Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1743 I wish you peace

Chapter 1743 I wish you peace
Some people just fear that the world will not be chaotic.

Or it could be said that he was unwilling to be lonely, and could not stop talking until his words were shocking.

Needless to say, among the major countries in the world under the economic crisis, only Southern Africa stands out. Before the outbreak of the economic crisis, the level of governance of the Liberal Party in Southern Africa was also a few blocks away from that of European and American countries. Otherwise, there would be no economic boom in Southern Africa these years. .

But the same fact, in the eyes of different people, the conclusion is not the same.

Southern Africa has great advantages. It has a vast territory, rich resources, and almost endless cheap human resources in neighboring countries.

In some people's eyes, even if the British Labor Party is in power in southern Africa, southern Africa can still achieve the current economic achievements.

No, no, maybe it will be better.

After all, the British Labor Party has no chance of governing southern Africa. Who can say what has never happened.

"After the World War, many Europeans immigrated to southern Africa. Some of them still look at the current southern Africa with the previous colonial thinking, and some of them are even university professors—" Buck's words are true, not just some southern Africans People make monsters. In the countries of the Southern African Union, some people also believe that if they leave the Southern African Union, it may be more conducive to the development of the country.

This also seems to be true. The countries of the Southern African Union, such as the Republic of Congo, have two major economic pillars. One is to supply industrial raw materials to southern Africa, and the other is to provide human resources to southern Africa.

Leaving aside human resources, the Republic of Congo is indeed unique in terms of natural resources, no less than southern Africa. After all, it is a country known as the "world's raw material warehouse" and "geological miracle".

Unfortunately, the facts are not as some people imagined, and breaking away from the Southern African Union will be more conducive to the development of the Republic of Congo.

Even if the Republic of Congo separates from the Southern African Union, it will definitely be affected by other countries. Without Belgium, there would be France, and without France, there would be Britain. In short, if you want to maintain independence in the current world, it is not enough to rely on ideals, you must have enough strength. Row.

And strength is precisely the biggest shortcoming of the Republic of Congo.

"—They do not deny the progress of southern Africa, but they believe that the long-term ruling of the Liberal Party is not conducive to the future of southern Africa—so for the future healthy development of southern Africa, it is very necessary to insist on a two-party or multi-party system." Barker thought Bitterness, a mouse ruins a pot of soup, that's all.

"Do they hope that southern Africa will be reduced to the level of Britain and France? You're so full!" Rock is right. The biggest mistake in southern Africa is to let those so-called "reasonable people" eat It's too full.

"Most people are very rational, but there are also people who are instigated by those people and believe in this statement." Buck is also helpless. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, so don't expect too much from herd thinking.

Rock didn't talk nonsense, and rang the bell to call Zach in.

Zach has been in poor health recently, his body is getting thinner, his eyes are getting colder, and there is not much hair left. Zac simply shaved his head, which makes Zach look even more gloomy.

It was only when facing Rock that Zac's eyes were calmer.

Zac's body was mainly due to the serious damage he had on Robben Island, which is the so-called damage to his vitality. He couldn't see it when he was young. Now, as he grows older, Zac's aging rate is much faster than Rock's. quick.

That is to say, the medical level in southern Africa has improved rapidly in recent years, and Zach can barely maintain it.

"Is Brad's office aware of what the Speaker said?" Rock asked directly. Although Zach couldn't speak, he had no hearing problems.

Zach nodded. This has reached the point where Buck asked Rock to file a complaint. If Brad's office still doesn't know anything about it, it would be serious dereliction of duty.

Alas, the names of these three people all have a gram, a coincidence, definitely a coincidence.

"Investigate the background of these people to see if there is someone manipulating behind the scenes, and uproot me!" Rock was decisive. Long-term fishing for big fish does not exist in southern Africa, and problems must be dealt with in a timely manner.

When Roque was the chief of defense, he also did long-term fishing for big fish.

It was only later that Rock discovered that it might not be good to catch big fish with a long line. If you find a problem, you must deal with it in time. Don't wait for public opinion to ferment before you have to act. That will lead to a complete passiveness.

The news media in southern Africa is also very interesting. In the past, when reporting crimes, the southern African news media often used the value of the case to describe the severity of the case.

Now the news media in southern Africa do not report in this way, such as gold smuggling. In the past, the newspapers stated how many kilograms of gold were smuggled.

Now that the media is reporting again, the focus is on the sentencing standards, how many years will it take to exchange gold for criminals, or how many death sentences will be required.

The reason is very simple, some people's thinking, ordinary people can't understand.

There is a popular saying in southern Africa: the business that makes a lot of money is written in the "Criminal Code".

Newspapers report how many kilograms of gold the case is worth, and it is inevitable that some people will be lucky. If it happens, they will live comfortably for half their lives.

Now how many years it takes to rebel, or how many death sentences it takes to rebel, some people will still commit crimes, and some people will be deterred.

Well, it's better to live than to die.

Money is earned and spent.

Zach nodded and turned around to leave. With Roque's instructions, some people are probably going to be unlucky.

At the same time, at Nyasaland University, Brooks, an associate professor in the School of Public Administration, was teaching his students.

"In 1789, the French bourgeois revolution officially proposed the separation of powers. The old order was replaced by natural human rights. Private property was sacred and inviolable. People's minds were liberated like never before, and social productivity was developed rapidly. Only then can we have everything we have now. ——” Brooks gushed, and he had already received complaints from more than one student.

Nyasaland University advocated "openness and inclusiveness" from the first day of its establishment. This was the slogan Rock had to put forward in order to improve the teaching level of Nyasaland University and collect teaching talents from all over the world.

Tolerance is not enough. Science has no borders, but scientists have borders. Southern Africa was still a British territory at that time. If you want to introduce talents from Germany, you must ignore the background of the talents and focus on talents.

With the slogan of "openness and inclusiveness", Nyasaland University has developed rapidly and has become one of the world's top universities in just 20 years, comparable to Cambridge and Harvard.

If you want to focus on talents, you must ignore other aspects to a certain extent.

No one is perfect. Academic level and moral level are two different things, and have nothing to do with political stance. Einstein was also racist, so Einstein’s achievements in science cannot be denied because of this.

This is really not Black Einstein. In 1922, Einstein went to East Asia, and later published a "Albert Einstein's Travel Diary: Far East, Palestine and Spain, 1922-1923".

In this book, Einstein ridiculed and even insulted Asians, especially Chinese. Even though Einstein was warmly received by Chinese at that time, Einstein still wrote in his diary: Chinese cannot be trained to be Logical thinking skills, they especially have no mathematical talent.

No math talent?

Zu Chongzhi said that when Lao Tzu studied pi, you Germanic people were still tribes under the rule of the Western Roman Empire.

Zhang Cang and Geng Shouchang said that when the grandfathers wrote "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic", you didn't even form a tribe.

Zhou Bi said that when his grandfather wrote "Zhou Bi Suan Jing", it was 200 years earlier than the above "Nine Chapters of Suan Shu".

Based on someone's performance in certain areas, Southern Africa has not issued any invitation to someone, even academically.

It's just that Rock is shameless, copying books is not crazy, otherwise Rock will get out "The Theory of Relativity" in advance——

"—For us in southern Africa, freedom is equally important. If we can do the same in southern Africa, then I believe that southern Africa will be even better in the future." Brooks blatantly carried private goods, this guy is very cunning, before When students complained, Brooks used academic discussions as an excuse.

But Nyasaland University students are not easy to fool.

Perhaps because of Brooks’ bad record, fewer and fewer students chose to take Brooks’s class this semester, so the School of Public Administration made adjustments and changed the classroom used by Brooks from a large stepped classroom to a small one. Full, there are only more than 20 students below, most of them are for mixed credits.

Not to mention those famous professors who only have two classes a week at Nyasaland University, the lecture halls of the general professors are also full. In terms of enthusiasm for learning, Nyasaland University students are full of enthusiasm.

"Mr. Associate Professor, I disagree with your statement." In the corner of the classroom, someone was already furious.

"Oh, why?" Brooks tried his best to maintain a smile, and superficial skills were still needed.

"You can say something like this here, isn't it not free enough?" Nyasaland University attaches great importance to teaching, and students can ask questions at any time in class, and it is not easy for professors to entrain private goods.

"I don't mean this—" Brooks put on an academic air.

"Then what are you referring to?" the student asked.

"You know—" Brooks evaded it.

"No, I don't know, please tell me in more detail." The student didn't give Brooks a chance to play tricks.

Before Brooks could speak, the classroom door was suddenly pushed open.

Walking in was Paul Thomson, the executive president of Nyasaland University, followed by several agents from Brad's office.

Paul Thomson walked into the classroom without speaking, leaning against the wall at the door, watching Brooks quietly.

"Mr. Principal, what's the matter?" Brooks already felt that disaster was imminent.

"No, I'm not looking for you, they're looking for you—" Paul Thomson chuckled, what can I say, I wish you peace.

ps: A new month has begun, and it’s been a long time since I’ve played monthly pass plus update——

(End of this chapter)

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