Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1749 The curtain slowly opened

Chapter 1749 The curtain slowly opened
London in October is gloomy and foggy, and there are no people on the streets at four o'clock in the afternoon. In order to reduce consumption, staying at home is the best choice.

In London this winter, compared with previous years, the severity of smog has been greatly reduced. The reason is that many families cannot afford coal for heating in winter. As a result, carbon dioxide emissions have been greatly reduced, and the level of air pollution has dropped significantly compared with previous years. This is also true. It can be regarded as British black humor under the economic crisis.

At No. [-] Downing Street, Ramsay Macdonald was at a loss. He now fully understands the feeling of being constrained by Congress. If possible, Ramsay Macdonald would like to follow the example of Italy in disbanding Congress, so that he may be able to disband Congress in a short time. Get out of the economic crisis.

"Italy has dissolved its parliament, is still severely affected by the economic crisis, and the Labor Party has more influence in the UK than the Italian National Party—" Foreign Secretary Arthur Henderson does not want to see Ramsay MacDonald take the risk, the UK Not Italy, if Ramsay MacDonald dissolves Parliament, then Britain may collapse.

"I'm just saying this, not really wanting to do that—" Ramsay MacDonald was once again displaying political immaturity, the dissolution of Parliament, journalists can say in newspapers, MPs in Parliament can say it, even the King can say it in Buckingham Palace, but the Prime Minister cannot.

Can't say anywhere.

Lord Chancellor James Thomas and Chancellor Philip Snowden looked at each other with concern.

What they are most worried about now is that the coalition government led by Ramsay McDonald will leave Downing Street in a disgraceful way like the last time the Labor Party was in power.

The last time the Labor government collapsed, there is still a chance for a comeback.

If it collapses again this time, I wonder if the British will give the Labor Party another chance.

British patience has a limit.

"Our top priority now is to improve people's satisfaction with the coalition government. The current problem is that there is not enough money in circulation in society, so we must print more pounds, start the money printing machine, and make the whole society active. Instead of being dead like this." Secretary of the War Department Lloyd George actively suggested.

The Liberal Party is indeed in decline.

Ramsay MacDonald nominally united the Liberal Party to form a coalition government, but in fact allocated very few positions to the Liberal Party. Lloyd George, as the leader of the Liberal Party, only got one Secretary of the War Department.

How miserable is this position?
After the end of the World War, the British Army was disbanded on the spot. Now the British Army has only six battalions, and there are four battalions of the Royal Guard, which are not under the control of the Ministry of War——

Therefore, Lloyd George, the Secretary of the Army, probably only had two battalions of soldiers under him, which were still not enough for the ranks, and the total strength did not exceed 1000.

Even so, Lloyd George still accepted the result.

It is impossible not to accept it. With the current support rate of the Liberal Party, there is no possibility of independent governance.

And if the Conservative Party came to power, it would never consider coalition with the Liberal Party, so the Labor Party is the only chance for the Liberal Party to return to the center of power in the UK.

"No, no, we can't do this. If we print sterling without reserves, it will destroy the credibility of sterling and lose its status as a global currency. At that time, London will also lose its status as a global financial center." Treasurer Philip Snowden is a staunch supporter of orthodox economic policy and firmly does not allow deficit spending as a means of stimulating the economy.

"Then what should I do? Can you get Southern Africa to pay more gold?" Lloyd George was tired, he couldn't do this, he couldn't do that, and time was wasted little by little.

Neither this nor that—

It is the core of the orthodox economic policy. The orthodox economic policy is free trade. The government does not intervene too much in the economy. In layman's terms, it means not doing anything and just waiting for God's will.

"So the key now is Southern Africa, send a telegram to Southern Africa, and if they don't send more gold, then we're going to get it our way." Ramsay MacDonald is going crazy, this is The threat of war is about to be sent to southern Africa.

However, launching a war seems to be one of the ways to stimulate the economy. The sound of the cannon is gold, ten thousand taels——

Of course, the target of war must be chosen carefully. With the strength of the British Empire, it is no problem to bully countries like Belgium and the Netherlands. If you want to threaten southern Africa——

At least Lloyd George and Ian Hamilton looked desperate.

John Jericho's expression was lively, but he was not eager to try, but hesitant to speak.

Ian Hamilton is now formally Commander-in-Chief of the fledgling British Air Force.

Leaving aside the Royal Navy, for the Royal Air Force and the Army, it is only a madman who threatens southern Africa with war.

As far as the six battalions of the army are concerned, southern Africa does not need to dispatch the National Defense Forces, and the mercenaries of the umbrella company can beat the six battalions of the army to nothing.

As for the Royal Air Force, who studied under the Southern African Air Force, it is not uncommon for students to compete with their teachers. It depends on who is with whom. The Royal Navy learned from the Spanish Armada, and finally defeated the Armada, thus establishing the British 300-year history. supremacy at sea.

If the Royal Air Force were to fight against the Southern African Air Force, not to mention the quality of the pilots, the performance of the Air Force's combat aircraft would be quite inferior. How could it be fought?
No one flies as high, no one is as fast, and no one has a lot of ammunition. The key is that the Royal Air Force does not have as many combat aircraft as southern Africa. The current combat philosophy of the Royal Air Force is still stuck in low-altitude dogfights. To a certain extent, the Southern African Air Forces had already started playing super great circles during the World Wars.

"John, does the Royal Navy have the confidence to defeat the Southern African Fleet?" Ramsay McDonald himself knew that the British Army and Air Force were scumbags, and he didn't put his hopes on the Army and Air Force at all.

"Of course, the Royal Navy can easily defeat the southern African navy—" John Jericho, ignoring the facts, first blew the bull out before talking, and then began to throw the blame as soon as the subject changed: "—but it is not easy to defeat the southern African navy. Easy, to defeat Southern Africa in the end, it still needs to be on land, the land area of ​​Southern Africa is too large—”

John Jericho's words made the corners of Ramsay Macdonald's mouth twitch.

When Congress was fighting for funding, the Royal Navy didn't say that. At that time, the meaning of the Royal Navy was that as long as enough funding was given to the Royal Navy, the United Kingdom would be able to unify the Blue Star.

Of course, this statement itself is not true. If the British government can allocate 80 billion to the Royal Navy and let the Royal Navy build one or two thousand BIG7s in one go, maybe it can really unify the Blue Star.

The crux of the problem is that when the money is asked for, the Royal Navy will take care of everything, but when it comes time to fight the war, it still has to settle the battle on land. So what is the point of the Royal Navy appropriating so much money every year?
"The army has no ability to go to southern Africa unless we can mobilize more troops than during the world war, and there is no guarantee that we can defeat southern Africa." Lloyd George served as the Minister of munitions during the world war and knew the tension between Britain and southern Africa. strength comparison.

During the World Wars, it would have taken much longer for Britain to defeat Germany without support from southern Africa.

It is not even possible to defeat Germany at all.

What's more, during the World War, the main force of the British Expeditionary Force was the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

"Our air force has less than 200 aircraft. It is speculated that the Southern African Air Force can dispatch nearly [-] aircraft at any time, including some advanced fighters that the Royal Air Force does not yet have." Ian Hamilton, Rock's second-in-command during the Battle of Ernst Strait, knew Southern Africa better than anyone present.

"What do you mean? The fighter jets of the Southern African Air Force are more advanced than our fighter jets?" Ramsay MacDonald was the first and two big, and he really didn't expect that the British Empire had fallen to such a point.

Ian Hamilton doesn't speak, silence is the best answer.

"The Royal Air Force takes so much funding every year, and it can't even guarantee the performance of fighter jets. It's better to develop the navy and air force—" John Jericho said again, which immediately attracted the angry eyes of Ian Hamilton and Lloyd George. .

Nima, the Royal Navy still has the face to make sarcastic remarks. The Royal Navy takes about 80.00% of the annual military expenditure, and then the Air Force and the Army divide the remaining 20.00%. To put it bluntly, the Air Force can guarantee that the current scale is already good. The Army is the worst.

"That's enough gentlemen, we can't defeat Southern Africa, so we have to change our thinking." Since this is not feasible, Ramsay MacDonald completely dismissed the idea of ​​threatening Southern Africa with force.

But what Ramsay Macdonald didn't notice was that, just because of his casual remark, the ministers of the Navy, Army and Armed Forces were already at war, and the Prime Minister's role was strange for this reason.

This cannot be blamed on Ramsay McDonald. After all, sowing discord is a traditional British skill. This skill is not only effective for outsiders, but also for its own people.

"Elevate Locke's title to Duke?" James Thomas repeated the old story. This is not the best plan, but just a reference option.

"Gentlemen, the results of the German elections are out—" Ramsay MacDonald's secretary hurriedly reported.

"Well, who is the president of Germany?" Ramsay MacDonald paid attention to the political situation in Germany, which was of great significance to maintaining the British continental balance policy.

"The President or Field Marshal Hindenburg—" the secretary looked serious.

"Where's the prime minister?" Ramsey MacDonald was not surprised. Hindenburg was not the best candidate to be the president of Germany. Unfortunately, the Germans had no other choice.

"The Chancellor is Adolf Hitler—" the secretary said calmly.

The cabinet ministers present also had calm expressions. They have not yet realized what the appearance of this person means to the whole world.

ps: It is estimated that many people are getting married today. There were several road shows around last night. After listening to my love for half a night, my head is now in a daze——

(End of this chapter)

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