Chapter 1688
There are not one hundred but eighty people who die in the UK every day due to various accidents. Valentine's death did not cause any waves.

In the next day's newspapers, except for the "Times", the headlines of other British newspapers were almost all the news that the British football team lost 200-[-] to the southern African football team, and Lucy Morton won the [-]-meter breaststroke. The news was simply ignored.

There really wasn't much to report, as the Southern African team claimed 16 of the 15 gold medals awarded on the first day of the Commonwealth Games, and only a handful of newspapers covered Lucy Morton's gold medal.

At the Paris Olympics two years ago, Lucy Morton also won the gold medal in this event.

In desperation, the British media can only pin their hopes on football. After all, Britain is the birthplace of modern football.

It's a pity that the first game of the Commonwealth Games was the Southern African team against the British team, and then the British team lost [-]-[-]. This is still Southern Africa's close match, and [-]-[-] is not a true reflection of the strength of the two sides.

Newspapers do not report, it does not mean that no one pays attention to Valentine, 25 Strand Street in London is the seat of the British Journalists Association, at eight o'clock in the morning, when Bill Simon, the vice president of the association, came to the office, Valentine Monica, the widow of Bill, was crying at the door of Bill's office.

"What's the matter?" Bill Simon didn't know what happened yet.

"Mr. Simon, my husband was murdered by despicable means, you must help me—" Monica wanted to find justice for her husband.

"Murder? What happened?" Bill Simon didn't ask Monica, but his secretary.

"Mr. Valentine, the owner of the Manchester Express, had an accident while driving home last night. Mr. Valentine died on the spot. After the police arrived at the scene of the accident, they asked Mr. Valentine's friends and learned that Valentine Sir drank a lot before driving—" Bill Simon's secretary had been informed part of the situation.

"Don't drink while driving, and don't drive after drinking, don't you understand such a simple truth?" Bill Simon was speechless. The United Kingdom had just revised the "Traffic Law" not long ago, and drinking and driving was clearly prohibited.

It was only after the British Parliament was inspired by the Southern African Traffic Act that it revised the British Traffic Act. Southern Africa has the most complete legal system in the world.

"Sir, it wasn't an accident, it was definitely not an accident, my husband definitely died of a conspiracy, it was murder!" Monica burst into tears and shouted hoarsely, if it was a coincidence, then it was too coincidental.

"Madam, whether it is murder or not depends on the police investigation results. It is not up to you and me to decide. If it is murder, please believe that the Journalists Association will not ignore it." Bill Simon gave the secretary a look, turned and entered the office.

In the office, James John is drinking tea.

Not English black tea, but Southern African black tea.

The biggest difference between southern African black tea and English black tea is that there is no milk, no sugar, and no orange slices or other weird things. Drinking tea is for the state of mind, not for filling the stomach.

"Good morning, Mr. President, today's weather is really good, and it's another sunny day." Bill Simon greeted casually. James John is the president of the British Journalists Association and the editor-in-chief of "The Observer".

"The Observer" is one of the newspapers of the Times News Group. In addition to the "Times" and "The Observer", the Times News Group also includes the "Daily Mail", "Daily Mirror", and the Voice of Britain, Transport Radio, BBC, etc.

"Do you know what happened?" James John was in a good mood. He wore gold-rimmed glasses, a white shirt and a black vest, and his leather shoes were so bright that his silhouette could be seen.

"What? Lucy Morton won gold? Let's not report this news, or the British will ask how many gold medals we have won, how should we answer them?" Bill Simon also had no choice, the British representative team It is really disappointing, the performance in the Commonwealth Games is not even as good as the Olympic Games.

Of course, Britain's performance in the Olympic Games is not good, and Southern Africa has never participated in the Olympic Games in an official form. Individual sports enthusiasts participated in the name of Southern Africa. It is normal to not get good results.

This time in the Commonwealth Games held in Pretoria, Southern Africa has made full efforts, coupled with the home field advantage, it is normal to achieve good results.

"No, no, no, it's not this. What I mean is that we need to strengthen the management of the Journalists Association. If some journalists publish inappropriate reports privately, we will cancel their qualifications and make them completely unemployed within the British Empire. ——"James John was decisive. Don't underestimate the power of the Association. For practitioners of the British news media, the power of the Journalists Association is even greater than that of the British government in some respects.

If you offend the British government, you will be prosecuted by the British government at most, and you will gain fame regardless of whether you win or lose.

If you offend the Journalists Association, you will be completely blocked by the Journalists Association, and you will not be able to survive in this industry.

"What kind of report is inappropriate?" Bill Simon didn't know why, but suddenly thought of Valentine who died in a traffic accident.

At this time, Bill Simon was able to determine that no matter what the real cause of Valentine's death was, Valentine must have died in an accident without any human factors.

"The news that is not conducive to the British Empire, the unity of the Commonwealth, and the members of the Commonwealth are all untimely news." James John is good at summarizing, three unfavorable, and almost all unfavorable factors are excluded outer.

"Isn't that appropriate—" Bill Simon hesitated, which was obviously interfering with the freedom of speech of reporters.

"Why is it inappropriate? Freedom of speech is an individual right, and newspapers, magazines, and radio stations are public media. If you want freedom of speech, you can go home and close the door and say whatever you want, but no one cares about it. But when you express your opinions in the public media, you must follow the rules of the public media. , Yesterday morning, the news published by the "Manchester Express" was very inappropriate, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Southern Africa has submitted a protest to the British Foreign Office." James John's attitude is firm, and no one can stay outside the law.

"Just because of this?" Bill Simon was surprised. Compared with the "Manchester Express", the "Sun" had more outrageous remarks. Even the royal family dared to disclose the news, and the royal family had never seen the "Sun".

"No, no, no, that's not the point—" James John's eyes were dark, he stretched out his index finger and shook it, and still crossed his legs: "—Bill, reporters can talk nonsense in newspapers for the sake of newspaper sales, but we can't, As the president of the Journalists Association, we have to be sharp enough, otherwise you won't stay in this position for long."

James John's words made Bill Simon break out in a cold sweat.

In recent years, the Association of Journalists has changed many leaders, and Bill Simon has just become the vice president of the Association of Journalists.

In the British media industry, the Times News Group is the dominant one. There have been rumors a long time ago that if they offended the Times News Group, they would not be able to survive in the British media industry.

The year before last, the Times News Corporation was split up. Although it has no relationship with the Southern African Consortium in name, in fact the controlling party is still Nyasaland Corporation, and the company’s registered place has also been changed to the Bahamas.

In the Bahamas, all British people know that pirates are rampant, lawless, tax supervision is in vain, and even taxes are not paid, but the Bahamas is still a British territory——

"James, I've heard some bad rumors - can't we build a truly free press association?" Bill Simon is still a little idealistic, which is a good thing, but unfortunately it is out of date.

"Bill, be sober, there has never been real freedom, not even free trade, so why talk about freedom?" James John bases himself on reality, "freedom" is a thing made by the Anglo-Saxons to fool others, It turned out that it was quite sad that I even believed myself when I said too much.

"Our news reports must be based on the truth, and we must not add any tendentious guiding remarks to guide readers' thinking. The media always serves politics. The Times has done a good job in this regard. , worth learning for all British media.” James John backed The Times.

As the newspaper with the highest sales volume in the UK, The Times seldom publishes tendentious leading remarks.

The same is true for the Commonwealth Games this time. Although the performance of the British team is not good, the "Times" still has a medal list on the front page to convey information to the public as much as possible.

"The Times" opened up a column, reporting a team of Commonwealth member states every day, and today "The Times" reported on the Newfoundland team.

Newfoundland, with a population of only 25, sent a total of 21 athletes to the Commonwealth Games.

It is worth mentioning that the government of Newfoundland could not even pay for the delegation to participate in the Commonwealth Games.

The Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee extended a helping hand and paid the full cost of the Newfoundland delegation to participate in the Commonwealth Games, so that the Newfoundland delegation could go.

In yesterday's race, although the athlete representing Newfoundland participated in the [-]-meter race was eliminated in the first race, he still won applause from the audience when he left the race.

The Times highly praised the moral spirit of the audience in southern Africa, respecting the strong and not discriminating against the weak, and treating everyone equally. This is the moral spirit emphasized by the Commonwealth Games.

Bill Simon didn't speak, he needed some time to accept this reality.

Of course, The Times also has a position. James John said just now that the news media ultimately serve politics, and what is left behind will be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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