Chapter 1709 Eye-catching
When the negotiations between the oil companies broke down, about 500 kilometers east of Garden City, the capital of the Najd Sultanate, the Umbrella Company designated the 5000-square-kilometer area as a military restricted area, prohibiting anyone from entering.

"Under our feet, there is the largest oil field on the planet. If we control this area, we will own the whole world." Ted, professor of geology at Nyasaland University, chief consultant of Adan Company, and special commissioner of the Ministry of Land and Resources of Southern Africa, pointed at his feet The land is full of pride.

The location of Tide is the oil field just discovered by the Najd Sultanate. According to preliminary estimates, the reserves of the oil field exceed 100 billion barrels. If fully developed, the oil field at the foot of Tide alone can meet more than 50.00% of the world's oil supply. quantity.

This oil field is the famous Ghawar Oilfield. In another time and space, in 2005, the remaining recoverable reserves of the Ghawar Oilfield were about 700 billion barrels.


We must know that before that, the annual output of the Garhwar Oilfield was as high as 2.8 million tons.

It is tons, not barrels, converted into barrels, about 20.524 billion.

"Don't worry, Professor, we will have a troop stationed here, patrolling 24 hours a day, even if a mouse gets in, we will dig three feet deep." Shen Hou, a senior executive of the umbrella company, is pouring coffee for Ted.

Southern Africa attaches great importance to elite talents. Elite talents here do not include officials and businessmen, but refer to scientific researchers, expert professors, excellent medical workers, teachers, engineers and so on.

In southern Africa, the treatment of elite talents is very high. Even in a resource-poor environment like a desert, Adan Company will provide Ted and other exploration personnel with the most complete logistical services possible.

In the convoy sent by Adan Company, there is a nanny car for Ted, a dining car for cooking, and a caravan for the staff to rest temporarily. The staff can even take a bath every day when they are working in the desert. The working team has to send more than a dozen water trucks to transport the domestic water and drinking water consumed every day.

Anyway, for Adan's fleet, at least it doesn't cost money to refuel.

Ted's team consisted of 98 people, including security personnel.

Although the working environment is a bit harsh, the logistics service provided by Adan Company is really good. The huge parasol is propped up, and Ted and Shen Hou are sitting on the deck chairs. When Shen Hou pours the coffee, Maya sends ice packs to Ted , and then obediently fanned Ted next to her. Maya was a maid who specially provided services for Ted, hired by Adan Company in Persia for 15 rand.

It is really hired, how can slavery be allowed to exist in the majestic southern Africa.

"It's not rats that we need to worry about. Rats won't leak information. What we need to be careful about is people." Ted was in a bad mood, because Adan Company's secrecy work was not good enough, otherwise the oilfield news would not have been leaked.

"Hehe, without our permission, no exploration team can enter the Najd Sultanate." Shen Hou smiled. Since the establishment of the Najd Sultanate, there has been no oil exploration team from any other company except Adan Company. , can enter the Najd Sultanate through official channels.

As for those who entered privately, I'm sorry, this situation is equivalent to an invasion. Whether it is discovered by the troops of the Nezhi Sultanate or the Umbrella Company, they can be directly wiped out.

In the desert, it is not easy to destroy corpses.

Ted nodded slightly. It is impossible to completely block the news. It is already good that the umbrella company can do this.

There are too many oil fields around the Persian Gulf, and the Elizabeth oil field is enough to shock the world. In recent years, a large number of oil fields have been discovered in the Mesopotamia, and the reserves are still very high.

Coupled with the just-discovered Ghawar oilfield, the most important job of Adan Company now is not to extract oil, but to block the news of these oilfields. Compared with the oilfields in the Persian Gulf, the so-called "super oilfields" in the Gulf of Mexico are also Compared with the oil fields in Romania, they are considered "super". In the Persian Gulf, the oil fields just discovered in Mexico are the younger brothers.

Of course, as an oil practitioner, Adan Company will not ignore the oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico. Even if they are not interested, it is okay to blend in and cause some trouble for the Seven Sisters.

After all, the higher the cost of the Seven Sisters, the lower the competitiveness, and the greater the advantage of Adan Company.

At this time, the transport convoy arrived at the temporary camp. There were no roads in the desert, and all the cars were wheeled crawler vehicles. The carrying capacity was not comparable to that of container trucks, so more cars were needed.

In order to reduce the logistical burden, the exploration team did not employ laborers, and the unloaders were all mercenaries and Ted's assistants. Maya also went over to pick and choose, and after a while brought a plate of fruit to Ted and Shen Hou.

Not dates, but freshly picked grapes and cherries—

There is ice under the fruit. Under the hot sun, the ice cubes exude a faint water vapor. This is the effect of liquefying the water vapor. The iced grapes and cherries taste better, especially in the desert environment.

"Sir, this is yesterday's newspaper—" The convoy brought more than just food, information was equally important.

"Thank you—" Ted thanked politely, opened the top "The Times", and the headline on the front page read "Oil company negotiations broke down yesterday, and the Warring States Period has officially arrived!" ! ! "

The editor didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and expressed his excitement with three exclamation marks.

What's the point of the trust cartel, it's better to fight!

If you don't call, where is the news——

"If we publish the real information of the oil field, will other oil companies surrender?" The assistant who delivered the newspaper was still naive.

"Impossible, on the contrary, they will jump over the wall in a hurry, maybe they will incite the government to use national power—" Ted was speechless, and joined if he couldn't beat it?nonexistent.

Shen Hou laughed out loud, in the same mood as the editor of The Times.

There is really no exact data on the reserves of the oil field.

Take the Ghawal Oilfield as an example. The information obtained by the Seven Sisters is one billion barrels. The known reserves of Adan Company are 100 billion barrels, and the real reserves are far more than 700 billion barrels. Who do you listen to?

"My lord is still too merciful. You should step up efforts to dump the market at a low price, completely crush other oil companies, and then completely monopolize the oil market!" Shen Hou is more radical. If he followed the rhythm of Shuang's article, he should indeed write like this .

After all, reality is not fiction. No matter how powerful the Seven Petroleum Sisters are, OPEC can still make a splash. Even if the British royal family owns the shares of Adan, it will not allow Adan to completely monopolize the market.

Owning shares is not holding shares, and Adan Company is not a British company. Besides, there is the United States. Can the US government allow Adan Company to annex Standard Oil?
I am afraid that when there is such a sign, even if the US government pursues free trade, it will raise the big stick of sanctions.

Anyway, the mouth grows on Americans, and Americans can explain it casually.

"It's not that easy—" Ted didn't know much about it, but he knew it wasn't that easy.

"Otherwise, we can buy the stocks of other oil companies and directly reach the level of holding shares, which can also monopolize the oil market." Shen Hou seems to have been thinking about this issue a lot, and there is another plan if one plan fails.

"Hehehe, Shen, how do you think the economic crisis came about?" Ted was more experienced in this area.

As a professor, Ted earns a lot of money, and it is normal to invest in the stock market.

However, stocks are not a steady profit. Almost every ten-year economic crisis starts with the collapse of the US stock market, and European investors suffer heavy losses. If you say that there is no human factor in this, Wall Street tycoons will laugh.

"Hehe, I'll just say this, you eat grapes slowly, I'll go on patrol—" Shen Hou didn't get angry when he was hit, this is something that big people worry about, Shen Hou's task is to do his job well.

Ted is also serious and responsible, taking a break to continue working, and the unfinished grapes and cherries are cheaper for Maya.

Of course Maya smiled, and of course she would not eat alone, but called the nurses from the medical team to share.

Regardless of the small scale of this exploration team, it has everything it should have. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

When the exploration team was working hard, at Port Elizabeth Airport, O'Connor walked down the gangway wearing a short-sleeved shirt with a suit jacket on his arm. Compared with Pretoria, Port Elizabeth is indeed a little hotter.

It is winter in Pretoria in August, and the average daily maximum temperature does not exceed 25°C, while in Port Elizabeth, the maximum daytime temperature may reach around 50°C. This kind of weather is simply tormenting for people.

"It's too hot. Every time I go to Port Elizabeth on business, I feel like I'm in hell—" O'Connor complained as he walked. He came to Port Elizabeth this time to investigate the Adan Company.

Southern Africa has always attached great importance to intelligence work. The oil field information level of Najd Sultanate is classified as top secret. Since it was accidentally leaked, someone must be responsible for it.

"Port Elizabeth is okay, you haven't been to North Africa, I was working in Cyrenaica last year, God, you don't know how hot Cyrenaica is, the thermometer is heating up-" O'Connor's new partner is Marcus also from Nyasaland.

"The thermometer is heating up—then why are you still alive?" O'Connor walked quickly into the terminal building, a gust of cold wind blew over, O'Connor shivered comfortably, and refused to leave at the entrance of the terminal building.

As we all know, the air-conditioning at the door is always the best.

"Because there is air-conditioning, air-conditioning is the greatest invention in human history, I rely on air-conditioning every year to save my life—" Marcus laughed.

The security guard who was on duty at the gate of the terminal noticed Marcus and O'Connor, and immediately felt like an enemy.

Both Marcus and O'Connor had already taken off their suits, and the shiny holsters under their armpits were really eye-catching.

Marcus rummaged through his pockets, found out the ID and shook it to the security guard. The police badge on it was very eye-catching.

(End of this chapter)

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