Chapter 1736 What a pity

Like southern Africa, the United States is also a country of immigrants. Another time and space, that is, during the Great Depression, the growth of immigrants in the United States turned negative for the first time.

This time and space is more obvious. Without comparison, there is no harm. If there is no southern Africa, then Americans feel pretty good about themselves.

Comparing it with southern Africa, especially those Americans who have been to southern Africa during the Commonwealth Games, people are immediately moved.

At the Port Edward Immigration Bureau, after the outbreak of the economic crisis, the staff were all busy, their heels hitting the back of their heads, and they didn't even have time to eat.

Before the economic crisis hit, the Immigration Service had fewer than fifty staff members and only two desks in the registry.

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, the staff of the Immigration Bureau increased to 200, and the desks at the registration office were stretched to a row, but this was still not enough, and the queue for registration was nearly a kilometer long.

For new immigrants, it is very important to register at the Immigration Bureau. Only after completing the registration can they enter the waiting period of up to five years. As long as they survive these five years, they can become real southern Africans and enjoy the benefits of southern Africans. Benefits.

The consequences of not registering are serious. If you work in southern Africa, which is also known as "illegal work" in the usual sense, you will violate the relevant regulations in southern Africa. Once you are found, you will be deported. The Bureau will not be patient and reasonable, and will be sent directly to the Rand mining area to mine. When will you think it through, and you are willing to tell your place of origin, and when will you repatriate.

Mining is unpaid.

"Name, age, place of origin—" Xue Liang, who has just started working, is serious and responsible. He graduated from Nyasaland University and is a key training target of the Immigration Bureau.

The so-called key trainees are not arranged to work next to the leader from the beginning. They must first have work experience in front-line positions, which is the so-called job rotation. After experiencing all the front-line work, they will be assigned according to their performance.

"Chen Gui, 45 years old, from Japan. He used to work in a trading company in Tokyo. My wife, I, and four children—" Chen Gui spoke quickly, and his Chinese was quite standard, trying to speak more in the shortest possible time. It is necessary to know that not everyone in southern Africa needs more information, and it is more likely to pass if you have a certain skill.

"You are Japanese, why do you use a Chinese name, what is your original name—" Xue Liang was expressionless, and was not busy recording.

In name, the Southern African Immigration Bureau has no restrictions on all new immigrants.

There must be actual restrictions. For example, Japanese and Indians are very unpopular in southern Africa. On average, for every ten new immigrants, it is not bad to pass one.

This is the only one, either a skilled immigrant or a capital immigrant.

Skilled migrants have special skills, can be self-reliant in southern Africa, and make their own contributions to the development of southern Africa.

Capital immigration is more straightforward. As long as you buy real estate worth more than [-] rand in the area designated by the Southern African Federal Government, you can enter the five-year waiting period.

The "designated area" here is definitely not the city center. The real estate in the city center will appreciate in value. Don't even think about such a good thing. The so-called "designated areas" are all in the wilderness. Not to mention the inaccessible traffic, the price is extremely expensive , under normal circumstances, one thousand rand can buy a farm with an area of ​​100 acres in any state in southern Africa, and in the "designated area", the maximum is 50 acres.

The designated area during this period is the state of Dias, and Nyasaland and Rhodesia, which are more economically developed, don't even think about it.

"My original name was Keisuke Takeda, but I changed my name to Guisu Chen because my family and I hoped to become a citizen of Southern Africa and contribute to the development of Southern Africa—" Keisuke Takeda was fully prepared , This is also normal, don't underestimate the influence of Han culture in the East Asian cultural circle.

About a few decades ago, high-ranking officials in Japan and South Korea were proud of using Chinese, and you were not worthy of learning it if you were below a certain level.

"What do you think of the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War?" Xue Liang asked a sharp question, probably because the influence of Han culture in East Asia has gradually declined since the Sino-Japanese War.

There is no way to do this. The influence of culture is equal to the strength of the country. India has a long history, and culture has no influence on neighboring countries.

Not to mention the influence, Indian culture has broken down, and the current India has nothing to do with the historical India.

Keisuke Taketa was obviously not prepared enough for this question, so he hesitated for a while before mumbling: "Does the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War have anything to do with southern Africa?"

Southern Africa, Commonwealth of Nations.

The Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War took place between the Qing Dynasty and Japan, and it seemed that it had nothing to do with it.

"I want to make sure you have the correct view of history and values. You don't need to ask why, just answer my question." Xue Liang is serious. Don't think that choosing a Chinese name will get you basic bonus points. Japanese is the standard There are small gifts but no great righteousness.

Don't look at the Japanese who are usually very polite, bowing at [-] degrees at every turn, and opening their mouths means "I'm causing you trouble".

In fact, the Japanese really don't mind causing trouble to others, and they are especially good at devouring the master. Getting along with the Japanese is like raising Gu, and if you are not careful, you will eat back.

This is really not a black Japanese, watch his words and his actions, don't listen to what he says, watch what he does, whoever is obedient will not say it.

"The Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War—" Keisuke Takeda hesitated, not sure about Xue Liang's position.

Xue Liang didn't give Keisuke Takeda a chance to explain, so he took the red stamp and put it on the Keisuke Takeda's family's naturalization application.

"Please don't do this, give me another chance, the Sino-Japanese War was a mistake—" Keisuke Taketa begged desperately.

Xue Liang glanced at the strong man on duty beside him.

The heavily armed security guards will come over immediately.

"Sir, please leave here and don't disturb the order, otherwise I will take strong measures and you may be hurt." The security guard was stern, with his hand on the handle of the gun at his waist.

"Please don't do this, give me another chance—" Takeda Keisuke still wanted to plead.

"Next!" Xue Liang had no expression on his face. He had already given a chance, but Keisuke Taketa didn't grasp it.

In the open space outside the lobby of the Immigration Bureau, there are thousands of small tents densely packed. The people living here are all people who have been refused entry and do not want to give up. The edge of the open space is a barbed wire fence, and heaven is outside the barbed wire fence.

When Keisuke Taketa and his family were taken out of the immigration lobby, two young white men immediately greeted them.

"Do you want to rent a tent?" The white man is fluent in Chinese, probably because he was worried that Keisuke Taketa would not understand, so he said it in Japanese and English after speaking in Chinese.

"No need, thank you—" Takeda Keisuke was polite, and he didn't forget to bow when he spoke.

"You are fluent in Chinese, why was your visa refused—oh, you are Japanese—" the white boy understood right away, and what he said was still a bit hurtful.

"Will the Japanese be refused a visa?" Takeda Keisuke was sad, and the propaganda in this newspaper was different.

"No, no, no, the Immigration Bureau has never said that, but it is a fact that the Japanese are more likely to be refused a visa." The white boy smiled, and then he remembered to introduce himself: "——My name is Ford, this is Harry, here If you need anything, you can consult me, but there is a fee.”

Paid consultation!

Keisuke Takeda was not surprised. Ford and Harry seemed to rely on this for a living.

"Are you from southern Africa?" Keisuke Taketa really had a problem.

"Of course, we are the natives of southern Africa—this question is free, and the next question will be charged, and each question will cost [-] points—" Ford laughed loudly, proud of his "indigenous" identity.

It is indeed something to be proud of, at least now Keisuke Taketa is very envious.

The currency system in southern Africa originated from the United Kingdom. The British currency system is very strange. One pound is twenty shillings, and one shilling is twelve pence.

A penny in southern Africa is roughly equivalent to a penny in Britain.

"One shilling, one question? It's too expensive—" Keisuke Taketa felt distressed. He sold all his property before boarding the ship, and only exchanged 20 rand on the black market in Japan.

The East Asian Monster Room lives up to its name.

"So seize the opportunity and don't waste your money." Ford is not worried about losing business, and there are many people who want to know about southern Africa.

"How can we join Southern Africa?" Keisuke Taketa thought he was smart.

Both Ford and Harry held back their laughter and didn't answer right away.

Keisuke Takeda understands and pays first.

"Thanks to patronage, skilled immigrants, or investment immigrants—" Ford said seriously, the money came so easily.

"Damn—" Keisuke Taketa bought loneliness with the money.

"Hahahaha——" Ford and Harry burst into laughter at this moment, who could blame themselves for their stupidity.

"Is there any other way?" Takeda Keisuke admitted, who made himself not cautious.

It is impossible to turn faces. When Ford and Harry burst out laughing, they lifted up their skirts intentionally or unintentionally, and the gun handles under their armpits were very conspicuous.

If you are not registered with immigration, you are not considered Southern African.

The open space outside the immigration office is not a place outside the law. Ford and Harry will not take the initiative to hurt Keisuke Takeda, but if Keisuke Takeda attacks Ford and Harry, even if Keisuke Takeda is killed on the spot, Ford and Harry will be punished by Southern African legal protection.

There are unlimited retaliation clauses in Southern African law.

Unlimited counterattack means that when attacked, you can use all methods to protect yourself from harm.

Ford didn't speak, but raised his hand and twirled his fingers.

Keisuke Taketa took a deep breath and paid.

"Is this your daughter?" Ford asked Takeda Keisuke's wife.

"No, it's my wife—" Keisuke Taketa was proud. Orientals are indeed better at maintaining skin than Caucasians. No matter how juicy a Caucasian little girl is, she can hardly see her after giving birth, and she will become a big mother in a few years.

"That's a pity, otherwise you can let your daughter find a southern African to marry. This is the fastest way to join southern Africa." Ford didn't lie, and many people immigrated to southern Africa in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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