Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1687 Lord of Eight Hands

Chapter 1687 Lord Eighteen Hands

Kitchena is the Governor of Southern Africa. Considering that Kitchena is 76 years old, George V just discussed with Kitchena a few days ago and asked whether Kitchena could still serve as the Governor of Southern Africa.

Kitchener said I had ten more years left.

Kitchina’s health is really good. Ade has been sick for the past few years. Kitchina’s health has always been good. The 76-year-old runs, fishes, hunts and hunts cats every day, and his mentality is similar to that of a 20-year-old Young people do.

This is a standard person who is old-hearted, in other words, has always maintained a childlike heart, which is not easy for Kitchina.

Regarding Kitchener's work, George V had nothing to criticize. It would not necessarily be better for another person to be the governor than Kitchener. At least Rock had no resistance to Kitchener, and the relationship between the two had always been very good.

In the UK now, there are not many people who can be respected by Rock. Alder counts as one, Kitchener counts as half, and the scores of the others are probably between 0.01 and 0.1.

After the athletes' entrance ceremony, there was an oath-taking session, which was presided over by Miranda Charlotte, one of the nine justices in Southern Africa.

Miranda Charlotte is a woman and the only female justice among the nine justices.

This is not uncommon in southern Africa, where even female ministers and judges are normal.

The two athletes who participated in the oath ceremony, one is Felix Lee, a football player from southern Africa, and the other is Bailey Herbert, a female equestrian athlete from the United Kingdom.

The Commonwealth Games is the first large-scale multi-sport event in the world to list women's events as an official event. In the previous Olympic Games, although women also participated, they were not included in the results. Women's events were not even an official event of the Olympic Games. project.

In the Paris Olympics in 1900, female athletes appeared for the first time, with a total of 11 athletes participating.

In 1924, the Olympic Committee officially decided to include women's events as official events, but due to time constraints, this decision was not implemented in the Paris Olympics held that year.

The rules of the Commonwealth Games are almost entirely formulated by Rock, and Rock will certainly not ignore the influence of the women's event, so this is the first of its kind.

After the mobilization oath, the coaches took the oath, and the opening ceremony was successfully concluded. The organizing committee will have a dinner in the evening to thank the leaders of the Commonwealth who came to Pretoria to participate in the opening ceremony.

This time the dinner was held in the banquet hall of the Pretoria City Hall, and Roque and George V were also present. When Kitchener was delivering a speech on behalf of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, Roque received a report from Stoudemire.

In a manuscript sent back to the mainland, a British newspaper made a key description of the two athletes who participated in the oath ceremony, especially their gender.

"—the two athletes who participated in the oath ceremony, the male athlete is from southern Africa, the female athlete is from the UK, and——" Stoudemire stammered, with a rather embarrassed expression on his face.

"And what?" Rock was speechless, there was nothing wrong with wanting to add a crime, as long as he wanted to find fault, it was really everywhere.

"Besides, the male athletes are Chinese, and the female athletes are white, so the reporter who wrote the article probably thought that the impact might not be good—" No wonder Stoudemire dared to say it, this topic is indeed a bit sensitive.

"Affecting the fart——" Rock rarely swears. Some people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and they over-interpret it.

Nor can it be said to be over-interpreted.

In the eyes of some British people, the fact that Chinese in southern Africa do not accept the title of "honorary white man" can also be regarded as an over-interpretation.

But it's not the same thing at all.

Thanks again to the censorship regime in Southern Africa, this discovery was equally timely.

"Kick that reporter out of Southern Africa and be banned from entering the country for life, and remind that newspaper that if they dare to publish any news that is not conducive to the Southern African Federal Government, then they will wait to accept the sanctions of the Southern African Federal Government!" Rock doesn't care about freedom of the press Well, this sentence also depends on how to interpret it.

For the Federal Government of Southern Africa, if only positive news about the Federal Government of Southern Africa is reported, then "freedom of the press" is a matter of course.

If you report negative news about the federal government of Southern Africa, then sorry, Southern Africa has issued sanctions to many media before, and the reporters and editors of the relevant media are not allowed to enter the country, and the companies, newspaper owners and shareholders in Southern Africa are not allowed to engage in any form. Cooperation, this cooperation includes, but is not limited to economics.

"The relevant legal provisions have not yet been passed—" Stoudemire was a little embarrassed. He is now the Minister of Justice of Southern Africa, and there are no relevant provisions in the laws of Southern Africa.

"Then urge Henry and the Parliament to pass the formulation of relevant legal provisions as soon as possible, and tell Christian that if one of such newspapers kills the other, I want to see how strong they are." Rock has never been polite to the enemy. Come on hit one.

"Lock, just ignore them from such media. You should allow the existence of strange voices." Ade is more worried about Rock's state. Recently, Rock has become more and more irritable.

"It doesn't matter, some tabloids rely on such breaking news to attract attention. If such reports are not taken seriously, then it will probably intensify in the future, and it will be too late to deal with it at that time." Rock didn't let it go. The embankment was destroyed by ant nests, the ancestors had already said what to do.

"Maybe you can take a gentler approach." Ade still hoped that Rock could keep a low profile and not be so aggressive.

"I really want to go to court with them, they are so eager to—" Rock is not entangled in such trivial matters, there are so many major national affairs to deal with.

However, Rock still underestimated the shamelessness of some media people. Telegrams cannot be sent, and there are also faxes. The newspaper called "Manchester Express" still published this news the next day, and the editor even added a paragraph of introductory words with ulterior motives. , "For reporting this news, we are ready to face retaliation from the Federal Government of Southern Africa".

I have to say that this kind of news is indeed very eye-catching. The "Manchester Express" does not have much influence. Under normal circumstances, the circulation of each issue does not exceed 7. The newspaper on July 16th sold A total of [-] copies were sold, which made a big splash.

Valentine, the owner of the "Manchester Express", was delighted from ear to ear. In the evening, he and editor-in-chief Harriman had dinner at a well-known restaurant in Manchester.

"Our reporter has been deported from southern Africa for this story and is now on a train to Walvis Bay, escorted by agents from Brad's office, we can't contact him - what about the next story?" Harriman was rewarded by Valentine, but he was not very happy, and he might have to look for a job next.

As a media person, Harriman knows the power of media in southern Africa, and the largest media company in the UK is a southern African enterprise.

Valentine knew it too, but Valentine didn't care. The Manchester Express was not doing well. If sales couldn't increase, it would be eliminated by the market sooner or later. It's better to give it a go.

"Harriman, you are a senior media person. Do you want me to teach you what to do with the news?" Valentine was very happy. The most important thing for a newspaper is sales, and nothing else matters.

"You mean - reprint?" Harriman hesitated, reprinting is a nicer word, but it is actually copying.

At the moment in 1926, the media industry was actually underdeveloped. The timeliness of news was usually calculated in weeks. That is to say, the communications in southern Africa were relatively developed, and only the British mainland could get news from southern Africa at the fastest speed.

"What to reprint? Use your brain Harriman, we already have the best news, continue to dig out the value of this news, arouse readers' interest, and only then can our newspaper sales continue to increase." Valentine than Harriman imagined There is no bottom line.

But it’s normal. It’s the professionalism of the media to dig deep into news value. The Prince Edward scandal has just been published in the newspapers. Mrs. Simpson’s two marriages have been dug out by all-pervasive reporters. Some reporters even restored Prince Edward and Simpson The scene of the lady's tryst is really magical.

"Boss, we can't do this, it will incur retaliation from the Federal Government of Southern Africa—" Harriman still had reason, and just this afternoon, someone sent a letter to Harriman's office, and there were two bullets in the letter.

"Harriman, don't worry, we're just a small newspaper struggling desperately to survive. As long as those big shots are willing to look at us, we'll win." Valentine probably imagined that the Southern African federal government would sue the Manchester Express ", so that even if the "Manchester Express" loses the lawsuit, it will win the attention of readers.

"I'm afraid—" Harriman still hesitated, because he was afraid that he would be wiped out if he looked at it.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, go home and sleep after dinner, tomorrow will be a brand new day." Valentine was in a good mood after eating, and carefully calculated the tip at the checkout, not paying a single penny more.

Out of the dining room, Valentine boarded his eighteen-handed Lord's car and prepared to drive home.

Harriman didn't have a car, and took the tram home. When passing the intersection, Harriman was surprised to find that there was a car accident on the side of the road. It was Valentine's car. It seemed that the car lost control and hit the building beside the road. The head was completely damaged, and Valentine was covered in blood, lying motionless on the steering wheel.

"God, stop, stop—" Harriman screamed, before the trolley could stabilize, Harriman jumped out of the car and stumbled towards Valentine's car.

Before taking two steps, thick white smoke suddenly rose from the front of the car, and then flames appeared. In just a few seconds, a violent explosion suddenly occurred.

Harriman was cold all over, and he collapsed to the ground as he looked at everything in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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