Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1718 Don't give you a chance to make money happily

Chapter 1718 Don't give you a chance to make money happily

The value of the Nezhi Oilfield, even based on the currently announced reserves, with reference to the current price of oil, one billion barrels, five shillings, is worth 2.5 million pounds.

This is far from the actual value of Neizhi Oilfield. Referring to the data of Adan Company, the value of Neizhi Oilfield is 25 billion.

Referring to the actual reserves of Neizhi Oilfield, the value of Neizhi Oilfield is well over 200 billion.

The 200 billion here is 1926 billion in 200.

For reference, Britain spent a total of 162 billion military expenditures in winning the world war.

Moreover, it should be emphasized that what Winston asked was not the actual value of the Neizhi Oilfield, but the amount of investment in the first phase of the development of the Neizhi Oilfield by the Neizhi Petroleum Company. The difference between the two is too great.

As a supplement to the Elizabeth Oilfield, the first-phase investment of Nezhi Petroleum Company to develop the Nezhi Oilfield will probably not exceed 100 million rand.

So, 50 rand wants to take 50.00% of the shares?

Rock would only agree to this request unless he was crazy.

"If you want half of the shares, yes, bring over a billion pounds, and I can consider this request." Like Winston, Rock is also very good at talking like a lion.

"Are you crazy?" Winston screamed. What is the concept of a billion pounds? After the end of the world war, Russia owed the UK 7.5 million pounds, which had already caused the UK to brazenly launch a war of intervention.

"Then how much do you want to give?" Rock put on a negotiating posture, asking for a price and paying back the money.

"Anyway, it can't be a billion, not even 1000 million!" Winston's face was darker than that of Africans.

"Then there is no need to talk!" Rock immediately turned his face, and there is nothing to talk about even if there is no 1000 million.

"Lock, it is impossible for Southern Africa to monopolize the Nezhi Oilfield, which will make Southern Africa a public enemy of the world." Winston directly threatened to fight if there is no agreement?

"Hahahaha——" Rock laughed unscrupulously. Winston also suffered from the disease of southern Africans.

What Winston said is partly true. Southern Africa has indeed offended many countries in recent years.

For example, France, Portugal, Belgium, and Germany all have territorial disputes in southern Africa. Southern Africa directly annexed Southwest Africa, Tanganyika, Madagascar, and Portuguese East Africa, and dominated Portuguese West Africa and Belgium behind the scenes. Congo's independence, based on these facts, the relationship between southern Africa and France, Portugal, Belgium and Germany cannot be reconciled.

Even now that Southern Africa is still tied to the Commonwealth, France, Portugal, Belgium, and Germany dare not make trouble and have to compromise.

Even so, the most obvious targeting of southern Africa in the League of Nations is that these countries will sing against southern Africa whenever they have the opportunity.

In terms of commercial competition, the main rivals in southern Africa are the United States and the United Kingdom. In this way, major countries in the world, except for the European military police in the north, have no direct conflicts with southern Africa. Almost all other countries have festivals with southern Africa, according to Winston , to a certain extent, it is indeed possible to happen.

But not necessarily, the United States and southern Africa have conflicts, but also cooperation.

Germany has enmity with southern Africa, but it has to rely on southern African capital to gradually restore its strength.

As for Portugal and Belgium, these two can be ignored directly. Except for Southern Africa, which is disgusted by the League of Nations, they have no strength to cause trouble for Southern Africa.

Only France remains—

Southern Africa is not France's main opponent. France's main opponent now is Italy.

Moreover, these countries in Europe have intertwined relationships and complex interests, and it is basically impossible to form a joint force.

Don't forget the position of the United Kingdom. If European countries really want to unite against southern Africa, the United Kingdom will be the first to refuse.

So Rock is really confident.

"Dinner is ready, two gentlemen—" Phyllis came over to call someone, and she was very dissatisfied with the two big men who were doing nothing.

Rock and Winston didn't take it seriously. These two have thick skins, and this level of ridicule can't break the defense at all.

Regardless of how much Rock and Winston quarreled in private, they were harmonious at the dinner table.

After a meal, the women went shopping, and the girls went back to the room together without going out. Winston was not in a hurry to go back to the Governor's Mansion, and went to the study with Roque to continue their unfinished topic.

"To tell you the truth, the reserves of Neizhi Oilfield are far more than one billion barrels. It is absolutely impossible to take away half of the income of Neizhi Oilfield with 200 million pounds, and I will not sell 50.00% of the shares. 30.00%, you can figure out how much it’s worth.” Rock didn’t even think about monopolizing the Naizhi Oilfield, which is unlikely, as Winston represents the entire British aristocracy.

Adan Company is now facing competition from Standard Oil, and it really needs the support of the British government.

Otherwise, if the United States really uses its national power to protect Standard Oil, then Adan will also guarantee the market in the Commonwealth of Nations.

At that level, Rock is sure that Standard Oil will not be able to sell even a base of oil outside the United States.

"How much are the reserves in the Neizhi Oilfield?" Winston was curious. He had already expected this situation. Now there is a lot of information about the reserves of the Neizhi Oilfield. Everyone has a consensus that one billion barrels, Certainly not the real reserves of Neizhi Oilfield.

"No matter how many there are, the Nezhi Oilfield and the Elizabeth Oilfield can basically meet the world's demand for oil—" Rock didn't say that the data that Adan Company spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to obtain would not be used by Wen Si Lie away with a word.

However, Rock gave enough information. With reference to the earnings of the Elizabeth Oilfield, Winston's previous valuation was indeed seriously insufficient.

It is definitely not something that can be decided in just a few sentences. Winston needs time, so this topic has been put on hold for the time being.

Rock is not in a hurry, this matter can be discussed slowly, anyway, the longer the delay, the more valuable the Neizhi Oilfield will be.

At the time of the intrigue surrounding the Neizhi Oilfield here, in the United States, thousands of miles away, Little John is working hard to drive Adan Company out of the American market.

After Standard Oil lowered the price of oil to five shillings per barrel, the situation of all oil companies was extremely difficult, and the newly discovered oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico became less attractive in an instant.

The oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico are offshore oil fields. Compared with land oil wells, the cost of offshore oil wells is higher, the technology is not mature enough, and there is a serious lack of competitiveness. The Seven Sisters are not enthusiastic about bidding for the Gulf of Mexico oil fields.

Compared with land oil wells, offshore oil wells have a long history. As early as 1897, the United States first drilled the first offshore oil well on the west coast of California with a wooden trestle.

The oil fields that Anglo-American took over in Venezuela were also discovered using wooden oil wells, which is why Anglo-American has not been able to make profits for a long time.

After the failure of the Los Angeles meeting, Little John took the initiative to contact Gulf Oil and Texas Corporation, hoping to establish a joint oil company to unify the US domestic market and kick British oil companies out of the United States.

The British Petroleum Company here also includes Adan.

"Purely from the perspective of competition, we have no advantage in the face of Adan Company. We all know the advantages of Adan Company. If we cannot unite, our market will be gradually eroded by Adan Company sooner or later. At that time, we will It is a complete defeat and the US market is handed over, this is a situation that none of us want to see—" Little John hoped that the three oil companies could join forces to lobby the US government to kick BP out of the US by administrative order.

Although this may cause the United States to lose overseas markets, at least it can guarantee the monopoly of the domestic market in the United States, which is acceptable to Standard Oil.

At least that's how I survived.

"Don't make the problem so serious. It is impossible for Adan to monopolize the oil market. At least the profits of the refinery can be guaranteed—" Little Mellon has the confidence. Gulf Oil relies on its relationship with the US government to make good profits.

So what if Adan's oil is cheap, even if the U.S. government doesn't buy it, Adan can't do anything about it.

The U.S. government does not buy, which does not mean that U.S. companies do not buy, and American individual customers, they do not care whether the oil company is American or British, whichever is cheaper to buy.

"Don't think like this. If Adan Company monopolizes the oil supply, we will have to let Adan Company take over at that time—" Little John has a large structure, and the oil industry also has upstream and downstream industrial chains. Looking at the history of Standard Oil, Know the consequences of monopoly.

"If Adan raises the price of crude oil, then we will produce our own oil—" Occam, the general manager of the Texas company, also has an idea. It is a good thing to set up a joint company. The problem is that the equity distribution cannot reach an agreement. The three oil companies have already quarreled It has been several months, and there is no result yet.

"Adan Company does not need to increase the price of crude oil. According to the current crude oil production, the oil fields owned by Adan Company can be used by the whole world for 100 years. Most of the profits? In that case, we will all work for Adan Company, a company with aspirations, and will not accept such a result." Little John did not admit defeat.

"Then what do you want to do, send someone to blow up the oil wells of Adan Company?" Little Mellon's proposal was unreliable. If he did this, the American Petroleum Company seemed to lose more completely.

Don't forget the relationship between Adan and Umbrella. When playing violence, American oil companies are not as good as Umbrella.

"If it pushes us to a corner, then this will also be one of the options." Little John is cold, and Standard Oil has not never done this kind of thing.

All of these big companies in the United States have a dark history behind them, and no one has a clean ass, especially Standard Oil.

"Gentlemen, let's go back to the original question. It is not easy to drive Adan out of the US market. We have just signed a series of cooperation agreements with southern Africa, which will lead to a series of serious sequelae." Oka Mu doesn't advocate violence, it would be great if we can make money happily together.

(End of this chapter)

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