

At this time, it was the Australian team that had just walked past the rostrum.

The cheers from the audience probably made the Australian team feel that the audience burst out with such huge cheers because they welcomed them.

So the athletes of the Australian team were a little happy.

Then I looked back and saw the Southern African team preparing to enter the field.

The Southern African team was not in a hurry, and waited for the Australian team to leave the runway before entering the arena, enjoying the cheers of the audience exclusively.

The Southern African delegation sent a total of 612 athletes to participate in this Commonwealth Games, the largest number among all participating teams.

It is a little embarrassing that the flag bearer of the southern African delegation is actually Kitchener, thanks to which he can wave the flag in his hand, which is a physical effort.

ps: It was finally released, the big stone in my heart fell to the ground, and I can be lazy again with peace of mind——

(End of this chapter)

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