Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1731 The Resurgence of the Arms Race

Chapter 1731 The Resurgence of the Arms Race
At the moment in 1927, no one can tell what the consequences of Adan's binding oil and rand together will be.

Don’t think economists are too amazing. After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the United States forced OPEC to bind crude oil exports to the dollar. Since then, global oil trade must be settled in dollars. At that time, few people realized , What impact will this have on the future world.

When the Bretton Woods system was established, the United States made a promise to the world that the currencies of other countries were locked in the US dollar, and the US dollar and gold were locked together, and every US$35 was exchanged for one ounce of gold.

In the early days of the establishment of the Bretton Woods system, this binding was indeed no problem, and the United States did not issue excessive currency. At that time, if it printed an extra $35, the United States would increase its gold reserves by one ounce. Without gold, it could not print.

After the disintegration of the Bretton Woods system, the United States began to plunder the world with dollars, so Adan's binding rand and oil together did not cause much disturbance.

Roque insisted that the trade between the UK and southern Africa be settled in rand, also because he was worried that the UK would issue too much currency.

If you look at Germany today, you will know that both the Germans and the Anglo-Saxons are essentially the same.

Perhaps the British government has not yet decided to over-issue currency, but maybe in the future, Roark knows that a dead friend will not die a poor man, and Stanley Baldwin and Winston must also know that the UK's abandonment of the gold bullion standard is itself a rebirth. Prepare for super currency issuance.

"Locke, the pound is London's bottom line, and it cannot be broken at any time." Winston said fiercely.

"I am the Prime Minister of Southern Africa, and I must protect the interests of Southern Africa!" Rock was equally determined, and he was not afraid of turning his face.

"Locke, without the support of the British Empire, there would be no southern Africa—" Winston changed his routine and began to play emotional cards: "—without the help of the British Empire, when the federal government of Southern Africa was established, it would not be possible to include Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Bechuanaland, Basutoland, and Swaziland; without the help of the British Empire, Southern Africa could not have gained South West Africa and Tanganyika after the World War; Southern Africa Also got Port Elizabeth from the British Empire, got the Chagos Islands, got Halifax, got the Changi Naval Base, got the Bahamas, and the whole Commonwealth market, I'm asking you now, Is this how Southern Africa repays the British Empire?"

This parallelism sounds really imposing, but when you think about it carefully, it is not the case at all.

"Wait, Rhodesia voluntarily joined the Southern African Federation, and it has nothing to do with the British Empire—" Rock hadn't spoken yet, and Stoudemire couldn't bear it.

As mentioned earlier, the South African company had the right to make treaties in Rhodesia, form a local government, and form an army and police force. Therefore, Rhodesia’s entry into the Southern African Federation did not mean much to the British government. At that time, Rhodesia was just like the Almost an independent kingdom, the difference between old Cecil Rhodes and Queen Victoria is only one crown.

It should be noted that it was not only the South African company that obtained the charter at that time, but the scale of other companies was far smaller than that of the South African company, so the old Cecil Rhodes was forced to become the backer of the Second Boer War .

"Winston, don't say it's so great. There are no reporters here. We all know what the actual situation is—" Rock also played the emotional card, who would not be the same if he added oil and vinegar: "——Don't describe southern Africa as An ungrateful villain, without the gold that Southern Africa sent to the mainland these years, there would be no international status for the British Pound Sterling—"

"Before the Rand Gold Mine was discovered, the pound was already the world currency—" Winston interrupted directly.

Rock didn't speak, but looked at Winston quietly.

It is impolite to interrupt someone casually. When Winston was talking just now, Rock gave Winston enough time.

Winston looked at Rock angrily, he would definitely not find the reason from himself.

"What was the earliest world currency? The Dutch Guilder?" Henry interrupted suddenly, seeming to be discussing with Stoudemire.

"Oh, no, the earliest world currency is Baker—" Stoudemire sneered, and what Winston said seemed to be correct.

The function of currency is the embodiment of hegemony. Before the Second Boer War, the pound was anchored to gold and was the most widely used currency in the world.

Still based on the reasons just mentioned, the British government is limited to gold stocks and cannot issue excessive currency. Strictly speaking, the British did not plunder the world through the pound.

Until the World War II, Britain finally abandoned the gold standard system.

With the gold from the Rand Gold Mine, London can guarantee the gold content of the pound while printing the pound.

"Locke—" Kitchener spoke for Winston.

"Herbert!" Ade said sternly, not wanting to cause any disturbance to Rock.

"Winston, of course we admit that London has helped southern Africa—"Philip definitely stood on Roark, the interests of the Matilda family are all in southern Africa: "—but southern Africa has also given enough returns to the British Empire , without southern Africa, London would not have won the world war; without southern Africa, London would not be able to suppress the rise of the United States and Japan; without southern Africa, London would not even be able to enjoy the convenient life brought about by technological progress; Africa is the creditor, not London."

Winston would never have imagined that among the three people he recruited, two had completely rebelled, and the other had rebelled 90.00%.

"Locke, think carefully. It is more beneficial for southern Africa to maintain a good relationship with the British Empire and stay in the Commonwealth." Winston was at a loss for words. What he just said was actually untenable.

I will not talk about the events before the establishment of the Federal Government of Southern Africa. At that time, the British government agreed to the autonomy of Southern Africa in order to get rid of the financial burden.

Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, that's the fair pay for Southern Africa's participation in the world war.

Port Elizabeth and the Chagos Islands were bought by Roque with real money. When Roque bought Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth was a small fishing village with nothing but dates.

The Chagos Islands now seem to have a very important strategic position. When Rock bought it, the Chagos Islands were isolated in the center of the Indian Ocean, and ocean-going freighters crossed the Indian Ocean around the Indian Ocean. At least there were tax officials in Port Elizabeth. The Gos Islands don't even have a tax collector.

As for Halifax and the Bahamas, it was after the British strategic contraction that Southern Africa came forward to take over. In this regard, London even has to thank Southern Africa. At least Southern Africa took over Halifax and prevented the United States from expanding into Canada. .

Finally, there is the Changi Naval Base. The Indian Ocean Navy in southern Africa took over the Strait of Malacca. The British Empire should also be grateful. Otherwise, if the United States and Japan break through the Strait of Malacca, British interests in India will be affected.

"Winston, London should also think carefully. Treating every member of the Commonwealth of Nations fairly and reasonably is the prerequisite for the existence of the Commonwealth of Nations." irreparable loss.

Southern Africa left the Commonwealth, and the Southern African Union.

Just as London and Pretoria were at an impasse, the US government finally announced the results of its investigation into Ardan.

The investigation committee established by the U.S. government confirmed that Adan did dump in the United States, and the U.S. government decided to impose an anti-dumping tax of up to 50.00% on Adan to prevent Adan from monopolizing the U.S. market.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa immediately countered the U.S. government’s fallacy. Although Adan’s sales price is low, it is in full compliance with free trade rules. The cost of U.S. oil companies is high. It is because U.S. oil companies are not good at cost control. Dan's company is ok.

Naturally, the U.S. government did not agree with this statement, and the two sides began to fight.

At the same time as the war of words, the U.S. government was very dissatisfied with the development of auxiliary ships such as cruisers by taking advantage of the loopholes in the "Washington Naval Treaty." Cruisers are covered by the Washington Naval Treaty.

Britain agreed to the proposal of the United States, sent invitations to Japan, France, and Italy, and decided to hold a meeting in London to discuss the proposal of the United States.

Japan agrees, France and Italy don't care, they have no plan to develop cruisers, they only participate as non-voting participants.

Southern Africa, as part of the United Kingdom, also participated in the meeting.

This meeting is not aimed at any country in name. In fact, everyone knows that the United States is targeting southern Africa.

After the "Washington Naval Treaty" was signed, the navy entered the holiday era, but southern Africa did not stop building ships, especially cruisers, only the Atlantic Fleet, and now there are more than 15 cruisers installed.

The home port of the Atlantic Fleet is Halifax, Canada. As the number of warships in Halifax gradually increases, the United States has to increase the speed of shipbuilding to deal with the threat of Halifax.

Before the economic crisis broke out, the US government was indeed rich.

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, the United States began to be unable to build warships. This is the background of this meeting.

Representing Southern Africa at the Naval Conference was Patton, Minister of the Navy for Southern Africa.

On the first day of the meeting, the United States pointed directly at southern Africa, accusing southern Africa of violating the "Washington Naval Treaty" and demanding that southern Africa abandon all unbuilt cruisers and reduce the number of existing cruisers.

Patton will definitely not give up. After the economic crisis broke out, the federal government of Southern Africa wanted to build 20 cruisers in one go in order to stimulate domestic demand, and it will definitely not stop now.

(End of this chapter)

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