Chapter 1710 Minimalism
Brad's office hangs under the Ministry of Justice and is directly under the jurisdiction of the Palace of Justice. The staff usually wear police badges to reduce unnecessary troubles.

The effect was indeed very good. The security guard immediately relaxed when he saw the ID card in Marcus's hand, and gave Marcus a smile.

Marcus was dissatisfied. If it was in southern Africa, it would definitely have to check the documents, and there would be a series of verification links such as telephone verification.

"This is the Persian Gulf, so you can't ask too much, and you can't measure it by local standards." O'Connor is used to it. It's not so much about security, it's better to say that the umbrella company's control of Port Elizabeth has reached a pervasive level. If someone dares to pretend to be Police, then the consequences are very serious.

Leaving the airport, O'Connor and Marcus went straight to Brad's office in Port Elizabeth.

This is a four-story office building located in the port area. Because there is a parking lot attached, the office building occupies a large area, and its style is also very southern African. It is a pure reinforced concrete building, and the exterior walls are simple painted. Without any decoration, this style has become popular in southern Africa in recent years, and it is called "minimalism".

In fact, there is no way around this. The level of construction in southern Africa has been advancing by leaps and bounds in recent years. When the Empire State Building was built in Pretoria, the record of four and a half floors per week has already become history. Therefore, minimalism has become the best choice for people in southern Africa. Things like the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona that have not been repaired for more than 100 years will never happen in southern Africa.

Speaking of the Sagrada Familia, the designer of this church, Antonio Gaudi, died in a car accident just a few months ago.

Antonio Gaudí is a famous Spanish architect and a representative of the school of plastic architecture. Famous buildings such as Park Güell, Mira Apartment, Batllo Apartment, and Sagrada Familia are all works of Antonio Gaudí.

Two months ago, the Barcelona tram opened to traffic. During the test run, an elderly man was hit by the tram and died shortly after being sent to the hospital.

The old man was dressed poorly and looked haggard. People thought the old man was a beggar, so they dragged the old man to a public cemetery for burial just like treating a tramp a few days later.

At this time, a woman was surprised to find that the beggar-like old man was Antonio Gaudí.

So the specifications of the funeral were immediately raised. On the day of the funeral, people from all over Barcelona came to see Antonio Gaudí off.

Antonio Gaudí is buried in the crypt of the Sagrada Familia, which he designed himself.

At this time, the people of Barcelona certainly did not expect that the Sagrada Familia, which was built in 1884, has not been completed until the 21st century. It is conservatively estimated that the church will not be completed until 2050. This must be the premise of sufficient funds. .

The office building of Brad's office does not pursue grandeur. The style of the whole building is simple and lively, and it is mainly practical. For Port Elizabeth, this is a mysterious building. Even in the daytime, almost all the windows will have curtains drawn. The door is closed all day long, and the staff can't see it.

Walking into the office building, there are bare concrete floors, big white walls, no ceiling, lonely incandescent lamps emitting a faint cold light, the stair handrails are painted dark red, and the echo of footsteps can be heard when going upstairs, Marcus Feeling a little difficult to breathe, I subconsciously took a deep breath, and then I was surprised to find that it was not hot at all, but rather eerie.

The head of Brad's office in Port Elizabeth was called Bill, a short, thin guy with round rimless glasses who looked like a crazy doctor in a comic book.

Bill's office is not bad, with a spacious balcony and huge floor-to-ceiling windows. Although the curtains are closed, the lighting is not bad.

At least there is no such eerie feeling in the corridor.

"You are really, why did you make the office building like this?" O'Connor has never seen any style of building. The headquarters of Brad's office in Cape is even more outrageous than this one, and is called "the magic cave" by the locals in Cape Town.

This is of course a joke. In Cape, the real magic cave is Robben Island. It is said that every year guards commit suicide due to mental breakdown.

"Like it? We're the Brad everyone fears, not a charity that gives out candy to kids every day. There are many benefits to this. Some people are paralyzed when they are brought into this building. It's effortless. Just explain everything, we don't want people to love, we want people to be afraid of!" Bill was expressionless, this building actually has two basements, and the underground building area is much larger than the above-ground building.

"Well, you are the head here, you have the final say—" O'Connor didn't argue, he came to Port Elizabeth on a business trip and wouldn't stay for too long.

The beautiful female secretary came over to serve tea to O'Connor and Marcus. O'Connor was okay, but Marcus couldn't help but look at it a few more times, with appreciation in his eyes.

"Ahem——" O'Connor reminded Marcus to pay attention, there are no beautiful women in Los Angeles, just like bumpkins who have never seen the world.

Bill just laughed, the beauties in Brad's office are all roses with thorns, just look at them, don't touch them.

Many things in the intelligence department are shady. Brad's office recruits personnel from all over the world in various ways every year. America, Persia, and Asia Minor Peninsula are the main sources, and most of them are girls. After undergoing rigorous training by Brad's office, these girls , will be sent to the target side to perform tasks in different ways, and the efficiency is very high.

Marcus must have known about this situation, but everyone has a love of beauty, which is understandable.

"Tell me about the situation you have. Your lord is very concerned about this matter. When we came, we were authorized by the Ministry of Land and Resources and the Ministry of Defense. If necessary, we can get the cooperation of the umbrella company." Don't want to stay here any longer.

"The situation is not good. As you know, we have six exploration teams in Najd Sultanate, with nearly a thousand staff and logistics personnel. Umbrella Company and Adan Company have a total of 25 people who have access to relevant oilfield information. These 25 All the people have passed the inspection, basically there is no problem—" Bill got up and took out a cardboard box from the file cabinet, which was full of folders.

Both O'Connor and Marcus slapped their foreheads, panting heavily, and Marcus wailed in pain.

With so many files, God knows when to see them.

"This is just part of it—" Bill smiled coldly and cheaply, and turned around to take out another box: "—here is the information of all foreign oil company staff in Port Elizabeth, including those who have recently entered Port Elizabeth. And information on all the ships that have recently entered or left Port Elizabeth—if you need information on the crew, you may have to wait a while."

O'Connor folded his arms and said nothing.

Marcus slumped on the sofa and rubbed his forehead, probably a little pain in his temple.

"How many of you are here?" Bill finally thought of this question.

O'Connor didn't speak, and made a "two" gesture very coldly.

Oh, no, how could Brad's office be two? It was a gesture of victory.

"Okay, then you are in big trouble. I hope you can read these materials sooner. If you need my cooperation, please don't be polite." Bill gloated.

"Hehe, don't be complacent, your troubles are not small—" O'Connor couldn't bear the cynicism.

It is indeed a lot of trouble. The accidental leakage of the oil field information of the Najd Sultanate is the responsibility of Adan Company and Brad's office. Before O'Connor and Marcus came to Port Elizabeth, the staff of Brad's office in Port Elizabeth had already accepted Brad headquarters investigation.

Fortunately, no problems were found, otherwise it would not be O'Connor and Marcus who came, but the "military police" from Brad's office.

No matter how strict the organization of Brad's office is, there will inevitably be mistakes in the work. It is normal for the staff to be instigated by others, or even to defect directly.

At this time, the "gendarmes" need to clean up the door. The traitors in Brad's office, no matter which country they defect to, will be hunted down by the military police. There is no time limit.

"I'll take care of my troubles myself—" Bill was ruthless to his enemies, and even more ruthless to himself.

When they left Brad's office, O'Connor and Marcus were empty-handed. They had already reserved a room at the Rhodesia Hotel. Anyway, all expenses would be reimbursed by Brad's office.

The information cannot be taken out of Brad's office, but can only be seen in the office building. Bill has prepared the office for O'Connor and Marcus, and has dispatched a team to cooperate with O'Connor and Marcus.

Bill is pretty good, and the team leader is the secretary Marcus met in Bill's office. If Marcus has the heart, then maybe there will be something that men like to hear, but it can't be written here.

"There are so many materials, when will I finish reading—" O'Connor drove, and Marcus was worried.

For intelligence personnel, it is a basic ability to discover valuable intelligence from the vast amount of information, and each intelligence personnel has received strict special training.

Bill's work is actually pretty good. The materials have been carefully classified, and there are not many valuable materials. If O'Connor and Marcus don't sleep, it will take about two or three days to read them.

O'Connor didn't speak, and drove directly to the umbrella. In some cases, Brad's office in Port Elizabeth may not be in control, and the umbrella also has its own intelligence system.

When Rock first established Umbrella and Brad, his own positioning was that Umbrella was on the outside and Brad was on the inside.

In recent years, the umbrella has transformed into a purely commercial company, but its intelligence capabilities have not weakened, and it has advantages over Brad's office in some respects.

(End of this chapter)

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