Chapter 1730
Britain is more severely affected by the economic crisis than the United States. Part of the economic crisis in the United States is affected by economic laws, while the United Kingdom is more caused by human factors.

At the end of last year, the British coal workers' strike had just ended, and the economy had not yet returned to normal, and the economic crisis was about to usher in again.

Remember the drought that hit Southern Africa last year?
At that time, India also suffered from a severe drought. In many places, there was no rain in the whole summer, crops failed, rivers dried up, and people did not even have drinking water.

The attitude of the British government towards the colonies and dominions is consistent. It did not ease the squeeze on India because of the drought in India, and still recruited a large amount of grain from India to ship to the mainland.

As a result, this year, another serious famine broke out in India. It is estimated that tens of thousands of people have starved to death.

By April, the economic crisis had erupted for nearly two months. Of all the major economies in the world, southern Africa was the only bright spot, and it was not greatly affected by the economic crisis. The UK naturally set its mind on southern Africa, hoping to pass the Africa, alleviating the local economic crisis situation.

Yes, it is relief.

This is also based on Southern Africa's tough attitude towards Britain in recent years, otherwise it will not be eased, but passed on.

"Winston, don't stress to me the obligations of members of the Commonwealth of Nations. The British Empire is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. When the United States launched a monopoly investigation on companies in Southern Africa, what did the British Empire do for companies in Southern Africa?" Luo Ke also wants to turn his face against Britain, but Britain is still valuable now.

Turning against the United Kingdom means that southern Africa will secede from the Commonwealth.

The current Commonwealth is still very valuable to Southern Africa. Southern Africa has troops stationed in Canada and iron mines in Australia. India is the largest agricultural product sales market in Southern Africa. Once it leaves the Commonwealth, Southern Africa may have to withdraw above market.

Don’t doubt, India is indeed the largest agricultural product sales market in Southern Africa. Although the Indian colonial government has no money, there are people in India. India has now become the second largest source of migrant workers in Southern Africa, second only to the member states of the Southern African Union. .

"London has decided to restrict all American goods. Is this counterattack strong enough?" Winston was impassioned, which sounded pretty good.

The problem is that London's decision is not based on retaliation against the United States, but a forced choice after the outbreak of the economic crisis.

And London is not the only one that made this decision. After the economic crisis broke out, European and American countries changed their past inefficiencies and introduced a series of trade protection policies to protect their markets in just two months. The same is true for southern Africa.

At this time, we can see how hypocritical "free trade" is.

Free trade is the bible when it benefits the country.

When it is unfavorable to the country, trade protection is forced, and it is others who are wrong anyway.

The good news is that Southern Africa has suffered little from this round of protection trade.

For a long time, southern African capital investment in European and American countries has been insisting on localization. There are partners in France, Germany, and southern Africa. In the United States, the localization of southern Africa has been carried out more thoroughly. It is an authentic American enterprise. The US government is now restricting foreign capital, and it cannot even restrict domestic capital.

"Winston, let's be more practical. Southern Africa can help the mainland, but what can southern Africa get?" Rock will not expose Winston, and he will never follow blindly.

Winston hesitated. Britain really didn't have many bargaining chips at the moment.

Rock is not in a hurry, anyway, this kind of thing can't be rushed, it will always go through several rounds of bargaining, and there will be no result in half a year or a few months.

"Locke, you can't always think about what you get, you have to think more about what you have contributed to the Commonwealth—" Winston is really not a moral kidnapper, he really thinks so.

Anglo-Saxons cannot be understood in the way of thinking of the Chinese. The basic principle of dealing with things is that if the Chinese are poor, they will be alone.

The Anglo-Saxons are different. Their thinking is whoever has the bigger fist is right. If I don’t have me, I will grab it, otherwise it is hypocrisy.

This is also the reason why Russia has been dismembered in another time and space, and European and American countries have not spared Russia.

Russia: I don't want to fight for world hegemony, I just want to be a rich man with peace of mind.

Europe and the United States: You don't want to because you don't have the strength. As long as you have the strength, you will definitely think about it.

"Winston, London can't always want to ask for it from Southern Africa. It has to think more about what it has done for Southern Africa—" Rock replied. Southern Africa is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. There is nothing wrong with this idea.

"Everything that Southern Africa has now is given by London. Isn't that enough?"

"Are you sure?" Rock was speechless.

"Of course!" Winston said decisively.

"Winston, if you insist on this, then we have nothing to talk about." Rock turned the table directly. When the Southern African Federal Government was established, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as poor and white. Now everything in Southern Africa, and London really doesn't matter much.

It has to be said that the influence of the British Empire on southern Africa is still there, especially for the older generation.

In the evening, Winston invited Rock to the Governor's Mansion, accompanied by the three elders in southern Africa.

Rock was right, he took Stoudemire and Henry with him, and he was helped when he quarreled.

Winston prepared well, and the dinner was sumptuous, but everyone's attention was not on the dishes. After a few bites, they moved to the balcony of the Governor's Mansion, which was the main venue of the banquet.

"Time flies too fast. In a blink of an eye, 25 years have passed since the Boer War. I still remember that when Pretoria was captured, Pretoria was destroyed. The entire city survived with less than 1 people. We completely It was on the ruins that today's Southern Africa was built—" Kitchener's face was ruddy and full of energy, and he seemed to have no problem living another ten years.

Adelaide and Philip did not answer the conversation, Adelaide was in a dilemma, Philip had no right to speak, he did not participate in the second Boer War, and came to southern Africa after the war ended.

Stoudemire and Henry didn't talk, needless to say about Stoudemire's attitude. He never had a good impression of Britain.

The same goes for Henry, who is now thoroughly Southern African.

"The British Empire spent 1900 million pounds for the Boer War. You must know that it was 250 million pounds in [-]. At that time, we only needed [-] million pounds to build a state-of-the-art battleship." Winston was obviously inclined, emphasizing The pay of the British Empire, the implication is to accuse someone of being ungrateful.

Rock smiled and said nothing. British statistics are Schrödinger's cats, which are subject to change at any time. The total cost of the second Boer War was about 2.2 million for the various official calibers of the UK.

"After the Boer War, London obtained a stable supply of gold, so the international status of the pound was maintained. London has been the world's financial center for these years, and it has been a huge profit." , otherwise Yang Shimozi would have something to say.

"Cecil, without the British Empire, there would be no Rhodes family. You should be grateful." Winston was very dissatisfied. In his opinion, the British Empire treated the Rhodes family very well. Stoudemire shouldn't have said such a thing.

Stoudemire sneered, it doesn't matter what other people say is wrong, only the feet know whether the shoes fit or not.

On the surface, Britain is really good to the Rhodes family. The old Cecil Rhodes was born as a commoner, founded a South African company from scratch, and became the famous king of Rhodesia in Africa. Except for the title, he is perfect .

Stoudemire's understanding is definitely not the case. When the old Cecil Rhodes was authorized by the King of England to establish the South African Company, he had already served as the Prime Minister of the Cape Colony for one term. He was the king of South Africa, Rhodesia It was the old Cecil Rhodes who made it down. A South African company in the British Empire, Rhodesia became a British territory. Who made a profit?

"Winston, don't talk about these things, just say what London wants from southern Africa." Rock said directly without going around in circles.

"Food, daily necessities, daily necessities, industrial products—" Winston Lion opened his mouth loudly. The rationing system has already begun to be implemented in the UK mainland, which shows the seriousness of the situation.

"Okay, as long as you give me money, you can talk about anything—" Rock has a correct attitude. If the British government is willing to trade normally, Rock has no reason to refuse.

"Lock—" Winston was in a dilemma. Rock had indeed hit the sore spot in London. If the British government had money, how could Winston still use it?

"Winston, don't you want to take it for nothing?" Rock teased, there was no need to think about such things.

"Of course not." Winston still had a shame.

"It must be paid in rand." Roark does not want sterling. Just now, the British government announced the abandonment of the gold bullion standard, and the sterling was once again decoupled from gold. The value of sterling is plummeting.

This is also plagiarism. As soon as the economic crisis broke out, Southern Africa announced that the rand would depreciate by 30.00%, and decided to decouple the rand from gold and restrict gold exports.

This decision is very timely. It protects southern African enterprises to the greatest extent and effectively promotes southern African exports.

To put it bluntly, it is printing money.

"Locke, Southern Africa cannot refuse to use the British pound. This is London's bottom line." Winston is determined not to give in on this point. The British pound is the carrier used by the British to plunder the world. What the Americans will play in the future is all British. Play the rest.

"There is no rejection. The pound and the rand are still freely convertible, but the trade between southern Africa and the United Kingdom must be settled in rand." Rock is also uncompromising. If the rand wants to replace the pound, the attitude must be firm.

(End of this chapter)

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