Chapter 1750 Yes, Minister
When Mustache comes to power, only Roque in the world knows what kind of influence this person will have on the direction of the future world.

However, Roque has been mentally prepared for this. Mustache's coming to power was not pushed by someone, but the inevitable choice of the Germans. Without Mustache, there will be other people. Due to the current situation in Germany, Germany will take this road sooner or later. .

To be honest, in order to prevent Mustache from coming to power, Roque still made some efforts, otherwise Roque would not have invested in Krupp.

After all, history has shown a strong inertia. Another time and space, Krupp, did not win the competition with Mustache. This time and space is also the same. Relying on the support of Wall Street tycoons, Mustache is still on stage after all.

That's right, Mustache came to the stage relying on the support of Wall Street tycoons.

Now knowing another time and space, why did the mustache dare to start the Second World War at the risk of the world?

Because in Mustache's concept, I never thought that the United States would fight back, and thought that Germany and the United States were in the same camp.

Replace Mustache with Rock. If you don’t know the historical trend, Rock will take the same risk as Mustache. After all, compared with Britain, Germany and the United States have broader common interests. They are eager to break the colonial system established by Britain and France. Obtain a vast overseas market.

It’s the same in this time and space. Think about the Wall Street tycoon’s support for Mustache, and then think about the British government’s appeasement policy towards Germany out of continental equilibrium.

At the same time, getting Britain and the United States almost means getting the support of the whole world. In front of Germany, there is only one France that was crippled in the First World War and has not yet recovered.

If it were Roque, Roque would dare to risk the disgrace of the world.

Facts have also proved that European countries that have experienced World War I are really vulnerable. They conquered Poland in 1 days, Denmark in 27 hours, Norway in 4 days, Netherlands in 23 days, and Belgium in 5 days. The French of the First Army, in the face of the German blitzkrieg, surrendered after only 18 days.

To be honest, with this kind of record, if it were the Southern African National Defense Force, Rock was not even sure he could achieve it.

After all, Europe is too far away from Southern Africa, and the supply line is so long. On the premise of defeating the Royal Navy, the Southern African Expeditionary Force will face more and more difficulties as time goes by.

This again involves the issue of a great power trap.

For a country like Germany, there is an inevitable question, whether to give priority to the development of the navy or the army.

Switching to southern Africa, of course, adults don't have to choose, they want both.

But considering the resources that Germany possesses, Germany has to choose between the two.

This topic is not enough to start a chapter, and I will talk about it later when I have a chance.

Let's say that the news of Mustache's coming to power spread to southern Africa, and the cabinet immediately held a group meeting to discuss how to deal with it.

"What's the background of this guy?" Stoudemire is very unfamiliar with Mustache, and he doesn't know why Rock pays so much attention to it.

This is normal. After the end of the World War, the Weimar government of Germany was established until now. Not to mention who the previous prime ministers were, most people couldn't even tell how many prime ministers the Weimar government had during this period.

The answer is ten. In less than ten years from the establishment of the Weimar government in 1919 to 1927, the chancellor of the Weimar government changed ten times.

It was ten times, not ten people. For example, William Marcos served twice.

In Stoudemire's view, the mustache is probably no different from the previous Weimar government chancellor.

"No, no, no, Cecil, don't underestimate this guy." Rock tried to emphasize the danger of mustaches, but he didn't know where to start.

How to say?
Could it be said that after Mustache came to power, Germany would gradually walk out of the economic crisis, and then launch a world war to try to conquer the world, but finally fell in the ice and snow in the north——

Narok is not a magic stick, he is simply God himself.

"Is there any difference between him and the previous German Chancellor? Oh, oh, this guy participated in the world war, got an Iron Cross, and was blinded by poison gas-this guy is really unlucky, his eyes Are you ready now?" Henry was flipping through Moustache's information, and the preparations for the Southern African cabinet meeting were relatively adequate, and each cabinet member had Moustache's resume in front of him.

It feels like a group of HR recruiting.

"It should be good, otherwise the Germans wouldn't have elected him as Prime Minister—" Owen was serious, and Owen didn't know if the mustache was blind, but the Germans were really blind.

In the Second World War, 61 countries and regions and more than 20 billion people were involved in the war, and the combat area was 2200 million square kilometers.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 9000 million soldiers and civilians were killed or injured in the war, and the economic loss amounted to more than 5 trillion U.S. dollars. It was the largest world war in human history.

Because of the mustache, Germans will repent for countless years to come.

"Wow, this guy is simply a legend. He actually captured four enemy soldiers in the Spring Offensive without firing a single shot-I see that the soldiers of that country are so rookie-fortunately, it's not our southern African expedition Army—" Anton felt lingering fear.

Rock frowned. If he doesn't speak again, the meeting will develop in an uncontrollable direction.

"Gentlemen, what we want to pay attention to is not his performance during the First World War, but the changes he may bring to Europe and the world when he comes to power." Rock tried to bring the meeting back to the topic.

"The first time! Locke, are you so sure that there will be a second time?" Stoudemire was curious, wondering where Rock got so much confidence.

Rock picked up the document in front of him and showed it, and then threw it back. He knew what was written in it without reading it: "I was not sure before, but now I am very sure that within the next ten years, or less than ten years, the world war It's bound to explode."

Roark can't tell when World War II will break out now. The Great Depression broke out two years in advance, and it is normal for World War II to break out early.

"About three months ago, this person put forward a concept called living space during his election campaign. The definition of this word is included in the data—" While Rock was speaking, the cabinet ministers hurriedly began to flip through the data, with a clattering voice Upsetting.

What a bunch of funny comparisons!

"Adolf made it clear during his election campaign that he wanted to fight for a wider living space for Germany, so—" Rock sneered, everyone wanted a living space.

"So, when this guy comes to power, he will be the first to take revenge on us, because we robbed the Germans of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika—" Anton also sneered, trying to get the idea of ​​southern Africa, dreaming!
"No, no, no, there is no possibility for the Germans to return to Africa. Even if they rob the living space, they will start from the periphery of Germany." Yang Smozi is no stranger to the military, but more familiar with the situation in Europe.

"Alsace and Lorraine, Germany's first target must be here." Henry is a mining tycoon with a deeper understanding of resources.

"No, no, no, Germany won't go to war with the French as soon as it comes up. Annexing Austria is the first choice." Stoudemire interpreted it with business thinking and came to a completely different conclusion.

"Anyway, what does this have to do with us?" Douglas didn't understand why he was asked to attend this kind of meeting.

"We have investment in Germany!" Ada said rightly, although Southern Africa's investment in Germany is not as large as that of the United States and Britain, it is more than one billion rand.

"So for our investment in Germany, we're going to support this guy?" Owen was taken aback by his conclusion.

The cabinet ministers were all taken aback, all eyes were on Roque, waiting for Roque to speak.

"We definitely can't support this guy in instigating a world war—" Rock concluded directly.

"But we also need a larger living space—" Xiaosi sighed quietly, and immediately aroused the devil in the hearts of the cabinet ministers.

Yes, Southern Africa also needs more living space.

So if Germany can break the existing world pattern, then Southern Africa will also benefit from it.

Coincidentally, Americans and Russians think so too.

"The expansion of living space does not necessarily rely on war." Yang Smozi has now become a pacifist. He is the foreign minister. War is the last choice after all diplomatic methods fail.

Of course, the outbreak of war does not mean that diplomacy loses its value.

War, always talk about fighting, even during the world wars, Germany and Britain still kept in touch.

It doesn't mean that the UK is not firm in its will. It's just keeping in touch with each other and maintaining informal communication through other means.

"Yes, the expansion of living space does not necessarily have to rely on war, but at any time, we must be prepared for danger in times of peace, plan ahead, and be prepared to face the worst." Rock partly agrees with Yang Smozi's words. That is the purpose of the cabinet meeting.

"So can we expand the army properly now?" Anton's expression was serious, and his heart was probably already full of joy.

Increasing the army will definitely increase the scale of military expenditure. The southern African military has had a hard time in recent years. Seeing that the BIG7s of Britain, the United States and Japan are all in service, the Atlantic Fleet and the Indian Ocean Fleet are starved for food.

The Air Force is also dissatisfied. The Ministry of Defense puts more funds in technology research and development, and is not active in upgrading aircraft. Most of the [-] aircraft that Ian Hamilton said participated in the last world war. "Old" models, the Air Force is in urgent need of military expenditures for upgrading.

The army is even more dissatisfied. During the World War, there were nearly one million troops, and now only two divisions are left. Although it is stronger than the sad British Army, it does not meet the positioning of southern Africa in Africa.

So military spending, of course, the more the better.

"It's too early!" Yang Smother was the first to object.

"It's not too early, we have to plan ahead—" Henry agreed. The increase in orders from the military is definitely a major benefit for Fawalt Steel Group.

Ada just said, whether to increase military expenses or not, my mother has the final say.

ps: Brothers don’t care about the chapter name, brothers also know how random the chapter name is, it’s good to have it - in addition, the brothers are too awesome, the goal of 1000 monthly tickets has been achieved, I now doubt whether the goal is set low it's -

(End of this chapter)

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