Chapter 1735

The upper reaches of the Orange River are turbulent and have many tributaries. The reservoirs and hydropower stations to be built by the federal government are mainly concentrated in the upper reaches of the Orange River.

In the middle reaches, the width of the Orange River is about 6000 meters, the flow is unstable, the evaporation is strong, and the water volume is small.

In the lower reaches, the Orange River often dries up in winter, with no tributaries to flow in, and there are many bridges on the river, making it unnavigable——

Ah, no, there are not many bridges over the Orange River, and they can still be salvaged.

"The key is to reduce evaporation. Reservoirs are now being built in the upper reaches. Water is stored in the rainy season, and water is released in the dry season. The flow is basically guaranteed. The 6000-meter river is too wide. The annual evaporation in the middle and lower reaches is equivalent to the entire Farr We must find a way to solve this problem, otherwise there will be no water available downstream in the dry season.” Gardner’s upstream work has come to an end, and he is now hired by Bechuanaland to manage the Orange River in Bechuanaland consultant.

"My God, don't we still need to manage the downstream? That's the task of Walvis Bay." The dividing line between Chuanna State, Kimberley and Orange belongs to the state of tri-state condominium.

"We are only responsible for the part in Bechuanaland, and other states are responsible for the rest." Lin Huaishan secretly rejoiced that all this should be handed over to Bechuanaland State, which really doesn't have the ability.

All the states in the entire river basin have participated in the project to control the Orange River. Calculated, the part to be controlled in Bechuanaland State does not exceed 120 kilometers, which greatly reduces the amount of work.

"Even within Bechuanaland, our funds are seriously insufficient. To complete this year's budget, we need at least 3600 million rand, which is 3600 million rand per year. To meet the requirements of the federal government, it will take at least three consecutive years." Tao Feng was embarrassed However, the financial balance of Bechuanaland is not much, and there is still a huge gap in the appropriation of the federal government.

"I have already contacted Rand Bank, hoping to issue bonds through Rand Bank, but we can't pin all our hopes on bank bonds. We must do everything possible to raise funds." Lin Huaishan was also in a dilemma. It's not difficult, there is the world's largest diamond mine in Bechuanaland, and the De Beers Consolidated Mining Company intends to develop it a long time ago, but the conditions given are very harsh.

De Beers Unified Mining Company is also an industry under the name of Stoudemire. It is headquartered in Kimberley and owns the largest diamond mine in Kimberley.

As a commercial company, De Beers Consolidated Mining Company is all about profit, which is understandable.

Lin Huaishan also wants to fight for better conditions for Bechuanaland, which is also normal.

The next day, Lin Huaishan went to Pretoria, hoping to win more funding, but also wanted to win more benefits for Bechuanaland through Stoudemire.

What made Lin Huaishan helpless was that Xiaosi didn't know about it at all.

This is also normal. Stoudemire, like Rock, has a lot of businesses under his name, and they are basically in charge of professional managers. It is impossible for Stoudemire to cover everything.

After learning about the situation, Stoudemire was also very embarrassed.

"Lin, it's not that De Beers Unified Mining Company doesn't want to offer better conditions. It's just that the diamond market is limited and it's basically saturated. If diamonds from Bechuanaland join in, the price of diamonds will drop sharply. This is something none of us want to see—” Little Stan admitted that even if De Beers Consolidated Mining Company obtained the mining rights of the diamond mine in Bechuanaland, it probably would not invest in the development of it in a short period of time, it would only be used as a reserve .

There is no doubt that the largest diamond company in the world is De Beers Consolidated Mining Company. The saying that a diamond is forever, one forever, was itself hyped up by De Beers Consolidated Mining Company. For all kinds of colored gemstones that I like, diamonds are only available in the market for colored diamonds. No matter how pure the colorless diamonds are, basically no one cares about them.

Colored diamonds such as blue diamonds and pink diamonds are rare, and most diamonds have no color, that is, colorless diamonds.

In order to sell these colorless diamonds, De Beers Unified Mining Company took great pains to create the concept that diamonds are forever, so that diamonds can be sold at a price, otherwise diamonds are just a common industrial raw material.

Diamonds are actually diamonds, and this thing is so magical. It is called diamond when it is used in jewelry, and it is called diamond when it is used in the industrial field.

Of course, there are differences, otherwise there would be no such thing as purity, and this concept was also abruptly created by De Beers Consolidated Mining Company.

As for the real value of diamonds, when they are sold at Eternal counters, diamonds are based on carats.

In De Beers Consolidated Mining Company, diamonds mined are calculated by the ton.

"Couldn't it be possible to properly limit the production of the Elizabeth Oilfield for the sake of the profits of the Nezhi Petroleum Company, just like the Adan Company--" Lin Huaishan also had no choice. In 1927, the channel was king at the moment, and there was no sales in Bechuanaland The channels of diamonds are useless even if they are mined.

This statement is not correct. When ordinary industrial raw materials are sold, there is still a market.

Of course, the value must be much less.

After hearing Lin Huaishan's words, Stoudemire looked at Rock with dissatisfied eyes.

The implication of this look is: Look at the good deeds you have done!
Rock was very helpless. If it wasn't for appeasing the Nezhi royal family, Rock would not want to develop the Nezhi Oilfield.

Rock can’t do whatever he wants in many things. Although Americans are unreliable, the proposal of “equity of interests” is still reliable. If you have money, everyone can make money together. Southern Africa eats meat. Well done.

"Lord Rhodesia, if this is really embarrassing for you, can you increase your investment in agriculture in Bechuanaland? The Bechuanalian government will fully cooperate and give Rhodesia the largest investment in policies and taxes. Preferential——" Lin Huaishan still has a backup, agriculture is the economic pillar of Bechuanaland, if Stoudemire agrees, it can also benefit all Bechuanalians.

Stoudemire didn't speak, and seemed to be thinking hard.

Rock just smiled. Although Rock is also a shareholder of Rhodesia, and his shareholding ratio is second only to Stoudemire, Rock has no say in the company's specific operations.

This is also the tacit understanding between Rock and Stoudemire. Since the development of southern Africa, cross-shareholding is normal. The bottom line is that they will not interfere with each other and only get dividends. intimate relationship.

"Okay, I will seriously consider your suggestion." Stoudemire didn't make a specific promise, but it was useless to give it.

Still the same sentence, capitalists are not philanthropists, and Roque is managing the entire southern Africa as his own business, and Stoudemire has no such awareness.

"Thank you very much, Lord Rhodesia. Bechuanaland will definitely not let you down." Lin Huaishan is full of gratitude. Speaking of this is enough, Lin Huaishan is also the governor, and Stoudemire will definitely give him the face he deserves. Give.

After sending Lin Huaishan away, Stoudemire began to complain to Rock.

Although Southern Africa responded quickly, the outbreak of the economic crisis still had a certain impact on Southern Africa, especially the food industry.

After these years of brutal development, the farms in southern Africa have reached a very high level. If the farm does not have dozens of cows and hundreds of sheep, the farmer is too embarrassed to say hello to people when he goes out.

Before the economic crisis broke out, agricultural products in southern Africa were sold well all over the world. High-end Nyasaland beef and Merino wool were high-end, and various canned fruits and vegetables were low-end. The output of wheat, rice and corn was also very high. Some agricultural products are exported.

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, various countries introduced trade protection policies one after another, and food exports in southern Africa were greatly affected. Additional orders from the Ministry of Defense alone could not make up for sales, and Stoudemire's factory was also in trouble.

"Other countries are doing everything they can to reduce costs, only we are driving cheap African-American workers out of southern Africa in order to create more jobs - now well, workers' wages have increased, business costs have soared, and product competitiveness has dropped significantly , If things go on like this, if the economic crisis is not over, more than half of the companies will go bankrupt.” Stoudemire is full of resentment, and now it is not a question of whether to make money or not, but whether the company can survive.

"Cecil, don't complain, our business is in trouble, and so are others, just persevere—" Rock is still playing chicken blood. Compared with Europe and the United States, southern Africa is already very good.

"The Times" recently reported that most countries in the world, including the United Kingdom and the United States, are in trouble. The homeless people on the streets of New York in the United States even waited in groups near restaurants, waiting for the restaurants to dump leftovers. Many of them are in economic crisis The social elite before the outbreak.

This is the power of public opinion. Although the economic crisis has had some impact on southern Africa, readers feel much more at ease after such a report by The Times.

At least on the streets of southern African cities, there are basically no homeless people.

The homeless people in southern Africa are all in the shelters. Those who are able to work will be arranged by the shelter. Those who are not able to work will be sent to the orphanage. The conditions of the orphanage are not good, at least they can eat enough and wear warm clothes. .

In terms of food and clothing, southern Africa has a great advantage.

As mentioned above, agriculture in southern Africa is well-developed, and the prices of agricultural products are ridiculously cheap. In London, a pound of chicken is one shilling, and southern Africa only costs a quarter.

The same is true for the climate. It sometimes snows in Cape Town, and Nyasaland rarely falls below ten degrees in the coldest winter. It is very difficult to freeze to death.

Therefore, compared with Europe and the United States, the happiness of southern Africans will burst immediately. What about the old colonial countries in Europe and the United States? In the current economic crisis, the advantages of southern Africa are becoming more and more obvious.

This is also evident in the Immigration Bureau. Recently, the Immigration Bureau has received thousands of applications every day. Not only the old continent, but many Americans also choose to immigrate to southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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