Chapter 1711 Looks Smart

The Umbrella Company not only undertakes the security business of large-scale commercial activities, but also undertakes personal security services, both of which can obtain a large amount of intelligence information, and the Umbrella Company also has its own database.

Umbrella is the other extreme of Brad's office in Port Elizabeth.

After all, it is a commercial organization, so it should have a facade. Compared with the minimalism of Brad's office, Umbrella Company is all kinds of tall, majestic and magnificent. The office building is built to compete with the Governor's Mansion in Pretoria. .

Entering the Umbrella Company requires strict security checks, and O'Connor and Marcus are no exception. Their weapons also need to be handed over to security personnel for temporary storage, and they can only be taken away when they leave the Umbrella Company.

"Such a big company has tens of thousands of mercenaries, and I don't know what they are afraid of—" Marcus was very dissatisfied with the security measures. After all, he was an operative, and he was used to carrying a gun with him, and he had to put it under his pillow when he slept. Otherwise I can't sleep.

"Say a few words, there's nothing wrong with it—" O'Connor was not dissatisfied. Since it was a rule, O'Connor would obey it honestly, and didn't want to cause any complications.

Speaking of which, in recent years in southern Africa, calls for gun control have become louder and louder. Although the federal government has not started to control guns, it is still in the cities of Nyasaland, Rhodesia, and Transvaal. , The weapons purchased by ordinary people can only be kept at home, and they can no longer be carried with them. The qualification review for purchasing weapons is becoming more and more strict.

The federal government is also tightening control over the handling of sold weapons. Because pistols are smaller and easier to hide, the federal government is tightening control over pistols. Southern African gun shops no longer sell pistols, and residents own them. Pistols can be sold to the Rifle Association at the original price, or replaced with shotguns or shotguns that are more powerful at close range and have a larger volume.

If it's just for home defense, a pistol isn't as powerful as a shotgun or shotgun.

Walking into the lobby of Umbrella Corporation feels very different from Brad's office.

The overall decoration style of Brad's office feels extremely depressing. Umbrella Company is full of enthusiasm, warmth and brightness. Coupled with the bright smile of the girl at the front desk, it is easy for people to find the feeling of family.

In fact, it was all an illusion. Both O'Connor and Marcus knew that there were at least two guns in the front desk drawer. The girls were all strictly trained mercenaries. Like Brad's office, the Umbrella Company never kept vases.

O'Connor and Marcus are not high enough level, and O'Connor is connected to the office director Garfield. Garfield directly leads O'Connor and Marcus to the reception room. There are not only various drinks in the reception room, but also specially made sandwiches Small biscuits, date palm flavor, which can be regarded as a specialty of Port Elizabeth.

O'Connor's mind was not on the biscuits, but Marcus tasted one and was full of praise.

O'Connor pushed the snack plate directly to Marcus, so that Marcus could eat his fill.

For Marcus, O'Connor has given up the rescue.

"If you want to inquire about the information of the relevant personnel of the Adan Company, then I need a higher level of authorization—" Garfield was business-like, and did not lenient because of the identities of O'Connor and Marcus.

"Okay, can you lend me a fax machine?" O'Connor expressed his understanding. This is Brad's office. If it were someone else, Garfield probably wouldn't bother to talk to him.

It took time to obtain a higher level of authorization. During this time, O'Connor and Garfield chatted casually about Port Elizabeth.

"You may not believe it. Port Elizabeth is now known as the capital of spies. The situation here is a bit complicated. It's an immigrant city. There are all kinds of monsters and ghosts. We spend more than half of our energy on data collection every day. God knows. Those who look pitiful, or who are wealthy, have any purpose in coming to Port Elizabeth—” Garfield said bluntly, there are especially many immigrants in Port Elizabeth, especially from the former Austro-Hungarian Empire and the former Ottoman Empire, Kai There are also many dignitaries in the Jia Dynasty, and there are indeed many commercial companies, offices, and idlers.

Relying on the Elizabeth Oilfield, Port Elizabeth’s anti-war speed is very fast. Hundreds of ships of various types enter and leave Port Elizabeth every day, and personnel exchanges are more frequent, which brings a lot of inconvenience to the work of the umbrella and Brad’s office.

Of course, Umbrella and Brad's office have very strong control over Port Elizabeth. For example, sending faxes, even faxes sent by Umbrella Company are closely monitored by Brad's office.

As for phone calls and emails, let alone, these surveillances are carried out secretly, and ordinary people don't notice it, which doesn't mean they don't exist.

"In this case, some units with a higher level of secrecy should be moved out of Port Elizabeth, and they should not be given the opportunity to contact each other. Let's see how they pass on information—" O'Connor has a way, and this is also normal in southern Africa.

There are several cities in southern Africa whose secrecy level is still top secret. For example, Milna City and Matilda are military cities that are difficult for outsiders to enter. Some units in Nyasaland have a higher level of secrecy. Especially the technology research and development institutions are located in these two cities.

"It's hard. The Persian Gulf is not the mainland. There are few places suitable for living here, and there are designated restricted areas everywhere, unless you move back to the mainland—" Garfield is melancholy. The restricted areas around the Persian Gulf are all oil fields, and of course there are Whether it’s true or not, smoke bombs, it’s okay to throw out a few, and it’s also interesting to tease intelligence personnel from other countries.

Half an hour later, Brad's headquarters sent a fax, temporarily granting O'Connor a higher level of access authority, and Garfield ordered O'Connor to go to the office.

Marcus can't go, he likes sandwich biscuits so much, so stay in the reception room and eat biscuits, enough is enough.

Unlike Brad's office, the Umbrella Company didn't collect much information, only a folder that wasn't too thick.

This folder also cannot be taken away, and O'Connor can only check it in Garfield's office.

The first one was the information of Gao De, the general manager of Adan Company, which O'Connor directly ignored.

Gothe is Rock's old brother, and the possibility of betraying Locke is extremely small. If there is any situation, it will not be O'Connor's turn to deal with it. O'Connor will not waste his feelings.

The second was Evan Cowper, Adan's vice president.

O'Connor flipped through Evan Cowper's materials and frowned after reading a few lines.

According to the data, this Evan Cowper is undoubtedly a playboy. He not only has a family in southern Africa, but also has many lovers in Port Elizabeth, London, England, Paris, France, and more than one lover in Port Elizabeth. To O'Connor's disbelief, the illegitimate son of Evan Cowper had six.

This situation is actually quite normal. Evan Cowper is of British descent, a rotten country. This trivial matter is not a problem at all. In other words, in Evan Cowper's status, there is no such thing Things are not normal.

Evan Cowper's financial situation seemed more problematic than his lifestyle.

In addition to Rand Bank and Imperial Bank, Evan Cowper has multiple accounts in many banks, and also has investments in the United States and the United Kingdom. In addition to serving as the deputy general manager of Adan Company, Evan Cowper Cowper also has several companies under his name, and also has close relationships with many foreigners and has frequent economic exchanges.

According to the data, Evan Cowper just went to the United States two months ago.

Counting the time, Evan Cowper is very suspected of leaking.

"What's the matter with this man?" O'Connor asked proactively.

Garfield was making tea, looked over, and then curled his lips a little.

"Evan Cowper, born in Liverpool, England in 1880, entered St. Paul's Boys' School in 1889, and entered Oxford University in 1895—" Garfield's information on Evan Cowper is familiar.

"I'm not asking you to memorize his information, I mean is there any problem with this person?" O'Connor stopped, it was all in the resume, which was more detailed than what Garfield memorized.

"Which aspect are you referring to?" Garfield replied casually, not paying attention to it.

"All!" O'Connor was annoyed. It seemed that the quality of the staff of the umbrella company was not very good.

"If you are referring to those lovers of Evan Cowper, then I advise you to stop thinking about it. You should know that Evan Cowper is surrounded by people from Brad's office—" Garfield sneered, everyone It's all the same, don't laugh at anyone.

O'Connor thought of the glamorous secretary in Bill's office, and subconsciously rubbed his nose.

Gou Ri's life is really good, I am afraid that many people want such a temptation.

"Economics, I mean economics, this guy seems to have a problem—" O'Connor changed the subject. For people like Evan Cowper, Brad's office must focus on monitoring.

"You don't hate the rich, do you—" Garfield laughed. The salary of the deputy general manager of Adan Company is not low. The salary plus bonus can reach tens of thousands of rands every year, which is higher than that of ministerial officials of the Southern African Federal Government.

This is also normal. There is a saying in Britain and the United States that smart people should go into business, and those with mediocre qualifications should go into politics.

This statement is not entirely true, but there is some truth to it. The British government and the US government are essentially serving the bourgeoisie. Politicians are the spokespersons launched by interest groups and manipulated by interest groups. To put it bluntly, they are puppets.

The situation in southern Africa is a bit special. Essentially, Roque, Stoudemire, and Henry are all top businessmen, but at the same time they are also working for the federal government, which makes the federal government of southern Africa more confident when facing Britain and the United States.

At least the Federal Government of Southern Africa will not be interfered by Southern African interest groups.

"Evan Cowper is a wealthy businessman. His annual income is equivalent to half of our working lives. Such a large amount of money cannot be put in the bank to mold, so it is normal to invest and manage money—" Garfield is not surprised when he sees it. The happiness of human beings is indeed incomprehensible to ordinary people.

"Hehe, you're right, but why didn't he invest in his own country? Why did he go to Britain and the United States?" O'Connor sneered. No matter how you look at it, southern Africa seems to have more prospects than Britain and the United States.

Garfield's smile froze, he really hadn't considered this question.

(End of this chapter)

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