Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1744 Stitching Monster

Chapter 1744 Stitching Monster

Nyasaland University, or the openness and tolerance of southern Africa, has given some people some illusions, making them think that in southern Africa, they can do whatever they want with their own abilities, even if they do something out of the ordinary, for the sake of ability, It won't cost much either.

In other words, keep warm and think about it. If you dislike this saying, it is a bit vulgar, then it can also be explained by Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. When a series of basic needs such as physiology, safety, social interaction, and respect are all realized, people will start to pursue themselves. accomplish.

The original meaning of self-realization refers to the process in which various talents and potentials of individuals can be brought into full play in a suitable social environment to realize personal ideals and aspirations.

In reality, there are often deviations in this process, mostly due to people's unclear self-awareness.

It’s just like an actor. No matter how successful you are as a president in a TV series, it’s another matter to become a president in real life. If you still use the routines in TV to manage a country, the result will probably be disastrous.

Do you think this is Zelensky?

No, it was Reagan.

The results of the preliminary investigation on Brooks came out soon. He really didn't make shocking remarks repeatedly because of being bewitched by others, but he really thought so.

The reason why he criticized the Southern African Federal Government was that according to Brooks, he was not against Roque, but hoped that the Nyasaland Party would take power.

Nyasaran Party -

In southern Africa, who doesn't know the relationship between the Nyasaland Party and the Liberal Party. The two parties are about to merge into one. Does it really make a difference who is in power?
The agents in Brad's office are not fools and will not be fooled by Brooks' few words. The investigation of Brooks is still in progress.

While investigating Brooks, more and more people came into the sight of Brad's office, including businessmen, officials, politicians, and even members of Congress.

Rock's attitude is that no matter who is involved, he must investigate to the end. If he wants to eat the food of southern Africa, he also wants to smash the bowl of southern Africa. Such a person, no matter how powerful he is, can't do it.

No matter how great your personal ability is, can it be greater than Nikola Tesla?
When the time came to October, Nikola Tesla’s academic exchange had already expired. The American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers repeatedly urged Nikola Tesla to return to the United States, but Nikola Tesla himself did not return to the United States the meaning of.

"Mr. Tesla put forward an idea, combining a helicopter with a long-range four-engine bomber, and using advanced intelligent control technology, it may be possible to realize the vertical take-off and landing of the bomber on the aircraft carrier, as well as unmanned—"Douglas's The expression is confused, the vertical take-off and landing has been successfully realized on the helicopter, but what is the intelligent control?What is driverless?
"Isn't Tesla researching the flying furnace recently? Has it succeeded?" Rock's expression is also confused. Intelligent control Rock knows what it is, and driverless Rock knows what it is. The problem is that it's only 1927, not 2027. year.

But this matter, it is mostly bragging to put it on others, but it is very reasonable to put it on Nikola Tesla.

Look at the technologies that Nikola Tesla worked on, wireless power transfer, solar motors, cosmic rays—

This is partially disclosed in the 21st century, how much is not disclosed?
Not to mention the undisclosed ones, just the flying furnace that Nikola Tesla is researching, if it succeeds, it will rewrite the history of human aviation.

The flying furnace is an aircraft between a helicopter and a car. The official name of this aircraft is space drive and anti-electromagnetic field propulsion system.

When seeing this name, Rock's expression was all confused, space-driven, anti-electromagnetic field propulsion, every word Rock knew, combined together Rock felt like a reader.

"No, with the current level of technology, there is no way to make a flying furnace. Tesla's design is too advanced, and it is impossible to succeed within 100 years." Douglas is in a bad mood. Now he finally understands why Nikola Tesla Unwelcome in America.

Geniuses are not always popular. Youdao is half a step beyond the times to be a genius, and one step is a lunatic.

Nikola Tesla is not half a step ahead of this era, nor is it a step, at least he has to be a half-marathon. Capitalists invest in scientists to pay back. Every day, they study things that do not show any benefits in a short period of time. Rich people like Morgan Can't stand it.

Rock now deeply understood why Morgan hated Nikola Tesla.

When Nikola Tesla came to southern Africa, Roque promised that there would be no restrictions on Nikola Tesla's research, and no restrictions on funding. What does Nikola Tesla want? Roque give whatever.

Now it seems that it is still rash. After Nikola Tesla came to southern Africa, Roque has invested nearly 100 million rand, but now he only comes to the conclusion that "it is impossible to succeed within 100 years". In the end, no one can stand whoever it is.

100 million rand is already a lot, and Morgan's investment in Nikola Tesla is only 15 US dollars.

"That's why, in order to make up for my loss, Mr. Tesla created such a suture monster—" Rock was in pain but happy. It is expected that the research and development of the flying furnace failed, but if one can be harvested, it can be used on an aircraft carrier. A bomber that takes off and lands vertically and can conduct long-range bombing without unmanned control is also acceptable to Narok.

Of course, don't be too optimistic. Based on Rock's understanding of Nikola Tesla, it is not yet known how much it will cost to study this stitch monster.

"Scientific research, it must cost money. Mr. Tesla designed an integrated circuit to realize the remote control of the vertical take-off and landing bomber—" Douglas was cautious, for fear that Rock would terminate his research on Nikolai Te Tesla's investment.

"Wait, integrated circuit?" Rock seems to have heard another word that doesn't belong to this era.

In another time and space, the world's first integrated circuit was designed and completed by American Jack Kilby in 1958.

An integrated circuit is a chip.

"Yes—" Douglas was at a loss, not knowing why Rock was so excited.

Rock knows now that the emergence of integrated circuits 30 years in advance will have an impact on the whole world.

He probably didn't know, including Nikola Tesla.

God knows how many undisclosed whimsical ideas there are in that genius head of Nikola Tesla.

"Very well, how much does he want this time?" Rock would spare no expense for the integrated circuit, even if it wasn't for the stitch monster.

Douglas raised a finger cautiously.

"100 million?" Rock sneered, this is really not taking the investor's money as money.

Douglas squinted his eyes and pursed his lips, staring down at the pencil in Rock's hand.

Rock directly broke the pencil into two pieces.

"So it's 1000 million?" Rock is no longer disappointed with Nikola Tesla. If he still gets nothing this time, Rock vows to tear Nikola Tesla to pieces.


A genius is an idiot if he can't bring benefits to investors!
Douglas nodded silently.

Rock was very confused.

Is 1000 million rand enough to buy an integrated circuit?

To be honest, not much, the global semiconductor industry sales in 2020 are 4390 billion US dollars, of which the United States accounts for half.

The crux of the matter is whether Nikola Tesla had the ability to make the integrated circuit a reality in 1927, or in the next few years.

Then Rock had to accept this fact.

If Nikola Tesla can't do it, no one else can.

Then give it, anyway, it's not a one-time investment of 1000 million, unless Rock is crazy.

Of course, for Nikola Tesla, Roque couldn't open his mind. While agreeing to invest, Roque called Tang He and asked about the operation status of the Nikola Tesla Research Institute.

Tang He is the logistics director of the Nikola Tesla Institute and is responsible for the management of the Nikola Tesla Institute.

"Mr. Tesla's research is relatively complicated, and he started many projects at the same time. Sometimes a project is half researched, and a new research project is started. During this time, Mr. Tesla mainly improved the rocket with Professor Goddard. , Mr. Tesla is in charge of the remote control part of the rocket, and the specific research results—" Tang He looked ashamed, he was an administrator, and he didn't know much about Nikola Tesla's research.

This is also normal, such things as space drive and anti-electromagnetic field propulsion, Rock has seen Muggles, if Tang He is proficient, he is also a genius at the same level as Nikola Tesla.

"Go back and sort out all the materials and bring them to me—" Rock didn't expect another genius at the same level as Nikola Tesla to be born in southern Africa, so Rock would have to be crazy, and he wouldn't be happy To be crazy is to be painfully crazy.

Nikola Tesla's research projects are indeed like heavenly scriptures to ordinary people.

Tang He didn't understand, but Rock was able to find some incredible things from it with his own memory.

Such as integrated circuits.

"Good lord, we have been operating in strict accordance with the regulations in this regard. Mr. Nikola Tesla's research, even the draft paper, has been completely preserved, and the confidentiality level is top secret." Tang He is still serious and responsible, with no attitude question.

"For Mr. Nikola Tesla's research, you don't want to interfere too much, just do your own job well--" Rock originally wanted to say to control the expenditure of the research institute, but the words came out of his mouth Swallow it back.

No matter what field you are in, it is taboo for an outsider to command an insider. The director’s job is to provide logistical support, and don’t reach out in other areas. Respect for talents should not just stay in words, but should be given real support.

"Yes!" Tang He honestly said that there is no need to report trivial matters to Rock, since tens of millions of investments have been given, so you have to be more generous in your work.

ps: 51, the brothers are enjoying the holidays, I am struggling to type at home, I really want to go out for a while——

(End of this chapter)

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