Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1717 Think Beautifully

Chapter 1717 Think Beautifully
The news of Haig's death spread all over the world immediately, and countless people were shocked by it.

No matter how he is a butcher, Haig is also the Marshal of the British Empire, the dignified Governor of Southern Africa, the first Earl of Haig, and a famous general who led the British Expeditionary Force during the World War.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa immediately reported to London, and the Times published the cause of Haig’s death in the newspaper, and all the doubts pointed to the American products used by Haig, which caused dissatisfaction in the United States and Britain at the same time.

The dissatisfaction of the United States is that the hazards of radium products have not yet been recognized, and it is irresponsible for The Times to attribute Haig's death to radium products.

Moreover, even if there are problems with radium products, it does not mean that all American products have problems. The "Times" unscrupulously opened up map guns to slander American products.

Britain's dissatisfaction lies in the fact that Haig is a British marshal, but his personal belongings are all American goods. Although this is true, the publicity in the newspapers will also have a certain impact on the image of the British government.

Rock does not shy away from saying that what should be done is what should be done. Haig’s death from radium radiation does not mean that American products are not good; Haig does not use southern African products, nor can it prove that southern African products are inferior to American products.

According to the request of Haig's family, Haig's body will be returned to the UK for burial.

Rock agreed that although it was summer in southern Africa in December, it was only a matter of using a little more ice, and it would not be a problem to send Haig's body back to the mainland.

The British government responded quickly. The day after Haig died of illness, the UK announced the candidate for the new governor of Southern Africa.

This time the British government finally did not make another mistake and appointed Winston as the new Governor of Southern Africa.

This is killing two birds with one stone. Appointing Winston as the governor of Southern Africa can not only eliminate the resistance of the federal government of Southern Africa to the greatest extent, but also kick Winston away from London in southern Africa, so that Winston will not stay in London. An eyesore, compared to this appointment, many people will celebrate.

It's really not irony to use the phrase "playing the crown and celebrating each other" here.

It's funny to say that Winston, who led Britain to victory during the World War, was abandoned by mainstream British society after the World War, and he didn't even keep his membership as a member of Parliament.

In order to calm the controversy, Stanley Baldwin appointed Winston as Minister without Ministry, a position that was close to insulting to Winston.

Winston can't help it. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Both the Conservative Party and the Labor Party are very wary of Winston, worried that Winston will make a comeback.

Therefore, Winston can only be mixed in the British political arena as an Independent Party member.

Doing the math, Winston is only in his early 50s now, and for a politician, he has just entered his golden age.

It was already Christmas Eve in 1926 when Winston came to southern Africa.

It can't be blamed that Winston has been criticized repeatedly. When he came to southern Africa to take office, Winston filled ten trucks with his personal luggage and nearly a hundred people in his entourage. Replace them all to ensure Winston's privacy to the greatest extent.

It is also understandable that Brad's office's pervasive intelligence capabilities have been known all over the world, and Winston does not want his every move to be monitored by Brad's office.

When Haig served as governor, the governor's mansion had already established an independent telegraph room, which could directly communicate with the mainland, and the rift was caused bit by bit.

"You don't have anything containing radium in your personal belongings—" Rock joked casually when he met Winston. The federal government of Southern Africa and the British government filed lawsuits against several American companies at the same time because of Haig's death. , this matter is now making a fuss.

"Of course not, I'm not as stupid as Haig!" Winston didn't have any good deeds, and southern Africa was also unlucky. This year, a total of three governors have been replaced, and the French are happy this time.

The change of power in the French political arena has always been the biggest laughing stock for the British to laugh at the French.

In the past few years, Britain has not been much better. First, the Labor Party and the Conservative Party have changed power. This year, Kitchener and Haig have resigned successively. France has finally regained a point.

When Rock and Winston were chatting, the staff of the Governor's Mansion were unloading the car. Rock was surprised to find that Winston even brought his own furniture. No wonder the luggage was packed into ten cars.

This is also a good thing. During the renovation of the Palace of Justice, those works of art that were taken away by Kitchina can finally return to the Palace of Justice with a legitimate name.

"How does it feel to be kicked out of London?" Rock directly exposed his old background. Winston seemed to be promoted, but in fact he was marginalized again.

"It's good, just to stay away from the political vortex and the winter smog—" Winston laughed, and it seemed that his mood was not affected.

Rock didn't speak, but looked at Winston with a smile.

Winston's laughter faded away, and then he became angry: "What do you want me to say, are you crying and begging those idiots? Impossible!"

That's right, if you have something on your mind, you should tell your friends. If it is something unhappy, your friend can help you share it.

If it is a happy thing, you will get double the happiness.

"It doesn't matter, they will beg you to go back sooner or later—" Rock inadvertently leaked the secret. Compared with Winston, the current British people are really not good.

"And what do you know?" Winston suspected that Rock's behavior sometimes was indeed a bit of a stick.

Roque's expression is unpredictable, just like Mona Lisa's smile.

"Fuck it—" Winston was angry, and the most annoying thing was this kind of pretending.

At noon, Rock hosted a banquet for Winston's family in the Palace of Justice, which showed that Winston and Haig had different status. Haig had never received this kind of treatment in southern Africa for half a year.

The Rock family and the Winston family have a very good relationship, and the two families get along very well. Rock's daughter and Winston's daughter are handkerchiefs. They even adopted an elephant together at the Los Angeles Zoo.

The luncheon was a hands-on session between the two families. Phyllis and Winston's wife, Clementina, were in charge of preparing the lunch. Uncle Rock and Winston discussed topics ranging from the Commonwealth of Nations to the League of Nations to the Southern African Union. Not included.

Looking at the situation of others, most people probably can't get in the conversation, they can only listen.

"So, the establishment of Neizhi Petroleum Company is to monopolize the Neizhi Oilfield. You have a big appetite, so be careful!" Winston was very dissatisfied. He also has shares in Adan Company, although not many .

Adan Company, Rock's shares now only account for 60.00%, and the rest belong to the British royal family, British princes and nobles, Stoudemire, Henry, Arthur and others.

Rock's shares must be more than half, ensuring control of Adan Company.

Nezhi Petroleum Company and Adan Company have no relationship in terms of equity.

This also means that the shareholders of Adan Company cannot obtain benefits from the Neizhi Oilfield.

Winston's main dissatisfaction lies here. Rock is already so rich, but his food is still so ugly. It's really not human.

"Come on, from exploration to development of Neizhi Oilfield, you didn't make any contribution, why should you share the revenue of Neizhi Oilfield—" Rock had a good reason. There are too many places to spend money, so we need to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

Although Rock's income is high, his expenditure is also high. Local companies in Southern Africa under Rock's name basically maintain a level of no profit or loss. Even if there is a profit, it will be used for technology development or expanded reproduction. Profits come primarily from Adan Corporation, Umbrella, and investments from the Rand Bank and Nyasaran Corporation.

If you look at it this way, it is actually quite profitable.

"Be careful of causing public outrage. Shell and Anglo-American have been suing you a lot lately—" Winston kindly reminded that Standard Oil and Adan had slashed prices at each other, but it was Shell and Anglo-American that suffered the most. It hurts the fish in the pond.

After Standard Oil lowered the price of oil to 5 shillings per barrel, Adan Company did not hesitate, and directly dropped the price of oil per barrel to 4 shillings and 11 pence, no more, no less, one penny cheaper than Standard Oil.

For oil, a penny is already a lot. After all, Adan’s oil is of good quality, with a large quantity and full delivery, so the refinery is very happy.

Other oil companies, including Standard Oil, were not happy.

Adan's price reduction means that until Adan's oil is sold out, no one is interested in the oil of other oil companies.

However, considering the reserves of the Elizabeth oil field, this is simply hopeless.

Now add the Neizhi Oilfield. It is said that the oil quality of the Neizhi Oilfield is comparable to that of the Elizabeth Oilfield.

The only thing Anglo American and Shell can count on now is that the British government can give Anglo American Petroleum and Royal Shell a certain degree of support through administrative orders, so that Anglo American Petroleum and Royal Shell may be able to survive this hurdle.

"Whatever they want, if London dares to restrict Adan Company, I will make shareholders unable to earn a penny. Who will be sad when they see it." Rock is not afraid of administrative orders, it is all about interests, London also needs a bowl of water Duanping.

Of course, some people will definitely not, such as Ramsay Macdonald, he does not own shares in Adan Company, so the Labor Party will definitely target Adan Company.

Rock is still not afraid. The relationship between Southern Africa and the Labor Party has been formed long ago. The Labor Party wants to target Adan Company, so it will be on stage first.

To put it bluntly, an opposition party really doesn't have the qualifications to let Rock take over.

"How much is the first-phase investment of Nezhi Petroleum Company to develop the Nezhi Oilfield?" Winston came to southern Africa this time, and he was also burdened with the expectations of many people.

"Why?" Rock sneered.

"What can you do? You can't monopolize the interests of the Naizhi Oilfield. You have to give up a part of the shares—" Winston is clearly grabbing, but still confidently: "——You make a price, at least 50.00%!"

Good idea.

(End of this chapter)

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